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Show PASTOR IS JAILED n nt M KI. i mi li (By intcrmttliirnl N,-hs scrxL. 1 TUSCALOOSA. Ala. L'p In North Tuscaloosj. between Vance s station and Koilerman. little church, sitting back from the public oard In a grox e of big red oak trees, was without a pastor on Sundiiy. When thf congregation congre-gation assembled the m in who leads the flock In spiritual matters was absent. Sheriff Ilughs had brought him down to Tusculoosi nnd put him behind the bars of tho county Jail on tho allegation that he was nbout to turn a couple of apples found souring In his orehnrd Into nppl brandy, the sweetening for which was discovered in his blacksflth shop in tho shape of a barrel of blank strop molasses. Two stills were found In close proximity to the Rev Lawrence's house. He will be made to give bond before he can fill his pulpit next Sunday |