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Show l 1 cun omo cmmn WEEKLY REFLEX GARAGE SALE Fri & Sal 10-Cameras clothing books rocker arm & litter set for 396 402 427 454 OCTOBER 12, 1978 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, 7 misc engine Behind Clearfield High BUY Used carpet - gold color approximately lOOsq yds Make offer 376 2984 R36 GREAT 1 71 E 1 ATTN HUNTER 1150S R36 new and used items 1188 Marilyn Or Layton R36 1978 ACRE OF land in West Layton area Call after 376 2794 R35 36 4pm 1978 SUBARU front wheel drive station waqon 30 mpg city $4400or make offer 773 5326 for Appointments to f ' pWPflJ) Call 'r . 9-- 1 Mon.-F- n Dr. T. our thru at Call Shirley R3637 2 Physician a m -2-- p m 6, COLOR TV Admiral good condition $100 12 inch B&W T V Gen E fair condition TELLS: Closed 6 wtyZS, DESK 7 adding just bought out a Salt Lake dealer We have a fine selection of washers 8r dryers All late models all reconditioned like new $79 95 $119 95 Perkins Appliance 295 8229 NEW DISHWASHERS WE HAVE steam curlers 3758577 TYPEWRITER manual long carriage Recently cleaned Ideal for Genealogy $45 00 Phone 376 8691 R36 6 PIECE PEARL Drum set with cases fiberglass shells Set of heads new 2 494 after days R36 3 76 years 4pm 1 dishwasher until you have seen the new fantastic Maytag Dishwasher They out clean any othei dishwasher plus the finest long lasting quality 2 old week 1978 model with large dis counts available on these We will install Perkins Appliance 295 8229 R35 42 is moving to larger must in Bountiful our clear out present location at drastically reduced prices For King box & mattress example HOTEL SALES warehouse CUSTOM WELDING STEEL FABRICATION CALL LAKE Welding & Muffler 57 East 100 North Farmington 867 5094 R35 38 and Mattress $42 00 Large wood desk $ 7 00 room sue carpet 200 to choose from $ 1 8 00 up Ho tel Sales 562 W 100N Boun tiful R36 V. Box 1 HEADERS MUFFLERS Welding & Muffler 57 Fast 100 North Farmington 867 5094 R35 38 ANTIQUE PIANO Rose wood cabinet original finish & ivory Excellent condition 100 years old Bargain at $ 1 500 00 867 5201 R36 APPLES HITCHES WIRING - TRANSMISSION COOLERS 8r Muffler 57 East 100 North Farmington 867 5094 R35 38 CALL RED DELICIOUS pick or picked Clean picking in grass Please covered orchard bring box 1222 No Main Farming ton Utah 867 2085 R36 U LAKE Welding BRETTA12ga 3 Auto vent rib 2 yrs old $265 00 Remington 110012ga 3 Auto 3 yrs old $225 00 Call 867 5589 LAMB 7 AND UP Several $39 95 jcsni&n Quick Drying Insured Experienced All Work BILL LILES - owner-manag- SBS!nn r ilulWuMfi nSQBDBaBQBBBBBQnnDBBBnBtSDEiaEmBiaQQ V a a a a a S3 B S3 a a b a a a i CUT AND PLACE BY PHONE Get your new wardrobe off the ground, with shoes you can really live in. Bass 1 00's are comfortable And put together to last. Bass 00's. Just what you need to get up in the world. B CaBnaDBOBBDaBDDBBDnBDBDDaaDBiiBaBQaaaa brands Siisra X Campaign tfioiliers daily or 766-178- 4 " ' &ZC&& Elies Announces the opening of his office 1977 No. Main, Layton 825-733- 8 1 Salutes Chiropractor1 Dr. John E. Clikeman It A littia bit of San Francisco con found at the badutiful Bratton's Cove in Bountiful" 94 No. - Fort Lane (Give them is gratifying to see so many v? a try Layton Your feet will love you for It) mss peo- ple involved in the SUPERB SEAFOOD & STEAKS FAST, COURTEOUS SERVICE x 'I 3 election process. Thant; You SMEREM A. EJAYitlEMT 1 , Seafood 1385 S. 500 West f CLa Bountiful Mon. thru Sot. 1! AM.-- ! 0 P.M. CL0SCDSUNDAY Phone 235-233- sMt 4 555 North Fairfield, Layton 376-292- 1 8 Hot nutritious meals and snacks child development programs. 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 223SE Try New itfterty& Anil Save $2.00 Or $1.00 Or BctSi jSiwi e! li U AUTO GLASS 1 SPECIALISTS 1 SCO GOOD USED IJiUDSfliELDS HOUSE GLASS ' So. Weber, Hooper, Roy, Riverdale jjTia&ii Childrens Day Care 773-633- N. Layton, PAID POLITICAL AO BY SHERMAN A. WAYMENT a beautiful new facility Evenings Sunset, Clearfield, THE SUING SET for 4 for State Senator District 21 FXSZISZZ Phone Storrr, Doors Picture Windows Thermo Windows Patio Doors Screens FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE GUARANTEED AGAINST LEAKAGE s I 1 I I 1 fei dt 63 U iJ SAVE $2.00 or $1.00 opportunity or both GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS COUPON you can save $2 00 off the regular price of any large 00 off the regular price of any medium sized Pizza Hut pizza or both Choose our famous regular pizza or pile on the topping with new SuperStyle It gives you more of what you go for One coupon per customer Hut per visit Not good with other coupons Good at all participating Pizza restaurants Coupon valid through October 27, 1978 WITH THIS pizza or $1 V,I l.y1on - 335 East Gentile Street s I J t3 e -- Cash value I 20 cent &RHBll3ElllClsaSilB - 766 0494 pig&S -- Hut BEiKsnaearaEieaEaK S You can knock on wood hoping that your will be prosperous But your chances are much better if you open a Golden A Golden Opportunity savings account continues to grow with high interest so you continue to prosper. Dont keep tomorrow waiting Knock for your Golden Opportunity today. The door is always open at the bank with the heart of gold FIRST NATIONAL BANK SECOND NATIONAL BANK 1 376-125- Quality Glass future Opportunity savings account. 376-424- JsL--J. Iriri'1" Guaranteed 'Free estimates er plus reasonable Perkins rates installation Appliance 295 8229 R35 42 purposes 867 2085 1222 Main Farmington Utah R36 msj qcx-j- ? ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS to choose from No 't' FUEi:iTUnE "DISPOSALS SUFFIX BUCK spring born Ex cellent for the locker or breeding j WE DO VELVET YSZS.J n DUALS ROLL BARS - CALL LAKE ELABORATE Call NEW! IACXUOHT DON T BUY a MOVING SALE $65 00 825-108- e MONTH ELECTION C FEATURE Always Prompt Courteous Service Mr. Steam Method The Gentle Method" Safe for all types of Carpet WASHERS 8 DRYERS machine water healer frig sewing mathine Schwinn 5 speed boys Stingray 5 speed 10 gal aquarium R36 PHONE DATE hours STATE OUAIT2 CYSTA1 8254798 R36 RECONDITIONED CALCULATOR SOLID lW COLOR GLO Organ 2 yrs old good condition earphones and books Call 73 7024 HOURS MINUTES SECONDS MONTH MINUTES BAND carpet THOMAS water softener call R36 Solid Suit Quoitr Arurocy 5 FUNCTIONS FOR SALE FOR SALE one horse power irnga tion pump and a CulligBn Mark 2 t FUNCTIONS Electron LEATHER RAINBOWS Electrolux Hoover Kirby etc in excellent condition Prites range from 24 00 See at 354 No Main No 2 Kirby Co Layton Ut 766 0941 R36 37 offer 766 0798 ILICTtONtC QUARTZ CRYSTAL MONTH OAT Of WEHC DATE USED VACUUMS SINGER Sewing machine in ex cellent condition Would make a nice Christmas gift Will accept souo STATI HOUSS $40Call 8257564 R36 Royal Coachman camper self contained Call to see 825 6062 R36 reasonable R36 FUNCTIONS 2 bar stools $8 each twin box spring and mattress FOOT CONSTANT DISPLAY ACCURACY WITHIN SECONDS PER MO. SUPER SPECIAL FOR SALE $15 37S9378 R36 ELEVEN MEN'S ONE BUTTON am. R36 20 INCH fiasco asos LADIES' Fully Equipped Office 230 North Mam St - Layton J. Scott Chiropractic 3 2 Saturday Thursday COOKS HELPER Needed in kitchen 9 to 2 30 Monday 290-229- 376-421- HOURS DAIRY FARM help wanted milking and other dairy farm work phone 867 5268 R36-3- Friday s Alpine Chiropractic Center ' FOR SALE 1976 Northland 8 Camper Vi Cabover Like new condition Contains - stove sink ice box & heater $950 00 with lacks $900 00 without Call homo 766 0680 after 4pm R36 PLEASE COME to our Garage Sale Saturday Oct 14 9 am Like Vi LEADER. OCTOBER 12, 1 Layton, Utah VM r I9M Ifron studw fol cb Ad. |