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Show JAP PEACE DELEGATES REWARDED WITH TITLES i TOKIO, Sept 7 .By the Assoclat-j ed Press.) Members of the Japanese delegation at the peace conference at I Versailles have been accorded honors at a rcognition i their efforts toward the conclusion of a peace between the ailed nations and Germany. Kljuro 1 Shidehaftt. vice foreign minister during dur-ing the latter days of the war and now Japanese ambassador at Washington, Wash-ington, has been crested a baron, s similar title being given Kcishiro blatsul, former Japanese ambassador to France. Marquis Klnmochl Salon.ii has been elevated to a prince. Viscount Yasuya I'chid.i, former ambassadoi to the I'nlted States and present foreign mln- I later, and Viscount Chlnda, formerly ambassador al Washington and lu j London, have been made counts. No-duakl No-duakl Maklno. former minister of foreign for-eign affairs, and Koretyo Takahashl, present minister of finance have been awarded the title of viscount. |