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Show IIS GRAB TWO FAST THIS I Speaker's Tribe Continues to Hold Lead in A. L. Pennant Race "AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Cleveland t'i r'-3 ChicaKo 81 51 GH New York (2 52 Xli St. Louis 6 63 .504 iUoston 62 CO .4 73 Washington 56 68 .tsi Detroit 49 SO .3&0 Philadelphia '.3 86 .333 Xesterday'ii Results At Chicago ( Frtfi gamei Oetroit '2. Chi' aro (Second game Detroit 4. 'Chicago S. At Cleveland (Firt ganie St. ! Louis 2, I'leveland 7 (S-' uml Kamci St. Louis 2, Cleveland 6. At New York (First came) Phlla 1 delphla 1. New York 4. (Second gan-e. i F'hlladclphta 0, New Yori. At Washington (Firsc game) Bos-. Bos-. ;on ii. Washington 6. (Second gamei I Boston 4. Washington 5, Today's Schedule l etriit :n I 'hi. I go. Philadelphia at New York. No other games wheduled. Cl.EVEI.ANl,' hlo Sept. 7. Cleve-I Cleve-I land retained first place yesterday by wlnnlnit t.V'i Kamts from S. Louis, 7 to 2. and 6 to 5. St. Leuia lioe Morton from the oox lr. the first inning of the afternoon i.'itiio t-ii- Clark held the Hrow.is In he.'k Wi-.ile Cleveland succeeded In ilr.tr the score. ll gave wmy to Bag-by Bag-by in the ninth, when 81 Loul had runners on third and. first with onl one out. Uaglo passed Davis, fUlln the b i-ierbcr i-ierbcr hit to Evans, who threw Earl I Smith out at the plate. Gedeon sralk Sd, scoring Severeid lacing St. Louts in the lend. In Cte eland's half after Jamieson had beep retlreil. Ghgneg batted for h mhsgn hps and tripled. BPeaker scored him with a single, Elmer Smith's third double nni Cirdncr's single scored Speaker with the v. )n-nlns )n-nlns run. L'inte. who has beo playinr short 'for Cleveland since Chapman was killed kill-ed Sprang S Charley horse and wlU be out of the game for several dajs. Out-! Out-! fielder Evans took his place Score: R- H. E St. Louis 5 in '1 Cleveland 6 15 1 Batteries Davis and Severe'.. 1. Morton, Mor-ton, Clark. Eagby. Uraney and 'Nelll. NEW TORK. Sept. 7 New York I won both Ksmes from Philadelphia yesterday the morning contest 4 to 1. , and the afternoon 5 to 0. In the morning game Pitcher Keefe truck nut Ruin three times. TheMckmen got only three hits off Bhawkey In the afternoon game and Ifaile.l to set a man to third base. Score R. H. E PhMadelphla 1 6 2 New York 4 6 0 . J Batteries Keefe and Perkins; . iThormelan and Ruel. ' Second game I Score R. H E I Philadelphia 0 S S New York t 0 Batteries Harrlss jid Perkins. UShawke; and Ruel. J WASHINGTON. S p 7 Washington Washing-ton won both sames of the double- header from Boston yesterday 6 to 0. .'and to 4 Zachsry held the visitors to five . scatter d htls In the opener, while I Jones was hit hard In two Innings. t In the closing -ontet Blemlller. although al-though unsteady, was more effective han Moyl. 1 Score. R II 1 Boston S 5 2 I Washington t S 2 Batteries Jones and Wattage; Zach- :.rv and 'ihsrrlty. 5 Second game : Bsaeu: il H. E ; Boston 4 7 1 Washington 12 1 Batteries Ho t and Schang. Ble- mlller and Gharrlty. "HICAGO. Sept. 7 -Chicago kept pace with Cleveland In the pc.tant race yesterday b winning ioth gamier gami-er the hollds bill from Detroit 6 to 2-gsUd 2-gsUd i to 4. the lat:t-r In ten Innings. Shorty" Hodge a recruit pitcher re.mtlv ohtained from Jfaafetvllle, i made his major league debut and BM Id thev tailors to two hits In the afternoon after-noon game. Onh on. hit sTSS Baumgarter. who reported to the ' Detroit club this morning finished both gsmes tot the visitors. Score: R 1 1 I , I -irolt 2 10 I Chicago 1 Batteries Ehmke. Raumgartcr snd (Maiiion: Faber and frrhalk. Second game Score. R- H E ! Detroll . 2 1 Chic so I 21 1 Batene a er. Baumgarter and Manlon. Hodge inJ cOalk. |