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Show oo I HI llllC II H RT" tx I I PS I.I V f )( t l I W (By International News Ssrvicei DENVER. Mandates of Denver's! I "rubbish court" must be obeyed, ac-1 cording to A. K Medarls. chief In the I Municipal Inspection Department. Medarls appeared in police court ) against Charles Kangarl. who a fined for not cleaning certain premises prem-ises as ordered by the "rubbish court." The "rubbish court" was established! In an effort to maintain cleanliness In alles and around back doors Per ' 'sons guilty of neglect In thla regard! are warned upon the first offense by I , officers'" of the 'rubbish court ' and baled before police court if the neglect neg-lect contlnuea |