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Show THE SALT LAKIv 'PEOPLE OF SOUTHERN Hooper Woman, Bom in Morgah County, 1 Dead E UTAH-S- BIGGEST DAY OF LIVES tpecUl t TkaJErihoM. HOOPER,' June 30 Mrs Elizabeth Ann Bond Chrtsteryvan, daughter of Jamas and Ann Boot Bond, died today at her home in this city feh was borzj at Peterson, Morgan county, Residential JParty Entertained and Given .Every Protection on Trip to Zion Canyon; Large Families and Pioneers Seen. rub, !K3. 11 June Her early was childhood spent at Peterson and mt the age of 33 veara the family y South West K Fourth She etreet T '? ' waa n. Vacation matter where you are going, this bank can help make your trip pleasant JyjO Two Springville Men Die Suddenly Within an Hour We can suppIvTravelers Checks and Letters of Credit to render your journey safer and easier. SlriRiNS:5unej02Two ing your absence, and will file your will (free) for Fire and Your valuable papers, jewelry, silverware and other personal property will be secure in our safety deposit vaults. I is?! 1 uitailllll) at & The-ihi- rt) s As 7E This morning a partv of about fiftv dentists will leavo for Y ollow stone park Several Ccises Thrown Out of Federal Court Rulon J. Ballard Testimonial A nnmbfr of cases were dismissed by Judge Tillman I Johnson In the United States district court yesterdwv on recommendation of I nf ted States District Attorney Charles M Morris Th cases Involve postoffice offense committed by youngsters who were apprehended some time ago and paroled Thev am! who have made good withdrew guilty pleas, substituting for them picas of not guilty and were re- leased. ii, Dial iFfrimrr3M Wasatch Club Members Plan Auto Camping Trip - SUNDAYS Time is shorl-nunow nt make your appoint- - Poopl: Out-of-To- Visitors to the city may arrange to have their dental wdrk done In one or two days when character of work permits. You may save your railroad fare and expenses by taking advantage of these special prices. Write, phone er call for appointment NOW TODAY. j j j j j Gold Crowns Painless Extraction ip During 1zA r SPECIAL LECTURE Harriett Hale Rix NotedL lecturer and author JULY J, 3 R. M. B. B. HALL, 20 So. 3rd East ifuM ftubject Devotion Means Full Freedom Voluntary offering f wvH niir horz1 M Examination and Estimates Free "'I"" 1 R31RI ""' IHILir--J- f.t. i rgipc Wuen. Improvemen Ths hr av-c- to be known as hs ut into the taiehts Old-tiqt- er bv the I , on Police Force Gets Vacation v; II. Hilton al ilniRion of th elf, court, after of oontnu. ou aenl, e hr, earWi layoff nla outiM anq AeeottitMnieil by rim Mra Hi ton tak- - an extentl.ri trl t t California vl.tfln, the prtnMpal .Itie1 of both northern, and southern Cab-rornof the ixml 4er, Patrolman Hilton haa heen force for more than 40 tear 'Oldest man for continuous During his absence Patrolman as bailiff n.ht.r of tb court on th and Is service Horace 1U act Rubber Plates Examination 122 V2 Main St. HOURS 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Nrth mison of' move been su tonrd of tie The new erganizatio 1 corrernnl in the M Men rf the Young Men Mutuaf Improvement aociaton The oiject of the new orgimzivtKin is to develop leadersh p ward and etwke loyaltv and the promot'on of group association with a view to making the Mutual Improvement association more vj,tal in the lives of young wxmen and for expression prisvidmg of their G VIiil July and August Mutual RAY Service and $(o) PAINLESS WITHERS DENTAL CO. s'onory ion -- CO) 1 Sn'or . 50c r ALL WORK GUARANTEED 4trow-K4gb- rroun aKeocintionvi " .'S s letvei Mutual Girls Will Be Organized ct Gleaners mumps , to obguaranteed dental wo-fir half regular prices, comes too seldom to let It pass. high-cla- OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS ccnvons and parks will token tv the club members during th will have knother partv j r pered fon f r th Vellow-twhuh is made! for an extended stay, . s ns u sed j ,al pasioie by lor J camp auto n disease reported and listed as follows Diphtheria 2. measles 9, whooping cough 42, chickenpox 34. and SAVE HALF OR MORE tain Saw-ve- wMern Births Far Outnumber Deaths of Past Week GOES TO VISIT SISTER. Sixty -- six jm$rt born and twenty-thr- e EMERSON WARD SERVICE. Miss Josephine Marriott, daughter died during the week ending of J M Marriott, left yesterday for M Bishop Joseph F. Ltovd and F Ran Francisco where she will viidt June 29, according to the report of Abbott wid address the special meetwith her Mrs of the D. lrter health Raymond ing at Kmernon ward chapel at 6 20 city board Rmltk, during the summer. There were 11 case of contagtouz oclock this evening. T Will Close Established 64 Years' An opportunity such as th ' VNaaatch Twelve members of the Mountain club will leave this mornm? on an airt camping trip which will include Bryce tnvon Uedar Urexks Zion tanvon and other snulhem I l h i he scenic district partv will travel In a large truck which has be n fit and ted up for tamping purposes which will arrv extnMve epupment t Itah n1 several similar trUs th gun sheds The new tennis couK will be completed by tbe beginning of the fall quarter. Twntv ecv nth wart girN chorus? Mrs jtnThnr.. 'Vo vr e r W U ecton M ino orchestra rrniaiks Melvin F Ba f 1st remark, veeire jR4rd of the Svnw and German prrident m salon, and remarks bv the mi Photo Studios Walker Brothers Bankers Resources over $19,000,000 1 ALL this Bank a part of vacation your plans. Make a visit to Lit Alake yoiir money go farther by saving half or more on your dental work John Kevser was fined $Km) for violation of the prohibition a t while $150 for the same offense Jarr loe S hitman was reloaded on othir Several fine of $i of k pavment cases were continued Yesterdas va) rule dav when various motions were It was the last iue d a led uion of the fisal 'ear son ucan -- d embe- Fordgn-Department-yo- obtain business and aedit information which may prove profitable. Ended high-peak- I ThroughOur- iiniuuqi UMIlltllUbtmii g three-quarte- rs -- -- 9SSSS& ESSS&5 o mls-sf- NOTICE at her feixlh-Sevent- h dle n the L The f 680 s, nl lot f Rillarl wh-Sw4 and D S thurcli Fom-er- o str-,t- Vtvnhe home. of ud Jee - fir yesterday Ben-nio- rea-dii- ern tone The road was guarded evefy two milew by these mountei men, who were care under direction of the sheriffs and iTremilt of this thought without of Iron and Washington tountiea le trip was made the Mountain Plates Telephone The car en of "a failure on the part company gave an extraordinary speist LAROE FAMILIES SEEN. cial service from Uedar Uity to Wash'd rvhn the president s pnrtv reached ington An expert operator in control had a narrow lane of a special switchboard ' waa in Itoquervilledow-- they n the etreet about twelve char of ths service "roiied off of the cars for a cal to Salt While ' fackeiTasi'c'lniieVs sardines for hun- Lake Clt),waiting we could not help overwere rope of this beck one e O ol a convera least dreds nf feet Tbc first hearing Hello sation - The operator said Abe children of TtKiuerviHe of S 3 to year wants Mrs Chicago ' Uedar cit yaw were little hape some then ones, UI 2(w taller ""Then HryanT Field, Washington age. Ihen I could eairit etlll taller, then a row of mother Imagine that the ChiNext were cago operator asked. "Where is Cedar .With babies In their arm iK grandmotheri end eunte, then the Otty for the neat words were. Admiral Cedar City la where the president of men folk back of them directed a question to a the United Statee la Rodman hla The regular operators in the office grandfatherly looking man near average were very much thrilled at the exear He asked. "Whet t the man old The perience of having thiir office in difamily down here Oh, from ten to fifteenAnderson rect connection with the nation s ClTTh stopped at the party fsW capital minutes rest and to CANARY'S SONG TRANSMITTED. ranch for a had been tost of the fresh fruit that President It took but a few minutes to get .placed at ihelran dlspoaal Informal reception Mrs Field in Washington and there liardinc held of waa Oosens an explanation that It waaKthun ns th Anderson porch wer being operated with the midnfght In Washington owing to dif4mnui a or picference in time, which again waa a getting his picture Jopo ofOf soma of the eminent men of new experience to these young or era -ture tree by tonT whose range of switchboard the nsrty Out under ehads a ftrritory largetv along a entirely alone andd worka and-soutthe fence, standing smooth-shaven h It t safe to line north pnfiotlced. was a to know warned man the oui)g woman in Chkago that Nnhody say T seen nd h& iho he waa The laat time by this time looked at a map and herself as to where the blm he waa marching down Fifth ave- informed nue at the head of IRbri) returning president of the United RUtes was Into had he whom brought located fc)ejarkt9 J Ueril Alter of the weather buIsjw Tork Citv the dav before on ten of the greatest battlehiR th world reau who went along with the pa.rtv fame explained to some who were warderknfwa. I could hut realize that aoema to be a fleeting thing a ! mw ing at the quit k change in climatic Admiral RodmAn atnndlng there, conditions that the change from Uedar neglected by the local peoV' to ion National park as the from Marion, Ohio, ple equivalent of a trip SREAKS TO PIONEERS Ala to Montgomery tnd&H Jones aakecl the president rn tit.g who whs one of ttsbeit I pav especial attention to the pio-p- n the partv talked to his wife in Washme e of the aetion who ington over th' special wire whVh In number were gathered in the telephone oimpanv Mrs r c oe tn hi v ar who had been worried np thMr Vrmstrong a p to m.ide talk acciden np of the 1'em.r president sime reading pm and aad he wonF like to hake was relieved at hearing her husband s of hem bv the bsnd- - but that be volte and said 1 ou must be all vets verv tired and it waa verv late, r ght if vnu are as well as jour voice ahd they moat accept thin speech from It seems as Me remarked ooeds. Mm as a handshake meant for all if 1 could hear a canarv sinking and 7mi he auddenlv changed hi mind Mrs Armmrruvg renlfed that the and aaid "Rut I a ill shake thrfb hands tetnarv In her apartment was singing ttfyou will have them all paa up here car txrter opened the Xmy the The to president decenrbd to tke ground, and had a handshake and word for each of the iid anertonal Be Given fajka Rome of them had to be helpedf0m their chairs to where the preatA farewell testimonial wil he given rnon.' evening Jmv fi at the Twentv-tvrnt- h ward chapel In honor of Ruon f Fvlard son of Apostle and Mr Mrs Annie Burt Irvine. 14 years of wife of Georg Irvine, Sr., died v ay Six men were sonal Inspection ployed In polishing thcars the day president lt the arrival of . at CUekman-naScotland, Sep Device Said to Obviate 13. 1833, tember t and earn with her to Utah in Necessity Expert father moved to Hooper, Sha is survived where she spent by two sons and Workman to Repair. two the remainder of. d a u g I t era. her lif4 George and WilKhe waa married liam Irvine, MnT to Antone C ChrisHarper tensen on February ' After eight year of work at the Margaret and Mira Agnea .a 177 Fourteen pluojbJi) t trade, William F. also Albright Irvine, by two Annie a. Irvine, children were born to this union of proprietor f the Kugarhouse & Ltab brothers Adam both of Idaho, and John Burt whom the follow n Humbrj company on the corner of and a ulster, Mrs Bdrt. Isabel Rich of A U Itig survive EaiH and Thirteenth Houth Eleventh Mrs. Christensen. Christensen ward Jr , of Funeral services will be hell at z and Ramond street, hdf invented and patent d a Farmington. Arnold in eonneaion with o clock Tuesday afternoon at the Christensen, both of Salt Lake Mra dons to bo Inter The Thomas Rend, Mrs Lee Kowers Mrs plumbing fauct5 and vaJvc ward chapel inventkrn consts of change In the ment will be In City cemetery Fowers and Mra, Harold water faucet system wrh.ch will make Orson. Ivan and Irvin Christenof structure sen. all of Hoo, er, Leonard Chrsten-sen- , for aintpiicity and a standardization of parts who is pn a mission tn the northof the plumbing system In western states for the G. I M church "The the resident- and holed is some device and Mra F J. Soule of Ht ArUhon which will be so simple that an expert Idaho Thirty-twout of forty-on- e grandchildren also survive her as do plumber la not neieesiary whenever the following brothers and sinters the washer on the tap needs changing Morgan Rond and John Charles Bond and which will have such sturdiness both of Robertson W vo C A HonL that tb cost nf plumbing cttD I am confident I have a den, Mrs John Xieison of Gridlcv Albright eM Springs ille died siKktentv at Oaf and Mrs Kmm whith artyono ram handle and an early hour 1orter of St this morning at tbelr rewhich will be at a great saving to any spective homo-- Fred Smith, 53 ya.re Joseph. Am residence or hot I owner of age and Joseph Uramner, 62 Ieath Mr Albright demonstrated to The instan-e- a heart wtw -Dettroya 21 Autos ef disease Tribune Trtfcrt r the proce the rubber washer and all changing Klwa.nts attended the h had Mr Smi Damages Building of the standardized parts wh b un- club luncheon ami seemed to be In der pressure. Ail that Is ncess.trv hi uuhJ good health until after the Bpee al to The Tnbaoe is the insertion of a piece of apparatus meeting w hen he complained of pains BINGHSM June 30 Uamnn had whkh wid s.iut off the water Here- in the throat and cheat. Death came1 situated oh Main tret an Markham tofore this- - proctas ha heen rather after a more violent attack at Mr AJbnght gulch and ownel by A L Heaston detailed and laborious, and Harry Hteele was severely dam- a'werte4. funeral probably will be held The In referring to the invention aa aged bv fre at an earlv hour thlt lived. in 3JUpdav... -- Jklr ionitb SKinriirig. which every part" cw7rhc Springville rmefn hlnca ' early boyhood and A ball waa held In the hull last night dupJiciitcd and nplatcsl he aaid Any was a member of the firm of Packard hlch 'terminated about I oclrak this faucet or vaive in general u is re- & Smith, confectioner He belonged morning, and the fire broke out about placed as a result of general wear and to the locaJ tent of the Maccabewar. of two hours lat r The biaze was dis- ter in the course of five to ten years which he waa record keeper Survivcovered pn the second floor and de-- . If an ordinary building stands forty are the vjidow the mother and that each valve ing spite thi effrt of the firemen eooii years it is estlm-UnMaude, Hazel and three reached the first f!oir- - where twenty-twis chdngfd at leaM five times and Annia. daughters. automobiles were stored Twenty ten valves In cacti of the assuming one f The mathlhexwere virtually 30 OchmKh) budding of America, the ruined, entailing a los of .approxi- - toal number of faucets thrown aw c Made in j 000 It how$16 understood wouli rrach 2 500 rtot) h 0 All ths tan Improvements matcly ever, that the auto were fiJh in tie saved bv thi simple invention Grounds University sured The fire was confin'd to the which will jtrmlt the rep.aaemenl of anv worn pirt bv its standardized b'KIding i f and on vuect estabThe grounds The las the hall was about $'00 duplicatt Once th bulldltigs at the I diversity of Utah are undei going Nit as the structure was Insured fur lished it wi 1 last forever if the dt , $4000 there will be no net lows to the terioiathn die to the elements is extensive improvements according to ow nera the statements of Charles E Fors-berUnorc I The origin of the fire has not beeh This facit that anv part can he resuperintendent of grounds and The installation of a $2oOQ enact withcott a determined. at building placed tiffling and sprinkling system Iras just been comthrowing away the entire valve emhart of the Inwn and new for a one new of tne pleted prue paving Convention by bodies a tremendous saving to home cement walks, one leading from the of entrance the John R. Park side a m a iv a can One ti i?Uy State Dental Society owners do wav with curb cocks and c.urb building to connect with the main walk another leading and gvmnafrium boxes as a reault. from the Medical building to the gymthird annual Utah State A cebeen have Dental society convention came to a nasium completed HERE FOR CONSULTATION. ment drivewav for the unloading of close yesterday after several days of Mi s Mine T conPhelan, consulting or has been rrriteril with supplies meetings replete health nurse for the I nlted stricted on the south side of the adinterchange of ideas, earnest study puhli Plates childrens bureau is a visitor ministration arwl enlightening addresses from building in Pad Lake with the offiThe contemplated improvements famous clinicians All meet- cials of the bureau of child hvgbne of th installation of a new shower ings were well attended and expres- the tate boart of heath Mi-Pheroom in the womens section of the sions of enthusiasm and general op- lan lias been a complete remodeling of conducting institutes for timism accompanied the conferences health nurse in some of the gvmr&sium hen ting plant, the renovation of Following the close of the sessions public bu-- I western and the cemern states, Libera! Arts visiting the dentists relaxed and en .eterday, C building and Ua1s til the R O Tbuilding, gthpfs the' num.rous pa at m, os offered I rflu offi ial v halt lAke and its vicinity aeek-in- g retreat In the uinvoni and jlea-uir- e at golf ilnta theaters and was standing It was s touching Governor Mabry sent unry Wjdent incipient unt of tha state road commission Mrs Harding was assisted from the his representative to see that automobhe a very tired woman, so that she stood for s moment sup Vverything for the president's visit Bred ported by two of her escorts before do southern Utah was put in proper she could proceed lhit she climbed th platform of the president car, hipe. Randall Jones of UedarwasCityto up crowd and said hand the waved at her ho is Mr. Dint s nephew This has been the greatest day of I wouldn't have missed it Cooperate with him M hen the presmy life Uedar Ci y for anything, then disappeared into ident's train pulled In to lm car. A few minutes afterward I Henrj the IjUndall Joui mother. Senator she appeared again when and AV. Uinta elt ter wax'd' Ing Hmool introduced her to the people, rirHhlh the ltour had Eaaaed and she made a very brief speeto the word was given out by the ItnieseTiro men continued with the Then train official that the trwln would The IfrreeidentiiJ party, attended to etery move promptly at 10 o'clock detail for the comfort of Its members party had retired to the car for the moon its full A streamed light s frsln night J,p to the time the ureeidentwas down through the thick shade trees tleft Cedar, and not a word Twelve or fifteen hundred people were to the presidents party as to massed ckmeiy together more than Mhe KTat grief that had come to them half of them women The women began " TP Aixtfc Uod4ieJAXbaJJi.UL1IVs Mcis W Jht wvrae t n'e. when Mrs Harding, in Again, fjne greatest dav southern Utah hadafeeT spite of her fatigue, made her appearIn ance response requested f'oLSJthMcAlexander had read for the LOSE TRAIN. MOTORCYCLISTS The people of Cedar - FHty saddle horses- had- been pro tefftriaV prtv A tit tided In Eton canyon ft r those who to g up the cn)on bevond tars Onlyjhirtv two cars 3hirty-s- a and wished ari. had been The country the r tad Mvere used bv th offLi'vl were verv who driver scoured for IS) miles to bring h res 4 here were four Hnuch diaappointeJ thsl they cou d not (hat were re table and safe Only were used ro along. twenty or twentv-fiv- e The city of bait lakfr sent Officers Someone proposed that they load up as motorcycle 5 he trata crew, the rocductors, brakt and New take Jorgeruwrn torlde in advance of the presiSoen, engineers and firemen, and man had police These men had dential r&Valcade Them to Cedar Breaks One some wry had tumdirtf dn romt xandr Hire Pullman porters in t sr. aod. hcvH the top of the before reaching Andersons tshsif they arrived on on of the the motor ranch edge out There thev Jnountain. walked one a rrtes and took to parked r n. automobile with drop might where Breaks, j end of the rest almost anywherethapariv TheUpon theirre-turtine l00 feet motorcycles they picked-umake much a ay toward thmid to Cedar filly, taking back rode and One of the porters I S,om to some more and bad wis If tumbles s getting deep but that .swd, the train The vou gentleman would be in so Ule the aH off hrwere toinTnea rtceived next wires being before claj back in Salt Mkc lv the sheriff of Iron county Trom .Fo chief Burbidge asking him to find STREET WAS SPRINKLED. two Kst policemen .town ( harle O Roes of the St ToqusrvUlc Is s quaint old quarters of told me that hta man(With a sing! street three no etem wter It ha, i mile king aging editor railed him irao the office Just before he was leaving and epflbklm will .JVL.h'I.w permit (that a hose so the people turn, Mr Uaaa, you know we aaid No .from the president i. 4 he night before publish a western paper in a western and In buckets uff to water and we would like our and carried clt, -- ld' We have the western atmosphere Vdrlnkled a etreet B0 f and mile long of a want such aa have gradthe ually high lights in St iufe ' in Toquerville no dust was disappeared there Mr Roan aaid that up to that date da . Ur Doolittle, dlsrlbutor "oldof the he had not run Into min h western until at Uedar Clt, gasoline supply at Into atmosphere gas. which, interpreted the where seventy Indiana had teen gathgallon, of monev that meant the ered to meet paid of president terms MOUNTED SHERIFFS GUARD. . people down there spent between 10president tnd 1100 to see the Every two miles along the road Cedar City ofTcred at A Kopp i ere mounted deputy sheriffs each a free inspection and repair of every rttetaon hat. wearing a Shat we to he used by the of them wore their chaps Mid Many a also perty end cars had his per- spurs Hre was a distinctly westAll of these I oUs h. gnct'-hir- wimi Wo mem, Native of Scotland and Utah Pioneer, Id Dead For business men, professional men, men of sports Golf,. Bowling;, Tennis, Shooting and other -- sports. For everybodyvery-wher- e the yefur round. Becco is' hale refreshment for wholesome thirst an invigorating cereal soft drink. Ideal for the athlete or man or mental .training. Good to train cr gain on. Healthful and appetizing. Ask for Beccc at Saltgir, Lagoon and all parka Manufactured by BECKER PRODUCTS CO. JESS C. OLSON DISTRIBUTOR SALT LAKE CITY HI ... 11.11. Up, SUNDAYS, 9 to UlL L II.JI I. 1 X |