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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 10 lm. nJ 1 F om a MTO TEE S GOES THIS GIGANTIC E .iloo ' Equipment for Aerial Warfare Far in Excess of All Other Nations. England, Eager for Peace, Chillenged by French; Military Augmentation. By A. O. GARDINER Copyright, 1923. by Salt Lai Trihone LONDON. June SO England haa been forced to enter on an extenat of aerial development for Summer program Premier Baldwin 1 announcement, however, dlsgulaed, a direct reply to the French aim of ttpremacy In the air. No British analou to enter on political party the end. ''poller which If pur tiednewto eompetl-thea moat eventually bring Public opinion Jr. amramenta war throughout England la weary of . and mllttariam and I genuinely ready to adopt any meaaure of disarmament or agraed oa In regarda to land, sea, the i'util the rupture caused by Bahr occupation the country turned a blind eye to the military France had wdopted. We afleoted to believe that tha preponderance bad no relevancy toward the British position. The fl rut feeling of concern waa gfpQMd by Um Krptu h Insistence on This rabxnuinM at Washington. bat the disquiet was revived ri-- r1 who France adopted an independent line in Use Ruhr. Then attention was dtreated to the overwhelming superi-cit- y erf tha French in tba air. LONDON VULNERABLE. ft waa realised that London, for the first time lor her history, waa vulnerable te an attach affainat which no effective means of defense existed. This situation was ait cravat ed by the superiority kaovledgi that the French was exercising a powerful la on the diplomatic situation everywhere. At the bark of the conference lurked the shadow of France s military powers and the entire episode of the Ruhr rested on the same Assumption. It became obvious that, consciously or ODConariousty, France was aasum-in- g a dictatorship in Kurope oy virtue of her unchallenged military power. This situation rapidly haa become both intolerable and dangerous and though public opinion deplores the necessity of the new policy it unanimously agrees no other course is poesibie if England la to preserve her security and liberty of action. AIR EQUIPMENT EXTENSIVE, The significance of the movement Isn't quite understood In France. It is claimed that French airplane building b directed only against Germany, but the teds of the situation make nonsense of that claim. The Germans are forbidden to make war planes at all while France ie equipped with 14ft squadrons, a total far exceeding all of Europe together. TV eertoosneas of tbls fact is appreciated only when consideration b given similar French equip preponderance In the field; her meat f allies like Poland, her readi-nee- e to finance Roumanian militarism and her control of practically all armaments on the continent west of the Vistula. Three are the considerations behind the week's announcement and Potn- - j care fully understands that England has been driven to the utmost limits of surrender and will go no further j What effect this will be on the French policy remains to be seen. Whether Poincare takes the hint and rails a halt he alone can tel! Much result of the depends also upon the h negotia long prolonged tions In respect to the reptv to the Three weeks have German note. offer passed since the latest German unanwas received and It still is Such Astonishing Reductions in Price's Big Fourth of July Special in Are Indeed Rare, but We Are Determined to Make This a Sale Lond to Be Remem jilinery and bered. . . Tremendous Bargains Await' Sport Hats You in All Departments. SPECIALS CLEARANCE aelf .protection , WAISTS 1 Leghorn, Milan Hemp Whltaand colored voiles. Hand made end and xqniait dainty in style. Also the white dimity overblouse 92.75 vainee Clearance stylp. Special hand-draw- featuring the now wonroiled brim. derful hat at an ex- traorduiary low price. NoAm s3 Reserved! We must seasons out S1.98 -- i BATHING SUITS am STOCK-CO- clean ST for the 4th You Are Imm-aan- knitted in plain and fancy striped combinations. Very latest ideas. Values up to $6.50, Clearance special All-wo- ol I j this CLEARANCE BARGANS IN HAS BEEN IGNORED! Linen and Voile Opportunity Dresses Gainer Best summer colorings. Latest models in all sizes. Regular values $12.95. Clearance special Beckons --- Act J Now! Bargains in Our DOMESTIC DEPT. MIXED 90o 59c Remnant Sale ftTT.K AND SWISS VOILES Cl flQ 72x90 PIQUOT j SHEETS I 81x90 PIQUOT CO 1 Vl'W SHEETS $1.90 to $2.25 Our Great Clearance Sale has left us with thousands of remnants. We are determined to make a clean sweep of these short lots. Cost is ignored they must go and go quick. They consist of Domestic and Imported Ratines, Novelty Ratines, Checked Ratines, Novelty Voiles, Swiss Voiles, King Tut Voiles, Fancy Crepes, Ginghams, Percales, White Goods, Sheeting, Tubings, Linens, Curtain. Nets, Scrims, Cretonnes, etc. SPORT RATINES, IMPORTED, FANCYAND WHITE RATINES Anglo-Frenc- WHITE INDIAN A iT 41 C HEAD WHITE INDIAN V) HEAD swered. BELGIANS DIVIDED. Belgium is largely the key to this situation Opinion la sharply divided there between the Walloons, who are and the Flemish, who are Thw latter have no de-to ee Belgium became a feudatory of Fringe and suffer from disruption of trading relations with central Europe. The peril of allowing this deadlock to continue is that Germany will colls pee while the outsiders wrangle Wers shout laving out the corpse the moral sense of Europe not dead this scandalous delay In reaching a decision would be impossible, probably in view of the overwhelming conviction of disinterested opinion that Germany Is sincere and ought to be accepted for what it is worth - 64-i- n. 33-i- n. JtlT 45x36 MOHAWK PILLOW CASES . 42x36 GOLD SEAL CASES 40-i- RIVERTON ALL PRICE $1.48 RIVERTON. June 30 Mr. and Mrs N. K. Young are receMng congratu- latlons upon the arrival of a daughter Mr and Mrs K E Dannie of Iay- ton were the guests of Mr and Mrs L. Lovehdahl. bundav Mr and Mrs Carl Madsen. Sr, and Miss Althea Farrlll motored to Magna Sunday, and were the guests of Mr and Mrs Alonso Madsen Miss Olive Crane and Miss Zclma Butterfield left Wednesday of lat ears' mission in Jwo Canada. Miss TIra ButterfitdM -Uondav-foF'a Two years mission In OT. 1w . . : SILK CREPE OE CHINE in alt the season's best colors. Light and CLEARANCE dark. SALE . 40-I- n. 59c LINGERIE CHECKS White and 45c colon (4 00 TO 4.75 NOTTINGHAM AND FILET LACE CURTAINS -- t yards. White, cream and ecru. Pair. . 910.00 TUSCAN NET C Best Quaker quality. 2'4 yards. Pair PAISLEY CREPES that sell for S3 00 and S3 SO per yard. A verv pretty CLEARassortment. ANCE SALE $2.39 PRICE $3.75 White Crochet CO CQ Bed Spreads, 72x88 vW PRINTED SILK AND WOOL CREPES In bright Paisley patterns. CLEARANCE SALE PRICE SILK KNIT KROISETTE In a few colors rind pretty white Regular $4 00 values. CLEARANCE $2.69 $1.85 40-I- n Bargains Surely Await the Thrifty Buyer-A- ct 35-I- SALE PRICE BULGARIAN H-l- SILKS AND DRESS GOODS 40-I- and email pattern In printed pongee Silk. Regular 3 24 value. CLEARANCE PRICE PAISLEY n GEORGETTE 09 values. CLEARANCE PRICE SALE ular SALE Reg- $175 3 $2.39 34 -- In. CORDUROY, Whirlpool, m Copan, Paney and Poppy, Bluebird. CLEAR. .ANCE SALE PRICE 41.10 flow Our Entire Line of Wool Drool Goods sr$ Discounted 20, 25 and 1 S For Cent below the already low prices. S3 -- V. Big 4th of July Special Mhaki Knickers valifurnia. Mrrwftd ph Park and fam r lly motored to Lark. Sunday, to spend the day with relati Mr.- - and Mrs H M Bateman of West Jordan were the guests of Mr and Mrs Wilford Crane.. Sunday Mr. and Mrs J K Howard and children of Springville were the guests of Mrsarah Howard, Man dav. Mrs. Reuben Sorensen end sou George, of Draper, are Msiting Mr and Mrs G H. Xgnue for a week Mr and Mrs. G W Bills were the guests of Mr and Mrs. A. P Raa- Wednesday of last week mtsen, Miss Lola Haneen entertained at a kensington in honor of Miss Tira But- Fif-- ! terfield. Thursday of hist week teen guetg were nresent Mr. and Mrs. N. G Lindahl have moved to Tooele to make their home Mrs. Thomas Callicut entertained at a shower in honor of Miss Verla Mam Orgilt Friday of last week were received beautiful presents Games were played and luncheon was awrved to fort guesta Mias Edna Bateman of West Jordan was the last week-en- d guest of Mr, and Mrs. Roland Page.1' Mrs JFred Raynor of Bouton, Iowa and Mrs, Rachael Utile of Balt Lake were the guests- of Mr. and Mr Thomas and Densely, Tuesday Wednesday, of last week The M. I. A. officers entertained the Beehive Girls, Tuesday evening. Mr. gnd Mrs Samuel C undick of West Jordan, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Crane and Mrs. Sarah Crane of Pra- the guests of Mr. and Mrf Jer wereNewman, Sunday. e j NATURE AIDING These come in the regulation knickerbockers or knicker-etteMade of extra heavy twill , cloth Values to $2.75. Clearance special . . s. Wool Knicker Suits Just the style wanted for hik- ing and for outing wear. Suits composed of coat and knickers in fine tweeds. Clearance special w ARTV As we understand it, the advanneck is tage In having a swan-lik- e that she can wear longer earrings. Associated Editors. -- r |