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Show LABOR DAY OBSERVED BY POCATELLO FOLKS POCATELLO, Sept .7 Labor Day was generally observed throughout the city yesterday, ail places of business being closed In accordance with the proclamation Issneo" by Governor Da-1 vis. The leading feature of the day wua the gigantic parade, which started on J tho west side at 1 o'clock and alter 1 marching through (he business section of the town disbanded at the high j schbol grounds, where addresses were, delivered by K H. Parks of Boise, president of the Idaho Federation of Labor, T. A. Walters of Caldwell. Democratic candidate for governor. Rev. Hurry Jv Hamilton of PocatellO, and Mayor W F. Whltaker. Musical numbers were rendered by the PocatelloBannocJk band. The parade pa-rade was In chaise of A H. Drown. , assisted by E Hi Baste'rllng and George Vt Johnson, and comprised the fol lowing organizations: First section Pocatello Bannock band, police department, fire department, depart-ment, locomotive engineers, locomotive locomo-tive firemen, Order of Hallway Trainmen, Train-men, Switchmen's union, railway Clerks, railway signalmen, main ten-1 ance of way men, railway electricians. International Association of Machinists; Machin-ists; International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and the speakers cur Second division Gate City band, Hod Carriers' union, building trades and common laborers. Bricklayers union, Carpenters and Joiners of' America. Painters' union, Lathers' union, Plasterer's union, electrical workers. Plumbers' union. Teamsters' and Chauffeurs? union, Laundry Workers' Work-ers' union, international Typographical Typograph-ical union, printing pressmen, Barbers Bar-bers union. Meat Cutters' union, Cooks' and Waiters' union. Musicians' union. Ill the evening those who had gathered gath-ered to celebrate tho day were given a dance at Columbia hall by the Central Cen-tral Labor Council. |