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Show - J THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1923. and shadeglvt comfort! ff out, door ewlmming! you JUDGE ear SHOWS START AT 12:30, 2:15, 4, 5j45, 7:30, 9:15 i terv Ice Sunday morning and holidays! Man, tt'a great youll feel Uke (Without Makeup.) ' Economic Troubles ff Nation Not Reflected in 6iUrx'H6 FEATURE ATTRACTION First Showing in salt Lake Sssca T2assJcicC!tt Expenses. fl UVLJZ Film Plays Popular and Profits of - Legitimate Stae Are Threatened. oissaf fMBCKAAIOMl' ' SpecW Cable to Salt Lake Tnbuna Copyright. 1(23, Balt Lake Tribune. SEBUX. June 19; In tbe midst of the general discontent and suffering throughout finnuijr it has developed that one industry atisagL the theater.,n ie doing well. 'The profit of the Just ending were not so bad a the lead one to believe. People whose mark have become valueless have lost all Inclination to save and don't stop to ask tha cost ' They simply buy seam and sea the performances. The theatre throughout Germany Is not rmtrallted as much as In Amerl A doaen or cm, England or France. mors of her cities have theatres which cater to Berlins taste are obliged to becauee the mimldpalitiea have subsidised them. But In the uneubsldised houses business seldom has been plav better-annew theatres srs being built. --Thifl shows how profitable Jhe although meet of these 'nevrthewrro sr design ed'for "the amusement of the needy rich. MOVIES ARE POPULAR. Serious boulter performances are being given by the Peoples Theatres," which for decades have been offering t he middle and laboring r la sees good drama and muste without stars but with worthy performers. The existence of these thee tree, however, now Is threatened because they still are compelled to charge comparatively low prices and also art menaced by the competition of the movies. With the exception of dried eriruS Rex. which I a military monarchic romance of Potsdam In - the great king's tme, and whjrh attracts the nationalists. German movies haven't found anything which Is a first-claattraction. Bmo managers have discovered great profile are attainable endeavor to only in America, cater entirely to thethey American taste so that they can export their films. But even in view of this and the fact that the movies need not be predicated on a high degree of learning among the spectators. It wools seem that the manager could get subjects that are , not sweetly banal or require the employment of crude, perversa methods of execution. . ne film lies a mission quite lofty as that of the theatre today and it merely corrupts It by degrading all masterpieces of literature In order to make money and etHI more by de moralising and Industrial lx i ng actors. The latter desire to live well with automobiles, villas and wme cellars and dont like to learn a near role every month, be dependent on the mood of a stage director, or be at the mercy of a female star who attracts by 'a. 7 : rrmtthclfoQeT Jby SMOAtfl LEK3S . MAIN gea-eo- iStto& Directed by HARRY BEAMONT Florence Vidor Monte Blue and a sterling cast in a screen d ss Hotel master-7"'piece,'possessing-- all ihetragcdy;bej humor and the romance of life as it is lived in your own home town- - fts? Appearing in Person for SIX MOBS DAYS! ' KINEM A COOLEST SPOT Iff TOWN Playing there are , a Lot of Headliners ACTORS PROSPER they are able to avoid this and stlH enjoy all their desires through the 'movie," which dont tax memory and merely take their time for a couple Of weeke on trips whero all axpeimee are paid, and for which they receive aalanee deeding those received by any operatic tenor. Film Mars are paid in dollars and even second and third raters receive so much thet the legitimate theatre salaries kook like aline In com pari den. The ACtprs now Impart this commercialism to the legitimate drama, which unfit recently has tried to picture it. self as devoted to art alone. This consoiouaness and its hypocritical assumption have eeaaed. Despite all hindrance, however, our legitimate theatre is still worth while due to a few strong actors, to tedious collaboration on the part of managers and to th hunger of ettiseno for classic product cma. Our younger foumattstt havent created much as yet and the French, who once furnished of our lighter acts and- - draum, are now barred because of tbe Ruhr, but Moxart, Bhakeepeare, Beethoven, Bchiller, .Wagner, Strindberg, Ibsen. Tolstoi, Strauss, Wedekind, Wilde, Rhaw, Cfoekof and the like SUE have fill the theatres that the power-jt- d have not completely abandoned art. Even HaendeTs forgotten opera, Julius Caesar and "Death of Empedocles." by HoeMerfln. who was the Walt Whitman of his day, have been produced with deep affect. For the rest they ae snobbish trifling with expressionism and a compromise with profitable film hits. bird- . - A marriage of much (ntarest during th week wes that of Joseph F. Carlisle. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Carlisle.. ana Mias Verna Spenesr, daughter of Mr. and Mra C. R. Spen- cer. which took place is Thursday th Logan temple. Following the cerebreakfast waa served mony at the home of the bridegrooms par- ents. Th young oouple wiU make their home here. Mr. and Mra Charles O. Peterson entertained at a family dinner Thursday evening In compliment ' to Mra E. R. Iagreen of Salt Lake. A basket of garden flowers formed tha canter-plen- a for the tabla Mr. and Mra Andreaa Peterson, parents ef Mra Is- - Open June. 30, 1923 Telephone Hotel for Bates Rod I rv'f fCUAetlfSANCNOEB MB. AND MBS. JCCNAChO RY T. 0, DAVIS, Props. Lunch at Noon, 60c. fPCTtB KAW1NTECS You have n sure wins j . Dances Every Wednesday, and Saturday Night. -- neverseen a, photoplay -- like Salome F You have never seen such beauty j such intrigue ; ' screen NAN HALPERIN Reservation, - Bun exclusively by BIG Bonneville Park Bud La Rue and his srigtaal , eyneopstoe Bfin youp (Hands and htv a peed time y HALPERIN nioht TOMORROW 1:30 o'clock Admission (0o eeupl 7 5o HONEYMOON SHIP the brown derby n . PASQUALE BROS. n ALLEN & TAXIE o n -- Ofifirfp K, SID GOLD n PRESIDENT r ... comedy-internatio- nal NEWS HARDING IN BUDDY AT THE BAT TOPIC OP THE DAY - ' ON TUB SHORES i Special Attractions for the Fourth of July- FAMOUS LESI HIGH SCHOOL BAND FIREWORKS IN THE EVENING Chicken Dinners Housing Accommodations' DANCING New Apartments For Detailed Information Call Wasatch 8782. PANTAGES Special Chicken Dinner BEING SERVED Rock-enbr- left Tuesday for Berkeley. CaL Mra Berber will attend th summer session at the University ef California, and Mra Carlisle wU spend th time, visiting her son and his Mr. and Mra W Ilford Carlisle. wlf. Mra Earl Shepard and children and Mra Alfred Shepard and children of Pari Idaho, spent the week her visand Mr iting President J. R. Shepard.EL. Mra B. Iagreen and children of Salt Lake are visiting her as gnest Mra Iagreen parent Mr. atid Mra Andreas Peterson. Mice Annie Lloyd left Monday for Berkeley, CaL, te attend tha summer sees! on at th University of California. Mr. and Mra EL K Owen left Monten day for Beattie, Wash-- , . for days stay. , Miss Dixie Reid of the New Jersey academy left Monday for Los An gale CaL, to attend th summer session of the southern branch ef th University ef California. Mr. and Mra WIU lam M. Howell spent th early part of the week in Salt Lake. Mfsa Terra Dainea who for the past year haa mad her home in Salt Lake, her visiting with spent last wsek-en- d friend VIVIAN PARK week-en- d drive up complete Prove Phene Cany. long distance for reservations, or drop is and enjoy the ooel canyon breeze n the spacious lawn. , Special dinner parties and banqusts ( ; PUBLIC NOTICE OP PAYMENT SCHOOL BON DA OP Notice is hereby given that Carbon school district. Carbon county, county wUI call In and duo hereby Utah. call In far payment: , Former Wellington school district, Cnrbon county, Utah, bond amounting to $10, M, dated May 1, Ion. due May 1. 1331. optional alter ten year drawing interest at tbe rata of ( per cent per annum, payable semiannually, in denominations of (1000 00 each; Former Fries School district. Car. bos county, Utah, bond amounting to 120,000, dated May 1, 101S, dus May L 133A optional after five year drawing interest at tbe rate ef i per cent per annum, payable semiannually In denominations of 11000.00 each! Fand wUi be on deposit at the Frio Commercial A Savings bank. Frio Carbon county, Utah, for th payment of eatd bond upon presen- -, ration, on and after July 1. 1923. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CARBOM COUNTY SCHOOL CARBON DISTRICT, COUNTY. VTAH. (Seal.) By CARL R. MARCU8EN. President. dark. . hjiHl , .And Ida B. Tanner, BATHING The swim! waters simply frasA com out for a ml DANCING FUN FOR ALL AT solicited. theater party green, entertained at n the Capital, in Wednesday evening at her honor. Refreshments followed at the Bluebird. President and Mra J. R. Shepard entertained at supper Wednesday evening in compliment to th presidency of the Montpelier and Bear Lake takes and tbs wives of tbs members The table was decorated with rosea Covers were laid for ten. Tbe members of the Bear take and numbering about Montpelier stakes, ttid. spent the midweek here for the On purpose of doing temple work. ward Thursday evening, at the Fourth amusement hall, a reunion of th visiting members of these stakes an all the former members, who now reside here, was held. A program of mueie and speeches was a feature of th were Refreshments sntertalnmenL served. W. O. Rnrkenbred and Dr. and Mra two sons motored to Salt Lake, Thursday, where the doctor atended the dentists convention and Mra visited her parent Judge and Mra C. W. Morse. From there .they will go to Yellowstone park by auta tour. for a two week Mra John O. Carlisle and daughter, Mra Mary C. Barber, and little son. - Matines (Uncn from i to Bp.nL, reEuXay danc At S 9. m. to tho delightful attains ef Dos Kirk-ham- s Orchestra every man an artist! - Tempo ; changes for every ancora. Home-Cooke-d Maks your Sunday drive Just Completed, Folly Equipped. - n " Hot Spring Bathing FUbing - n BETTY BLYTHE IN DAUGHTER OF THE BICH OFPTAH LAKE. i c UTAH -- SARATOGA SPRINGS 'guest - LOGAN. June 30 Mrs. J. W. Hayward and Mix, H. R. Mode hsv for a be given next Monday at tha Blue- sOne NOW NAN ta .LOGAN pmotoooaiw - Little buddy messenger Thursday afternoon a silver social was given at the Second ward ehapeL The hostesses wore Mra David Borg, Mra J. W. Farrar and Mra J. P, Jensn. Mra Esther Russell and daughter, Mary, left Thursday for their home at Berkeley, Cat, after a three months' visit hers with relativea PAMbOA onthk two-thir- SANDY, June 30. Mr Allen Keehn left for her home in Willit. CaL, Tuesday, after a five weeks visit here. The Neighborhood club enjoyed a strawberrv party at the home of Mrs. W. T. Vincent on Pioneer avenue, Thursday evening. Back dob member was aoeompaaled by on guest. Games were played and prixea awarded to Mra Alice Christian, Mra. N. B. OUes and Miss Lilas Fairer. Mrs. .1. W. Birklnshaw entertained at a shower In honor of Mr. and Mra. Ivorv Hughes, at the K. of P. hall, Thursday evening. Dancing ana game were tbe diversions A buffet luncheon was served to fifty guests. Mrs. Hughes was formerly Miss Fers Smart of Caldwell, Idaho. The members of the 8. 8. club and a few pciaJ by Mra EL W. Robinson at her bom on South State street Thursday afternoon. Wasatch Bebekah lodge gave a in party at the hell Monday honor of Mra Allen Keehnevening of Wtl-lehas who been Cal., visiting here, flames and music were tbe feat urea During the evening Mra Keehn was presented with a silver meat fork by the members of the lodge. Ice cream and cake were served to twenty-save- s rCl4ADLE.T CbCrdhjsjT v ynx and . COTTUMCJ ty NATACUA TODAY but PILM Bo 6V V Week Only, Starting we have seen Brighton Resort 'OUJCCTTO special Music. semi-pudit- y. . Resemble? Picnic grounds for your pleturara. Free playground for the kiddie. -B- eautiful sunken garden. v Fun house and carnival attraction. - Enjoy the Fourth in the COOLEST SPOT IN UTAH! Apodal train orrrico ovary half hour after 13 noon. Or drive out over the paved road admission 60c par car, no matter how many oasaengen it ha Which for the Lagoon balloon over the business district. Y f- - ,$1 V |