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Show WEEKLY HtFLEX -- OCTOBER 12, 1978 DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, (a8aaan iftwimri i SOMERSET FARM 1965 OLDSMOBILE . JbisIbi 88 200 00 or best offer Ca 807 2890 836 CHOICE location for tha homa of A your draams over 'A acre level lot close to community pool and tenrii courts and club house Call Shirley 867 5330 or 867 6011 All Seasons Really try R38 1976 TEE PEE Camper HUNTSVILLELAND Sleeper has fable and cushions . makes into double bed Nuw Condition 3 30 $695 00 after NEAR Moneslary 18 66 acres of excellent level land 8 shares of water are Included Call Dave Hansen for more on this one 867 6011 or 363 501 1 All Seasons Really Inc R36 3762984 R36 19 BAYLINER 115 Eventide EZ load tilt nailer excellent fishing ski and boat $3 750 8675269 R3H FARMINGTON AREA 79 800 for a lull 7 6 acres with commercial potential 10 500 per acre is all you need ONLY SACRIFICE 76 land cruiser 32000 miles extras $5500 1 798 after firm phone 6 pm R16J6 THE 36 Terms are negotiable or possible contract Call Jay Harrison 867 5011 363 5011 or Res 867 51 72 All Seasons Realty MOTOR HOME FOR RENT 1977 WINNABAGO 20'r foot Generator cruise control ah t ps six all the extras $30 00 per LEADER, OCTOBER 12, m'mt cise S Curfbm Rototilling leveling mrvx e New yard a HAMILTON & specialty 3 76 4105 R31 38 Phone Dean Free Estimate REMODELING tomiact-mcabinet LINGfLS w20 yrs remodeling experience would like to help you with your kitchen Remodeling Phone 295 8910 R33 36 KITCHEN APPLIANCE REPAIR REPAIRS TO most biands washers dryers dishwasheie disposals ranges by a qualilmd 416 W. NKTRUCK SMALL TRACTOR JEEP Honcho brown antJ make us gold In top condition an otter must si II immsd aliily Call 376 5888 or see at 69 Aircraft in Layton R36 1 9 73 CAMPER specTaT Vt T Cheyenne many extras with sleeper Offers considered R36 yard tor dvkfrpn 927 27JO leas 31 Rental , bo pp$itnoe . jteHaw2 1 wTJvIng - tj r Ferm house on acreage - spacious rooms - air huge kitrhen - fenced with buildings - horses singles ok 627 2710 Utah Home Rental R36 1 Kwlk R36 pa SPRifiO Z Weeds) $5.00 $7.00 ) Ruhneils, 1150 East Niclcols Rd. 2 Phone R. R. Sew Patterns New Kwik Sew Lingerie Book with Master Pattern for Nile Gowns 10 discount on 6 or more RECOVERING Remodeling and repair Check our prices and compare Furniture and eutomo live 1 5 So Main Layton in the Interior shop 376 2941 Free es timates R36 WAS ATCH ChTmNE Y SWEEP REPAIRS PLUS clean and efficient service for your chimney stove or furnace Call after 4pm for 70 Washington Terrace RAMBLING 3 bedroom family home beautiful hardwood floor, full kitchen quiet neighborhood 627 2710 Utah Home Rental mmox.' f 627 2710 Utah Home Rentals R38 CLEAN HORSE MANURE, (No R36 bedroom home nice drapes big kitchen All 1 carpets Utd Paid FERTILIZE HOW FOR fJEHT (By PAO" 86 BACHELOR SPACIOUS SECLUDED . some carpets drape . loured ( u' count 73 home 67 wair custom carpets appliances . Singles farmlie 0k All util paid 627 2710 Utah Home Rental R36 cozy pets Utah R36 7mly BASE 2 bedroom duplex PICK UP LOADS, U LOAD GALLAGHER UPHOLSTERY concerts parties - 627-271- remodeled NEWLY cade gas grocery store near Jr end Sr High in Bountiful Owner must sacrifice for $7000 plus inventory 290 2464 R29- and dump truck Rototilling 376 8314 R3S38 376 3548 R36 376-522- 766 0442 appointments R36 FURNACE REPAIR SERVICE on furnaces parts carry on truck for fast economical service Perkins Appliance Service 295 8229 EXPERT colleges etc For more info & color video audition tape call Rocky. Mountain Booking 292 7979 or 292 4354 SomttW NEW CHILDREN S Day Care in Kaysville now open Winter s Wonderland Enrollment Limited Also available Call R33 lost German Shepherd female about 9 months old She is wealing a copper colored harness Call 3 76 5888 R36 REWARD Heres lum hr lovely... R3S39 l1! m Cvtryf tht you vbob 4 Ov Morp you I4v two vi Now tit odd iron to tjui ty ir our store you wvy two way 01 od t on t due) ty brocory tetter to t ttf Evpryt me you stwp t 714 he to be boiler Now Ad no Fytm ywr ewydey you ten ittt vr I m ot futl by ievinQ our O Hrtoe coupon Ctttttek couoon w in rerb ti pu'toee tic ud on end only G SEWING DRESSMAKING wedding lines 0 coupon MJ 0 G t fetor, evw You If bo omoiod ot bow toon you Mcbeti coupon tor veuebte 9 it Silver wblue stone Lost Thurs day Call 766 0680 Reward R36 SYRACUSE PLUS ACRES in choicest Syracuse location Future com mercial subdivision potential Now under cultivation and pas turn - Super investment oppor tunny Call Shirley at 867 5330 or 867 501 1 Owner Agent All Seasons Realty Inc R36 867 2694 R35 36 or md tem till You etc no Min If bo oacMnb no your cffercccd AT ANY SAFEWAY REFRIGERATION REPAIR REPAIRS TO most brands Refrigerators freezers air cond by an experienced Repairman We re now covering the Kays ville area so call Perkins Appliance 295 8229 R 3542 SEWING CLASSES for beginners moms grandmothers Sew T shirts lingerie cowf necks skirts, capris etc Small classes Call 1 lyg boo also alterations and coats refined Call Jean Lundgreen 773 4435 R35 33 LAYTON Lancer school ring ACREAGE BEST TIME of year coming for ar- estimates, So., kids garage 210NEAR DELUXE $1 sVPTIONTOSUV trees MUSIC LOVERS' Got the music blues'1 Tired of the worn out DJ that travels with the mobile disco? Tired of hearing the same sonq so many times that you re ready to go crazy? Well .refresh yourself with energized rod music by the rock band Lazer We play for all occasions 1 lovely carpet Home Rental reroot and rool R31 - fireplace and deliver your reasonable 3 76 8679 ironing - am. SLEEPER SOFA Queen size M chael Kay slonper sofa Brown wood trim with naughahyde Idtal for family room $200 00 976 2957136 2 bedroom home WILL PICK UP do mxfwmm 1 air RSS PROFESSIONAL Free 7 $1 40 EAST BENCH NICELY FURN PAINTING Call lor free repairs OO OGDEN BUDGET PRlCEtf 2 81DH0OM family home large country kitchen w appliances nrre yd children pets ok 2710 Utah Home Rentals 1 R36 singles ok Interior or extenor estimate Clint Rigby 867 5391 or Dean Sessions 96 4324 (licensed) R 3ja0704or eltooee from . kids pet, singles ok 627 2710 Utah Home Ren-tot- s home In Payment niLe neighborhood only $191 per month Should rent for 265 per month Close to schools stores and church Call owner agent Dave, 766 0128 R36 TRIMMING OF shrubs and small rW,VlyTm.iJi-sw- stomps Interest loan for leveling grading trash removal' or whatever (Not heavy excavation) $18 per hour with ooerator 773 3613 Lay ton R3b 198 Call LOW X) on older 4 bed (h 65 & up Specroue good location, m,oy to pits Carter Knits R35 42 yww ASSUME 2 BEDROOM Duple all Appitc included Lovely yard Storage area Greet location m Kaysville 3 76 8466 OLDER HOMES , F0H RENT SEWING BASNET 500 Bountiful. Sunset Sports) dev 292 8277, 295 8229 3763181 INVESTMENT PROPERTY GOOD CASH FLOW US FILM your neit office or house party, with sound color film 800 foot reel or, your wedding graduation meetings or your family loved ones m tcfmn We will film almost anything So give ui try you will be glad you did Call 756-139after 3 30 p m Jim-mPineda Film Producer R45 LET NEW ROOF Igpqgp (Turn ("fljptffipfliTB I 30-3- repairman Most parts earned on service truck tor fast service Covering Kaysville ama Perkins Appliance 295 8229 R35 42 R36 Inc 197b STCSEin TUI STATE 66306 CORNING WARE 56308 RfcGAL WHISTLING TEA KETTLE . QUART SAUCEPAN 1ft QT BAKING DISH 1 45101 SUNBEAM VERMONT PEDOLUM CLOCK 6 CFUTAHI ELECTRIC 67231 GENERAL POWER TURBO PISTOL ORYER 376 5522 passe ATTENTION Experienced Rea! Estate Salesman Wanted Applicants held in strict confidence, work in No. Davis area. All Ask for Brent 773-38- 37 OPEM HOUSE Oct. Sat., 1 4tfi 2-- 0 p.m. 104 N. Village Way, Fruit Heights (appr. Hy 89 & 1st North) fm Q Wheat Hearts Buc ?heats CerccI,SOz cBLr 7. TGLS3 tMZIUl ram mmn Four bedroom, part finished basement, family room, fireplace, double garage one sweet home. $64,900 EROUOH REALTY K7 Mrs Wrtghl s 12 count Old Fashioned Wright s All Butter White or Wheat 24 oz loaf Miviiy or $1 19 $115 TQ 7 ..AT Lucerne Grade 'AA' Eggs Larget Dozen, .74 $39 Q isgy Sauce !,po?r. Spray $09 Q Rug Cleaner Glory Jf, Foam Q Air Freshener f 72' Johnsons Spray Q Pledge Wax I - $173 Heavy Q $pt Remover oz can,99' (1S0A CM8ICI BEEF 24 oz FRm QUARTERS 497 North Main, Kaysville 376-340- CHECK THESE! MISCELLAHEOUS! COTiWXAFP Wax 7 14 oz can- Shout Duty Floor Wax Future Wax 12 end 13 Q Q Q Q Q Orcngss Corned Peaches Mandarin 1 oje can Beefr sZTz9 peaches TownHouwclm9 Sliced A Halves Peaches Pinto Beans l?rbaT-!e- Q Enchilada Fried Chicken Q GhirardeiH Hash Browns m 24 16 W LAYTON STORE ONLY BAKERY Sour Dough Boils ot French Bread $139 1 59 i3" dazed Doughnuts Delicious and Jonathan BROMfllADSfrj", fail heather:;' PLANT FOOD SCHULTZ Were the POTTING SOUL.,'",' NATURAL CLAY POTS . HOME folks! DIl-A- O 766-128- MOSS REALTY KIHE1S wests 4 PiUI LETTUCE CHEAT T6 FIAVMS OHM$l FROM! II it Pckf mmm 8 JUICE NEW LISTING Kaysville One year newer' Lovely landscaping and decorating Choice area 3 bedroom, 1 3A bath, formal dining $69,850 RED HOT THIS ONE IS 10,o.M $22S QUARTERS 47 Crestwood Road Kaysville, Utah 24 2 Loaves az package USBA CHQICI BEEF Ki&D in KAYSVILLE os Boy Ar Cheese Skillet Pizza Chef oz Dee - ntfc mim TOMATOES ACORN SQUASH" EMPEROR GRAPES 59 CARAMEL APPLES Great family home and neighborhood Room for expansion beyond the 3 bedrooms, 1 and 3A bath $64,500 CITRUS PUNCH 3 . PITTED PRUNES IT! . 2J V', ? " r. See us for new construction Prices begin at $59,900 FARMS and WOODRIDGE. SNAP-N-FO- X 6 Gorgeous Woodridge Executive home now under construction 1960 sq feet Mam floor living with cozy loft $92,500 Norine Moss 376-352- 7 Jan Thompson 773-475- 9 376-032- 2 Paul Liston Jeanne Kearl . . , 376-890- 4 Fidiagi 7 BOff E BEEF SAFEWAY BBAriD CHICK BOASTS LUKCHEOII MEATS S0ACHOKK CRT A n WRAPRfV MATVRCBEEF FREE 1EEF SIDES tMhm . $105 a OUVi PKKLI SmCEMi66jA Poncho Burritos ., 43 Pork Chops .,.$ Fresh Western Oysters .!! GRADE A MIXED FRYER PARTS USDAGRADEA NORBEST TURKEYS mtiMinftiWMi MUT MIMS rwisr CMCKEM fresh Beef Brisket 1 Steoksr.'. ..2 Round Boneless Chuck Roost P Fresh Turkey Thighs .99 Fresh Turkey Bodes .29 Fresh Turkey Ireastt..! HOLLY FARMS FRYER BREASTS MViSHMEHT INSPECTED Sliced Bacon Beef Sticks? Beef Jerky i B ADC 'A' J--$r 1 Ji H0RMEL UTTLE SIZZLIR UIICS MMISUnMOMH . 1 99 99 ' |