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Show f WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. OCTOBER CSSO GSSElD fflSMO 8'OROOM duplex un(j,y & loru area tarpon diapoa araa non garrton tniuker fajj I 2nd So Kayavilla ph - 378 2745 R36 2 BfOROOM unlurn apt all 2 lutthon appliance mrtud 2 bedroom Indue stove carport 1 lie 36 drape NEW duple 1 )3 29 NfWIY Coiciiuurd budrourn family unit appiommately 11578 luLaterl at 300 North 300 West Kaysville Utah Applicants roust out have Iiirocries eueeciing )? yi,Q q cility For f ,r ml, um.it, on fl- - ise font,,, t Kier trap 4 16 VY'" KJ0 S""b Ogden Utah 84403 Phone b21 6170 fgnal Housmg Oi,ort mity R (6 wd udli Kaysville j, 5 ACRES custom ranch bedroom in So f(JM SAtE home tent ed . 1 R16 123230 OPEfJ MOUSE 707 W. Kensington, Farmington (Somerset Farm) ranch style home. 3 bedrooms, country style family roomkitchen, lovely extra large deck, all the kitchen built-informal dining, fireplace, garage, central air, more features than can be mentioned here. Come see this beauty now before its too late. Cali Paulette Geary The Land Office all-bri- ck s, 2-c- ar 867-224- 9. Layton home Carpeled thru out Carnes ONE YEAR ERA limited warranty Priced to sell at $37.900 00 good buy on a home with lots of Only 1 yr young is this 4 bedroom two home 3 baths, fireplace, 2 car garage with story Asking $61,900 00 ry room HOW CLEAN CAN YOU GET to believe This is one great Kaysville location 100 basement, 3 bedrooms, I3, baths, double garage, fireplace, a must on your list to see Call tor a showing -you II be delighted at $69,100 00 IT-- See REDUCE FOR A QUICK SALE--Com- e see this Syracuse beauty and we won t have to ask you to buy you will 4 total bedrooms, 1 Vt baths, full basement part finished, family room Owner is brick mason and the brick work is outstanding Now $62,000 YOUR veiy own fruit tree-- , PIUS home has both 3 Brtrms , and a ginat fix alion in Farmington Call Rah Ed ward 36 3 501 1 867 5011 or hi 328 4458 R AGAIN-Y- es it s back on the so you may be the lucky one 4 market bedroom, part basement finished, family room, one sweet home at fireplace, double garage $64,900 00 in Kaysville too - - UNDER ALL IS THE LAND-a- nd here is one with a with full place to garden 4 bedroom finished basement One and a half baths This is a great one in Syracuse Act now and don t feel sorry $66,000 00 LOOK FOR THE SUPER SIGN--supsign says wow, what a home Space and carpet galore Owner is a carpet layer and the home shows it 4 bedroom, family room, kitchen and 1 3 baths -plush carpe- t- Double carport plus an over sized double garage You II love it $74,900 00 s go in this Fruit Heights special rambler with a large double garage 3 bedrooms with quality galore, 2 ' baths, full basement, 2 fireplaces Large iot with a view Ready for carpet, hurry"! $91,700 00 READY-l- et PLUSH, QUALITY, SPACIOUS LOT AND IN KAYSVILL- Eyes this home has almost everything all it lacks is you111 5 big bedrooms, 100 basement, 80 finished, family room, fireplaces, double garage, central vacuum plus extras galore Beautifully decorated executive home Call for an appointment $124,000 00 FINEST-tmost different home on the market a he OUR real show place A must to see111 Large, plush Come see this outstanding English "castle East Layton executive home You won t see it like one another Quality - outstanding All Season Realty Inc R it) TAKE ANIMALS ALONG TO THIS 2 Bdrrn home loned lor annuals in Farmington Woll m lulated 2 Slory wnh a covnind paho all on 1 in re Call Jay Harrison or Shirley Aammlt tor 86 7 5011 more details 363 5011 or He 807 51 72 66 7 5330 All Seasons Realty Inc R 16 DREAM A HOMEMAKERS RANGE WITH microwave and Custom made kitchen cabinets are included in Ibis home lor an-in Bountiful 2 Bdtms . partially finished basement Hurry it will go fast Call Jay Harrison R6 7 501 t 363 5011 or Res 857 51 72 All Seasons Realty Inc R36 WHAT A HOUSE! 3 HOME in Oakrrriga 8DRM Village a choice Farmington location Large dec k J finished basement Main floor laundry Air conditioner Built in vacuum and intercom So many etras Call today lor an appointment to see Jay Harrison 867 6011 363 501 1 or Res 867 5172 All Seasons Realty Inc R36 YOUR DREAM HOME Somerset Farm 3 Bdrm English Tudor on wooded IN BEAUTIFUL lot with stream running a therough front yard Many e teas A must to see Call Shirley Aamodt at 867 5330 or 867 501 1 Don t hesitate on this one1 All Seasons Realty Inc R36 CONTRACT AVAILABLE I'j MUST SELL yr old owner built home three beautiful view directions at top ot Parrish Lane Very energy efficient total elect home 4 Bdr , main floor laundry 8r family room Almost Vi acre $99 500 00 phone Ed Pingel 2958910 R36 SALESMEN WANTED SALE FAILED - GET SOLD ALMOST starler bedroom garage yard (mod lor alion 7 3 69 13 No apartix WANT A LITTLE SPACE P.r.l. 2-- G 7 ih H 3 laupt Z'i Saturday, Oct. 14 lid C nee by owner 3 b.r.nmi-ri- l 2 ftreplai es garage . hoi si s ok feinted kids p,-t7 62 2710 Utah Home Rentals RJB carpets diaper, - ideal students families 62 7 2 7 0 HOUSE-Ve- CLEARFIELD bm k rambler over 2100 guure feet finished living an-2 spaootis liinind yaid Greet Ilk anon shmrge shed ran rani besement only 49 BOO Cell 825 2669 R JO baths carpets - 2 drape s - WHITE BYOWNIR IMMACULATE HORSE PROPERTY 70 SPECIAL Beautiful 36 1 No smoking location no drinking no childien no pels 867 2668 R35 38 Utah Home Rentals 1 fueplaie Rjfi arrd 2 0 be 1 available 867 2725 867 6428 Rib Ogden Inner, dithwather with 1 year tnewood Priced low tithe Shown by epjit only No agent please 6 79 7 kavsviue FARMINGTON NEW DELUX 2 bednrom apt available Nov 15 2 30 00 lircpLn o hookups A C no pels EXTRA SHARP apartment 1 16 lease' Part Of law lirm offices Mam Slreel location r xtra services available 120 Call bb 1264 or 7736515 R3b FOR RLNT 140 00 2 Bedroom Apt lie NICE KAYSVILLE location 4 1 Vi Brlnoi bath family room timing room snack bar tenrad back yard cooler water tot 1 9216 RJb for 2 B R with car and all epplianr as ports and storage 195 UO Lakewood 7 7 3 291 2 or 376 8695 R27. OftlCE WAREHOUSE undeT Ctmst m Kaysville 1200 g fi endup feoiiy for orcupaiv y Dec Leue nuw and finish interior desired Call 376 6 R dish carpel (pare LUXURY pets draies fireplace, air conditioning car 7b 00 mo plus uirli LAYTON 01 TICE 4 PUX LAYTON waehar and ditpotal laundry hookup carpel drape in U Ion 185 Call 82b 498 R Hi KAYSVILLE LEADER, OCTOBER 12. 1978 12,1978 NEW TRACY Realty branch office on North Main across from Pen ney s Drop in to hear about the advantages of working with the oldest nationwide network. Gallery of Homes We are full fer time experienced looking Duffin June licensees R36 NEW ROCK HOME APT YR NEW Cape Cod' Rock 'jHome with apartment in Bsmt located in Farmington 3 bedrooms. 2 baths on the up unit 2 bedrooms down 2 car garage and patio This is a must 1 00 000 see home Priced at Call John Dawson 295 2377 Dawson Real Estate Co R36 290-320- BE CLOSE TO TOWN 2 Bdrm Bun Only 44 000 and it can be yours Zoned commerctal Call today for an appointment Jay Harrison or Laraine Flood 867 5011 363 5011 or Res 867 51 72 867 5508 All Seasons Realty Inc R36 IN FARMINGTON galow TOTytf J - ASSUME STATE MONEY CALL TODAY on this 4 bmlimirn MdMMf home whit h (eeiufe over 1000 eq tl ' t ten be fturned for Ml 000 00 Cell owner Pnve Oav. 292 Co 24b Ei;osyallno 2 Unless FOP. 497 North Main, Kaysville Salt Lake City 328-358- 376-34- 07 8 Johnnie Lozano 376-582- 4 Bob Mitchell Mack Brown Howard Cloward 376-810- 1 Steve Brough 766-- 1 376-026- 3 376-934- 8 729 Bob Crow 376-843- 376-460- 3 Mel Larew Jim Brough 825-307- 1 376-830- 4 376-162- OEJT with operators 3 Kathleen Clark Clair Crookston Quintes Wilson RJb fiver 2 000 3 bou'h in vj .are 1 tri-- t tn & to lot 3 450 km) LAYTON md b'ik rambler three bedroom up Kitchen dispose! tenge refrigerator hardwood cabinet NORTH Finished besernent family room 3A utility fruri room bedroom New sculptured heg on baih sum basement Beautiful famed yauf with garden fruit 48 900 No agent trees 825 920 R72- LOOK West in On approx forma! dining extra Itirqe living N room with bay window CONTRACT AVAILABLE MUST SUL 1 Vi yr old owner built home three beautiful view dirm lions at top of Parrish lane Very energy effment total elect home 4 bedroom mam floor laundry & family room almost Vj acre 6 99 bOO 00 ph td Pingel 296H910 R 16 LOVELY HOME FOR SALE 4 BOUNTIfUL home for sale bedroom fully finished with ex ceptionally lovely decorating 2 fireplaces family room air con ditionmg sprinkler system 2 car garage with car door opener Weil landscaped cement land mg for camper lovely area near church schools and stropping 2053 Bonneview Dr Bountiful 669 900 No Agents Shown by appointment only 292 9339 KAYSVILLE REALTY 773-C3- 376-42- 42 9 PI3S3 376-856- 9 773-172- 3 fireplace & ready to move Call Marqaret 292 5948 or BCH s R36 Associates 1 355-443CAPE COD CLASSIC )o miu I v yi in re tin In iHMuhlxir'-- '' the vyi ss ol ,t nil lo rn(y . , mil In if uu i .in i il 1 1 H is-- Approx. 1760 sq. ft. 3 bed, 2 bath 2 car garage with den. classy shake shingles outstanding view Call Brent 867 2498 Ray Realty 1 621 2175 R36 VALUER THAT S WHAT you II get tn this new brick bi level in new area of Kaysville Unique Fisher stove 1 V baths deck 3 bedrooms double garage basement your fixtures and choice of lighting carpet Call Brent 867 2498 R36 2175 Ray Realty 2621 FOR SALE by owner 1 year old 3 bedroom home in Kaysville over size 2 car garage sunken electric opener 2 fireplaces, central air complete landscaping wsprinkling basement finished ready to paint. Mid 70's. EAST LAYTON VERSAILLES home with walkout basement. 2 fireplaces, redwood balcony deck, auto sprinklers, air conditioning, truly a 700 sq. ft. 3 large bedrooms, culturon marble shower in master bedroom also cultured marble sinks in both baths. 7 room family beautiful view lot $71 ,900 Utility room on main floor, Jenn-ai- r range & microwave in kitchen Custom designed & coordinated drapes throughout! Priced $108,000 LAYT0II baths wkitchendining room areas Carpet S drapes Includes central air 1444 E Heather Drive 3 bedrooms 1 3 Bill Dickson Brent Dopp - 621 -- 661 4 773-383- REAL ESTATE COMPANY Clearfield 773-383- 7 Q3 EAlTO,l Rulon Smith Hansen John Allen, broker, 295-242- 60 s 650 LAHSEH CLEARFIELD 8500 sq. ft. - fully improved terms available 6 HAPPINESS IS QUIET LAYTON NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR HILL A.F.B. - 1200 sq ft split level with 600 sq ft finished lower level 3 Bedrooms up with 4!h bedroom and large family room down Beautifully decorated with new carpet and drapes in living room & kitchen Completely maintenance free exlerior Large lol witn fruit trees and garden Must to see For spot appreciate' appointment Contact - or office 776-128- 1 8 DeMont - with 2 fireplaces. 1 baths, 3 bedrooms, super kitchen with butltin appliances, two car attached garage and more This home is situated on 4 8 acres fully fenced and has a cinder nicely block building and dog kennels Water shares are available $88 400 00 Call Dean at 62 2992 or office 1 2 TIRED OF LOOKING? For a nice home on an acre of ground Then see this 1460 square toot rambler on 1 14 acres Tastefully decorated throughout with 3 bedrooms 1 Vt baths, super super kitchen, with all the builtins, swamp cooler, 2 car garage and sprinkling system plus your own private well Nicely landscaped with some fruit trees Call today1 6 FAIRFIELD FARMS Quality construction by some of the best builders in the area 12 brand new homes to choose from Split-level- s, ramblers and two story design Act now and select your own colors Great floor plans with square footage from 1243 square feet to 2000 square feet plus full basements, fireplaces, garages etc Prices start at $60 550 00 Call our office today for your appointment Also ask about our guaranteed sales plan 394-133- 9 3 EAST LAYTON Come see this 1240 square foot home in beautiful Village . Green Now under construction Featuring 3 bedrooms 13 baths, redwood sun deck fireplace, 2 car garage and basement Come in now and choose your own colors Hurry before its too late Priced at $58 000 Call Mike Valentino at 394-133- 9 1 or ottice 8 BUILDING LOTS 295-341- the orchard at Gramercy and 12th street Priced at $58 000 For your personal showing call Mike Valentino at or ottice 49 900 for this 2 Bdrm home with a super family room and a nice shady yard to go with it Located in Roy Phone Jay All real estate adIn this vertised newspaper is subject to t Fair Housing-Acthe Federal o(1968 which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation, or discrimination. will This newspaper not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation ol the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in are this newspaper available on an equal opportunity basis. REALTORS silu.iled tn one Owning this exrpiiont 3 ot East Layton s nit st die.is Everything is beautiful from the spacious living room dining area and convenient kitchen. with builtins lo the cozy family room with fireplace Seller Is just completing a la'qe game room that would be just right tor the family pool lat.le Other features Of this nice home include a workshop for the handyman, two car afarhed garage and a bi auMuiiy landscaped yard Only $71 900 and worth every penny! Ca'I Frank Sanders at 355484 or office ONLY extras in landscaping Located in Holladay Contact Rich towards 867 5011 363 5011 or Res 3254458 All Seasons Realty Inc R36 235-405- 235-857- 6 CANYON PARK THE RIGHT RAMBLER 867-550- Barber Verg 235-414- This beautiful townhouse otters the ultimate in exquistie living Beautiful fruit trees and lush green grass surround as well as the you mountains only a breath away This unit otters 3 bedrooms 2'j baths, all brick construction, carport, a superior kitchen arrangement, a swimming pool plus much, much more A truly gracious home situated in See to Harrison or Laraine Flood 867 5011 363 5011 or Res All 867 51 72 Seasons Realty Inc R36 Collmgs Kay 292-000- I I f VILLAGE GREEN RAMBLER FARMINGTON EAST BENCH LA-1Be King of the mountain' Build your dream home on this fantastic lot Call Cathie 7651083773-922- 0 1747 CELIA WAY, LAYTON $42 000 Layton 3 Bdrm 1 'h bath family room New water heater Call Andy 3754977773-922- 0 NEW RAMBLER, OAK FOREST $85,900 4 Bdrm 2 baths, family den 2 fireplaces, R990 landscaping, garage Call Glenn LAYTON ESTATES WOODRIDGE $78,900 New executive home, oak brush lot, deck off of 7 master Bdrm Call Glenn 773-922- 0 773-274- S23.0C0 72 W. 2000 N. SUNSET presently renting $170 per month Present 0 mortgage can be assumed Mil SUNSET 1342 N. 350 W. $36,500 3 bedroom 1 bath patio and family room with bar or VA No Down Andy 2 Bdrm 773-922- 773-922- 0 376-49- Ramble yourself on up to Village Green in East Layton and see this beautiful 1274 square foot rambler The floor plan includes 3 bedrooms, 1J. baths 2 car garage, fireplace and full basement Act now to select your own colors Picture your dream house then make it come true for only $61 500 Detailed plans are in our ottice Stop by 0 or office today or call Mike at 394-133- 9 3 ACRE BUILDING LOT area zoned for animals, elect and sewer available Owner will carry contract $16 000 per acre Be ready to start building next spring We have plans and builders will help with your plans Call 6 Pat or Val or office Enjoy country living in Kaysville 773-227- 394-919- 8 AN UNBELIEVABLE MOUNTAIN VIEW FOR THE ASKING?! This maiestic with a unique cathedral ceiling has ' not just that Unbelievable Mountain View but a whole lot more Its main level of 1240 sq ft includes 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a dining area and more With an 8x12 'deck, 2 car garage, and 50 basement It s a bargain price at $58 000 and if you hurry you can still choose carpets, linoleum and cabinet tops Located in Village Green in East Layton Completion is less than 30 days Call Mike at 9 or Realty World Western at 2 394-133- or KAYSVILLE K0fE, BUY GN CONTRACT 1 bath this existing older home with 2 bedrms finished basement, 1 car garage Call Dana See 773-540- or 4 LAYTON $43,900 acre lot on cul de sac, chainlink fenced with fruit 3. bath w central trees and sprinkling system 4 bedrms air Call Bill 7755404 or 7651072 1 PRESTIGE FARMINGTON LOT Somerset Farms lot No 27 Larger lot with beautiful view 7 4 1 or Excellent slope Call Don 376-590- 773-540- LA-14- 766-128- 825-151- 1 THE REASONABLE RAMBLER MADE BEAUTIFUL un- , 7651072 13 OAK FOREST 1 u here uif i 'f u t lu oui o! m i Do you u ml ,i jnl) vh( n you t .m tnn vlul vim re te.ilk worth lh.il s the rew.ed .is .in KA Ke.il si. lie prolesmori.il t rules Working in ,i neighUrrhood t lei Irnnii Rr .illy oilin', you II lx1 tr.uned in .ill you need In know m le il estate You II have the adv, ullages ol our unique limited home warranties program, our national idertlity and Irenelits ol working with Amerit a s original and largest national eleitrorm realty system Your lot al RV Real stale broker has immediate open ings Conlac I him today and give yourselt a promoiion COMBINE THIS custom built executive home with the beau tiful Somerset Earm location and you ve got a winner 3 levels of living space covered patio neat country kitchen, huge garage 6 WEBBERS FALL FAVORITES Call Dean EarnchdW 2'J5 0338, Lynn Beautiful 1260 square foot 1 South OPEN DAILY HOME WITH ACREAGE GIVE YOURSELF A PROMOTION. double wide mobile home m V baths Layton - 3 bedrooms Low 226 East Kaysville R36 NEW 1200 North 15C0 East. E. Layton 552,900 lo S53.S00 TODAY S THE DAY , COUNTRY OAKS C0I1D0 31 R3b fireplace VIHHERS!! NEW RAMBLERS. SPLIT ENTRIES. To see this 3 bedroom brick rambler located in one of Roys nicest areas Other features include a nice kitchen with burltin range and oven, 1 ', baths, large L shaped family room with bui'tm bar one car garage and patio Priced to si'll last at $46 000 Better hurry on this one1 Call Jay Lyon at 731-- 1 728 or ottice W-5- 1 5 SELLER looking at all offers on this appreciate 3759436 LAYTON 4 fcUJRUOM home . newly pend ed in! be and outkale 1 Vt belli Carport rwtysid New linoleum and carpel 5 J 7 Miller Av 31) 4279 37b 6101 35 900 H 35 JB H0'.7 ELSE WILL Y0UKII0V7? Unless you inquire about our homes in Clearfield & Layton Ramblers, Btlevels, we've got em, even one two story "expandable " The lady of the house will be pleased with the kitchen-dinin- g design Dishwasher, disposal, new electric range The whole family will enjoy the spacious living room and the three bedrooms with extra bath The man of the manor cannot help enjoying the oversize garage and maintenance free exteriors Drop in any evening and see what we are talking about. County Meadows on South Fort Lane in Layton and Phyllis on 1700 E. Pines are very competitive in the $50's Financing can be arranged Automatic sprinkler system Central air conditioning! Cmerarrur vmwl Area of new homes in Farmington! Only 7b bOOt Won I last Dome 292 120b Charlie 2 92 0646 Century 21 Grant DhviS Co 292 7246 R 16 VALUE! VALUE! - 67 No. Main 16 BUILDER S OWN HGMEI BUILT WITH best of everything Thermo windows Oak cabinets fireplace 14 THESE HOMES ARE 36 R Fi Frenktin fireplace ii()eied throughout big (hjiiIi wilt! wuig leige bade liee 610 er-i- Will) lerge garden ied Double gaiea plu loi(j 49 you 00 3 76 9641 H JO - firiplate rovnrrd paho 4Js2Q il22Jb 36 fl beautiful 3 bedroom 3 car family room 5 bniboom gao.qe more extra Rian can be mentioned here Call now Paulette Ci'.irv 9T67 The Land Ofhra 867 2249 RJ6 For mformn OWNf BY 29b bb 70295 7242 ft J8 J9 Bf GWNIK In Key bidet SPACIOUS hon rontnrt Robert tovell Of il dire t and fcive now Y0U8 IOAN DOWN 1 2 JO 5t tl 3 bodruom double gemue tie'R & full twaeiueiit tirepldia Lest leylon ipio V. le pick your dm or builder WH let you ub Jb9th NtW horns in far nongton t best new area Inc ludei country style Km hen well ked Ixime in a view lot in Fruil 1 1 Four bedroom Heighr belli large family room Large fenced lol with rourn fur gerden lur infumialion call 3 7b 4 79 7 KtfP BHICK RAM HI IMS LOVflY HOME tn Kaysville I best area 25UO sq ft Of finished living area with 5 tMMboomt 7'h baths nice wooded lot formal (lining family ffxjrn fireplace 2 bttrhen wth all the built m patio Much more Call Paulette or the Land (.r.ny Offite Ht 249 H th 3500 SQ FT CAPE COD booth Layton in $uhJivtvoo Bmukhufsi Farm A .king S 70 9J0 BY OWNER' N(W LISTING 1 22 years old full basement 3 Bdrms and many Basements Dug, Trenching, Footings etc. 825-973- Iiuof teTiun in Bro. hufM FaUij butnhvivnn 72 600 taviun Aikirnj be.iwt M 3 bedroom 2 baths 2 lx .(titif it 00 fiup! i t v over . Hi Kaysville 1 21 Grant Century I. fel fjriMted ()n appfox we M bee at 4J4 West 4?b luana 292 120b 2yf1512 1J oi essomnbid loan 1 200 W Chnton taaolful fiupiaes BLAuTlfUL IN this rustic rambler with large lava fireplarel Formal Dining 4 bedrooms lots of oak busfiet trues and shrubs! 2 Car fldrwjn! Owner has nuivad find wants fast Sale Asking in I 0 Dott.e sq fool hlFtTLOvflLCunai Co is nuw CMm ng J tmaijfifut nrw home 1 fcie All three with buit m main fioOf pantry A UufiOiy cluuUe fjrihiqe All three duie to tompietfon Hoy Bmrtfgl 3 betlfuom 2 bath ficM.e full basement on just Uiulr Vi ft re lotted fur animals Wat 6922 5 3100 W in Hoy Ask ng bOO Layton Colonial 4 bedroom J baths 2 HJf AUTUMN IN OAK IS 00 full tore HC 36 jh 600 4 bmlfoom utterly 1 1 IfHH N 825 717 36 000 NEAT Clean two bedroom home family room with vauhed railing end Ml 7 way tifepltiie large country M htn main IIixn laundry tniriqo shed luded and fnnted and patio m U.nk yard No basement Veiy bun h t !(i,e to n hnnls and Layton area No a ent plea OH 9 or Bb 2449 (l,il H wluttt buik home tn 3 RAMBLER, & Ogden eppfua 7 ltfye bedroom by .owner l.mplrtt fi fcpitt too timing end living rooms new cabinet ter port (till unfinished basement with fiieplttre T ernbe buy et 4 8 OOO Call H 3 bb 1b or 3bHibi GWNf R Hinton htnemeni (SyfiK use) BMICK HOME EXTRA CLEAN $125,000 00 REALTY BT This brand new rambler is not your ordinary house If boring is what you re looking for then look elsewhere What it is is a beautiful home for the person who loves quality craftsmanship This home features bay windows, 1274 sq ft (100 bsmt ) including 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths, an oversized 2 car attached garage, a no maintenance exterior (100 brick), and a new style brick never before seen in this area with a unique color scheme Completion in less than 45 days hurry and pick all your own colors as well as cabinets too Located in Village Green in East Layton Priced at only $61 500 Call Mike at 9 or Realty World Western at 1 or 394-133- 766-128- 825-151- 2 FRUIT HEIGHTS CONDO $43,900 Immaculate condo in excellent location All amenities, 4 or priced to sell Call Don "icuh omce is indepernlfc'ntlL ouned 376-590- 1 773-540- YEAR OLD RAMBLER-KAYSVILL- E $68,900 This home features over 2000 sq ft finished with 4 bedrms 2 bath, 2 car garage, finished family room Call Dana 7755404 or 7651072 , $11,200 CLINTON Over 10000 sq. ft. Fully Improved - Terms PRESTIGE FAMILY HOME KAYSVILLE App 3000 sq ft of immaculate executive home bedrms 3 'h bath, main floor laundry, tamily rm Don or 3755901 4 773-540- 4 REALTY WORLD 0aA,lfMMk4te(m Available ardiey Corporation o Real Estate & Investments $12,750 LAYTON REALTY 825-975376-495- 4 5 LAYTON 1095 No. Main 376-420- 7 KAYSVILLE 175 So. Main 04 AAMUtdCteb WESTERN Estate Real 394-554- 5 Ogden & Development 766-128- 1 Davis County |