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Show BRITISH EARL SENT TO PRISON H N E. A. Staff Special. LONDON "You nre one of those unfoi lunate m"n who have not beu brought up to do anything for a living You found yourself, therefore there-fore without anything to do and wlih an inclination to dissipation which yon fully Indulged. If a man In real want obtains credit or money and breaks the law, it is possible 10 make some excuse, but you obtained credit simply for self indulgence. 1 j sentence you to three months im prlsonment." The man at the bar before Justice Jus-tice Darling was not a shabby down-and ou.er. but the Erl of Clancantrv, now bankrupt. The Jury' had found him guilty of obtaining ob-taining credit without disclosing the fact that he wns an undischarged bankrupt I WCIAACAV7ZY |