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Show LIST OF LABOR DAY DISASTERS 4 DENVER. Colo. Sept. 7 William Simmons, AO. of Boulder. Colo. Injured In-jured in the hcud-on collision of two Interurban curs yesterday, died at the County hospital early today, making the total dead twele Doctors said thc Injuries of five others probably would be fatal. NIAGARA FALLS, N Y.. Sept. 6. Two women and a man were crushed to death mid two men were Injured l!:ls aiternoon when a slide of sbule lorced out a bridge leading to one of the stairways in the Cave of Winds, under Niagara falls. A hundred or more tourists who were In the cao al the lime, had narrow escapee, many being bruised aaid cut by the falling rocks. Th dead and injured were members mem-bers of ;i party of tourists Just completing com-pleting a lour of the cave. With a guide leading, thc party was In thc middle of one of the four bridges in li. cave when the slide came, Its noise drowned by the roar Of the cataract. Phe guide vvus not touched. To recover the bodies of the dead it was necessary to take a row bout from the Maid of the aiisi steamer, which had been run up as near an possible to the falls and case it v.as a hazardous vohture, but the rowboal crew finally brought the bodies out of tho pool :iiiri regained the steamer. Tho accident Is the first of the kind that has occurred in the cave since the first stairway was built In 1-S There have been slides before but L-ily in the winter 01 early spring. ROCK SPRINGS, Wo, Sept 7 Marking three mishaps at the Rot Is Springs landltiR field, L'nited S: lu-h mail planes 104 UDd 171 were badly damaged yesterday. Pilot Murray of plane 171 and Tiiot Pickup Of plane iOl escaped injury. A report of the mishap wtis given out by J. R. Ilo.uston, superintendent of Ine Salt Lftke control, following receipt in a telegram from A. Li. Dun-thy Dun-thy of Cheyenne, Wyo. The dispatch said both aviators had 1 assed :cm K Springs t::c:i turned back and attempted 10 lapd Mr- Floustoh said ne did not know when the third mail plane would ar-1 ar-1 ive. Pilot P. Ilefron, who reached Salt Lake and started on the return trip, is at Craig, Colo., presumably driven off his course by a high wind. SPANISH PORK, Sept 7 Charles C. Hood. 40 years old, and William Christmas, 2 0, both of Spanish Fork, were severely Injured yesterday when the automobile which they were driving, driv-ing, overturned near the Strawberry pioject, 40 miles from here. The car went over an embankment and slid 45 feet before it came to a stop. Hood suffered painful contusions and possible internal Injuries while Christmas suffered a broken collar bone and numerous bruises An uninjured member of the party summoned 1 ,r J. w. Eiagan of Spanish Span-ish Pork who went immediately to th scene of tho accident The men were removed to the hospital at Provo- DETROIT, Sept. 6. Myron L. Tin- ney, loriii-i i.rmy aviator, fell 500 feet , to his death today while performing 1 aerial acrobatics at the state fair! grounds. In attempting to calch a rope ladder' on which he was to climb from one t plane to another flying above him he missed his hold and plunged from the top of his machine. A crowd of 200,-t'li" 200,-t'li" w itnessed the accident. Tlnney was In the flying service at) a Texas training field when the war ended. NIAGARA FALLS, N. ST., Sept. 6. Seven persons were Injured, none seriously, se-riously, this afternoon In a collision 1 of two trains of trolley cars In the Nl-uuar.i Nl-uuar.i Kore'. Scores of other passengers passen-gers on the rear trailers of one train saved themselves by Jumping When they saw the ether train bearing down upon them A break in the trolley, lino caused the first train to stall. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia . Sept. 7. Mrs. W. J Delaney, Cedar RapJds, was killed. kill-ed. Mrs. c J Mi l ah.-. Fairfax, la., died en route to a hospital at Iowa City, and Vincent Thoman and Mrl P. H. Cahill. also of Fairfax, are in a hospital at lowu City, seriously Injured r.s the result of a smnshup ten miles north of Iowa City today when an automobile au-tomobile driven b Thoman was struck, by a Cedar Rapids and Iowa City interurban. SIOUX FALLS, S, D., Sept. 6. Crashing head-on Into their ear stalled en tho railroad track near Mountain Lake, Minn . 16 miles this side of Wln-dom, Wln-dom, this afternoon, and burying them, in thf wrri kiiK'' an east bound Omaha' passenger train Instantly Killed Mr and Mr3. Clark Wagoner, who li.ve on a farm south of Sioux Fulls, ami Roy Doblnskl of this city, and fatally injured in-jured Frank Doblnskl who died an hour later. SALT LAKE. Sept 7. William Dun.' lap. 51 years of iLge. formerly a resident res-ident of Salt Lake for years, but more recently of Seattle. Wish., was Killed In an automobile accident Sunday nlht in Diamond Fork canyon, near Thistle Tho accident occurred near what Is known as flvc-mlle post. CLINTON, Ind.. Sept. 6 Three men v.ere killed hero today by a gas explosion ex-plosion In the Submarine mlno while they were feeding the mln mules about 200 feet from tho hoist. The bodies wero recovered by a rescue party. Soonteen mules wero killed. |