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Show 17 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY , MORNING, JULY 1, 1923. I V Salt Lakers Trek to See Big Fight ' Officer $ Raid Historic' -- 040 OH) 040 040 - 040 040 ' Hawthorne Race Track ' CHICAGO, Ridr from Reservations Made by Utah People 040 040 040 040 . 040 040 Autoists Have Bad Roads to Scene Demptey Restless and More Likely to, Lose Head Under Strain. the stale's attorney's and offices swept into the crowd of 25.009 fans at historic Hawthorne race track today aa the Illinois Jockey club opened its meet. A doses ir rests Werd made before the races bad fairly started and scores were warned that betting would mean arrest The procedure had a quieting effect on anxious bettors. More than 00 horses are here for the twenty-fiv- e days of racing. Today's races were worth 0mwO. sheriff twenty-five-da- w Tbs TnSa; special Steve Moloney and William Clark, all pf Salt Lake, are hore. From the reservations which have been made by Utah people at tocAl hotels, at least 500 and possibly lOoO will attend the big go. witnessed of Utahns A number Dempsey in bis training stjnt todav rounds with two boxed The champion Burke and two rounds with Wells. He a for short period punched the bag also, after which Manager Jack K$auta announced that the titleholder wouid take his final workout Monday. Koads In Montana are in poor condition, which makes auto travel alow A heavy hail and rainstorm tpdav mnv tend to give motorists en route to th'e Sixteen cars Plenty of trouble fight were stalled on the hlghwav between Shelbv and Great Falls lat night Roads to Shelb) are impasaabic Forest Lowry, former city editor for The Salt Lake Tribune is here to y Business End of Big Fight- - Is Reorganized IfITEfullSSIu Major G. E,. Lane of Lewiitown Selected --as Firt Player' in Major to Players at Wimbledon Trustee; Promoter Molumby and Mayor Get 100th Hit; Ruths Have Varying Fortune Johnson of Shelby Retire. -- GREAT FALU3, Mont.. June 30. Utahs delegation of fight fans has begun to arrive for the Dempsey-Gib-botitle event booked for Shelby, While no July 4. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. Juns 30 Monday, when it Is due was made, it was underMost of those who are now1 on the (By tbe Associated Preaw ) A com- announcement 0o0,0OO had stood that already been scene are 8olt Lakers. plete reorganisation of the 'business raised By HUGH FULLERTON. F. Mrs. Kearns and' Thomas Dempeey-Tof he had the Kearns Jackthe 30 stated that Comper-inJune f management SHELBY, Mont, Major laQe wi business men of yvi Gibbons heavyweight champion- pledges of twenty 0100.000 1 H the nervoue orgenizetions ef two are reg.etered at the Park hotel. Mr. would be the that Montana men may toe done only by a neurolo- and Mrs. Ruel Halloran also are here. ship fight at Bheby on July A wss raised before it eras due, and that 'a ef will visit eelection Glacier national with effected or the of km of the They the park reaction tonight subacriptlona is now by studying port gist of Lewistown. one available in cash. He do lared there Major G. K. the men when under pressure Boxers, prior to the staging of the Shelby himself and between no is or men the of the wealthiest buvtness dispute during a fight or during training, are scrap. Interpretation of the State, as trustee ot the bout, and the Kearns over the Frank Armstrong, the chap who harunder the highest pressure, and, of refereed and that complete contract, I ATOM A, fiaeco. the Dempsey-Flvn- n Ky. June 30 It was a 'retirement of lsy J. Molumby of Great fight the champion's mony exists between now course, the effects of nenes are more which was held at Murray in 1917, is brilliant race, this La ton la derby, Falls snd Mayor Jim Johnson of 8helby in manthose charge manager and, beautifully run over a magnificent from further participation in the apparent than in the case of average here for the big battle. promotion. course and before a throng estimated agement. Mo4umby and Johnson were of the Connoliv. the worlds men. Also the periods between strains A few business men interested in of the the promoters among .original states. from at 30,000 who many crashed people gate crasher, to arc marked tov a corresponding dc- - champion seeing vtow n Hu4reiM& annuaHlastibwtween cox acAbaitgiU..iac.--&umbfcthe gate at Hardy, lowiUbfc td represent ful conclusion have asked me to act Ja.rooat- canes. Major Lane was Ibosen club two the ea.t and the west, and the west .resajoa ago, is pnmed papers. as trustee the for Major of men stale the promoters, business the The manifestations of nere force for the batt e. years twenty will won when The Clown dashed into the He g.ves Jack the Trijis to scenic point of interest said. and numerous habits an shown by for the lead at the head of the stretch, de- - who contributed 06000 each to make Lane be on the schedule Snn-iabeen haa badly The instalment 0100,000 he7TnaJ promotion Jack Dempsey and Tom Gibbons are edge. possible In Sam Sha Beet Trailer; Frank inuna tvrtv wtrn have TTi v advd (Tre aTjfoa fins: Iforperess"H)y two lengths. and the request that I art mremeTv "eloir and dinttnrt in con- M'Gannei, rmait, George II. Stanton, a Memnrum finished three lengths back duo Dempsey. Bert Gardner. G. Tarry, Falls for the fight. that fact. tract. Dempsey has ben, ever since Great Kails banker; Roy Ayres, a for- as trustee Is due to of Hopeless. "This morninp,- before 1 had I tn re he entered the ring, one cf the most It was a perfect day for raring. mer district' Judge, and H. A. Templewent will the man. alttv trusteeship. business of Falls accepted men a nervous Great in the history Acres and acres of cars were parked ton, highly card on the teKesmi and font my boxing, not excepting J.m Corbett about th evtrl. The betting shed was be associated with Mr. Lane 1 are satis, and Keurns Both table. Molumby, the when he w management. p ked like a box of cigarets; long reeling nearing the fmish of hie American Le- fled that the fieht will o over. Kearnx training. And he seemed so super-- , lines extended from the 115 mutuel ma- stgte commander of the moving feture rights, 040 040 gion, has assigned his entire inter- - haa asstened hls 040 04Q charged with nervous Ualite' that it 040 chines. and it was with difficulty, per cent Interest ests in the fight to Lane, the trans- amounting to 33 was impossible for him to remain still that however In to the guarantors films, the his a fight is fer moving picture including could be bought excepting when asleet), and be tn the films and another This Interest light but easy sleeper, wakening at The start of the derby could not rights. Jack Kearns, manager of the champion, contributed his third Interest In the picture rights the slightest movement or sound. have been better The five thorough- heavyweight moving picture rights, assigned by Molumby snd Jim JohnHis restlessness, his desire to go breds were off in a tightly clustered share of the cent to thf son. ga to the guars ntora aa a - bonus. somewhere else and his constant per was off the amounting to 5S1-in Dumh Memoriam recoverno thetr writ U was and thirty movement have heen thp dnaxlir of - By RICHAR&HENRY-L1II- UE weaty men who snberrtbed to iuimp-- The guarantors money from th .flrot l0.00 received his- associates. 8 U KHBTTMdTiLT JunVYOT SsTu n Y1 the mile post. With Rialto sty's 0100 000 instalment. like theie tmg4lTheat CMoan looked Interested all other ticket from declared rales, that fight the, Ljuis Major In stretch the next. der DEMPSEY CALMER NOW. stand It now, Gamaliel is going to wouldn t be a. fight because- - Mayor and j r firm waiving and Individuals the lead by a head, would lie decided0100aa 00scheduled, But In the last year he seems to cut short his Jrip to Alaska and hustle Johnson rouldn t g t that third hun- The Clown took second, would be paid prior claims. two lengths that Dempsey's Hopeless have calmed down greatly. He no right back to Washington and cal a dred grand, this oil well guy ravs to witlf ahead of In Memoriam, and Martinhimself "The mayor i a good longer shows extreme nervous activ- session of congress The Clown finished two Then, when conoeueea hls opponent to miss repeatedly. and he ought .to get that fight gale trailed. ity, but can sit and tak calmly withahead of Hopeless, which was all left In addit'on. he haa a rapid-fir- e out jumping up and running around gress gets together, the president Ill go down five feet more with this length lengths ahead of In Memoriam. COfiTESTANTS READY that will atop th rally of any boxer the room. He has a poise a certainty is going to ask for en appropriation here well of mine ind if I get oU, three and fourth ito finished Martingale and a look which betokens undis- of one hundred living. He knows how to keep it right grand- - lu give Jack Johnson. tn hie opponent face. ms "because turbed nerves.-PerhHe went down five feet last The traric was, not at Its best and of his extreme confidence in himself Dempsey so that he will fight on our more and the oil burst from the wel Auerbach, on the other band, la of 2 mile a and for the the time of 32 or the natural result of getting older, glorious national holiday, which is like the higgeet in the Yelthe relentlessly aggressive type. He was considered half good. it seems to me he fights more calmly starts out tn a whirlwind style and It tore out the derrick, 1 don't care what lowstone and By winning the classic Tk0 Clown the and with more deadly certainty than next Wednesday. keeps It up right through until everything and is rnw took down I15.0&O for hls owner. The stories Hughie Fullerton publisher machinery ever before. top, over 7000 barrels a day That owner fight la over. He Is always oneither running second of Hopeless, the horse, both He seems to hit fewer blows end to right alongside this story of mine will make enough to pay Jack Dempwith hands, hits hard and received 02000. while tn Memoriam, of which can deliver a kayo punch. place them with more certainty than And its nothing to me what Frank sey and ten times over ftnuhing third, enriched his owner ever before. With two men of this type In th I dont know this personally be- bv Newman , or Smith what says, Gibbons Is the ant. thesis in nerves Harry cause I haven I had tune to g t out 01000. ring, the fan an sura to get a run of Dempsey. He is alm. friendly says, or any of em says. What I'm and see the well, but a man who ha for their money. ReAuerbach and Darren and pleasant, ev$n In the ring. Man telling you Th bout- - will Mart at 2 30 o'clock for Entrants the corn beeft andwkh concession real, mside dope too tn I natured s Mr. Is be the show from afternoon, having been moved to good next to thk Dylan tent fighters got it Hylan that got and too kindly to be a great fighter g tent show here.' lies got a friend right Con- that time to permit the visitors In of Pink said he heard that the governor of National Tennis Tourney in ported He is one of the most pleasant, that knows some people in Washingatthe Logan to take part In everv bit of the Montana on application from celebration. The profits of th bout obliging and decent men in ring his- ton and they aent him a telegram torney general had declared that 30. Wntriea June INDIANAPOLIS, to In smile he is liable a go. rince people had bought tickets to go to the Logan post of the Amerthis morning, and the fight is tory. dition for July Tussle will sparring of Robert Kinsey and Howard Kinsey. ican Legion. and vet his calmne-sat a blunder Anybody ought to know that when the big fight it would be obtaining San Francisco who tennis piaiyera, and nerve poise are apt to be dis- the old United States of America gets monev There will he severs! good preliml- under false pretense, highway the first ten in the United nartea. Lee OTleir of San Francisco behind a thing then that settles it. robbery, grand hirer nv and piracy rank in have turbing to an opponent. the received for been State?, in and Young Riley of Fort Douglas, two There is certainly a hundred grand GIBBONS HAS COOLER HEAO. and a blot on the grand old state of court champion-hi- p Spsdil ts Tbt Tilkous. headline boxers from the the United States treasury, and if Montana if that battle didnt take annual national clay rattling goodclub here eventJO. While Dempsey has the higher thev July the tournament, With June beginning LOGAN, of Salt Lake, will Manhattan haint the fellows over at the place In Shettov next Wedneidav. So 9, it was announced today strung nature and the greatest excess mfnt can In four orful first preliminary. Local hunmeet the Fourth of days a off run out and secret sent get July only busy 'has the governor of nervous energy. Gibbons is less dred national Tilden. William champion In th other bouts. meet will thousand dollars m a couple of ders to the militia to wait in their tennis piaver; Wallace F Johnson, away, everything Is set for the flf youths ikible to lose his head in event of any there be a fight between armories and if Dempsev tries to Samud a and the teen untoward happening. In two of his hours Will to at be John round battle Hennessey staged Hardy, Gibbons on the Fourth walk out with that two hundred grand of lesser light are scheduled to Logan Auditorium here oti the after- Pilots to Be Safeguarded big fights Dempsey has shown losing Dempsey and cinch! in his porkets that hes already ben hnst hte head with extremely small cause. of July? compete in the tourney, it was eatd. noon of Independence day between paid, then the militia is going to surOTHER SOURCES FOUND. Davis cup When he had Willard butchered and, in National Balloon Race Manuel Alonso, Spankrh him and march him right up nNn has ent in hls entry. Frankie Darren of Logan and Harman friends round seemingly at his mercy, he left him?1 Now, th a is Just betw-eepiaver, a of the at bayonet to Khelby point self open and the giant pawed him and I would rather It didn't go ony In addition to the mens singles and Auerbach of Salt Lake for the Ind.. June 30. INDIANAPOLIS, I don t want you to sav where von on the side of the head and bounced further an open tournament for boy But sop.-osHarding doesn't championfriend, the corn doubles, welterweight Every safeguarding .agency available him off the ropes. Against the weak go back and call congress together and rot this but m Entries will be vtaged and juniors a cousin for the national sandwich man, ha will be Included In the outfit each and double ship. Carpentler he dropped his hands when get an appropriation, what of it? I begf who is a aptam in the national close it midnight singles he received a heavy jarring right on know a porter on Jim Keeley's prihim July 0, and for the Auerbach, who has been training at pilot and h! aide will have with balthe side of the head, but as the vate car. This porter is Harry guard and he showed the corn beef bov and Juniors on the following the national elimination Great FUls, Mont., at the camp of during the telegram Frenchman leaped in to finish him he Rhodes and he used to live In Bloom- sandwich man a opv of from will loon start here which race, ptetty good, Champion Jack Dempeey, helping th recovered, dropped his jaw under his ington and he's a close personal friend Jack Dempsey may allbe the July o.. militia In fight massive shoulders, and met the attack of Sid Smiths. Now, Harry told me but he can't champion to condition himself and at The equipment, according to offinot for can he? Takes Eccles Into came Certainly snaps time with a volley of short arm blows Montana, the getting colored a George he knows this morning that cials of th Indianapolis Chamber of hi battle with Darren, Id due to ar- Commerce, which Gibbons nevtr haa shown any symp- gentleman STOCK BROKERS TO RESCUE. ta sponsoring ths who is janitor over at fight in Ijofsui today and Join his toms of that sort of thing, except in headquarters, right here in 8helo. Ogden Singles Title rive will conMet of guns, kntvee. And besides didn't a waiter in the father here. The two will proceed to oonteet, the Greb fight, and that we may Well, last night they got a telegram Texas food to last a week water and tod me not an hoqr restaurant enough throw out on the ground that Gibbons there from Lute Till, at St. Haul, say- ago that the hundred giand had been ftperlal to Tbe Tribune. put the final touches on Auerbach a and clothing sufficient to meet nny was a pick man when he entered the ing he was coming right straight out raised down on W all Eccles training program. While the winning balstreet bv h OGPKN, June 30. George emergency. TO WORK OUT PUBLICLY. loon Is not expected to be In the atr ring, although he never alibied by here with the hundred grand In his bunch of who knew that won the tennis singles title In the telling the truth. He fought a bad suitcase. Of course, the telegraph op- if the fightspeculatoi to taper longer than two nights snd three fell thiough it would upOgden Tennis club's tournament by haa Darren begun already showed but twice a 1921 only everyand mistake cham- off In hi, training work. sluggish fight,Tack erators made Kor neatly days. It waa said some of the hags set the stock market9 Them guv? defeating the 1922 and the of clear thinking symptom. of if people pion? in the last two matches. The a week he has been down to the might come down tn unfrequented body around here knows that the man in New York know The only manifestation of nervous- who sent that telegram was Louie found the bout, 140 territory. The haaards of free balloon out that this country couldn t scores were required for ness or being in Gibbons Hill of the Great Northern railroad MUnor Jefferies, last years cham- weight then there two will weigh In at 10 flying do not end when ths bag setTh raisw a hundred grand pounds. lies in the fact that ha breathes heav6io that setle ail been makit We've tled to earth In many Instances, it in the country, pion went down to defeat after o clock on the morning of the fight halnt mu h ily and almost snorts when he deliv- thinking out here in Shelbyrlght along and evervbidvrponev Kart would got srairt and ing his way to the semifinals. from Great Falls are that waa deelared. ers a hard blow. This, according to that Hill would come to bat take their monev out of. the banks Harn. who wore the laurels in 1931, Reports Lorte condition In also la Virtually all of the gigantic bags Auerbach prime nerve specialist, often Is a symptom with the hundred thousand dollars, and g and lost out In the finals and will not have to do much work to have arrived In Indianapolis and have quit I uving stocks of netes. Gibbons, however, has a and sure enough. Well, Harry saw been taken to the Indianapolis motor The tournament was brought to a make the required weight. home down in hide it at and slight nasal impediment which is not the telegram himself. close Friday, after the matches had two public the start will be will stage Auerbeoh the cellar. observed when he is at rest, but Which And suppose It wasn't Ixmie Hill what hes been played every evening during tbe workouts before the fight, aa the Bpydwe;wher made after 4 o'clock next Wednesday Now this waiter know shows when he works hard sent that telegram. Whats the differw will repreeent eek. Th All winner afternoon. which the fight promotabout promoted American Legion poeL The nerve comparison Is extreme.)-favorabl- ence1 A friend of mine. Jack Tavlor, talking tt The finals for the doubles, which tho bout, demanded that this be done th .United States In the ers and the fans and everybody go to Gibbons will been to In have wert men are that's got a red pop stand ona Mam played international for today Texas good oonteit, to be held to show that the man into the the bestrestaurant street, told me today that will be no chance later In tbe year. and be played some time next week. the There in condition. steaks, or something these guys do a lot of talking and A number of Ogden tennis players for either of the men to rlatm that named Guggenhelmer. DEMPSEY IN FINAL like that, had already taken the this waiter Keeps his two ears open will attend the state tournament at lack GUNNISON TO CELEBRATE. of condition was responsible for to down Falls and Great given STAGES OF TRAINING money July 9 They include George defeat. Wall street can t afford to have peoTgan onKarl Special te The Tribeae, he said here's Jack. It to Jack. Joseph Harris, Titley, thi Koce, louldnt raise think country GUNNISON. June 30 Under the diGREAT FALLS, Mont. June 30 ) AUERBACH AQGREMIVE. last hundred thousand dollars plemeasly little one hunrtwd thousand Walter Emley and O. Fred Jensen. of tbe Gunnison guard mount, the Associated Fress. t .lark that By Auerbach and Darren are remarka- rection take it. my bov, and if you want more adollar. S thev teos up u col104, American Legion, a splendid reached the final stages of come boxer Is post the Darren The fight is as sure as lection dinqed just lempsey well matched to me. bly the money mt a Australians Arrive will be carried out on July his training toddv without injury to it is that the Mfssiss.ppl empties into the called It ought supreme He haa been after Mike program box and sent it bv rxpreas 4. his hands or the healed cut over hi the Gulf of California. Sports and other amusements have "Utah Phantom." probably to be here b Sunday night kt the Davis for th day. Dancing left eye, when he boxed four light been Cup Competition Gibbons, whose style he has copied at th arrangederhool lateJW OIL WELL WILL HELP. auditorium will be high rounds, stepping two ea h wirh Jack somewhat. He Is very npeedy. shifty a that hundred think You I may all around heard And at t, he anyhow. night lightBurke, the Pittsburg enjoyed NEW YORK. June 30. James O. and elusive. Whenever he boxes You isn t going to be raised and Billy Wells, the British town this morning that the moneynearis grand of Australian the mav think there 0n t going to be a Anderson, captain Before pulling on the coming from an oil well out of the welterweight you Davis cup team, opponents of starts gushing yesterday fight in Sheiby on July 4 gloves the chaYnpion hammered the Shelbv that twentv-fivthe H&w&itans in the first tie e after minutes ought to have taken a walk around American at afternoon 1923 trophy prepunching bag for a round, and then 4 sone tbe in this Shelbv like It was morning see. this. You oclock. a of into the for Vanround jumped arrived today from ring, Why, between the postoffice and the liminaries. A man who is a friend of Mavor Johnshadow boxing to get warmed up. couver. where he and hls comrades son of Shelby was bor.ng an oil well. depot they raised more than five milA sudden thunderstorm, and hailtest debarked Saturday. hour. an Inside of half lion dollar and thousand down five storm, breaking over tfcr champion's He had gone The other members of the team, t. camp five minutes before he was ready R Hawkes, I D. Me In nee and W. B. to start his workout, drove him to the tSchlesinger stopped in Ottawa for a shelter of his indoor visit and will arrive here Tuesday gymnasium, mated bv those in charge that the which was jammed to the doors. total .sum already received, including The Australians and Hawaiian will here for th paymeet at South Orange, N. J., July 20. Dempsey perspired freely despite a money contributed 01OO0OO for whuh chill wind that swept through the open ment of the first 27 and 28 Captwin Anderson said run a fide of the building. The champion ti keL were promised, might OfHri'U hls men probably would compete in $200,000 national the kept his punches in restraint, per- high as IU.OOoO or 0100.000 championships after the will be Davis cuaplax- mitting his sparring partners to do ate confident tha. by most of the leading- - while he wrat-eor received for tcket before Special to The Tribune. in and out of range with s boobing no Idaho. June Sued for crouch. Whenever Dempsey thought that date, consequentlyIt the total gate of POTATFCLIA), th boldest auto thefts ever re- Champion is trstlmated. his sparring motes were landing receipts for the bout, Banruxk oountv took place corded jn 000 0300, them will $20,000 exceed Damages would into he pile frequently, between 3 and 4 oclock this rooming, the ropes and slow them up with less active. when a new Willy building Mont.. GREAT hooks to the body or a short right June 30 FALLS, wa stolen from the display There is less building activity going the Associated cross to the .chin. Press) Jack of thf Gkte Motor com; anv (By on in Shelbv now than three weeks room towere increased worriee BURKES HEELS JARRED. al Kajt Onter street and South Fifth Dempsey age, as mod of the concessionaire dav. when suit was filed bv Alex P. ore avenue Knlrance to the building v.a? Geranfoua WhHe boxing with Burke Dempsey have competed their work andetab-wof Great Falla, whoaaka . several other by breaking a portibn o! a slau- used his famous rabbit punch effec installing -whstock KI damage--fTnluriee alleged to a (timed Icli for a time en Once inside, the window thieve have been mi n received when hls 7 year Du te the POPULARITY at Into sedan a street bat kwJ eoed. have the order Luemes. The in in the clinches. back of the bead prosper! old daughter was bitten by a dog at BUSINESS procar of to to ths et which the inabiitv eur heels. Burkes Burke, touring either ace? fhroi.gn 10. on jarred Juno punches Dcmpeys training camp expenses or fear that wax parked in the middle of me dis- Jack AND COUPE, w have waa SEDAN having discovered that Dempsey had prietor to make manager, Kearns, Dempsey's a defense for his dangerous right, competition wH be too keen during play room bean making a let of trade The car wa driven anuih on Fifth also made a defendant .n tbe suR. head flv the rub of th fight. made the champion s th avenue, where the thieven manipulated The have taken In trad fifteen tiduvenir pirvevors are making revered times with left jabs a mcreas a ttoiUmental at Win Men pump Iowa ,Ut the street. ft gaxohne Brothers Easily Iittsburirer passed up his running to- appearance on Medals, tauringa, Dodge .erv Ke station nnd filled tbe lank with des.gna'ed cover tactics and mixed more gener- ing number. roadsters and oaupa. miniature sa. The theft wa? diwiovered at 4 Midwest Track Meet oualy with the champion than he ha j flrtal souvenir? of tne bout, other 4 me- - o clock and by Patrolman Luther left crashed badge the Jacks time txxmq glove, since of the names the CAR has EVERY AND against his chin and floored him sev- j rrentos, nilandearing EACH 30 OMAHAi Neb.. June Athletes AJI officer? in cities urroundmpr the contender, are be- ertil days ago. champion been through eur reconditioning were notified and Sheriff 44 W Hen- from the University of Iowa ewMly Well b pranced around' Dempsey ine sold In1 wholesale quantities filled derson won aecond annual Duck and field reported late tonight th.it he meet the a nol.v, confusion Shelby scurried to caver under the chamderailment, hat passed a rigid of the Midwestern Association trace of thfe car. but had obtaim-an exhibition town. pions leads and gave of the amateur athletic union here inforfurther would not Inspection and la aa nearly MEdedivulge any of aggressiveness that brought this afternoon, piling up 09 points, mation CHANICALLY PERFECT a w The the crowd Jn pavilion. to the light compared to 30 19for the University of take Twentieth Ward to Have knew haw to make H. champion seemed to be willing to for Drake Omaha Nebraska, and had to Off Men everything the elusive Briton athletic chib scored 9 points and Dea Young Layton Services No not Evening give, but ali of Wells blow did Moines Univeroity 1. NEW TOPS of th (LATEST , to Attend Big Fight s6ch their mark. Dempseys practice of swinging hm head with the direcVo service will be held this evening STYLE are put an them and they j COSTLY BLAZE ON COAST. tion of punches caused Wells to fan at the Twentieth ward, according to Special to The Tribune. have been roenamaiad. SAN BKRNARDIN5Q. Cal., June 10 th air windmill fashion. announcement bv the ward bishopric. J ire 20 Bert Rvana. Damage estimated at 0400,000 LAYTON. waa The champion, while boxing Wells, The regular fast meeting will coe- Vird Klliaon. Parnell Kvdn Conk. bv which a burned all fire caused day vent at 2 oclock this afternoon, when gave an indication of what Gibbon They art care you can be and Robert II. Barton loft in the lumber yard of the Ranta Fe may expect if he attempts to box at special music will be a feature, with Green PROUD to awn. Remember that yesterday for Hhdb, Mont. wher Railway company here. Approximatesolos by Wallace F. Bennett and Miss .they long range. That was rushing Well will atttnd the Dempeey Gibtoona ly 0.OO0 000 board feet were destroyed a GOfeD USED CAR, a car with to the ropes and forcing the Britisher Jane Cutler' A full attendance Is rein the fire More than 2000 men wera fight on July 4. FOUNDATION, ia much better to lean, back over the hempen bar- quested at this afternoon s meeting. on to In waa Tbe Shelby ffra arrive the expect in employed They fight. and riers while be hooked short -right than a cheap new ana. the Da y. definitely under control tonight. Fire Mondav and will wrilne left swings to the body. Dempsev INFANT CHILD DIES. Knight and Watson rodeo, which will companies of Ran Bernardino, RedwlM do his final boxing tomorrow, be Maged during that week, and on lands. Colton and Rialto aided the te uaad ear Special t. The Tribune. Whan it cam probably going four rounds against 5 thav Will leave for Ravmtwid railroad forces. in the fight. Origin of July wiH FTVaVTON Wo., June ShTti, Wella and Burke. The champion Brothers car Dodge vatu. Canada, for a few the fire is being probed by county and do no work Monday or Tuesday, with Infant child of Mr. and Mrs W Ilham and Lethbridge, visit. On their way home Sheriff Shay said they city authorities. reign supreme, because they ar Hutchinson died at their home this days the exception flf a little light he waa seeking to establish tha facta f morning at J 30 oclock. ECOThe baby will visit Yellowstone park. exercises merely to keep univaroaHy accepted a a three fires that report regarding eras iborn Thursday. Funeral services on edge. NOMICAL AND DEPENDABLE were gtarted simultaneously. Santa forenoon at Russell Resigns as will be held tomorrow F officials said they had no informaMOTOR CARS. the parents, It oclo'k at the hometheof, direction on which a charge of incendiarFIGHT TICKETS ARE and of Official tion will be under R. & G. W. D. A number of per-o- n be L. could baaed. ism the-G Matthewe of were overcome br heat and one SELLING RAPIDLY Jamea Russell, chief operating of- man was seriously burned. 4B-6- Q ficer for the Denver & Rio Grande June SO. The DAUGHTER IS BORN. Mont., FHKLfcfT, RECITAL WIL BE GIVEN. Western railroad, has tendered hia ticket to r the July 4 boot were being Special t Tbe Tribuae. to that company, accordInterJune KAY8VILLB, 'sold rapttfiy at fight headquarters toJune 0. A daughter resignation GUVNISOh', ing to a report received in Bait Lake esting musical recital will be given dav. was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. reason for Mr. T, night. of Professor Leander bv manacer. eaid the ticket )at pupils Campbell, .resigning l hot mated He had been Thompson at the Kavsville tabernacle the demand indicated that purchasers Childs of thi cttThurriai with railroadvflvc 8 the connected 0. 30 o'clock defiyear. at ticked until had held off buying July Friday evening, will PLANNlO- CELEBRATION Before the .railroad went into the The consist of piano program nite aseurance had been given that hands of refceivefs, Mr. Rusaell was salt is and duets, and vocal solo and tli third lieb.ooo Would be paid Demp-se- v Special to The Tribune. GUNNISON. Centerfleld vice president and gTeral manager. trios.- Herbert L. Gleason will assist June 3 on schedule. number of in the recital, rendering Whil no defintte figures were mads and Axtell cUixens are. planning a big He ia well known as a railroad; cornet aolua eelabraUoo for July-- L - public as to ticket sales, it was InU- One-eye- d Man-'harta- j lf UlOVll Wlflt in L&tonia Derby In by Stretch Dash y r Congress May Act to Save FigHI to Pay Dempsey Millions Pledged 3 eight-foot- TTrt7'r1 ihr eller, aps r Kinseyr 4 -- Ilia in mtd-nig- nt th-i- t 1. over-nerve- d everv-thm- Gordon-Ben-ne- -- Base Record in Danger. CHICAGO. June 38 Bottomley, ) St. .3M; 337: IjouI, Roush, Brooklyn, Fournier, Cincinnati, .042; Earl Smith, Boston, .348; Boston. .341; Traynor, Pittsburg, .335; Tierney, Philadelphia. .330. Fred Haney of Detroit, on of th newcomers. Is hobnobbing with ths veterans at the top of the batters tn the American league. Haney Is fourth, with an average of ,3U. A week 'ago he was sixth. His teammate, Harry Hellmann, continues to head the list. Heiimanit la batting .428. Charley Jamieson of ths Cleveland Indians gained one point and moved Into second place, with an average of .370. Eddie Collin of th White Sox loot six points and dropped to third place, with .368. Collins improved his record for stolen bases and now haa 28, a gain of two over the previous woek. He also ran hls string of sacrifice hits to 20. "Babe" Ruth has been unable to improve hls hitting mark of fourteen homers, but Increased hls record as a by two runs, making a total of M tall lea to hie credit. Ruths total base record of 117 Is being endangered by who haa a record of 111 total base. Hellmann string Included 21 doubles, t triples and I homers In hls collection of 06 hits while Ruths mark is 71 hits, and embraces, besides his homers. It doubles and I triples. Other leading batters' Burns, Boston, .340: Ruth. New York, .148; Ruel, Washington, .340; Miller, Philadelphia, .837; Witt, New York, .138; J. Sewell, Cleveland, .836; 8. Rice, Washington, 133; Cobh, Detroit, .830; J, Harris, .317. Bouth-wurt- Heil-man- n, Boston, Lamb, of Tulsa, Is th first player In the Western league to crack out his on hundredth hit. Bauman, a teammate, is ths hitters with an average of topping .Sits, but la being cloee-l- y pressed by Horan of Des Moines, with .101. Palmer of Sioux City is third, with .378. C. McDowell. Wichita, is showing the way with 17 home runs, while Davia of Tulsa Haa 18. Felber of Oklahoma City la leading In stolen bases with 22, while J. Griffin of Omaha haa pilfered 20. Blakesley of Wk-hlt- a is leading In total base with 182, and hls hits Include 28 doubles. 7 triples and 10 homers Other leading batters; Blakesley, Wichita, .377; McLarry, Des Moines, .383; J. Griffin, Omab, .362; T. McDonald. Omaha, .2SR Query, Sioux City, 358; Lellvelt, Tulsa, .351. nison. f -- ALL-STEE- L high-clas- f- Hack-Wiori- h I Dodge r -- I Brothers Rebuilt 8--3, ng ed Edg-ingt- on . , Fight Fans Eager for Leonard-- endler Match T ICC li Vi By Tribune Bpedial Sport Service. t'-- t NEW YORK. June 10 Outside of mateh there la fur th Dempsey-Wi- ll ring attraction which the fistic world desires so much to see as a flfteen-ronn- d duel between Benny Leonard and Lew Tdndler, tha Iona one of thf -lightweight brigade who stands a chance of topphng Benny from th throne. The last meeting between Leonard and Tendlor proved to be th rest battle of th century." N two ring masters ever (ought s fiercer, more cfoeely waged contest than did the lightweight champion and the Ph ''lode! phis southpaw. Leonard was on tha verge of a knockout In tha eighth' ha Tendler Into when Inveigled round, an exchange of repartee. By th time , Tendler wok up and plunged in Leonard. Beanys head had cleared and ha was able ta pull out ef the hole. Th canny Leonard fgurathrely induced Tendler to talk himself out of a world's tttla. That Leonard Tendler duel tn New Jersey was a twelve-roun- d affair. Thera waa no one la th huge army of boxing fans who witnessed the encounter the crowd seemed a larger on than that which a Heeded th go, although tha official attendance r cures war smaller who did not have tha arena longing to aa Benny and Lew matched tn a longer bout to an official declat on and there were many heated ergo- -. merits ever what would be likely to1 transpire If the pair aver should mere In a return match. i The majority of tha and unbiased ring critics declare tho - wKh result Ta a toas-uTend lew standing am even ehanee of dethroning the great Leonard and winning tha coveted world's lightweight champion- , hip. , There la a report that Tex R'rkard and Ike manager of Charieo White, will attempt to block the loonand Tendler content on tha ground' that Leonard is under oootract ta beg, Whit It any trouble a rime K probably win be ironed not and Lmnard and Tendler will meat aa scheduled on July 13. -- Dempeey-Oarpenti- er level-head- p, -- Right . gvm-nasiuhrm-s&- giving EXCELLENT SERVICE. Are sold Unoera gfva DEPENDABLE. ECONMS. ICAL SERVICE fbr Standard If yeer are In the marhat hr say bhxl af a are toe. yoa ova R to games If to took tear these Sara. Da sat ead tea know yap aa atdh that arW b deary anp It' real aato. "Warranty Richardson-Bowe- r SO.-'- Art 80. r (bare ia. New Car ) 8. That Is arfty WC HAVE BARGAINS, bat ht aaab Ninety Day $ 8--8, 12 Cars d i Hunter waa hard pressed la hi match this afternoon against the lean, and limber Briton, Captain Dirks. While Hunter waa able to win in straight sata, tha Englishman kept two of them going well Into deuce, tha cores being 017, Mrs. Mallory bad aa easy time Jn defeating Mlae Ikdderdale, while Mlae Ones had no trouble In of tha tiny English girl, Mina Mite. K. M. Becktngham, Ijengien won with customary ewe, Kile. to one gams dropping only Vlasto of Greece. Ia tha mixed doubles, Mila Lenglen waa paired with the Belgian champion. Jean Washer; they speedily their opponents, Mrs, and A. W. Asthaltsr. ; , foranfee'm or W Inane ya ta lack ever ear msndttlensd ears artthawt any . 4 ISC South Second East Wasatch 390 . fvu-ta- DEPENDABILITY IN- 1 WIMBLEDON. June JL (By the Associated Press) Four American tennis players, two men and two women, had reached the round before the eemiflnale when the first weea of -- the championship carnival ended tonight. Jn th mens singles, William M. Jbhnstca, ths farortts for th title, remain in th upper half of th draw, and Franots T. Hunter In the lower. There Is, therefore, e poeeibilltjr of an all - America njfinaj ,t; the wrek. The asm chance txlsta for the American women, but It la not such a strong cnerMro. Motts B. Mallory, wh remains in tha upper halt, will have to defeat Mrs. Beamish, one of Engs land a beat women players, and Lenglen, four times world , .. cbempion, to reach the finals Miss Eleanor Goes, who remain la the lower half, will be pitted Monday against Miss Kathleen McKaae. whs ranks number 1 among th women Miss players ot the British lalee. CaliElisabeth Ryan, formerly of tn Is lower sieo the division, fornia, but haa an easier sixth round assignment, her opponent being Mias K. F. Dot-gu- SON BORN AT SALT LAKE. Specie! t Tbe Tribuae. GUNNISON, June 30 A arm was born Friday at Balt Lake City to Slayer and Mrs. J. W. Jones of Gun- bc oL Day Matches We Buy em Right and Sell em Bold Thieve Take Auto From Display Room J b, run-gett- er leavy-vreigh- rv Asso- Frankie Frisch of 4be New York Giants smashed his one hundredth hit last Wednesday, and la the first player In the major league to touch the Century mark. He also shot himself into 'second position among the batters of the National league who have participated in forty or more games, according to averages released today and which Include v the Hwty-hrttgemewof lagt Wednesday. to Hack ting 383 and Is the runner-u- p Wheat ot Brooklyn, who Increased hls tope the 392. 5th Hat Charley Grimm of Pittsburg underwent a batting slump and slipped to third place, four point tn front of Bob G Farrrll, Chicago, whose batting in the lat few week U Farrell a has bee- n- sensational. brilliant work include seven homers and fourteen doubles. Cute la George Grantham of th steadily pulling away from the other and by the pilferstar ing of four aarka during th last week ran hi string up to 17. of Philadelphia lead Cy William IflJwBw jnre wiili iweirty. Williams since hi return to 1h game, ha had a batting slump which haa carried him out of the leading group. Hls total base record waa brought up to 140, which ie ?ix mmore BSke than credited to Jimmmy Bottomley of 8L Louis. Other leading batters: Mokmn, Philadelphia, .339, Young. New YorkASl ciated Press for h th. (Bv in abtlgattsa ahstwn. . . . |