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Show r" REFLEX-DA- VIS NEWS JOURNAL, OCTOBER 12, 1978 Firm earch - FARMINGTON The owner and operator of a Sunset construction firm has apparently won the first round m his battle against the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). A LAWSUIT challenging the attempted search of the construction company by OSHA officials was withdrawn from Second District Court here but a second suit has been filed under new policy guidelines. Assistant Utah General Mark Madsen said an entry form, the basis of the initial lawsuit, had been withdrawn against Raymond J. Eves Company, a construction firm with headquarters at 2987 North Main, Sunset LOREN MARTIN, attorney for Eves, said the nature of the second suit is not known OSHA OFFICIALS were refused permission to the compary at that time We are not familiar with the contents of the second suit and so dont know yet what action to take, said Attorney Martin. It appears we have won the first round and were waiting for the next round It was the second attempt by OSHA officials to enter and inspect the premises OSHA officials were allowed to enter the first time. the new order complies with all requirements resulting from recent court ruli"s court trict granting immediate entry into the But Attorney Martin said that regardless of the contents of the new order form, some basic questions still remain unanswered business for is for OSHA officials to enter and search a private business, and whether or not the orders being obtained through district court by OSHA in- However, defendants in the case allege that there is no provision in Utah law for granting such an order. HE SAID litigation is still needed to determine if a search warrant based on are valid search warrants grb Vocation Board files! Date ATTORNEY MADStiN said THE ORIGINAL suit, filed Sept. 11, alleges that OSHA officials obtained a court order June 20 from the disconstruction spection probable cause The Davis Area Vocational Board will meet on Oct. 24 instead of Oct 17 at 5 p m in the board room of the Davis County School District offices in Farmington s&m ilf UaLsaLi 4 I ? I 1 N- I ;, I ; v i 1 ' 'i -i "ff r Lending support to the PTA program getting into full swing at Central Davis Junior High are Layton City Councilman Robert G. Austad, PTA President Judy Holmes and Cynthia Gardner, membership chairman. CENTRAL DAVIS PTA SAVE PLENTY THURSDAY THRU WEDNESDAY D tl Hi 10th 3 3 jtdLj The mysterious LAYTON doctor who is credited with saving the life of a Utah Highway patrolman shot twice by a motorist last Saturday turns out to be an Air Force doctor who was visiting his parents in Layton HE WAS identified by his mother as Dr. Stanley W. Green, son of Mr and Mrs Elmer R. Green, 198 Angel at Travis Air Force Base, Calif Dr. Green is a captain in the Air Force there. Street, Layton. HE ADMITTED that he was Green was en route from his parents' home to Salt Lake Airport to catch a flight back to his duty station Dr iiliiilGfillZS V0M6' passing the scene of the shooting just moments after UHP Officer Ralph Evans, 37 of Sunset, was struck by two bullets fired from a handgun. One bullet struck the officer in the hip and the other pierced his neck, severing a large artery. Dr Green said he adminis- erjS MMuQU - FARMINGTON Davis County Health Department personnel are making every effort possible to immunize all Davis School District students, it was announced today by' Dr. Richard E. Johns Jr., director of the Davis County Health Depart- ment. HE SAID the number of unimmunized children is getting fewer and fewer but that there are still a few scattered in schools throughout the district. He emphasized that it is a state requirement that students be immunized before entering school Salt Lake County's policy is to keep ummmumzed students out of school. Dr. Johns said he prefers to work with the parents on an individual basis instead of creating a blanket policy of excluding children from schiKil " Mrs Dolleen Jewett, director of county health nurses, told the Davis Board of H all h that only about ten percent of the schools in the Davis School District hace any children attending who are not immunitxj This has been reduced from more than 50 percent, she said ALTHOUGH SHE SAID that there are so many clinics readily available to give immunization shots that there is no reason parents can't pet their children immunized, even those who do not want, or tan not afford to attend a private physic tan for this purpose Immunization clinics are available at the following tered first aid to the neck wound, slowing the flow of blood and treating the patient for shock until an ambulance arrived sites: BASEMENT OF the Davis County Courthouse, Farming-ton- , Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 p m. until 4 30 p m ; in the basement of the Clearfield Branch of Davis County Library, Tuesdays from 1 p m. until 4 30 p m ; and in the basement of the Bountiful Branch of the Davis County Library', Thursdays from l pm until 4 30 p m. Dr Johns said that every effort is being made to have every student in Davis County immunized and that exclusion of students from school will be only as a last resort " ALSO, A new program to entourage doctors and hospi- tal personnel to report all communicable disease s to the Davis County Health Department is underway Alan Parker, representing the County Health Department, tuld the County Health Board that the new program has only been in operation one month but that he is "pleased with the response although he is not entirely pleased with the number of doctors report" ing ML EXPLAIN! D that HE SAID the trooper was able to tell him what had happened but kept repeating, "Don't let me die " Dr. Green also praised the f.leet Your Candidate s LAYTON Political candidates for the Nov. 7 general election are expected to gather for a question and answer forum on Monday, at Layton High School Oct. THE FORUM will begin at 16 pm. but there will be a 7 half hour social preceding the political discussion Congressional, state and county candidates of both political parties are expected to attend, according to Ruth Gould, program director. THE EVENT ts by the Utah Association of Layton City Improvement Assoc uiion and komen, Community Si hoots of Davis ( rxinty grb paramedics saying, "Its the first time 1 have ever worked with paramedics but I was impressed. They knew what they were doing and followed my instructions very well PHYSICIANS AT LDS Hos- "ever present" streptococcal infection was with Davis County residents again with II c a vs reported There were also 14 casi-- s of staphlygo cal infection, one of gonorrhea, one of salmonella, two of hepatitis, and two of grb MEANWHILE, A youth from Tooele accused of shooting the trooper is still in critical condition suffering from massive head injuries he received in an auto accident about one hour after' the shooting. The boys father, also injured in the accident, is reported in serious condition suffering from multiple injuries BOTH HAD to be pried from the auto they had reportedly stolen a few minutes Burmngham, a is the Dfimx ratic candidate for the office of Davis County auditor. AFTER graduation from the Davis County school system and two years study at the University of Utah, he xprvrd an LDS mission to New 7x aland He is a 30 year veteran of the United States Haven native of Mountain Home in Farmington this weekend. One model home to explore An almost unlimited selection of plans to choose from Join us this weekend' Mountiiii,I ionic J59 East 700 South, Farmington Phone 867 5131 Shoe Dept. Reduced. T.lens, VJomens and Children's 4 big days of savings, complete line leathers, rubber footwear and canvas You all know we sell quality shoes, so drop in and stock up for Christmas and Winter. Paul Borrego, 37, of 116 North First Street, and his son, Paul Jr , are still pending Rodney Save Page, chief deputy Davis S. County attorney, said an attempt will be made to have the youth tried as an adult. TROOPER EVANS told investigating officers that he was not struggling with the man at the time he was shot He told Sergeant Ken Pavne of the Davis County Sheriffs Office that the two were walking toward the patrol car when the arrested man laid on his back and refused to move grb on every pair Boy's Coats Warm Dacron filled Ski Parfca with hood For this Sale Fgp Auditor l J f ,rCpT (ii) -- Flannels, cottons and polyesters all reduced. 4 days of savings. Hurry for this one. Each Mens Orange Vest Polyester filled warm value a Save Only on every yard Jeans Heavy Weight Lee r He served fourteen years in Air Force headquarters, Downstairs Bargains Top Savings Complete Stock Boot Cut responsibilities Patterns, Threads. Buttons. Zippers. Needles, Pins etc. You name it we got it Ladies Dress Save Plenty at Long or thort -- --cute laU values HAVEN K lirUNINGHAM Sessions They have two sons and one granddaughter urges all Davis County citizens to be registered and to vote on Nov 7 so our sysHe tem of government tion effectively. on each of MR. BLRMNGHAM Is marned to the former Afton will func- - Warm for Baby easy Reg. 8.98 Value car public funds, competitive conbidding rut all county extravagance in county government and exposure of all conflicts of interest that may exist in Davis County administration. GIFT 0LPT. SPECIAL 3 Only Sunbeam Centurion on Infants 4 pc. Knit Sweater & Legging Set at ..A 20 UPSTAIRS VALUE Reg. 16.00 Values Your time to save tracts. elimination always have low prices IVe - this Is added savings Men's program development, policy formulation and implementation, budgeting and audit interests are better served He advocates a streamlined government responsive to the taxpayers, the prudent use of SALE ' administration, plans and make certain that their at 99 II combat pilot, functioned in MR. BlRMNGHAM encourages more participation by citizens of Davis County in their local government to Special YARDAGE t war his last position there was a deputy director IN 1971 be was transferred to Taiwan where he worked as trepmy Chief of Staff of the Taiwan D fense Command The candidate is a graduate of the University of Maryland and several military schools and colleges He holds two B A degrees from Westmin-ste- r College' economics and business and behavioral science Warmth Reg. 12.00 Save big Value Only N Downstairs Polyester Filled for 11" Special Purchase Size 5 to 14 Value to 17.98 R Boy's Vest Q88 Girls Coat 1 Qpsrnmg Complete of Bountiful, Atr one He was a world J earlier. Charges against the pair, licvcn n. DuFiiinoiiom GcrJdElo I Trooper Evans is in stable and improving condition, according to a hospital spokesman. law Health D. partment Dr Johns said that the 1 did state requires that doctors report all communicable diseases to their County ifH f A. pital where Trooper Evans was taken said Dr. Green definitely saved this mans life. It was fortunate that he passed by the scene when he - 6B Now Only Fire and Smoke Detectors Reg. S44.95 Value whom rmr last oir '.OTHCPT ' CdJJl) '1 ' r. for- - .'JT.QYH.Q. GKVJ& GGUIIfK'' lYf- - Cf3r- - T.'.t 'j! : r-- G.jft tr otnai $ ir.1IQ6Q |