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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY. MORNING, JULY 1. 1923. A good time was had by a thats what you will ay if Lang tlHc Qlww, Pair, $1 SS Elbow length, mad, from hwvy quality Milanese silk; ftneer ends; whites pans, and almond. Buy your Fourth at July sieves. 9 Reclamation Service8 . Bu- reau Changes Criti- cued by Dean Cooley. 50 ARBOR, Mich, June Is responsible for ihe recent dismissal of. A P Davie by Dr Hubert Work, secretary of the interior, and the appointment in his place A X S' ,Toliticj as director of the reclamation service of former Governor Davis of Idaho, Dean Cooley, head of the engineering college of the University of Michigan, said today. Dean Cooley Is president of the Federated Engineering societies which has filed formal against the secretary's action. protest -Mr. Davie has worked more than thirty years at his post, to the great advantage of the oountry," Dean Cee-ia- v hE. said. k DENVER. Colo., Jun 30 Frank B. Weymouth, chief engineer of the bureau of reclamation, in charge of the Denver office, today became engineer ' uf irr charge as the entire reclamation service the result of the shake-- I in the Washington office, up recently it was announced at the Denver headquarters today. Secretary of the Interior Work announced yesterday, aboard 'resident Hardings train in Montana that he had appointed Mr properly equipped for your holiday will per- their apedal eironrastancea Store Closed All Day Wednesday , reclamation service, whose resignation is effective today. Although he win remain at the Denver office, htf will be the senior engineer of the department and will be in charge of all work Hereafter, it was said, the only matters to be acted upon in Washington will be matters of policy, which wtti-b- e handled by D. W. Davis, formsr governor of Idaho, who, by virtue of "shake-up,will become commis" the sioner of the bureau of reclamation. Mr Weymouth joined the reclamation service in 1992 after having served on engineering projects In Central American oountries for several year. He will take charge of his new duties on his return to Denver from Washington, which will be in about ten days, Mr. Weymouth was mads chief engineer of the bureau in April. 1120, and has been in charge of the Denver office since that time He came to the Denver office In 11 as chief of ur Pioneer Daughter and L. D. S. Church Member Is Dead Victoria C. Strong, wife of John A Strong, died Friday night et the family home. 317 South Eighth hast street. She was born at Salt lake, August 14, 1866, the daughter ot Jane Turpin, s pioneer of 1847. Her youth was spent in the Second ward Durtng the letter part of her life she lived In the Tenth ward, where she wan an active worker In the Relief society c and was a member of the Relief so- t Mrs. 1 v -- i elety choir. it , .1 ... . Besides her bus- - , band she Is fsur- rived by two eooayktorla C. Strong I tester J Strong of Salt Lake and Dowell C Strong of Visalia Calif ; two daughters, Mrs WUe L Salt and Mrs. Mafy B. Robi-Hoi- t, both of Salt Lake, by two brothers, Jessie R Turpin of Granger and John W Crwwfonl of Logan by a aster Roeena J Barker of Salt lake, and by nine grandchildren. TO ENTERTAIN VETERANS. Member of Lieutenant Clarence E Allen post No Veterans of For eign Wars, and their ladies will be entertained by the post auxiliary at memv Uberty park July 4 ber and their wives also will be guests Dinner will be served to be followed bv a program of games and mumc. GAR treaty of Versailles That type o( controversialist who Is always advertising his idealism has made a point of withholding these salient facts from the public which he professes to enlighten and instruct. There is no more unscrupulous debater in the ring than one who offer ta to 1 do not be specially mean the man who is powtsnd of a which sort but tho mind, really high is always posing as haring been exalted bv grace above his fellows. He Is the Pharisee of the controversy. Beware of him, for he garbles and misquotes and suppresses to suit his arguments or prejudices in a way that would make a child of this world That is why I venture to put In a humble, although, I fear, belated, plea for a reading of the text, the whole text, and nothing but the text of the only fslr treaty of Versaillesat aIt is theconclusion lust Way of arriving of the meylts of the treaty which holds In its hands the destiny of Eu- rope for many generations. Copyright, 1923, by United Feature Syndicate Copyright la Great Britain by London OifonkJe. Copyright in Australasia by Australian Press Association Exclusive World Rights Held by e Syndicate Reproduction In W hole or in Part Prohibited All Rights Reserved VRIP ABROAO CONTEMPLATED. Henry Krumb left Saturday afternoon for Los Angeles to join Mrs. In a couple of weeks they Krumb will sail from dsn Francisco for a the world, and will be around trip gone a year or more They will visit interior the of China, the Japan, Philippines, Federated Malay State Burma, Java, India and Kypt and will spend next summer In various ( United-Featur- ISO 4th of July Knicker to 47,30 A OOG9 (WOO Khaki Middies, Suits, $19.75 k Bathing Butt Baga doth, la all popular eolarg aad ot atytoe. Me to U0 Rubberised j $4.95 Knickers, $5.95 Khaki Knickers, or Breeches, and and $3.50 Khaki Shirts, $2.50 and $2.95 Khaki Leggings, .. Corduroy Coats and SIdrts,$3.50 $5.95 Khaki Hats, $1.25 and $1.50 $2.95 Linen Knicker Suits,$15 $1.50 Cru of Linen Knicken, Corduroy Leggings ' at $2. 50 59.75. FI July 7, instead of as previously announced. New Neckwear What do you need for your holiday t costums Here dire gulmpeg and veatees fashioned from fine nets, trf inroad with lrth and filet tuxedo, round and all the new cami-sett- necklines. - ummer Announcement of Change in Date Chdc ' . 1923 Take ene with you on the Fourth At lM a set for cMHreti, or one carried to the canyons or for any outing A game that can be carried without the fear of damaging the expensive tile. Special .....$2AO New Country Club Opening, -- Higher Grades in MAH JONGG 13m ! ( " (Reprint from New Tork Dally Record) W. k. Settle, New York representative tor Walker Brea. Dry Goods Co. di Salt Lake City, Utah, sailed Bat. uilay on the B8. Orca for a buying trig to London and Parts. He win make his Paris headquarters at Hotel Grand. a VERY SPECIAL $1,95 KhakiCdlts Separate Tweed" d. blUKh Splash Here's Your Bathing Cap trimmed with rubber t lower, printed Women s Outing Togs Heather ttr the league under labor articles asm fully and faithfully carried out, but in both a good deal of quiet and steady progress has already been attained. M. Albert Thomas is an admirable chief for the labor bureau. He I seal, sympathy, tact, energy and great He Is pressing along organising talent. well am -- persistence wkh nattwice-a- a But that is another question It raises grave issues as to the execution of the treaty. What I have to deal with today Is the ntisunderstaadings which exist as to the character of tho treaty Itself. TTte British public Is certainly being deliberately misled on this point. Why are these sections which emancipate oppressed races, which seek to lift the worker to a condition above destitution and degradation, and which build up a breakwater against the raging passions which make for war, never placed to the credit of the by wonderful value, all over the tore for the next two day,. PROGRESS BEING MADE. Weymouth It will take tong before the prise! Mr, Weymouth virtually, taken the place- of A. P. Da via, director of the pies propounded In the covenant of i Daintily I and plain. Shopping Monday and Tuesday at mit, Anocg tkeee methods an&pvtn-ciple- a the following seem to the high contracting parties to he of special and argent impsrtawcs: First, the guiding prisoiple above enunciated, that labor should not be regarded merely as a commodity or article of commerce. Second, tho right of association for all lawful purposes by employed as well ss by employers. Third, payment to employed of wages adequate to maintain a reasonable standard of life as this "is understood in their time and oountry. Fourth, adoption of an eight-ho'day, or week, as a standard to be aimed at where ft ha not already been attained Fifth, adoption ofa weekly reft ofat least twenty-fou- r hours, which should knclade Sunday whenever practicable. $lxth. aboHOPS of child labor and iropoatloo of such thn Rations on labor of young persons as shall permit continuation of their education and assure their proper Seventh, the phystcaLdevetorQenV principle that men and women should recxranerattoa fee work receive eqoaT of equal value. Eighth, a standard set by law in each country with respect to conditions of labor should have due regard to the equitsfle TfeaLnesT ef alT wnrkfcs lawfully resident therein. Ninth, each make provision for a should state system of inspection. In which women should take part, in order to insure enforcement of lass sad regulation for the protection of tho employed." ur ' J I you. go to make you as dainty a summer girl as the maid in the picture . Veiling, Yard, 50c In smart new styles brooming meshes with large or small chenille dots black and popular colors with different colored dots. tleeue gingham ratine ftno voile cool tub silk in way. you would never think 'of fhaWantng thmw ergandy llnei youreeU. Prices, $3.95 and $4.95 Hair Womens Handkerchiefs psolaLr 2Cc 3 for 50c Colored linens embrpHersd corner , fine bativts with dainty initial corners, efreer lawn, embroidered corners, in solid .colors. Chinese Parasols Summers Favorite Fad I CQ One Pries, lidE Special . . Iarge sixes for women and misses, very attractive patterns in bright, f gay colors. Children's Chinese Parasols . Daintv pattern and colors for small maids. Make them happy on the Fourth BoW Priced Special, Silk moire, many colors Pastel eoioringv la blow, ptnk, canary, orchid -- .very favored tone, and whit Ribbon IS: Prices Moderate $12.75, $170, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50 width. Ctooke of Bows tied FREE. Special table display Broadway Sizes f Picnic Supplies 14 to 521j.. 85 TUB DRESSES Lun heon Sets, each 12Vc Uc Kc Large Plates, dozen . 12c and 15c 5c Small Plates, dosen 10c Napifins 46 In package 10c Famy Napkins, dozen 5c Sanitary Spoon, dosen . . c LHy Drinking Cups, pkg Fancy Flowered Table Cloths, . 50s each Sale Priced. : 895 Part r f a special purchase, and quite the toreBest dresses you will find sn.whare at a price ee tow Materials the most popular of this summer. retlne voile pongee tleeue B'xgham beoket weave Buy Your Fourth of July Dress at This Big Saving v V5 Costume for holiday wear , for comfort and to make your sheer summer frock Camping Comforts and Necessihang correctly ties of f. S. Covemment Stand ard make at Economy .Prices. White Walker ISSjjCk Footwear 4 I4 smartest modes for Direct Particular Attention to Unusual Facilities for - fords, ties, Keds. 9 white straps , pumps and oxfords for general summer ' wear? T dress styles in exclusive patterned straps, sandals or slippers . We Are Note Ready to Remodel 1 . . Beautiful light weight quality of material. f- blanketa Have "r. 9. Navy officer tamped on the end. Government gray. Ste Mx80. wrhtht about four pound. These are new blanketa Reclaimed Army Blanketa. Each, (2.VS Olive drab wo.1 blanketa. about WtC U. S. army stork. Pup Tenta, $2AS Just the thing for Boy Hcouts and flehermen. Made of heavy, khaki, waterproof and shadow-proAl first quality, army standard. Denim Barracks Bags, Each, 38c Strictly government regulation, with Made of heavy blue denim. draw-strin- g. Printed Georgette Crepe, Yard, $2.19 all silk in Egypt- 40-inc- h, on your holiday outing or to employ leisure hour of the Fourth, These Pieces are Inexpen -- Persian fig good asStamped sortment of small Bed Spreads light Atnd dark, $2.35 Yaiaeat Special grounds. bedk. fuU (iian and. urea, also a site For stamped unhleacbod uuisBn aad bine strtrm heavy scrim In deefgna for crews et Ttc h. faXcbwork, large fcay demy and cgadlawlck. knot smbos- t, ilmy. on Canton and Flat Crepes, Yard, $3.25 40-inc- Just received, a 5-Ke- new assortment of the most wanted colors. Heavy, all pure silk. A wonderful quality in tan, cardinal, orchid, grey, toast, rose, lavender, black and white. - ce Luncheon Setsy 69c t to Stamped 3S-ln- atnbreMetwL CSoth ' 4 Napkin Stamped ee wbtto IntBea Head; aAtnetta dentgw. Shop for the Fourth Economically in Our Down Stairs Store " Wonderful Let of New Silk Dresses Ready tor Montoya Selling at ; do pour remodeling during tha I lower prices than will prevail later. - S&tinette Bloomer, $1.69 ""Two 4 la a position to at considerably white kid, black satin. Black and Colored , into the new Silhouettes. The "latest and most authoritative models for the season to comb are now here. The tabular silhonette, flonneet, wrhpi around effects are well represented, sleeves and collars show pleasing variation a We are summer Slip in navy and black, $3.95 Each, toe J net tha thing for cliiklrm to play on tha lawn; Hoe for campera and IMunme. Brand new. Made ot cream color heavy muqsIMt and government net. Can be uted alao lot many household purpoeeat eubb ee window mr Ulna tea aprone, bed coverlngsteiid afford a big- ageing at thta price. Blanket, Each, Ato V" Needlework Our Downstairs Store is teeming with wearing apparel, suitable for Fourth of July requirements. YOUR FURS 1923-192- brocades Slip, $7.95 SOlc daring novelties in attractive red, green, blue, colored' kid sandals. Our Man Will Call Upoo Receipt of a Card or Phone Call Prom .Ton AT BUMMER BATES ox- Moequito Tenta, . to the bip Lined everywhere . clever sport models for street and outing wear in OiUR faeiUtied for toriti(? fun are unusual, and place at jour disposal eold, mothproof vaults, where jour fura may taka on a aew leaee of life during the Bummer. Cleaned before storage; safeguarded against moths, Xin aad theft this service affords at trifling cost absolute protection for jour fur garments. . 8atinette Slips, White Radium Fur Storage N every-uea- r, your $2.25 Take Two Big Silk Specials, Slips prints, medium and dark Mixes 14, It, it, 88, 40 ghades. Unusually pretty styles. Buck very desirable fabrics canton de cPtne, crepe crepe, georgette crepe, combination materials.. They make delightful dreesea for Fourth of July. Light colony Prices are so low that every woman can afford to have new things to help her enjoy the holiday. r" Wool Sweaters, $1.79 This very popular garment caa to bad In aisea to 42. Bright abodes and tha darker colors. They are made of pure wool yarn. Trimmed Hat Sport Skirts, $4.88 nd $5.93 98c $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 Slip-Ov- Two thousand go Into tht great two-da- y sale. We bought the surplus stock of a leading Jobber at a groat discount, and are Pairing it on to our trade- - at the same great price concession Buy your Hat Monday or Tuesday. er Those snappy styles, ntm aad met nets that every woman anjoya wearing. Knit jacket to wear with them at UR Crisp Cool Dresses for the Girls 98c, $1.49 and $2.49 an asOrgandiea rattnen and gingham sortment of aixea t td 14 years. iJ,.m color and fancies. .1, .y, flCiSy |