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Show THE SALT LAKE TEIBUKE,;-SUXDA- !! MORNING, JULY 1, 1923. Y ORCHESTRA FOR NEW COUNTRY CLUB . a , Real Progress It Made Fat Gordon Vincent; tenor, MUton Its exquisite phrasing and beatfty ef melody, a number which fitted itsef Loom!. Walter Gebring. mtiti cb ? Dowae. into the environment of the handsome Jamet Via .Sort, John Beuhner, Alton ballroom and gave Jh artist opportur By Boy Sopot Yates. Archie Lane. nity to display a marvelously skilful Salt Lakx'x Bor Scout bant?. orin-lB- d Drum Ernest Xtederfcauser,' Ar- teihnic and raiha&re of Pone" Alten Fred Miff Ga tee also waa the soloist at oeveral jjoaro fpo. coinprlsnff boyx thur Johnson, Handle, baitoa, Edward Drury, the ronFrt glvea at Crumps theater, of musical tendeRCtea from various iker. Georg Columbus, ind , May 28, under the troop of Boy Scouts r!Lng in 'Salt Floyd George. Matinee MuM-ralauspice il the Ladiea th fewTfom and Lako City The press was highly coaafr, koo hrd a decidedlv jntrrsfinf Jtwr Lucy Gates Delight s of her work, the Ledger aay-m- g not mors than wosrora From the fkrtT,apio which she Coiprteic Large Eastern Crowds nuf with at wotoderfui ease, her eharm it inception, and sometimes nixie U won the audience while the Repub tutelage of .young mm inexpen-nco- d dramatic I lean declares Lucy Gates, Sait ia band work, the oiraRtatioa of die For amt mov and lyric soprano, who has been be- tion. Mlwr Gates has eiarlty )aa perstefed in expanding perhaps few public for a Jlttl in concert or opera. img forward until it now jujmlanj fore the American equal wore fourto bova of the city more than a decade, and during the Many concerts and rtiuch traveling ban six last fivo grown have brought to Mia Oates a strong and immedHta vlclmtv ti - For little more than ' etyhteaa deadly Inor public yean favor and desire for a brief rst before begin ha appeared. Is ning her fad tour With the exception wherever she monUis the band ha been un.Lr the o a a summer the after eern ef some tripe to her summer home at direction ofKhn field, bandmaster of the cltv. who for mora te'ul sprlrg tour Knthton. she expects to spend the of than thirty year hat headed hia own -- Miss Gates filled a number "greater pact of the. next two months r i manv, m at SaltLai. cement band of ln?rumcntaht4 m Sa.lt lake -- - i Ml aa!, energy and ability have been fuel, TH to review ea h In detail, git ' publicly tie n ; ii f f'rat To"TKe citizens sp ally .IVSennrfg 37 menffon for so long a period her appearance as one of the' soloists Miss droves Demonstrates of Salt Lak It at the famous .North Shore FestivaL that comment seems unnecarv Real Ability With Violin of a large associfction's shmc rolling I solely through cU!c pride and In Held Mr In beva that terest apenda number of the most eminent artists the Miss Krros Groves a young Bolt hours each week in drilling and in In the World of song, the asaocUtion Lake lofinist, who was recently pregiving a erie of six concerts strutting the Bov Scout hand, a he receives no salary for his Ilomer, ffchlpk. Gigli, 8un- - sented by her teacher, Arthur Pederle deliui. D5LaL'tfi and Other --.artist! jjf sen rabrr4-- a peeitaj. gu ihs that, according equal fame were among the soloists. Literary dub, won the coamnuistioa Director HM a cadiand of and The musical of him toy many by the papers appreciation Chicago t information comingthatto stand ,Vw York, gave Mix Gate much at- liable and artistic manner of hey work.highrect report, the boys covered wide a The program are found to tention, The Musk News, prior to her est in band work also rang Lucy of violin music, much of it being ef be at the bead of- - th fr c laser in recent appearance, writing choot, work, a cond Uon that he at- Gates, the eminent soprano, who made the Vtand&rd usually given by mature tribute V the fart thjt the band her mark a few years ago when she artints A fall and sympathetic tens, a nice conception of rhythm and, a filled drill develop'! both concentration and stepped In and tdeme cn the part cf t e p.ace (ffngry theme numbers) atlacvnirate muaicaJ msaaory. ail glJiha sue- rtLe without the The Bait lo ke Boy Scout hand does ceesfully a great deal of festival work score. .ervcd to distinguish Misw a student of mtH'h premia. and this spring, as she is one of the must Groves not eonfine practice to jx The andante of the Meftde)ohn eon Anv visitor popular of festival singer. cheap music. popular' ' This is the fourth time she ,ha certo, opus 64' waa particularly at the hall of the Public Safety buildl, us come our e erv for North Shore good, and the Grieg sonata "Opua ti ing, where the band works out roa played with genuine Insight. and she enjoys coming to Chi- 13 Monday night, may hear snd nee the Chi. Mia Jennie Welch, tsckllnsr iluwdc music' with cago a much aa her enthusiastic soprano, and youth Mrs Norma Pedefsctt link, pianist cago admirer unaffected enthusiasm. enjoy having her and Nicholas G Morgan Is president of come accompanist, were both well re Mgs Galea who was the sotoM at ceived. the band, 2. Hpenrer Cornwall vice the Saturday afternoon concert of the president, C. H Spencer. Jr., manwas received with marked Two Graduated From Ehlerx and festival, ager. i. Henry secretary The com appreciation. Musical America A. Rory Heath treasurer. And of instrumentation piete personnel Normal Music School the Salt Lake Bqy Scout bind folLucy Gates, soparno, was the lows: ' gtvmj, the 'Hymn to V 8un.' The Intermountain Institute of norComet Gustave LiebelX Stewart from Coq dOr by Rimsky Korsa- mal music at the School of from 'Lakme Grow, Charles Green, Lee Norris, Ray- koff; the Bell Song mond Luetv, David Drummond, Albert and other familiar number, to. ,1he Music closed its intensive summer wM,-Two- -ef session last the chief auOlson. 'William Rutoweky. Shelby Les- unmistakable satisfaction of the instructors. Ear! L. Hudson and Miss Karl Haaelton, dience " lie, Harry I1rdson, . have to returned Streeter, Margaret Ren Vincent, Hoy Tage, Leo OVen, t)f thi concert the Monica! Courier their eastern homes Mira Gate dr raced in a Harold Naisbttt, Alvls Anderson. Paul writes The institute wid this graduate year IkYix Orval Turley, Cecil Sharp. Or- - costume of the privd, aang.Ntilt two students who hae been at the - vdl McKwan Karl Denehaw, Joseph from Barbes 'La Fiancee dAhydo fuf and 'Best oY Lads from MoSart a three summer sessions required honFttxpatrkk, Waller Levac having passed with grmltiattoo, in these selections or Clarinet Urn'll Sihultx. John Impresario iin the prescribed subject. They Glbba Robert N Lee, Lvtel Mover, again the audience showed marked apre Miss KthrJ Anderson and Miss Ralph Howard, Jamea Cunningham, preciation, asking for encores which Ivle Ensign. Clarence WHson, also delighted " 7Tyde Fagrgiien, Miss Anderson is a resident of Balt - Paul Steven Another distlncUve lorn. t do come, Tarke and 'furs for some Joeeph MIHer a as tent ef bem? teacher of music In the years been a SaapbonesTtos. WniUm GreenT to the Utah artist Salt Lake City ron-ct ie lMcatorv Hays? tenors. Wealr Kvana. guest solmt Wayne" ibhiic school In 1919 she was apModi Star, Fred Fox , melody, Gordon t i r the open ng c f the te v I the of aducatloa. board by pointed city Gooch Yacht cluh. house, the event beSchon field. Marlon Horace under Dr Ernest, A. Smith, aa assistShnwelL TeHoy ing on of the biggest affairs on DeCherington, Harold of music In the 8aR ant supervisor lester Aden, Donald troit s Memorial day. With .regard to l.akc rohoni. and has acted in Meyerhoffer. Parker, Harold Sevelle, Kenneth Rl- - the work of the Utah singer, a lead- capacity since that time Mtaa that An tnerv ing daily of Iietroit says a popular member of the doron Slide trombone Melville The large audience who heard her music fraternity Allen, in Salt Lake bar Wendell Pindar. Frandle, John sing the melodious Jewel song from mg acted ia many musical eapamio Melvin Bplker, Harry Gehring Hiuat had every opportunity to jydge as musical director She haa been a Vocalists George Gardet. Rd Ur-so- the fluency of her diction sod the member of the SaU' Lake Oratorio soByron Woodbury, Kenneth Sloan, buoyant quality of her voice. Her so- ciety for a number of years, directog piccolo Lloyd fenUertotirg. prano la colorful and wen placed, with of the Mutual Improvement associaJensen. Baritone James Melvin a sweetness maintained even. in its stake, and secretary-treasur- Lundberg, Paid Harries, Harold Da- -' higheat' flights. Jstfey hw- - awng a tion in Liberty of the Utah Music SuperJaren June, group of three songs Brahms t'radie visors association. vies. Wade Langley, She ia also a Woodward Cannon. a charming Schumann number graduate of the University of Utah. Bong Horne Alto, Herman Khlers. Win- - and T7nder the Green- Mlsa Ensign ia a resident of Salt field Cannpn, Henry I.lebeit, Reynold (wood Tree Tba second of these. In f Ake, and hef brent are pioneers of Lundberg, Leonard ChytrauA tenm particular ravlahed her lieartra with IS4?. Rhe received her education In ' f M tb J L e. eompli-meata- ry I appre-.laUo- lrotn-"T- r - . .Pianoforte Speaks for', the Ampico Ia full reeHssttoa that la the Ample t am leaving a permanent record ef my playing. I feel impelled to aay that the Ample I Without peer.--- - It-- sHallse- and a It fills piano playing with th of ths artist and th nadl-U- e and the . Evans orcheatra, angtgad for th mmob nt tha a w Country dnh, for contorts gad daocoo. Left to Genwriav zyiophonA. All are daughter violin; Clftfcre, cello andcoovtome; Graces fiiaae Evans or Salt and well known to mnaic circles of the city. BUttf Margaret,' ilgt of Mrs. Marfay -- com-rrnt:- UPS -- Ham-ple- a, n, er Bomai-PecH- ud Iko - the pub He schools of this city, h&r MelbarRembrtcti, mrrar.AHco GeaUa, iww graduated fronriti Vhfverslly of Lucy Gates, Scottl and MaUeetit Utah. Hhe Ims studied for years with prominent mualriana of thla city, and has Uce.n AentlflNl "with tbepubUc achorils of this dty. for a number of years having done home special teach ing of mush In the schools under the laic W. W. Wetxei, and also-HugW. Monday night. July J. at the Ladies' DougaU. For the past few year she Lftemry club, Mrs. Edna Evans John from the pea of John Hetd. director of Held s Concert band of Hal. Lakt, Varied Song Recffal by " Program for Tonigh Edna Johnson's Pupils the Twenty-eight- h Ward son will present four of her pupils la mnt of the Irving Junior high a recital that will include some rather school. Khe ha organised and con- modern song. Sue vocalists who will ducted many choral organisations and be heard are Mise lone Lust, conhaa done much choral work In the tralto; Miss Marjorie Klemm, soprano; efty. She Is a member of the Balt Miss Emma Johnson, contralto,, and Lake Oratorio society mod la on of Mia Emmeline Land, soprano. Miss the city's active young women In Beth Walton, and Mrs. Richard mdsks. She will continue In her pres- O Bnrkhardt, cellist, . jwnrwnpeniaf , WU ent position at the Irving achooL . slat. Invitation Is extended to tho . pubHc. Tho program follows: Saltair Concert Programs "My Mother Bids Ms Bind My Hair" Hayda Wednesday "Love and Music, These Haro Today 1 Lived For," from "La Tosco". t Conem-Ai-W. . Pnnk Pocctni bind, ......a Ap Miss Marjorie Lee Klemm. dtrictor,' wHI ptar progrim SalUiir this .fternoon, betinnlnv it Prospice Lehmann and aim a p.ctaj conert Miss lone Lunt. iforti .clock, from T o'clock. Call "Ther 4, till Ms Tho "La from July Mlml," Bnheme Puccini proeram, . follow: ' SCXDAY: "A Spring Fancy IDensmore Mtrch. "Tb, Charter of Llborty". Mian Emmeline Land. 4 v Kramer Ilufhe "A Nocturne Beethoven "Faltering Dash Ororturo, "EnKmt ....Kramer Popular . "Song o the Shepherd LahL from 'Wonderful ChlW Henrnt fairy opera.- "Snegourotcbka... Sawmill Hlver Hoad" Koraaknf McCarthy Contralto cole, "O Sole Mio".DeCpua "The Hawthorne Tree" ...Pease Mlaa Jan Higginbotham, Miss Emma Johnson. Fantasia from "Carmen" . Andacht" Popper Itnwmtw, "PVrjret Me NoP. Macbeth "Meditation in C Squire. Tenor solo Del Rfego Miss Beth Walton. Because" V La'Forge : John W Summerhayr 1, ringing" ..r. Waldtanfol "F.nchanted Hour Hahn Waits, Tout Pans" Finale The Icicle" : Barnet . WEDNESDAY. "The Singer" .re.- Maxwell Miss lone Lunt. American Patrol-Meacham . "Love. I Have Won .You" Ronald Overture, French Comedy" Keler-lJcl- a "Ma Little Banjo". .... .t .. .Dlchmonl Serenade for fluto and horn Tltl "Villanella" Sibella Miss Marjorie Leo Klemm. Messrs A spar and Poulson. Fantasia on "My Old Kentucky "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," Home from "Sampson and Delilah".. . Langey ' a "Stara and Stripe. Forever... Sousa Miaa Emma J oh neon. Mis Both Walton, cello obbligato. Street Car Men's Band Serose Through a Primrose Dell" a Messenger".... La Forge Pioneer Park Today To Swire Eko Song.... Eckert Mian Emmeline Lend, Tho Salt lake street Carmen's band. Motorman G. R. Carmen director, will Held's Program plav (reo public concerts at Pioneer park this evening from 7 till 9 o'clock, Sugarhouse Plaza and Wednesday, JolJr 4, at the aarao hour Mr. Carmen has prepared Held's Concert band, John Held, diappropriate program for Independence rector. will play a free publle concert e dav, featuring a number of evest Sugarhouse plaza tomorrow favorites. The programs follow: SUNDAY. ning from 7 until o'clock. Th Held concerts continue to draw augmented March, "Triumph of True Tones weekly. The Smith crowds of pleased patronsfollows: Saturday night program Selection, The Bohemian Girl".. March. "El Capitan Souaa Balfe ' Popular Capricezt- Herbert (n "Yeeterthougtits (a) "Swinging Down the Lane".. Feist (b) "Swiss Boy (mountain echoel Yarklr (b) "Reuben Clsypoolo Overtures Roaeuil William T ell" When Shadows Fall'.. Reverie. Popular Ketthley a "Mother in Ireland Lyman Overture. "Martha" Flotow You Uw Albert Verdi (b "I Gave "Down Quartet from Rigoletto" on the Farm Descriptive, Overture, The Golden Scepter.. Bowman Kchlepegroll Hr. Martin. Overture, Militare to Arms selection, "MarClements Grand operatic .x .. FWtow tha'' Popular Messrs. Solos by Moierjtp and Remick (a) Barney Google" Jorgensen. (b) "You've Oot to See Mamma.. Popular Feist Lockwood Bellini fa) "Some aTtmer Overture, "Norma Jxiok at Molly ... .Boch (V, "Take March. St. Julian ....Hughes Finale. BanThe Banner.. Finale, ner Key Key WEDNESDAY. n4 Spurn Snuea L. T. Thompson's Pupils 'Sab March, Selection, i01d Sweet Songa. , .DalhyL 6 Popular Kaysville, Berlin (a) Dearest (b) You Know Too Belong to Trtbii.i. TV. t. Deri in lwi.l Somebody blee June KAYSVIIJ.E, Axnerkwn Patrol Meachare Thompnon will preecnt torn ef hi Idle Hour. .Wood CVncert wait, snd instrumental a vent in pupfla Selection. Grand Medley of War recital at the K yam lie tabernacle Sod Beyer next Friday night H. L Gleason, Hungarian Dance No. and 4 will assist Ipritnttoo 4a exBrahms oomet, tended to the public. The program Overture The Three Guardsmen follows . Brocl TrlO- - .".The Meads Again Pofwjw Gone" Whltmark to Be, Sees Bertha Thelma Nahce. Mister Gallagher and Mister (b) Doris Thom ley. Mills 13mm . .Gabriel Latin "Th Quarter". Plano, Selection, "Around the Campfire" Afton Bodily. Seredy Pres bit Walts" Auld leng Syne'. .Bose PlanO doel. Paraphrase ALhelen Wood and Mr. Thompnon. Benner".. Finale, Durand Piano, "Moonlight Key Dorothy Varney. Edna Stevenses. 'uptAre-Hea- rd .'Streabbog Song" - Grant Recital Plano, Swing Marsh. Cdrnot ante faelectedj if. H. L. Gleasoa.. Seme rvf the piano pupils of Mies Wensel Hasel B. Frank were heard in recital Piano, "A Dream Edith Layton. last Friday night at th hall of the L. D. R. School of Music. Miae Grace Tenor. "Toa la a Gondola. ......Clark Fred Aah. Nick rraon, reader, pupil of Mrs. Esther assisted. The program Piano, Waveide Roue. . . , . . .Flarher Htmlwndg , Maude Cowaa. follows: given Heins Cad man Plane duet, "Flying Dove "In an Alabam Cabin and Beth Cutler. Virginia Varney. Dormhy th Forest Jungmaa 1st Vlolette" .Krpgmaa "Chapel in Reed Elilenn' Evelyn Sandberg. Detbrook "Dance on the law." . . . . , .Bohm Soprano, . "Tender Ties'ThelutS Nance. Bessie Lipdeey. Brown Phxno, Para aa Snow' Image "lev. Dreams' Vera Odd. Victoria Pitman. solo Selected Cornet (selected) Reading H. Grace Nickerson. Frlmi Piano, Robin Fischer Return "Butterfly Walts Beth Friei. Virginia Varney Horrock Merkel May Has Cbme .Haha Edith Brown. Hour of Dreaming" .... Kevin "Lev Song Doris Thorn ley Bohm Brasier. Plane, "Mountain Stream Gladys bells Holland Orsc Nlckerscn. Love. Here Is My Heart Soprano, SI lean la beta a mie - Thelma CaffalL Bertha Session CkrfowskF Plano, "Arbutus MAlt WUft Davla Artono (trmnxrribxd for piano by Lowe la Hhdlock. Mach RtnutD ...... ..Brown "Love Dreams. Plano, Helen KbmhalL g...Bcb Erma Galley. Oeibel Trio, Joys of Sprinr Miser Nance. IV eel one and Wins Miss Edna Crowther Thornier. and - it -- B!t - Salnt-Saen- at Band ct 1 at July & Are-Gre- en "Star-Spangl- in . Of Interest to All Good Codes Every good cook realises that the actual cooking aa important to good cookery as 13 the preparation of the ingredients. Isnt it fair, therefore, to say that better ranges will make better cooks? Is just Automatic Electric Ranges are better ranges, for more than can be discussed here, They are the ranges with practical automatic control; They can be trusted to start and stop cooking without attention, and they use the minimum of eurrent. They heat the food and not ... the kitchen. , heam how good cooking may be done con veniently and comfortably, and just why Westinghouse Ranges make good cooks better. 5 reasons -- -B s tVy. a!'1' "1 - - . I Hageman Scholarship More Convenience-OutletMake Afore Convenient Homes A nj Miss Edna Crowther. formerly of Salt Lake, has woa the Richard Hageman scholarship at tree Chicago Musical college, Seventeen aingers appeared In the con test preliminaries held Juna lg, ten being chosen for. the finals, conducted June II. Mian Crowther ajid ether winners were heard inrTJfncert given at the La Salle theater the Bight of , June II. Richard Hageman, who Instituted the scholarship. Is a widely famed coect numbering among his pupils Chinaga, (Tg coo-tal- as Bfe-thr- oh feeling spirit la electrifying. . To my mind aa great artist can honestly proclaim tb plajing of say taatrumeat as comparable to the V aa lees he has missed listening to it. Ample, "Th esmparlsoa recitals la which I hay particiaodlan which keen and base those at I simply pated tog stand aa aum amenta! sad UaeootroverUW evidrnce. li haa demos at reted Its supremacy. htrary to general belief, the prie of tb Ampico i tho it prohibitive. Humble koines are of O nutria, Rachmaninoff, Uodowaky and more than a haadred other geniuses Prices rang from $800 op. Toa qld piano accepted -- a first paysssat j eery tereie ea oa old piano. ycf Wo carry tb Ampiea in the Chirhering, Hamee Broa snd Marihail A Weadell piaaoe, and will gladly demonstrate it to you. Mats-enaue- f, GaiH-Cnrc- is Thu Amazing 'Genius of the messo-aopran- o, Haddock, Soloist for Bountifufs Celebration Bay M. Haddock, SaK taka taaoe, of tho aoloiMa for th musical program to b glvea at Bona-tifon July 4. bis number being only a part of aa extended vocal sad instrameatal progreai that will be a feature of the day's festivities. Mr Haddock sxul yesterday that his songs (or the cccaskut would Inn Ms Own Unitclude toe ed States and "The Btare on th Flag, the lattdr composition being wlU be on ol Y sow-enjoy- ing Some of the violin and plan poplla ef William C. Clive will furnish th tice muaie lor the service wt th eenjoiat M. 1. A. meeting at 4 2a tonight at the Twenty-eight- h ward chapel. Th program in full follows: Overture. Poet and Peasant. .Suppa Ivy Gilroy, Virginia Coulam, E. Hanson. Ariosto Ferro, Louise Armstrong, Mabel Stewart and Rhe Campbell. Short talk Bishop A Fred P. A. Glad. . Vocal solo, Th FUg Without a Stain Oil 11a Shields, accompanied by kttss Beatrice Darien. Selection, "A Bridal Bouquet. . .. Orchestra. Vocal solo, "Door of Hope. .7.C. . . 181 SOUTH MAIN Otilla Shields, accompanied by Miss Beatrice Dav tea Melody la A ...William William Taylor, David Violins Mnie clubs, was accorded a place to 1T. and plan under de g Sftanit, Ralph Taylor. Annie Dyer, pria and tba six leading contestant at harp under Haarelmana, From among Clarence Drew. Earl Anderson, V. th competitive contest held at Ahe-vlllfirst prises to both Couiam, Lucille Brewerton, Ivy GilN. EuroC., between June various toured and 11 1004 he roy, Barrie Walneas; piano, Rhea ltol tocountries aa a harpist and for Tb first honor wah won f by Mlaa pean Nellie Campbell. of Miller aoi Oklahoma was Okla.. harpkrt City, th next four consisted of a cash prize of 3304, of th Association des Premiere Prix and in addition to a free concert in AeolHawkins to Play de Parte at Mont Carlo. From York. to 1213 he was eolo harpist of tne ian hall. New Ambng the excellent concert given. Opera orchestre of th Metropolitan Trio Threet Concert Programs house. de Mis Netlson assert that those of the In 1SI3 he formed the augPhiladelphia Choral society, with Georges Bair re, flautiet, Hawklna'a Military band, Q, J Haw- LutecPaul mented by a harp ensemble, and that Keter. cellist, making nu- of New kins director, will play three programs and York the Symphony orchestra, merous tours with th organisation were at Liberty park this week, ths'regidar and to the outstanding. a Is as soloist. He served one Sunday afternoon from I till I La the Var and w as honFrench army o'clock, with p. Melvin Peterson, bar- orably discharged In Jiriy. Xtli. OLD FOLKS CHOIR. itone. as soloist; tb Independence day Mr. Salxedo also baa written m ImThomas Butler, conductor of the Old program from 3 till 4 o'clock, with portant treat lee on the harp aad workx Folk' choir, hes called a special reMrs. Laurlnda P. Brewerton, soprano, ceil tromhona; tour prelj hearsal of his singer 9 to be held next soloist, and a special eonoert at 4: IS for rioting Telephone, d'un . TApree-mtat 3 o'clock at the Tuesday uda night Wednesday night, preliminary to the two sorteo of Fentarhythm4e and a Fourteenth ward hah. Independence day pageant that wiH Sonau ier Plano and Harp which had assemble at Liberty park. The regu- itx first performance bud winter at v lar programs for Bunday and Wednes- concert ef the Interaatiooai Compoa day follow . era gufid and which la deafened to SUNDAY. of exhibit the thlrty-eem- a March. areoc Mr. Chicago Tribune. Chambers the ham many of wh4 cal "-Overture. "Midsummer Night's awa dleoorery Salaedo'a Dream" Mendelasbhn mariaa. . Popular - ' -- ...Jones Indiana Moon "The Lovelight in Your Eyes.. MUSIC IN CHURCH : ........ Job neon rrittsiiJiinKT Itiiilii u ((') J Be-ri- ot win-sin- In-1- ei yre Band dl tone-aoto- ra ! r Vocal "Arioso do Bendennto Dias Selected P. Mehrln Peterson. Select Ion, Mikado SuHivan Selection, "La BoReme" . . . . i . . . Puccini Request Vocal "O Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Wagner Selected Hr. Peterson. Danes Oriental Lgboudisky "Rosmaa Peasant Dance" Lehar Finale, Banner.. Key WEDNESDAY. March, "National Emblem" Bagley Overture. Queen for a Day". ..Adam . Popular Old King Tut Tger Graht "Twilight on th Nile" Star" "Star-Spangl- Vocal Ana "Bohemian GW; ..Balfb from SeSected Mrs Iwurinda Brewerton. Selection. Creme da la Creme . . . Tobanl Selection. "The Evolution of Dixie" ..Lais Cornet eolo (selected) Vocal "AmoreBa Winn The Flag WHhout a Stain ".White Mrs. Brewerton. "American Ihntaala Herbert Finale. Banner.. Key "Star-Spangl- AND CHAPEL Tor th wrrirsa at th churches and chapela of Salt Lake today th following program of muaie are announced: Hill INUEL BAPTIST. Morning WngMF Prelude (selected) Goml solo, "Nearer, RUU C.Nrerw" ktorri H. Mr. Ito. Puri Kimball Darla. Offertory (asleotad). Soprano auto, O Led, SareemberBom Ms .Lrmmens Postlude FTR6T PRlHBBtTERIAN. .Organ prelude. Communion". .Qullmam ,.j Soto. Tb Good ShephmTY'..... Van d Water . Clafr "Andanttoo to D Ptog" Solo. Prnym" Mrs. Myrtle pvta Aber. aoloiat. Maud Thorn, organ lit and director. PHILLIPS CONG RFY A TKIN AU Preluda, '1 be Shepherd BoY . .Wilson Offertory. India Lodg..MaoDoweg ...Went Soto. "Llk as a Hart Mias Carolyn Dtdxam. ....D'Aubel Postlude, "Melodlo Shlalda.. director; Hsn. Claude L. Miss EtoUte Baumbcrger, organist. once ..............Cue At 4:30 p. m. Soprano aoio. . ....... .. AEmum Lreosay trie Praises .........Foots Selection Godowsky Maurto Dewmtp Plano aoto Music Addrem BJUlnm RnWortey Tenor eolo KMtFIRSON WARD CHAPEU .The muaie 'of the Javanese ia deSO p. m. At I scribed as "enchanting by Leopold orcheatrn, Wtod Prelude, Godowsky, the pianist, who has been C. BawtiM, conducLw giving recitals in that country and Mrs. Agnes Hutsh and rompanyijplano ether parte of the orient. In a recent Ltod letter to his American representative solo, Foster Cope; Keddlas-tothe artist write as follows of ths sister; baritone solo, Alvin Jsreto contralto solo, ICa Tb orchestra of kind of ths batik; Kimball gamMangs, moat peculiar instrument, aopraao aoto, Mrs. Paart together with their complicated and Darla; or lection, bewildering rhythms and riotous deco- Dexoiogy. rative polyphony, fascinated me ax do so ocher sounds 1 heard ths Feet All Records gxmehuigs itt Soto and JoXIa, where th aly two remaining sultans bold By St. Leeds Opera their court. These cities seek- - with a population of more than SO, 000, are JtAt-iecM- di tbs heart of Java and have a very STrIJ)UlS,J hancient Ludera1 civilisation and history. In in the long history aa Guatav B recwell of Ptlaaa. "Prince we saw a reaf Javanese theater Aolo the- which is supported by the sultan.- In ord of th StjLotoa Municipal aato f eto th werwhrehe ater. by this elty ws also ssw royal Javanese which week more than 153.00 fog ths princes dance In their native cos- ended last Sunday. tume Mr. Godowsky gave three That in 7a more than thon torgest recital each In Batana, Sverabaia seat week ever recorded for sale and Bandoeng, and one each In Municipal opera five year. The Solo, Metang and Te- In Johia, 323.000 for Kalman waa nezt gs 1. He subsequently revisited China, "Mis largest Springtime of last year. giving a fourth recital la Shanghai, Interna1 Louis entertained the and later engaged pareage ou th tional convention oa Tuesday Rotary steamer Siberia Marti for his return vote Rotariaas th having by to the United States. After a Stop-ov- er night "The Pr(nc of Pttoea from of a week--iHonolulu, Mr. and chorea that purpose repertory fpr will complete thetr thi year' Mrs. Godowsky end an audience of 13,004 saw the homeward Journey, spending several From Tuesday until th weeks in Los Angeles before going to performance.. otereofthreeh with Sunday A pre-New York, Music! America. la th theater and crowd unabl to Carlos Salzedo Adds get 1a lined th fence surrounding. of Java flve-ple- n. Broken -- July t 1, 1923 t:IS-7:- WARD. twbntV-sevhnt- h By p. m. FRANK W. ASPEN AND HIS - BAND The Charter of March. Lib- erty" Hughes Overture, "Egmont Beethoven Popular Hcaret WMderfut Child ' 8awmill River Road. McCarthy Cbntrmtto Solo, "O Sole Mlo" Miss Jaa Higginbotham Selection from "Katinka" Frlmi INTERMISSION from" Carmen Bizet Inter nwo. "Forget Me Not" Fin tael ... ...... .. . ... .Macbeth Ten of; aoto, Because" DelRieg Mr. John W. Summerhay Waldteufhl Waltz, Tout Pan Finale. WEDNESDAY, JULY A 1 S:00-7p, m. American Pxtrot ; Sfrwdha Overture, "Drench Comedy Ktler-Bef- e Serenade for Flute and Horn Tltl Director Asper and Mr, PouRou Fantasia on My Old Kentucky Home ...Langey . Stars and Stripe Forever. i. Sousa to Vogue of the Harp Muriel Dodd Pupils in Recital Thursday Cariog Saisedo. oho of the promivirtuosi of the nent present day, harp hi laurel sot only to hi ability as a performer on hie liMtrement, but to his compositions for it as well. The literature of harp music is com pare lively email, and Mr. Salzedo haa done muoh to enrich it by numerous A feature of Mr. Salxedoa work compositions is the fact that they are made with the idea of exploiting the remote possibilities of th ton and technique of the bare, and few comhav displayed the originality poser which be has shown ia this direction On of hi piece, a theme and variations, end with m fugue which la said to'b th first aver written for th harp. Mr. Salzedo waa bora at Areachoa in th Gironde on April 4. 1333. He waa a pupil at the Bordeaux conservatory from 12! to 1323. winning the first prize In solfeggio and piano. He then entered the Peri .conservatory, here his father, Gaston Salsedorwa professor of singing, studying solfeggio under Schwarts, winning th first owe 3 Mie Five ef th paaf pupil be heard to aa Muriel Dods will Thursday, July 3. at her studio. The program follow; The First Walt.' Romania Rutter; Joyous Farmer, Schumann:. Santa Claus Guards. Kregmaa. Jack Stewart; Fairy Polka. Spindler; pony Race." Frogman. Marta St .wart; recitation, Madeline SworTwood; "Dac of th Bear. Meins; Bleyeto Walt" Barcarolle, Geibel, Karl Johnson; from Tale of Hofman, Offenbach; streabbog. Zeda "Morning Prayer. Anderson. Utah Pianist Gains Honor at Aiheoills recently returned from ' ifixa Rlfea 'KLxloon, maote Inotxvctor of Utah and Hiri$)natt4iiriaaDa of tte national ptajrmr xontoot oondoctod of br thx National xI New York City that aha will ef Pupil -- ' at tha Univerxity Miss Jessie Perry at VOICE bar etudle at BRYAN AVENUE raleffbana Hylan ;4- - 343-N- . - |