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Show - - i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1923. Anniversary Celebrated Sixty-Thir- d Over-the-FourthHi- "cAer QmOty for Men nts Take Advantage of July Clearance Price Monday. A 60 Striped Jersey or Broadcloth Bilk Shirt. 4.95 Men Engtish PspUa Chlru, Gray; Tan or White, 869 1.75 Artistic and Columhla Dree Shirtn, 1.25 Athletic Nainsook er Silk Striped Unions, 59c te 1.39 79c Herts 1.00 Mnalin Night Shirtn, All 40c Lisle Ben, 25c , 50c Fiber Bon, 5 Psim Sis, nr-.r- dr DtpomialM y Store Closed Wednesday Shop Monday - and Tuesday for Over the 4th n -- ON BROADWAY BETWEEN MAIN & STATE - Cool, Crisp anFrocks for Summer Days Imposing Array of Styles at Inviting Low Prices Monday,. In Accessories c Fashionable Pattern HATS Iil9 te The Tribune. HOLLIDAY, June 30. Special , ift'and Mrs. Isaac ' Brockbank celebrated their aixty-thlr- d wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon and evening and Monday an their beautiful Aome on Brock-ban- k farm-- The celebration was Informal and mairy relatives and friends called during the two days. Musical numbers and 'refreshments were the featurea At the same ttme, Mr end Mra. I H. Broekbank, son and daughter of the aged couple, celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. Factions in Hooded Or- Mr. Brockbank was born bv Liverpool. England. July 13, 1631 and came to Utah In 1863 Mrs Brockbank. in Miss Katherine Alice Howard, ganization wa a born In Belfast. Ireland. April II, came te Utah with her.par-ent- s - Contest for Recognition 1843, and in 1853. They, were married June 35. 1880, by the late Judge Ellas A. Smith of Salt Lake, the ceremony being performed on the farm where (Copv right 1923 by Salt Lake Tribune ) they now reside? but not at the presBEAUMONT, Texas, June ent Brockbank home. Mr and Mrs Brockbank are the has become the battleground of the of seven living children and In different parents Kuklux Klan. Today fifteen grandchildren. have warInternal the of the parts ,tate The Brockbank farm, where the fare that threatens to disrupt the In- celebration was held. Is one Of the visible empire into two and possibly noted farms of the west. three distinct, secret organisations is The three men who corrtOst. Three weeks ago Simmons at Its height seek domination over the reputed mil- was reported to have been disheartlion and a half members of the order ened over the dwindling ranks of the are here trvlng to gain adherents to klan. and had about decided to give him their particular causes and seemingly up the fight. Friends persuaded orrontent that the slogan of the strife it was his dutv to resuscitate themisbe As goes Texas, so gres the in- der and save it from the alleged to declaiofl Hence his visible empire " The fight is for the rule of Evans with a program support of 75,909 Texans who are sup- reenter the strife here will declare, Insiders which. posed to be members of the Klan. I Dr W. H Evans, imperial wtaard swing the Texas klans to his side. of Briefly, Simmons plans a sort 4f the Klan, was the first to arrive He now la orThen came Colonel auperinvislble empire the ground W. J. Simmons, emperor of the inganising the Knights Kamella, to be visible empire, and he was followed by made up of present members of the B. Kuklux Klan Originally the Kamella former Klmbro, grand George Jr, women goblin, or funds collector, of the Mis- was organised by Simmons for some time it waa to have been a sister who ago sissippi domain, m sueh It "bantshed-frothe order- Klmbro Illation ter the KTafi. tnT lur is In Beaumont with a group of per caused the first difference between Dr. Evans and the emperor. sonaJ bodyguards. PLANS DIVERSIFIED. FINALE ANTICIPATED. Now the emperor proposes a shiftWith Evans and Simmon openly opposed to each other and Klmbro the ing process of the 1.500 000 klanamen head of the "National to create the Order of Kamella. This of Klara, made up of will be followed by further sifting Association of, disaffected klans or groups which and the formation of the Knights In honor the Orest Forest, hive withdrawn from (he order of the manner In which the klan of General Nathan Bedford Forest, Is conducted from Its headquarters In who led and later disbanded the KuIn reconstruction days. Atlanta, the situation came to a head klux Klan come stHI another order, The final result may be Then will this week aa the Knights of the known to be In doubt until the speaking campaigns of the three leaders are completed. Midnight Mystery. I )r Evans Intends to cover the entire Each order will select its own memto state. He haa addressed two great bership; collect dues and report memmeetings, one at Waco and the other the emperor. Incidentally, the bers of the different order will pay at Houston. head taxes to the emperor The highColonel Simmons arrived In Beauthe same costume mont yesterday and has already er" orders will wear He as the others, so that none of the spoken to two large audiences how know to will San klan high hi fellow plans to carry his campaign There will Antonio. Tulsa. Wichita, Kansas City, member haa progressed. no class distinction, but astute then back Into Texas to Dallas and be credit for Simmona anklanamen Klmbro not bas give Houston. finally nounced his plans . having evolved a plan which means Simmons, the mystic and dreamer, an easy road to the rehabilitation of the order's finances, now somewhat bluff, hearty and outwardly the epitome of democracy. Is given credit drained by other expense, ,oourt trials, with having the edge to date In the war budgets and so on. .Bitter Normandy Voiles Cool Ratines r IMMED with embroidery, fluffy sashes,- - fancy sleeves, novel yokes, panel effects, etc. the weather's too tricky for figuring t out, but if the thing 'is decided gainst the headlong marrierg the rest U1 get about 31 JO, 000 in back taxes of some sort. j just when the authorities seemed to think 'the famous poison pen case all about solved, here comes George Maxwell back from Europe voluntarily answer the charge of writing an to noying letter. Maxwell wad in Eu- - BACK FROM LONG TOUR. ' The Tribute, POCATELLO, Idaho; June 30. John F Koran k. real estate dealer of American Falla returned borne this week from aa extended trip to Mexico. The trip waa made by automobile and literature concerning American Falls Lace Jabots ' & Guimpes - r Lace Vestees ginghams made up in the most delightful styles for summer. 1.00 Union Suits streamers The popular waist, taped styles drop sente, for children 2 to 13 years Bonnets, 2.45 and With d i ' with TJJ (let j 1.50 Silk Top Vests fnney braid Either bodies or regular styles in these pretty undenreata for crowns, and fancy gror-- , White or gette brims. lighC colors. 4.95 a Featuring the new Dutch or Tuxedo collar, in fnlly styles to freshen I the holiday costumes . liwtJ 10 6 la more becoming young years, than n white, straw sailor, or Black nnd white combination, as she choosea Trimmed with ribbon m a Choice ef sleeves on sleeveless stylos to wear with summer sweaters A fCsLJ or suits ; Childrens Sailors, 1.95 to the to miss. 3.95 f" . women ' V. Silk Sport Skirts Boys In White and Pretty Colon 10 ,95 1.95 Jacket, and lines to 23.00 Sizes 31 to 36 2.95 14 THIS will solve the boys dress problem for over the 4th, and warm weather wear. All the prettiest colorings shown in splendid wash materials with choice of Middy, Oliver Twist and Norfolk styles. Boys 85c Blouses, 59c 3.85 double-breaste- FOB ovxa THE Silk Tuxedo Sweaters, 3.89 Choice of 5.00 Lines, 1.25 v Of khaki, sizes 8 to w , h Jacquettes, 4.95 t Exploiting the new Egyptian patterns in pretty soft shdes of blue, joekey, silver, orchid and buff. Also silk jacquettes, in plain colors. Sizes 38 to 44. . 18 5000 Prs, ChildrenVHalf Sox, 25c 1 year. lft Pretty New Stripe and Plain Colon Thm:Qaarter Sox, Choice- - 4Qe- - -- Child ad- - Bloomer,. 23c - Knit style with elastic knee and waist. Flesh, white or black. ef plain colors, or with ' All sizes. striped tops. Women's Silk Hose, 59c Seconds of Begnlar 1.00 Quality . All Colors. fine hoae, aad defects scarcely noticeable in this new A, VERY Shade of brown, white, gray, otter oz navy.' . lot? -- Outing Hone, 1.25 In brown, mixtures. Cuff ton, or heather v 2.25 Hoae, 1.95 25 with Boys' Hoes, 25c Heavy ribbed, black, in fast color. top. . - Hoae, 1.69 Silk" chiffon, French seamed back. be obtained from bim en depositing of said company will 1m Introduced, five 85 00) dollars. considered end voted upon, to-w- it: The right Is reservedf to reject anV Resolved. That th articles of Incorand all blda . h47 poration of th Western Loon end NOTICE OF INTENTION Tib AMEND' Building company'. be end the some, OF INCORPORATHE ARTICLE hereby, are amended by Increasing th TION QF THE WESTERN LOAN 4 authorised capital ot said company, BUILDINO COMPANY AT AN AD. from the present limit of fifty million JOURNED SESSION, OF THE 1S?3 dollars to sixty million dollars and so ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' that section on of the fifth article of the said articles ef Incorporation as MEETING. and If amended will read me follows; Notice Is hereby given that ad aa ARTICLE FIVE. Section 1 Th amount of the capiadjourned session of the 1321 regular aanual meeting of the stockholder of tal stock of this corporation shall bo the Western Lean and lluidlng com- sixty million dollars to be divided Into pany, to be held at th office of the; six hundred thou rend shares of th 3 Plait First South par value of 8100 OS each. company, streeL Salt Lake City, Utah, on Mon, Th balance of article five remain3th day of July; 1313, at t ing and reading os heretofore. day, the Thi notice la given and published oclock p. m., the following resolution to amend the articles of Incorporation pursuant to aa order of th board of Puts eilk,' in all the new shoe shades. 1 -- . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. was distributed kn the route. Mr. Idaho about a year ago. Kosaak In Part of th time ho we enraged City ef Helper, Helper, Utah. InvesPealed proposals will be received by mining and part In travel and visited he the trip tigation. During th city council of Helper. Utah, 1until the Panama canal son. M'clott p. m., July 13, 1333, And at that time publicly opened; LEAVE FOR CONVENTION. for th construction of concrete paveSpecial te The TriSaee. ment oa Paving District No. 1 and Idaho. June 3. for the construction, of concrete sidePOCATELLO, George Carlson, W. K. Pearce, B. Hon-eo- n walks according to'd&ty.Ordlnanc No. from 37, with all neceseaHaliradlng and Rtilon and Teeplea, delegate s th Pocatello chop, left today to construction of curhsy gS vere, 9 NijL American aad culverts. attend th railway boys' The principal Items of work are apconference, which Is held at Hollister, Mo., from June. 30 to July 3, under proximately as follows: 3600 aq. yds. concrete pavement th auspice of tho Toung Men' Chris317 lin. ft curb and gutter. tian association. Pocatello was the 14.000 sq. ft. sidewalk. on th Union Pacific first division - to have an A. R. EL B. club. Plans end specifications are on ffi systemThe delegatee or employed as ap- with Cert Nyman, . engineer for the prentice at th local shop. city of Helper, Helper, Utah, and may .All the GREAT purchase made earlier in the season offering a distinct vantage in price en this popular Use which our eusfbmert will In plain eolora or with pretty striped. tops. All aises for -- Unusually popular this season. Shown n buff, orange, Harding .blue, or jockey, ' combined with white. Sizes 38 fb 44. Knickers, 1.75 . Reduced sale. ty ' Palm Beach Suita An extensive line in black, brown, gray, tan, iiKjt piece style, size 31 to 42. Reduced to 13.75 aad bther price to 2L75. , Striped plain. in July or Wool Jacquettes3.95 to 2.45 to22-year- a. California style. ikjrta ' Knickers, 1.25 Light weight khaki, in aicei 8 to 18 ytori. Middies, in with alt the popular colors, such aa peacock, buff, 'bloseoifi, jade and silver to select from. Hizes 38 to 44. , 8 to 14 years. All sizes 8 Pur worsted auits A Including middy and kjickcxa. ' . NOTHING is smarter to wear with sport skirts or summer froeks, especially and 1.45 1125 Before-the4t- Choice of stocks marked to 27 A0, la this July clearance, aad every salt is n new, smart tailored style in 1 and effects in light fabrics for summer. An extra pair of troyer,wlth each xuiL . Bathing Suits 4.95 4TH Boys Khaki Knickers, 6 to 16, 89c. Boys Khaki Blotjses, 6 to 16, 89c . Boys Khaki Scout Pants, 6 to 16, 1.95 Khaki Flapper Suits, 3 to 10, 1.25 to 2.95 Toon; Mens Khaki Pants, 28 to 32, 1.65 Boys Khaki Sport Shirts, 1.00 to 1.50 Khaki Xnickera, 1.95,2.95 Khaki Costa, 2.95 Khaki Hsta, 79c Khaki Leggings, 69c Khaki Shirtn, 1.95 Suits, Women Boys Khaki Togs For Womens Wear ' d -- Sommer Suits, 18.73 Khaki Togs Togs for Girls i CPLENDIDLY tailored auits of tweed e aad undressed worsteds in sport, single and models. Pattern and for summer. shades' favored About 39 suits to close out before the 4th. i tf ' Wash Hats, 25c and 50c Straw Hats, 50c to 1.75 skirts wool tuxedo jerney coat. Choice of brown, green, red, tqd, nary or black. 95 or 2 Pain Trousers 1 Sport or regular collar style in size 6 to 16. To accompany the new Khaki oung Mens Suits Sizes 3 to 8 Tears the dress answering JDEALLY problem for the holiday, and the many outings and semidress affairs of the summer. A beautiful selection, including the new Boshanara crepes in gay eolora nnd plain or pleated styles. Jersey Wash 45uite Y Right Before the 4th A Sale j The Well known Xiynee Line Featured drive-tfay- I peel. I te Elaborately lace trimmed end in shades of flesh, hodeydew or M pw orchid aa,J For the holiday especially, pot To meet the quest for those, including our 3.00 felt and braid combinations, all in immaculate white. For Street, Porch and Afternoon Wear rope when the grand Jury Indicted him on this charge and the fact that he came back of his own volition and surrendered to the district attorney .any rate. .Silk Night Gowns r. And drooping or roll brim styles. New Gingham Frocks SpecUl Correspondent of The Salt Lake Trlbuna. f. M What By JESSIE HENDERSON. 1923. , t Silk Underwear Lac Dainty eilk chemise or stepins. trimmed Dr tailored styles. Is . A flesh, honeydew or orchid . Sport Hats, hate1.95 are the vogue. Imported Ginghams r?- 313 and in white nnd Also georgette hat to be the pastel colors. eluded. Dotted Swisses Seven Days .in LiT 01 New York Copyright, Cool, sweeping suggest All are flower trimmed, aum-me- vy - t style. and Leghorns, 6.45 brims their favor for Milams Pretty Linens MEETING the mood nnd mode of women, with fresh pretty gingham frocks for summer, and in n most Bought in anticipation of rising the popular low prices fea tored. A dozen or more style of Imported, crisp, Novelty Silk Glove' . Figured Voiles ed NEW YORK, June 30. A wild week, mates, m wild week. Rum, murder triads, divorces, extreme heat sudden seems to uPBet the carefully thought solution quite a bit. especially cold and A1 Smith may be getting out since Maxwell, who i president of ready to run for president. Ail the in- the American Society of Compoaera, and Publishers, promises to gredients, in short, for turmoil, spelled Authors expose the busy bee who haa done with a capital T. the dastardly deed. How In the world does anyone, even There was Ethel Barrymore. M or fiver, there was Geraldine Farrar. And anyone stuffed with malice, find time to write several hundred nowadays here Was Mrs Anna Buxzi. These Wish we could rent the authree ladles divided the spotlight letters? as a thor secretary to take ears of among them so far as women's events our mail a scheme which at least or eventful women are concerned. would put pep in our correspondence. Geraldine got hers after filing her The hot wave which looked for a suit for divorce two years ago. And while like a permanent wave the no sooner was Lxu Tellegen legally Leviathan, and the seiaure of rum on snipped off from the Farrar menage foreign ships 'all came in at about than he found himself named In somethe same time. Redhot la what this body's else effort at a divorce. Lou town was for what seemed generaemphatically denies' the charge and, tions; molten streets, stealing pare-men- ta, ilTin all. he seems to be kept pretty window sills on which you could not merely fry an egg. but cook busy with charges and counter. a whole botied charges these dav "ha- s'diimer.'exreptt hat aF last deBarrrmore have to keep careful watch that cided to chuck the shackles after 14 ityoud didn't get burned. ears of clanking them. It is a matTORRID SEASON ENSUES. ter for comment, but not for surprise. It waa so hot that lemons jumped V WOMAN UNDERGOES ORDEAL. from their former price per box to Vfor Mrs. Anns Buzsl, accused of a $5 69 bigger; the street show'shooting and killing a wealthy on- - er price were crowded 'with youngtractor, she went through an amasing sterbaths and every train to Coney was I r ordeal with amasing cairn It is baa jammed. . By hot la meant the hotenough for any lady to come face to test June 25 In forty-eig- ht years, face in one day with her with th, mercury scorching at the 36 and with her woman rival, but to degree aa m. and aa mark late p. i have both of them brought as silent only dropping to 94 at 7. Even th accusers standing enmetly before her copa at Coney were too languid to while shcris in the witness chair fightchase the one-piebathers an addiing for her life that is something to tional proof of how greatly morals are be counted among the ordeals. Yet dependent on climate. dethe dark, stockv woman with the It was so hot that when a Shettermined law did not falter even when pony attached to an Ice cream a verdict of guilty, carrving with it land cart fainted th crowd harnessed the the death penalty, was returned owner to the wagon and made him against her. Who was the mistaken drag It a block to see how he liked It. person that ftrst called woman the It waa so hot that a lot of people weaker sex? took the A1 Smith presidential boom Add to aemipatemal cases tho war and perhaps . they were seriously investigation which progresses with at that. tne speed of a somnolent tortoise, and right Crime of all aorU became ramthe wrangle over the Gould estate, including the repaving of Fifth one nice thing about having more mil- pant, avenue, lions than you can count is the fact Whether due to this or there alwavs leaving you a were two shootings, three . not, thet somebody stabbing, will and a aet of trustees. If you mar and one blackjacking, all within twenty-fry without asking the consent o i the our torrid hours. trustees you're out of tuck. The state would This appear to knock th pois now seeking to tax three Gould lice commissioner's perfectly safe" marriages, because three Gouida didnt cl tv for a row of murders. Which stop to consult trustees before falling of events in love. It's all very complicated, and ought to conglomeration ua for on week at hold, 1 ft! the time JULY that is annually calendered for th disposal of all exclusive pattern hats, nnd women annually look forward to this oc- -. a greater variety than enaion. Thi usual in fine milana, hemps, timbos nnd hair braids. All beautifully trimmyd with flowers, embroidered motifs, etc. Materials JO.-T- ex-as A e These is tbeJ8 button .length of fine I quality silk in white, pongee, mode or tilaek Iiwij 1st ia iy r Kayser Silk Gloves 95 sive choice of nil the new materials, eolora and trimi ns depicted this sen son in wash frock nnd prices so invitingly low Monday. A TO wear with the sport 4loui or sum. mer frock. Full elbow length eilk I glovei in plain white , holiday and summer time. An exten- and Mr. lease Brockbank, Salt 'Lake county pioneers, who wore mrrlodJuno 2V 1880 on th farm in Holliday whom they now naoldo. Mr. Long, Silk Glove - To 23.00 Models meet for the w For. the Holiday Shopper directors of said company. . Dated at Salt Lake City this 8th day of June, 1323. . H. M. H. LUND, Secretary. hJJM gXOBATX A VP Kwnlt UAXOIAXAHIP gOTlCES. eeoaty clerk m iae mpectiva sign-er- far farther lafarwaHae 1 of the stats ot Vtnh, in for Salt Lake county. In the Of the estate of Henry B. Scott, deceased. Order to show trlct. court -,pnd matter - cause. Upon th reading and 'filing of th petition to subject certain property to th payment of an Inheritance tea. filed by Hervey H. Clulf, attorney general of th Mate of Utah, la the above entitled matter. It Is hereby ordered that Nathaniel Stone of Milton, u h iif ; Charles E. Parkins, Edwin J. Sumh end William T. McFarland of Burlington, lowo, and such other parties claiming an Interest therein, be and they ar hereby cited to appear before th above entitled court on the 37th day of July, 123, at 8 O'clock p. m., and show cans then and there why th property described end referred to in said petition should not be subjected to tbs payment of the state inheritance tax, and why commission should not be issued to the Inheritance appraisers of bait lake county, directing them, as such, to appraise all of said property aa a basis for determining the amount of inheritance tax da thereon. - - WM. M. M'CRKA. Judge Dated this 19th day ot June, 10 i c hH' Pf. -i 4 |