OCR Text |
Show i ' THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,' SUNDAY MORNING, JULY WASTED i Wnto WANTED Htly (Milt) ftsM-B-rii WANTED li. WANTED W$atn4 Hip (fFiBAln) iKitbiCkii, 'tsfil to nBivrrsity. (VaUl aLaiIAA S', VefRen- Maft, l aall a. aitoiira aen Ttocbern Agescy, $4 Mala., Katherys UfftiMal rtrun f like OibirtiM aa Bedford coat. 'Tuii and Ikikn. Oalf mat Tergoiem, masager. Free StoUmest. Pbw m cd apply. Writ Was. 4228 with large feUewtag all$ particular a te lines you carry and town lemcniary, blgb scbwsi. vL von make. George IS. Jacob on, 2u9 Fifth toys- - Mwntals Htaie Teecber' Agency, X. Y. Av ' WANTS D A MAN WITH CAR WORKING AT MAGNA OR OARF1SLD. WHO HA in permanent porition PLANT! THR xAE FOUND ava BALL ABOtt BTB11T rOLNDI tb br AND VAX Of MORMSU. BTITH FBO MBN wanted t t for $1M J10 mall eecvtm. . $190. Raperienra or ftirrn firwwi(hifi Drawee 8. uanerrsaavy. Writ $7$, Jsplia. Bishop, MEN.' Imw. B. Mu. 2 ROKDAti- (It u,. t Dtairlhai .rffc-t-- , BORMbolA t - abb ItMUl - Of oirn tat third tiiihtt new Mr fiusranteed (or cnitaatft pmU, bk is Fait thi prodoc mi rrKKrr. (in aetlefaetory, Bn4 fer free mm- MAC.NA KM It MORMVO BT A. M, aad start qaiefc, Jennings Mrg. to.. Hi st bb Willing to Ki rmsu bond to M.19, J7l? Mrtrlet Oh in. Dayteu. ARBCM tb 00 WILL BB ON TUB JOB KXCfTIO TH t 22 Kteknrda at. Was. 194. A. t Fm . dssvfi togistca-tim- fORMKK graduate ef ear school oat of f looking for a better ponltton employment abemd register with no. Bare bad a nsa bee of feed potatoes wo eenid not luk Henageris Ramtoa jitogn., 4A Bail Brood-waWas USA hIS iiURlH UULt os per le seed greom on Indies1 fancy s tnimeoto, premlem wage the right party; steady employment. Crown Clensmg A Dyeing Ce., 7? - A tad fientb. i TR1BINB. $ALB$ MANAUIM, fmaaciaUy tospaaibie? most mperrlM ptodncUea. finance and binsd aclive development of moftoiortoriftf TKACIlkhA wasted orSil Iiaee to tb prw I'miI territory. Mensatob KX fysston. TKACHIR8 HKIRRND 95$2 Bid rid g $t., Fittabnrf. Fa. HANG R. H.to Failo Idaho. hgOTfi JM fiOMBONifON W)R CAKft TO FARM h7M MIN Af IT to 13. Baperiesce naaerce WILL FAY (UHL Or IS FOB SUMMER. !T0ilO0K-TU.N- K, Travel; make secret taveuUgatioaa, B. AND R. Mry. BT STATE PARTICULARS I am goenf t mat a aaetoarat fora reparla. Malaria; expeee. Amerlraa For- ADURINSlwq TR1B1 M. , h$y$ Stoctlva 94T, 47 Agency. It. Lotio. that will b tioukM by most f you itA eign xod ateawgrnpberr'must W BOOKRKLpyu top this 4. Can huw ye whtr yon can ftFlT8. lift "WiAWiOO weekly. a rears le. well renmmeiidcd ssd able to pr make fracn $709 tw $1(JU9 pat mouth b y time, copying aftthor' maanacripta. Writ keep complete set of books. State age, want B. i. CAHNBS. Antborn weft on eodtean chain aelllag. bni Agoajp tiai. penest-eed phone. Pensasest feh. Ad- to Interview several me wb bar arrml TaHapooea. Oa., for partlcntora. JIS R 1$, hD7$ bnagred dollar they rah bar if I tontine MIN waaltof (or't clerk, cantor or for! dnu over JVibuo. ttlUL 0 years of age for housework. Don't erarteok tain. This to a real m. floes. of rasgey detail writ lor puri hWM References, uy, $69$. lira proposition, selling to tb tut rt warns. Mokaee, Dept. 11$. Dearer, 49 1 tab. It will be your o bualsem, backed OFFICI clerk, must bendl typewriter, MANAUbB Does tot by strong coape ratio. Write fully, exiierleneo deetrabl. wbotenatr company, ' age aay particular 1pe At man;' bat tb for sge, married or slagla, salary $$ aad $5, mart bare plenty of Initi-atlr- experience, Add wba gets th It's worth ana real h7d81 Trlbnne. expected And to a aot afraid to him. Mr. 8a to. Newboaaa hotel. work; mart be toi Nlll,! tocrntgryy -- try el V to tlarwngbly vfpmpntent Jtookbeoprc-Aad-ab- ly -- L1A1I BMfLOVM A.VT At, BM'V A hOHlK Tribune (Mreea y to latost would bo preferred, bot moble. (Milled a ad unskilled laberere famished for to aot essential. 4. Trib- - WAITHttse t1 W. 2nd fttk. (Addrin all public work. Hi Mefeat atreet. Fhnaa tbl DAT. BTMU1 ADDRESS IK, A ,8t Waaatcb ' WBl otffTA snKKk'd KmeLoimant AGRNcF. Waaatcb $000. aa4 Reitobhr. khn$ 8U it Woat ftoroad OWent. Beat 8t- - Fit NT! K JM$ "a periencr. olat x prt a t iio wiUi ti vyeV J. 0. MbDowaid Choc Apply tk. BCTA NATIONAL RMFLOtnNT Ar.RNCf. Waa. 1108. fteftot Btroot. fM7$ bOLIt ITOhS aad drivwra for oar retail bread wgo 848 Mentor . yhiflf UMTl Ki repair maa. aew aad wcoath Biiat b tteady aad aaderttiad thia ha4; kto4 af work, (lira ibfomwo aad eraye erptote. AddfW C4T, Triboo. w BARBlH wauted, halt cat 23c. b$864 lmpto. WHIRR 6 barber rat hair for 2uc7& 7 8r4 8o. la Rffhtwajr Hotel lobby Rar-b- r WANTED, - 107 rl bA! iTl waated. hlSTl TWENTY marbibe qaarta miner and timber mea. $3 8S ta $7 Ob per Sfrack'i. $1 W. Fb4 8onth hU9 Bi MHEIaMAN waated at 58 Boat 24 Wth? Wfaa. 4AA4. h6838 TO A MAN with $$00 aad ani reference. wa an offflbf 4b f ibe rieancat. .fat t monry-makrla the I'oited Ptatr; 100 to $100 per abooid be food for from Be week. Mr. Larkia. room R28 Hotel Utah. P. 8 Tb! ad. to toaerted by poop to aad airaba etacily what $487$ It to y- Ml sicIans, s It It Tlt. both men aad womea. Apply I. Forreat Taylor, Rem baft 7k m. toh hotel, after 10 Bt SUlllAN waated. uinat be experieflfvd la repalrtuf aecrmd hand cloth. W. Bo. Temple at. boot Tea firt-cla- a WANTED rarpeatora, ware Addret 98. PocatHlo Lumber company or A let. Mather, contractor. h?Q4l YOt NO maa for Inranore ofLw, utaaof- - 4j. ms rapher preferred; prerioo lnnrara ei helpful, but not rltal. (tire aye, eiperlehto, married or Moyle aad aalary wasted, splendid opportnalty for riyht maa. hT040 Addrw t $8. Tribune. WANTED Sloyle male tienocrapber and accooato typewriter with experience in Good if Ritienctorr. Position permanent salary, with board and room included. When and tend reference application, making Station. qaaliftcationa. . U. 8, BbtoP hTOflO periewe iHihota, Wa ho RXrEktHNCBD boy U wort oa fiuuber. bboa Repairing Co , 9$ I. Broadway Broadway. WANTED Riiwriced knitter $7078 for aweati Mill, No toata. 8aH Lake Woolen hTW Wert th Bo TlCN quarry men, M9Q to $4 00 a day; no mnt flaishra. fee; fare advaared. $0U to 18.00; $ pteaterem. $1010500, Bo.$ mill W. $&.T$ aobam, carpentem. $7207 TVrapto, Black-foo- t, B.rbwR lor WANTED ly, N.t ( Jnha, iHboi BaRI, Idaho; all odWW4T-BR.at th. aith ,ood iflinmlso. Call LPTLT CO. tar partlaolara. BARBBB I42 14 yenra of age, for permanent anmmer work; aft elcelleat oppnrtaaity for thrifty' boy. Call for per onal interrirw. 7$ W. 4ih 8o j4A MB UAK 1C8, good proposition for first clam Frd mechanic or firm of nmeban-tea- . lArge jtatoge In pood location, far- - fkbrigfat bova, not over Apply' MyrrtiMJtenttiOf A Dyeing Do., 114 B H81 Broadway. Runday bet. 12 and I. XWHOI.R$ALL kALKMMAN at 8alt Lak ' fiaoat del ?lty wasted to eetl America tor park plug, Utorty; inataatly demon trated; rapid aalea, ermsatlonal qaattty; $J00 mdnth extra offer. L. 8. P. COUP, 4b Hanover rt , Bontoa. Maa. gtoTT MEN WANTING railway auimfflca p illooa, with triaopoctatioa furnished, ex write quick. Baker, peri e wiacewnary, Rapt., Dapt, $81. Wiinwrifht. fit. Iwqto. 14834 Men, . iMI. Railway puetal $18b0 9330b year. Hat noaltlont clarlt, free. Fnmkltn Inatltnte, Dapt. 4$T-C- , Yterh- eeter. N. T. FIRRMBN. BiLAKfiMlN. beainaera, flSo $yno (which Railway, F Trtboae. b$5$ ACTOMOB1LK moibaatc. kampton Ant Co , Bountiful. id WANTBD ptiotrl Van ted SltuEttong handy maa for carpentering, paint Phone lag. kilsomtalag and wall cleaning. fa MM 29W-TOUNO madnltnndinR bus meat college a plice to work for board and withe room. Phone War. 1198. h402 WALLA or clear-lawasiied, paper cisnaiog off weeds from yard. Hy. 4898 W. bl7B2 oWici man. 24. experienced In eeenty book aad record, abstracting, insurance, tixea and typesrritihg, wants posit isn. Address AO. Tribnao. h$a$2 BO X of-- 14 Wants wtok ,1k r a rage at anyAddress p Trlbnne thing. k$?39 RElArONdIBLB youug man Wisiies position, butler, ebanffettr or any other pMitioh of trnst. Hefereacep. Phase C. Rowley. Hy M84. BCTl.rK and caterer WWbsiF poaiuoa. aerv Phone lag. cooking for diaasr parties C. Rowley. Uy. Aft. POSITION wanted aa manager of telephone system, pmferred. Con get re bit. Address C. A. ficott, Albloa, Idaho. GOOD Hr. I bp8 mwts bTWd JAN1TOH aeoda pltieot work; beat of reference. aot Was. altoid ol 6140 hTitto W BXFRNlRNCBD cltaaffrttr desires Immediate with f liable party. Brfer-eneeetnploymeat R731 h7lM Tribune. Addrn VJ waa. AN orpofiaocW pManmrmpR repair maa wisiws prtttoi aa bookkeeper hlZX lotNO Main .L cam toferemret. aad typkrt: tiii Hy. fire KOOKKBEFEK. brtKht, rnrrrtk fomag maa; 4872; Tangren. h7lA4 ha.a tboRwch kaowMfc of hooka; NO aUn wit wisbe posF-tiohabit good TMbnnc T AddfCM It, that M amnia. aa aalenmtfo, men's furnishing and ri:m preferred. Beat of reference. WANTED at once, farmer to work larra Slothing M, $7282 THbnoe. G. R. or botch. ar Wife, with city; wants mail act F Uoufcfl BOOIKMimtM hT274 nnlhw.ll. 44 M Hast. to keep. IiTIT! Address F DO. Tribune. Klrat-daatailor to work out MAN with fifteen yeare experience la the WANTED ef of town; nta with family profaned. Aplumber bnatneas, covering all phase C k.artay tb work, from yardman to manager, ply Myoro Clranloy A Dyala kT2T hot 12 and 1 p. m. Address Trlbnne. J124 poaitiou. WANTED Maporiouthd jaltcitoy; doak aot f IM8T CliAfiy eastern autonlobile tnechanir Apply to know ctcialkt PualMao. Pboo Waa. 8826 R. J182 , wants position. A Drain Co. bat. 12 aad Clcaalad Myara and aa bookkeeper h2Rl WANTED Posit toa 1 p. m. Hobday. office work, including typewritTIIU.ADE1.THI A maaofaetoryr waats ing.general businAN several college graduate; by maa llylw la all eooatlao In tba atato of Will accept temporary experience. a labor aorta daolao. year Tub to damondtnto or permanent. Mies Johnston, telephone Wa Karlnaira rootract to lh riybt man. Ml natch J48T 0814 Mottling h72S5 Park Bid. Boyd Kc7 All around, l(y or countt WANTED at ooao, boy almnt 1 or 17 for BAKER South. 5tb Bast Bmllh. 87$ erem'ss. jlM farm work; good homo for atcady yoolh h7171 AN eook wish aitustioh a cuibp Apply 1120 So. 17th Bakt or rent will small or small in cook hotel, WANTED Coatrnator to fifura on 75 to Hi Tribune. Address J2M to ba Mailnwod hotel. londa of bonk run Phonn r. CARKTAKCK or tonitof, by man 4$. ox to R 1 0 Brian nt Holliday. T7 IT I. 1st Ho. M tvmWf. Hr. W4I M fiiodkr, J. P. -- 4ja$4 8AIJHMAN, alparlaaca wmocaoMry. part tea years' ei gTKNOtJRA Pfi Giro phono nambor. or full lima kind office work. of wants J2M say 11. o perienre, Trilmaa, or permanent. Address F 28. Temporary SALESMEN JFJl poor Tribane. To toll loan Ik n now nbdirlatot ao oar ad Wanted Situation! (Fwmile) tko otool pHat at Proro. Btool ot Colombia fliT diirts,rXiT yartlaamant hi thia paper iTl'kT A1 SH toM0eredT Addition. Wint mtn la ill towns In Ttah Was. xetic, etc. call for and deliver. Writo to tTna-Good pwipnoltbin. tml Idaho. 4162 Kiaboy A Co. 211 Clift Bid., Bolt Uke ALL kluaa of fie tb.; reughdry. I' washing, City. a Wa. Isa carta asd Hsgerla specialty. MEN'S fhrnlnblnf goods nnlnnkt wkn In 1$24-h 1.689 niao k good window tmmar, paawanant dried la washed individually, LAUNDRY man It wko k thoroogkly for opaaad pomttoB was. and Called delivered, for B. Klfa opes W. sir. Co. rnpnklo la thooo liaan. hft49T I7 T Main nt. Myo It. firsi-cls JllASOUNU flllla ktatloo nllaadant aapabla POSITION wftntml by ail muud cook , camp preferred Address F 28 TribStnto oxparlonao. proa of taking abnrg. b684 omploymant and aalary npaatad. Ad- - une. 1 1S1B Tribnaa. to do Vt heme . iaee certains a WASHING draw 1209 lrti. Mrs. Hbsrwned Mtoaday. specialty. BOVS, all kgan. to oall flags b9!7 Apply M Boyd Was. lonM-R- . Tnowtoy aad Wadaaaday. J814 UaY TgXitT' . Park Bldg. (jg WANTED Maa with eeHinjrnbrHtytw for children ears cer estabiiabed business, etoryibtag lUMABLE woman I'to -- while fiv. vacatfew, (ton fnetory nptoaMlaUrt, patents a Jt714l . Xertfc Went Temple. iW 3184-Nd. H LALNbRMKW wests day PwrTT $18 JM R. CAhr8NTKR8, city, Idaho. JiTlBB Mte. Fierce. , Wet ftortirt8en(bt wb can riWnk WDM Ak Wishes trsilttof WANTED Bright ipnne Monday. W4l flail at satcb 91MLJ nglinb for aeltlhg propoattlon. 901 I tab Bering Trtwt balldiag befor J777 THE Y. W. C. A. Free BmpteymeW! Butean, nnon worker $!'$'. 3rd Booth, places female BRIDGE carpenter. $4t bnr. j$ R. Phone Waa. la all classes ef porttioos. Pastry ennk, Yllows(ne. $90 mo. 2787. Office hoof. 8 SO to 1 Ml 41 hr. 4y. $8. $4. 8 la barer, ctnee, 1 LEHMAN-- grrf1 wtebvboufSttorK. laqaite h nmckeen,. miner etoea. $4.7$ 99 419 North West. 0th M.BO. yenag msi. Apprentice plantcrer, kkHl'kui'AHl'E, capable lady wlebea posl Open Pnnday, 8 a. aa. t 1 p. m. 178$ 92 bTROfKh. M W. 2nd Smith Was (HflUd. Don as bwckwirt. TRAM to plow and barrow abont 8 arreT (ilRIi wishes place aa flares girl eg accotid J38 Call 9800 Highland drito. ('ail girl, or will du light how work, 499 Was, irrhfrM. TWO nhcet metal merkhto waated. T$ Pertnfflcd place KXFEHlfiNt pracUcal nurU. Cali m 186 Mctiliee. Hr. 4974 K. i and aamaffeinak-to- ; e aria mart bn able to do aoma rat- YDI M$ girl wiabea gaaerai boueawork. 147 tier Vewle Market, tone) fUh. J77$ 94, Tribune TIB UAl'kA brueb ptlecd. skidd rni frto T0CK9 lady just completed high or heal a fare. Ship Monday, Yelloweton park. wishes stenfrgraphic pert ties. Willing te . Irt $olk at. work for beginner a wagon far naperteoce. 8. L. Bmp. Aft.. Mo $ J178 Was. 4979-82$ SkPERIENCBD at utter. Ingtltii to! MIDDLE AGED lady wishes pwltiew a So. Slaty. Call after 1 for widower. housekeeper 81$ 0 clock at 187 W. Broadway. Loarn TrAdt oc ironing by the dayi tmthTTrailatm kortb- - WANTED (TeasingCall .Cbn Bafbot ti M 741 818 Hy. Wa pay you odo, wbltt aaamol ohalrn. whllo yoo Iron and guornntao Jo. Tbo MXFRkIENCED aakesUdy ; will do any kind of work. Address (I 12, Tribune J24 original Umar Bnrbor oollofo. lid Bogoot treet allhl MIDDLE ADHD Isdv weald like ntwht MhN Loan tko barber trail aceorsiag IB2B R. 2nd Bo. Wo fnaranth re afraid ef week, to tb latest method. jato Mlto Wo pay yon while yoa lenrn and WANTED FoslUon tenogrepher; "will ft Barbto Utah at fttllrge, 14$ gitaniate . )ob take temporary positten. Cell iiy, 4009-4- . Mnoftr 294 watp wlIlT nirt'bssical tbiUty ' Ford ngIlUMSil Murm, Send foeaUtog. V, M. BOY A. Rcherta, fjea Angelea. fllfii work to atomebU shop. perlence, want UCAIM ante la Lot AneJa, 364 Rif py Joba Wan, 3328. Bara MtDDLfi-ALEDay and night tlaftac Don at 'lady town had bnaid while toaraing. Free IK .housekeeper in small wants port mien heme. family; Mira ted book erptoma eeerythiaf. Write Waa. )$ Dept. 94, National Aatomotlto, 4004 8 Ytit'Nu Lady sHNotuArbSH Tio Antelen. $ pifTtewt 5418 YHARB AL IN RXFPK1FNCR CLKHK MRN B AtTlD Iiarn auto "iaad"' tree tar AND OFFim WORE PBBIRRB TEMPOwork. Me. oenamf. far (let toady bnay RARY OR PFttMANEKT POM110N. (OH)D rbftalm wanted everywhere. Oakland Ant REFBRFNTKft AND RECOMMENDATION ftebaci- - $11 12th trreet, Oiktond Oil. V.fttg ADDRfcMB Q 30, THIRT NE. LIARM to make your own h fea, flowrn. 9$ lertooa, $L All kind tc, f Kata to order. Frier ylfhL My 1071-$ e. isght nwisuaUikg. 171 B taaC wkMJM jfibfij eteemM Bock'n dally, ant for aj h'0 T rrrl aisi , f ,,t f 2. t - t in tt I. 45tt uf r tm r. ' - li kJ, tzmsTu ifm fmhflftenus Wnntdd WANTED S$l88m$ik Wftafd ger ONE far each city In Utah, ( Sineads, Idaho, $t yoming sad Nevada last show tamptoSg uke order. Wn roller and deliver. Introducing new aljlee par atik bueiety. All tb new style aad rotors at an nUnrieg lew cost. $1 2ft pair. Bell fiampto fhee to., Boyd Fnrk hidg ball Lak City, Link. - h2Wl KRLIABt house tw bouse anleetoan. $12 60 to $47 5$ per day $l& aey. xpene 8$ Dodge time.;. Xi fitate., $nraated. a. m. h$lH J LIRKHAL cemmlMton paid for sale of curittm .1 I tab's latmt indartry. The Mechanical Rubber Prod eels Cerpuretlup. )$ W. 2nd Bo. h15T SALES people, ladles ead geatlemen, with Oeod food pereoaalUy, fcwwcy for ban tier. If you have pot the experience we will teach yon. toll at $4$ Re. Mala any day after 10 a. as. h$J8T IJUAU naiesman; one wltbeatebiTrted route or enndy men ptoformd. Exceptional peotweiUen to goad maa. v687 Beat Tth Sooth h6H72 WANTED Heal relate onieatnta foi flrvt Claea addlttou property, (lend proposition. Address Box 967. Foratelto, Idaho. hTUM WANTED A maa Hale rcpreeeotative wiik oelea ability aad a willingness to week me make, a profitable connection rep rest mg locally a aatkonaliy knows concr-nwanfacturing office spectolttoa wlU give exclusive sate and fumiab working atnek MONfoamt, liberal rouimisM4i baiue A campsjga ia about... to be started that eiil.be ojf. gtrs tbelp. U vOnTJTvmrtfttoUxsn vtety fnen wlifa a good oelea record and inference need giving part bu4 w fchtocf, full'apply, w rtirtUer and twfecencea 13 1923, 17 FOE RENT WANTED Wanted Saimofin We are is i iu uiriuii s'nc d of a life sales man fw Balt LvD City ad t wU tie fdtuoue Murpbv line rtetoity ef high grade edvertiaing. csjpjrngUted, exclusive catendara. holiday grectluf8 art direct by mail service. Every ft prospect; list Of buyer Fccf' furnished. sible earn togs of $6099 n year and upward liberal commiaaMia, also parable Weekly, necbg bonus WTe Experience to our line netWorkwant a reliable, tireless essary er who 'will give bis entire time to tht work, permetieot contract to the man, sto caa qualify. iMpeuavs advaaied. Write at once to th pioneers to this hse. The 1 boa 191 D. Murpiiy Co, Bed Oak. lows WANT aa auergutr salesman 28 to 4ft te For wholesale our goods oa cntuntveloe a quarter of a century we have been build tog on the solid foundatloa of Batirtsctfoa oc Moey Back Our bighvgfade gmcerlea. all aadour paints have stood the bet -- have an average of 20 per customer. seed cent. Our mew are earn ng from $3uu9 to $6U0 a year with lit inrettmeat ef a car. their fall time and the determination te la vour appliialksi'gDetveut age. succeed, No and quail Ora Ootta is full. expsnence letter answered witlMUt this toforntstum 41$ 1afks lie . Fwrtiand Ore 8ALEBMEN wsnteil Uou shi have sue U Wear useful saka rcrda. t Frof Oti market, 1J mat years. uatiuoaily a knpwn aud used, proa Kvary doorWay hotels, iect, eae'tUv office building, theaters, stotvs. clubs, restaurants, rhurchis, hasp tala, et valors, honnp lxted er to Its fiek) Loud mea can mak lig money aud build a lucrative business. Ad 8AlAsilAN. fn kuftri Bn, ua AoEMq k- to $16 For Bmt Agnt Must ducing latest guaranteed .No wear or replaced 67 stytea 2? coHmp. or capital needed. Just abut experieac We deLeC and take orders. samples, rolMt. Your pay daily to advance. Transportation charge paid, tuoathiy boon 12 hour arttice Klegatit outfit ill colot, gnidr, ihcludiiig silk. Mac-MtU 291$. Ctocta Chee Milts 73 Ohio. WAbrBD-Lad- fi of middle -w 'poiifoua kewdle-Hb bwrtwee wbOHyr-4- w age e speclaltv aold on n money bach to, gusraatee 'and bghly remunerative, this ta a dignified paiiioa, jot a bouae to bewee Job . so competition, every perwn needs one some tltua to life; business secured through adrerttam and pfftca satoo, Wg profit ami pleasant vrofk Addreoa Radium Ap Angvltf. pltauce, 1897 Bradluiry bldg . Lo 412 (at BAL1SW--BvrFAB V ASD owner buy gold initials for hi auto Yu charge $1 JO; make $1AJ.- - 1e urder daily easy. Write fee particular aad free Arttortcas Koaoins ds. Desk .v4 pics Want Oraose. faHH J bKU. MAD1HO.N BfTKK M ALL' MlilHlU No direLt frets or, factory to wearer Easily sold capital or experience required Write for FKKR BAMPLKB Hg profit MADIHOX MILldt. JM8 Brusdsay, New urk B1U For io noon MO.NKY us J i.,,., llf ' in t Inst fn ........Rear " '$.(. 7110011 ft bA 10 WANTED Excellent pperiuaties now men. ftd to RO available for luduatrtoui yaars, t make large profits selling Kdw Iter letgh'a Ftedutde direct te customer Eit Unfumihd Houim uuiriT7'r7rrrrjt AND stoders brteW, teteu to. Jam, K. 6 haw, 200 Hew bldg 27 M fcfcftt mod., 282 Dwhri ST. and fob ..$11 iilNK rooms and bote, ctesn la. ineoirs MVS MN W S, Yernpte. ,...7.18 Behertn etreef rwet mod., 891 W. 4tb Norik .$18 Mi iLOE in, wed., gss range. strictly 1441 lk.rtf mud, Ml W. 4ik North 7M Bo 2nd Kart. U27i 8 rueuk Hy foote mod , 781 H. 2nd South. 7 room mod. and store. HOUR at No. 4 am ericas bids., lormeriy $0, fit Esst, occupied be effUe ef Hfcaxce cash atorea. 4 roust md apt , 138 P street, Call utJlO Cenatitotieehldft, Viof, $7121 A room mod., $94 K. 5th fieuth, $40, fill 77 ST afiMreom OFFIGB HOOM8 ATI KAt Fudge BuBdfsg duplex arranged. eft Office rooms ,......,....Befeft story hem BetM'sg xtriftly modem brick OffUr toum Tlw.TiYi Cliff Brttoisfi ivwnne, CH4S to. Jtat (M nmagm meftt for ( we famllte where re is ties sx iris. Twt ntirsrtlve, st $90 per mosiA Boom tag house, IBB1 Kfftat street. $7$ $tb eve, A Dept., Doty Le Trust CO. I7H74 Fireproof warehouse with trnckagft, Jilt fin, and lrt WMt 4 Kl H Ml. lift firw, hrsmilnl A And 8 r bungalow, $frf). Vd.'ON A1 v.HY URAL ESTATE A TNT 00. fitorwroaaui. . . Basement New OnN Hotel Was. 884$. $04 Kesrue Bid Judge Bel Wing Garage .. . Beer 2ft W. Broadway Gsragv . , gni8 Bart Brwadwsy Garage .... DFlKABLR ft ns. sir mod ; haidweod Doers, lews ami aha do; hast furnished TRPfrr rOMPANT. i: HAtJ 111 winter h?Z lit Srd ave Mam at Broadway.' Wamteh 9ML ' NEW J rvorn tMisgslow and sleeping purch. fhm AM Weet 2nd North. ly. 78 U er Was. 4kbl hi or MORNTXftPTAB VOOELBR I NT. CO, $ HOOM brick close id $1U aul $12 a is Hill 97 MriNMtNlCK BLM. mad apt., $20. Inquire 99 B. 2nd fie. P110NB WA. 271$. 7 intro csy, boa ver. daily TO? KENT Houm Unfurnished I A. M Nl ,7Ti....U i modern, 4db ' No, Walton. AU. atirscllve llt gj.41 ksoi, $40. bM07 f' & $RU, thoroughly modem brick how, 1 ALL FC RN19HK1). INCUDINO VICTROJiA. Fisa let s9 on fiu. Temple seer l$tb Bast,....$fift.$0 t ft KM. BKlt'K BONOAIiDW, Dn tot broom bouse, suit fate for 1 or 2 small families; new fur miv gs mntv. garter Hv 4ow$ R. hlftte ft ROOM twmiern 191 Kimball c hsBgilow, TfLfih vrrumr b' ifma AT c'h'Tni f ee "Tito $RM. BRICK, being half of denhto ( all huoday after 1 p. m. or eresoRble, teas, sear 2$ft K. Brand way. . . fi.fifi k.Vrtt mgs after 7 $A4 4TH --AVf7 r d ropin TednSfnr WRTCKHOUfiT sT IN Imwest Giwre most eoeperilioB. too Hu, t bkcmgo paey. uif. He etpertesee heeded rices. WANTED Tatkirtog salesmen, make $B9 tu sholeaslep We leach and cunt tone to saslst you. Giv $1J0 per weeh, BtoXSrt. niefiJuuUN ercuteno.e7eremar W, T Raw towns have startl'd with our lines h7189 1ft. $9 Waa. 102-tfurnace, ga. , $y. ' 2916-Olsen court W ill W gtW7i Iclgb drpt 287$, Tree port. It!. rhlnery dentrabie, but not neceseary are the largest made to measure tailor bkAM MAKE at home! Sunurtitog ronmdto having eur nmcltinea weekly to sold 8 8ALKB 4 RM eiab lag bouse ia tba country people. Indies and gsatlemss. with $nd electric FRAME, , ntioee end addresses Exerience ttsaec- - nertioo villi other nonconflicting tarnishing light 14 boua fuiiu ate. Apctfut ts. office orate Good 8uti all inclmlin persona lity. sjonev for ViiAfilfi t Herticulanr fiwe-Maitnif toiqiynnm esoery. JhTliMl wort fabric- aad guerauteed tier If. you hare m.r the experience wy absutute fi.fift near Pioneer perk Co., St. Loais WANTED- - Hvlcfunen t topreScnt Urge til teach you. Call st 844 Be. Main any 8 HOUM' modem brbiT rilT'Wia.Mfi fit eurkmanabip, SifTNTKIl Wumrn at H9269 h4T MORNINOKTIR TOGNLRR 1KT. CO. me fur tine aad all ac day after lb maaufacturimr tq do faoaywurk Write higk school eta or o sate. furaisbed. Material home, spare bourn. Was. 271$ biers aad comiuenceineint anoonecemmm. cwiriea to be sent free Tell us all sbout WONDEUF1L MB KHRlTj lisa 1U uses 7 HOOM modem hoar. hardwood fislsto, finite 907 Mriemlck Bhlg. Good pay. U. WHl'II-KV- . Address t built in buffet bookciRea. bet water best, Stamped envelope bring sales torritory. Men wtio work will be yourself. we is every home, used is While Inderwoud Art Goods company. guamateed a M,hsiaattal income In reply manager. Bur 4L Chkago 111, laws shade troa fine location. 1794 He, H.6 vtait you In buetoesa, big prof i in with lera yard;, mad. hrirk. Factory, etrtcity 48 tlhio ftrd Eaat Fuftamnuih, give detailed tnfomstUon Ink street. Phene your eosceraing 4302 N. 3rd, Philadelphia dl Ajipty 1 511 jHM and welteared fer grauada,.l&9 ftosih ftth , Hr S4ta h4794 , self, lacludiag experienre territory traveled pALfM manairee wanud frr tier l.vhiTHfc iioviiis K i. Autlift. irt AGES 19 to sell Luited Htales ItevrU HueUe BaeUan Bros women and children, nil typen and ngee, and Companies represented. ROOM matle mod ftUB . fur K Tra. mod. brick at 12$ K ttoteL $9. 9th Ford. gaa. Headlight sip imreb, Tk danger Allas, 44 hsodaouie new aisle map b7ltA out W 98M fteutb . to taka part in big motion picture prod ac- 1W. Rochester N Y 13th JfesU $$. Bus H04UJ turn with sieve t&OQT firm, eight mud, light driving, cum inoiort&t Nearly ywry Lwcge iisys. needed. FiLEB trip im fiouTtW RAIL tion;' no eipenenn dim. junTrwryTrrmtedetWTud m4 by beet roem $AQ 9 tog wheel fa toy. uk lbs xubd. mission oT 'T 'HttOM uhkI ih stove a fV ,UV1 ; TfUnb fturor rts .- alt "Yfxp and 60 . ad tocated st 833 MS BucBd m 4Mace, Itorver trto weekly exiwnaea guaranteed againvt good "natory paid. retails $f installed HollywowlibraughesL nod eipews. MeClcDnnd sected, garage. 4tt 139 Mtart Write Dim tor ftioao, dept. M. 0$U Jack commiNOKMia t oequalbd opportoulty. HHA. thirty mmt'tca wonderful annaory hM98 ave., bet. 1st sad Jind Be. had $U ssd ftUtv? district ttisnsgerw lake ordvre 42 Box 882, Cedar Rapids, lewa son Blvd., Cbirago. J5rt uu market Wert, $25. big euvnWitaaloQ eivtnaive terri- AUHNIV, for exilualrs hosiery, room apt , modem, ressmuibte Fiemb tea ni; 4 1 WO nh-ft nu. meters, within welkin one or mure counties dirt nee, Mig opportunity a 1MJEKN deawrstiag pillow tops at STATE dlatributor. Newly invested price tory w. 140 Inonlre h4fl04 chiffoo. He. $3; lsxe 22ft Bifkifiebaw for clou, live Temple. For runs. fancy Ver limn poiatet. ptr addtei s Fartlcu-torplace. $2TMt; avenu bolder particulars Nu com and price carda. card ime. Experience ttuteceaaryN4 J. Koae, Hale Mitttagvr, JVJ9 Olive Hosier? Mill. 43K East 4Nrd. Chicago rOCR ROOM modem hemes with Urte-lir- west from 24$ North 1st W. 1 Retails $4 90 for stamp petit lea. Trmet)doua de- nidi Tapestry Falut Os., 237 mand . 1 street Haiwae HJ8 320 E. ftth BeuUr. Sloi CO. VKfiTMBNT MCAB PLKTtUBR port-hAGKNTH , : OQU 09 IbVentWu mil auto $20 Hyland MILLKN ;41l . M Cii, MFtl usl Atnsxlug Imi. Lalirnnge. yearly 1 00 BKALTOR. M7S Ford makes 41 te 97 mile EXt LI HIV K or mdvliue tu sell uHit muck to gslioo, 811 M J5S Boytel on. Hoaiun, Matts ' fiTDlU HR. FOKM8. plsrs, etc., an wanted " Wat. 2894 , and asaertmeuts. gureeswarv, aliniiiuum othr , ir show equally remarkable gates', ft llOOWH. BATH AMD SCREENED Bl REP 3ft Wert Had Mouth. or liaTHap, !.f for publication, ftubatlt M8&. or write HTATK . IHSTIlltll Tft8 tecresfti ING FORiU. F! RHACR AND CRMRMT power 2J ier wdi to ,W pea ceot, enamel, seel 80 envelope glassware aud businusa Imlldei, removes NU coin petimlnnle. j.i Literary Bureau. $12. Ilnonlbni. Mo. ft FftDLRA ail te iTTikiuTi ktotlliJlNCfc in l NEAR tarbos mis araall for rest RANKMKNf. and NEWLY lslulied towns, BCHOOIJI; hardware, tion. 10 etc, $3 Its low price variety only. IaUS $J5 weekly, spare tluie, writing for makes Relails UO liKANKD 2NMk. teK Your APPLY Belts June 1H1 EAST ftfH BO. $4 of general stores. Weekly conunimhm checks, liter offices buy on sight. profit Tremendous mi rici iy modern $2 UO Bxp ttnnec , Exclusive territury Use residential prquriy " Write for fall OB WAS $470 J lilbersl comiuiMaiuu. Old estabHuLcd firm newspaper. luAgasines. b48?4 demand I'aed by 1 8 and of the late James B. film will he for rent 319 H THANNK Y COR fie. !Tv nyndicsir. tud, bl 4(11 concern to wurtd. pai ih ular Work eqnsls $Ju0 00 Fagle Huppl r cimipattv Ht Ixioi. Mo with 81 fi modern, lept. at garage, 49 Me June Abb. Dewastalra receptton hall, f'i J.kI iANY. Iukwsua, H Dak machine. Wnrtk fiSTMiOu UO yexriy. Write street, $43 per monte. Cell Was 1149ft room. living room, dining moan, braekfa CONSOLIDATED AN'IKD Kxjiencooed glove fitter. b&434 Apply quick. new wondlufTV hwiXeIP i$T" profit r 8991 V010SIAU RKOAL DUASSlKltB , ISO, bath; npsiairu 4 bedroeoia aad bote., JM BLlMl., BOSTON, MAHH J.W 54 Wert 2tat Kt . New York Deliver on spot. Id low N 8TH BOt Tiir?ornr Mrtttelian, two kitchen, Monday at Boston Store. every dollar aalea 1969 Mouth . Rental fiuft Xeeiple. per v reit-tFnNKX- DINTUIBCTOKB rrv their popular Mission. XTltiHT KX IKiUKNfi Require aairwnan to Bampie free fw Ttre Armor. uiteecesasry story modern ft room home, roel asd gas meotk an laqslre 28 iS W. Itce lxi Afigeiss, tsl. rasgea, parlor heater aud grate; rent $89 . TRIRI'NB. ADDKK8R NBRARl. caalag that prevents blew on to and priced line of banqcaut and brawkerew ia Factory TRC8T DfcPT. TRACY IAN ft TRCfiT CO. 7. likke o Halt 4(44 atotn or tltv and vicinity punctures, Havep kfM7 repair biUa. (lives 14 thousand mere miles to sew or worn-ou- t aide line liberal ctminussioa. 0KANt.ll Mbl DkSwSger for oty ssd 1000 7 R00d( buagnlow. garage TfitPlrd svT KXi'ERlKNCMD cashier sod wrattoef, mart FOR RENT. Ure. (eats tens tbno good tube and TAILOKI Vl 8ALKNMKN- - Fastert iwTlinfi Hcceat de Phone Was 2392-$55 W. ty. Experteoc Addmes (I I, uouecesasry. have high school degree. b$422 A. BlCHlLR IO., $9 MAIN. line auua, overcoats, made to meaaurv 498 outlasts several Sires. Excellent discounts. veiupmeats elimmsiea all tornpsDttan. I s NT( K Vrotoi modem Tribune R 194 heuee. W. ftth Ke at. firm, $28.90 lid mud., Exclusive territory. Write Motor Froducta $2 69 oi c mice 11 WooL Profit ta dersetl autliody by 19-- enormous demand Reasonable rent te party. Hoffman fi rm., tn.. ft. and water. luN Wsab Ft BLhT steuo. to answer pbone to excliange Co., 4nnt Are, (hlngn 69 W. D. Uberui aud booms. Acme Bros. L St T. Ce., good Biggest old reliable hewea. 11 M plea 22 R. lrt South at Mt. (good location. Address tugtuu free eft Ice space. A Bmlth . 8AI.BHMBN Bell every retailer atirei'tlve-l41 Ws ' 711 N lo cetibllsbed IflBb, CBBcnge. (Lis., 2282. $ nu. mod., 911$ 80. 7th fiedgwjck, Cblfago. 13$ h$447 Trlbnne. 1 .1?! Large cor H ratio want s service displayed new invention of great sell-to12 Ml " lu $ ROOM busvaitfwr $2 CoataVnie avenue. 4 rm. mod., IMI Ne. ftth Beat famhousework, and U1HL for rook general merit, nmnmallv advantageous TAlUiItLVL 111 HU ,t teat v terms; storeon 968 It. ire to gran money tows end Salesmen, ur., Jw tol., 2ns., every up 8,signs Kiy pkrte Jb9.197 No washing. -(ail Was. book tiwfera from free penket model, liberal ily of two.s mea4 Maitetb making line iu America M7K. A. Bit H rKU PHONE WAS, windows. Dicrilent epporttraity ft RODMH. steeping potvtesT 0. keepers' tkfJW. cemmlssioit. Ronaosa for bortler because sure auiU. overcoHta, one price, Mtd.gft. a Inquire 8UI He ex for reliable party, fiteadv work. jT7 ' McTlelland ave. Write today. 1 uiver-- h$4ftft Hy 892 repeater all wool, ill wool Itotnyw perlenc nneessnry We alto haws stirs ctlve BXI'EltlBM KD girl for housework: good giteranteed Aftinkton Ni.N mums, msdern Eafoty totuse. sult- Maas B Ho. band 91 to, tailored Heigh finest workmanship Perfect proposition fee aget( aad salesmen. Guar $18 MONTH ft reference Apply 111$ 1(122 wages, house. Shin $4U, fer nntH heitiwkeepinc, only 1774 HALRHMAN Nu fit: extra Linden ave. money bkek gaaranter. 07 curaer 3rd 9 Temple at 1 p oi. calling on siee Bigs fierviee Ml W Buperisr, I furnishing Eat ssd hrd haute- - FiUneh ft style or overv.xc trade to carry side Hoe patented necktie. ehrg( Bigger a v 46 10 room mod bouse, 860 v, Apply Wammd 4ih Me. In Lean ft Trual Company. Barkans Mojeaka, 812 W. Jackauo, Chicago. raete nktuniftekma, weekly salary bvi.icv 41ft Bedford 1584 8o 20$ Suite Waa. $597 Tills or phone Was fall lurid leg. quire Beat eeasea now 42WW. Bell tires. A'.NNTfi: Kefwat ordrrs yvmr 41 Pmtected tevritiry h914l 4447 J. Crest VS stem Tailortug Co. the starting. Big prufits. $U ta fiftuh week 4 BOOM mud. Bid 8RN8AT10N Or 1PM 29$ ft ROOM furnished for 89 ) cars Chicago at AdniiX mswetn. ilelv CaU ftOsfi heuae, used and h cottage; $2 each; nelly Hhghtly Mx$S, 09 dally easy. $25 Get thia quick. after 4 p m. 719 W 2nd No. Mlftto A h5lft J U3, W tell all make of self. 185 W. -- rd Hnrth. W for geaet honewack , trUiet BALkXSMRN A 1 man, exciSKive territory sat tit her else, new. Miniature mechanical rotatRENTroom FOR ate used ft be able to cook. No chi hires. Call Was. Entirely bust-acawas 1 They modem, tar with house guaranteed too tire. $18 wboltsale slight!? Utdfrs fan. Bells for $1 60. Just rtiow doing ujtlonai krici, ing pocket wrlruy , 793 1H9R No 127 fur tuoniLia Indiana ave. Was. 9K7$. Mtiftft Hth Bast. st H prlte. Mini in artier 2601, or Iftq. Permanent-- profitable, teeplng porch, two cloitea cioerte spT pleasant na far eight it, teils Itself. AMRO FAN CO, MU North or an for ; mare, ft! an The linoleum necUim. deposit r. also required larg JA Ruler Mijes kitchen; for pastry, Halle, Chicago WANTED Olrl or eidorly tody'tosm DiL eate tire ordered, ba Nonce V, O. D. mibject FOR IlKST Half of double bouse, $ room clue In, am 3 413, rievslamk. Ohio paved sveuue. Re. 24$ Orchard child of 8, good Kmne to rifht peny. AN unusual jVi modern M7 lrt ave. $l& per month. lbdtx-fuau- . U opporiuaity for experienced fiALERMBN ACWNTV tv ou Free at sod between Sth 9tu Inspertlau. Want, particulars, 128 5th East. J74 Was pise, 428 sure h8l4ft Route. 1r tvrtme Hep oa new Uilortog salesmen to sell Broadway 15J 8. WsbasH, Apply Phone By 14 2A H. hfttaifi iHauager, dept. 4$-seller eur ofq9rtihlty offer Drup every B R(M)kT highly WANTBD- -9 niillinery makers for mackHm Better (lothe" direct to wearer Liberal mudern besgaiow -- ga J: $ ROOM mod . ground Ftow, aud tet wort. Rttte cipertence and salary ci corn mine ions. Four prices, $24 50, $29 59, thing RnorouiHt ywofits Rig eum in lesions i'bicagu. rare- - 1M7 B 9th Be fig $,m nine out Of tea watuen will 3 mmn mmfent 783 $18 60, $88 no garage, $5ft a mo. Adulta only. Tribnae, Address Repeat value tapiul Bpeciatty ( orp , ;$ BELL aumerlusg peeled Mmy back Itepiy quick, bungs hm, 887 H nt .. 45 UO 99uwater, fck fird Mu. Ohio the ftroota htUfft bay because it tovea double it guarantee. lM) samples, tice 9tU. doubled, hixh.y modem beogalew g- (llftL for g'B housework; no washing. uOc each, fti profit ott HALKSMWN TWO ROOM mod. enttege spte 4ik bed. ,,, , Write for free 7 rage- - 1118 K, ftth Mo Advertising ami full day it la bought. cnopera-tiiItylecled territory. 50 qq ilood home. 649 B 1st Ho KM IN II MlfNi. P It COMPANY sales $3 ILmest dealings. V. Act ears MCONAIM.HY BROAD-to BEAL filOUlb yearly; RBTATB St INV CO. hot water, gas fssge. Ik $35i) quick. particular, 10W untii far general housework. Apply )3K AfTAUAIRING COMPANY. Cincinnati. aftft Reams Bldg Bat. 244ft Was, $d7ft M. or Dept. I i. Detroit, Mudi hTbft InexncRcvd big demand 708 Yale avenue, or call Hv. 4W1 M Ohio, v Kewesi 29 expert en d city or traveHng. an Lmr. $: kiuheu Nauonal ALfeSTtt . htIRH 4 ROOM brirk ng with sleep perm. Tr Assn . Dept. M74 Ohicagn, ill, warns a use JU limes daily SALEH URN making $HM 00 meoUily Yihi Salesmen tool. Every FOR KENT good lucatles, on Ijogas sve. inquire IdsRtoaladlea wanted 35 BXPBRIBNTBD fia tuple Jfl! free. fins strictly modem brick, with Mice trie aigna can, too. Big profits. Easy seller. fto 4t h Ks at. k7u4 1 large $( no Write Hy. lto2 J. Helen Ctos Rhop. M 79, Dayton MFC. I'HOMAS Desk Free CO., offer. lawn afel sample 269 2124 fie. FLA8HTRIC, ftth W Bast garage, anted Furniture T Rt$DU 17$ ; . JJW tailtsge, meiivm, n w ly Jhws Hudson. Ch cago Ohio. street 29 uq W $9 8tb Bsaken Trust tfift-iry A l cook , O'. he.; $Jft. W ANi'Bl goHl references Bell outside and Inside elec BAtJklMEN: Gold let 4 rtn modem brick, fieft Blrklnrtuw Free samples. Tb. hTfoto' Wa. second hand fumitura. 87 South 8tste at. $6U$2ul W EKE Bi4 H, $o. Trtnple. other need apply. place awf ' Kaeilv aoplled. tern for store wiadows trie Woqderful pmpoitiou, Every Wasatch 899. vMM IJbera! 770 retail Mgs. LCCA8 INTEBTMBNT t 0 sodem hardwood fieora. $eihwwxl. merchant offer to gen. agents. METALLIC 19 FLKTCHBR Ex enatomef W. 2nd Booth. WANTED Furoitur asd bo use bo id goods to LET1ER CO, 4N Was. 2964 cloaive territory aposaible everything sew, fttrusce, ga yssge. North Clark. Chicago 'Liberal eoutpe&aatton TEA( Uftlt of setehce, $lhuU if experienced. j of bu shipped est 17 masted heeenmoL garage. 118$ end 1772 town; will pay store N The McBavaney Ce . Rprlngffeld, 0km Moontnm States Teachers 27 Many others Mo. State $16 per month, rlftai A RISINLMH of lad Wa. 2L'4 1 (has local dealer Call Waa $727. Was. 6194 RkidlMR7 Solicit accrhnjts oa the clean Agency, 22 hlohsrds rtmdt. uiak spurkiibg DO!10MBLRMo bungs lw, 5 rooom, ntce and oeea ow your er tbl home Not 4724 B. By? 59 si ftth Rest We will pay yuoday. ,ft weak Mmsebeid goods. contract ever offeted checker number, Nothing to Wb glato same plates, Ceil Moodav. bl2Mte yon what yefer goods ars wmtb. Have an aTTcAKOI Ml beauty OfwfatiW. Burnham sell or carry. Basil Ulnsi rated 4 R(K)U intstem bungatow newiy Minted aad earn $150 90 weeklv. iHwrds. mctisIDoua aigs, big f 7 Balt Lake Furniture O., PAkTLir 4 lf00M I (riTAUB. ODi!i(N 27 Harmony tinted 2 rtadenta to study Reference required. M. 432 Mo. tor. Woos PAIMEU. free. preferred. Apply liKmediatelv for hoyeot. Hystcnr tMk place, ikmnta JW87. ? Waa 81 s&B9 UY. M. twadwny. hl RtatB A 371 Mam. tetri ILLINOIS Heat listen, DJI HTtNO A JV. hctjte anOfith Last. Was. T729 R, hidl lory, Ohio beauty culture. 22 B. Aao Bnreq CORrORATIOV. 859 BTUFI Was. 3728. SBYktiAL 3, ft sad' im7im4.V" a, die, (all ne.7' I pay more money 3 R MOD . buff, kltcten, gas, h. w7" " bat Itou't ware TAllAiKING fornitutotoieemen $181 your need W. foe atreet, 26 Chicago. ram. e4tf beds, etc ; fits to $23 $9. Addison free, garage. W1 K fob Mo. WOMAN wanted fa$912 for heusework. Refer time, fieleet line men' tailoring that ka Me Mala rt. 14 h724SP P0, HALH&BOARO HALiCHMKN FHlVAiM party wand accood hand furitl Hy 779 1010 E. 2nd Bo. WANNKI). ences reqitireiL 2 Hootf modem. $2$ Bo. lut WftatT Wa prices scare Now making amall towns. Big rotnmis tore sad rug. Call Was. 4494. d46M quality, hsspptest styles BLOOD tiumnitteti FTkTHY rook. y.lLm.t.u,. IM), r. 99)9 apt. Cttase as . ' b. slon own kftftll Make yonr iCnion) profit. Brat assortments Was. nl 1 Bti. ef Average WANT $H.ooo wsrih used furaitare. tied LHEDfi WOOlFIN 8 ROOM huftse, Fait Bwaich Une. lantrv girl, rity, $46, f. aad b. $to 00 You can p!are ope a dn it$ 4th sve. No cbil f BOO MM, Write . Col. K. C. Jen kina. Auctioneer. Waa, 9M 34 2 waitresses, Idaho, $17 09 week. MILfB ms H. newly papered, modern, twy Wa dree. fa 9928 K. St 9. SALM4 4.T2! EaaVJ COMPANY, d48B0 fiertrable. h4t47 $9 I) street. Irwaer, YMlowatone, $70, r. Ravmswood Kiperirnced Ave , Iept. 289, Cbtrago 30 box to $1 MILLIONS per FOLK tri'tly modem mums with sleeping MODBRN 4 racoon buy waiting aad b iJH.UJCMT taak orh-ad fer yer used with both and si. peril. r No Invest 421 Mo. 4th fihrt. aoiisti v printed station ry porrfa 3Jr' h9P27 781 f rad Furniture STRUCK 8. 51 W 2nd Booth tu 42 W. ment. fntuiture. No. II ftth . Ph. Wee. ftntft-M- . Free selling outfit by rOCK ROOM $18 daily 8ALB8MEN- - AH mwos. for by far best Btoftd PM 43 bouse, oa77 return uisil. Beat EXPMKIKNt hD girl or woman for Uouse-worsn7uruih( pt 19 ROOM! for rent with two private bathe rlffIJ PAPER CO . l'eorls. fitting, richest looking, soft at ailk. Hobert $15 per, month. Inquire 6.1 os yiec FU UNlTli n E Wa buy furniture, good wages, reference reqkired k I tokens; oe sift Ill JR 8. Robert ave. ssd 2 psstrie and men' suit nve. ignaran-teed) 211 4th aye. 788 01 seful, end peg more for it. er Wt WANTED Men and women tu sell rents fur $2$ Uft. Will rent house pertly t at wholesale prices. $lfl Oo and $?T 69. guarsh Waa. 4227. 2T9 $ili East. alao exchange new for old. Cali )i7? te formatted tenants. WAlTttHHB wanted, experience Best r Appi? good jieeessory. eame gmds sell in tor I stores at .$7.1 $.'K) Wide range ktvlea and nt tied hosiery 34 Wcst Be Temple 385 We deliver, collect and fttrairii h449 Liters! advertteing-$4ora, ailk. etc., for (ntir family. j, to $80 seekly to go getters Tailoring eecoiid bami cotimnisrion a borne and A IjADY ov girl who need 4uick FOVIt rooms, modem except heat, full ce- H9Kld 4 roum siudern, gas. si. porck.Mr Biecial low prices. , ment basement, ga range, $23. 57$ Mo f7lB4 shipments. ?H. me B'sDer apt., fob fie asd IM, Outfit ahlpimtl fur make hte)f generally useful. unneccMutry liberty experience Hpleodid opportunity for honest, WHOLESALE 6.19 , , Aao Beat. Hotel. 882 free examination DIKBT Part titue acceptable 4h Bast. Tovea, tools, perwu rnergetir TAITAHBDepl 810 Buffaloes Y. jJ4 TEXTILE MIIJJ Ws. IMIKD KAnm-lany merchant Devyou have to sell. bungalow jind sleeping porch, fur7 KXPKHIRIl Kl) waitress wanted, feeders ait, per mouths , ,1 strong 32 HA1N10AT8. Biahed or uafumbed. bitm Potlrtonft, Pa. Take "dr.Um We dV 42jQ 2J2 $u. Ptb R Save car fare. blka. (real temple 387 $2W dishwasher i - 878 Bo Main. liver and rnlleet Tine street Hy. 99M W. 597 square. Ixrge daily commis-ioea- , MORE CABH igi'D R4 FlK lllED Bl Gfi w r fit ART rilFTN ftl g(.ARARDINR BAINC'OAT CO.. (149 IHHBBHOLD RTri mea 4 Mum UM KENT sod KVRKYTHINO. MRH1NG KENT FOB modem 2 FlMTUtE, ftoubte house. beuse. Half $ rt rhan Roosevelt Rd.. Chicago. BJuXTriwT boiTroecn da actogT V isopriVa i PHONE HY 4180 M. h478 women, opportusity lifetime te earn $J9 throe hoot. $22 n monte, fott Drandes Ml Be. fird Beat, Cheap rmt. liasoe. cool rtadto. Him Rdyth Tytv, FORD (0EB 96 MILB8 ON I GALLON PRIYATK party pay cash Ruud houw-holtu $100 weekly operating f New fiys-te- Place, bet. fKR. and HhS Burt and ftth end No ? Hicks apte.g 68 Be. 9tb East. Other makes equally jgell. Wan. Mo. Facterlea 7JUA , home, 9th Weuderfu! Was. J. any Iff Candy Bpeclslty 58i , dreeoetw, mgs. 1 CLEAN modem raeroa, greuad ftaur. Rest beaters, ftkffp k H1IJ-YWOne FRKE to car owner etcfurnitnre, yfront vapor humidifier. W free. Booklet 47P3 W. wtere. Wa 3imde nut la alley. ItaiS 4 ROOM modem, 217 reasonable. $99 West let. fiontli. to ioiroder. Give mako. WALTER RAGSDALE, Drawer 49, East Orange, N. 3 Mu, 8fd Best. $47.60. TBit By privet party, 4 527 LNFUKNI8URD L08T AND FOUND ft targe roam Balt CKTTCHLDW, J 326, 719 Madieon, WAN J1 IjUtlKlIN "ft Wa 721$ of used furniture. an Hicbard located st. CHICAGO. fitakda per Month.' large roouis and sleeping porch, He LOHl English setter dog, brown jjtji TO sell new style U D. B gsrmante, ellfc lawk ami Dowers; downstairs, gag t Jester' The Hem ft Ms v tags 0e.t &$- want. hfWM SHLL mea (al Was. 785 W. Wanted Miscellaneous special order Our loq. 1068 B street hosiery and woolen good, jfifift 149 Walker Bask Bldg. ,i fall and winter swatch Hoe tailoring. E5sT A black abeplierd male dog, bobbed. 21 JOT Bo. contains what at paid for olTTiothlng.inig- s CNrrUNIIIHSb (ran BRDRtiufi oxterminaied Is five boura. gua biggest best qualities HlGWITpricn Call Waa. $998 W. Reward white feet. waat; odds and aainee uak. ends, rags, eicx at prices that undersell. $28 $0 per cellar. MeothossL ssd bath steed Ertatfl Beal 923 L. aad C TAILft. MMten Wanted sve. dilce, $. W. 47W h4907' Wa. month. ORING CO.. Detroit, Mich The Hem' Is vestment ft fisvisg jiM Co tram owner, oodem home. 2 part tty. 480 lAXtT adcrewing, Wednesday envelop ' , an$ Walker Bank Bldg. ONR ga PIHKT-CIAit- a tsiglne, B to 12 h p , tnusre DIHRCT salesmen dressed MBncer." heone preferred, or required sum of building tot, ( all first-clas- s cimtalnlng condition aad priced right ( all Uf,wv satisfied leu houae, with CW11 Was newly papered sad pniatafo than $12 a day need Wn notch 17 8119 W. b 9L4ft Mrs Lofgren, Reward. 2ub0 MIB97 Hy. mebey ti9191 not apply 817 Nee with hath. 43ft Hanoi fit., ftth Bo. Pet. Bldg. 42th LD8T--tra- y finbufbaft Iteatfora 5A dqulrrrt choker, bet. 4th end W A N T10D HIDHKHf jrlrx-- paid for jnok. ftth and fte Bart. had co Kxperienred tire aaltonieg imr.DiMG ftth Bo. 8th or 6th East. Finder call None 881 M clothea and furniture, (.all Hy. RBNT FOR mod. brick hoes. Inother atod Oond ArcftiD 808 apply. Hv to J aad rwive reward g $17 Brooks Bhig. protweitlon I927 bet. a. m. 19 and $ p. m. quire 137 torty. Guarantee Tire Rubber Oo . lArtT buhch keys, anutii oa Main w Bute. right 4AI Bo What have Mnin Vulcanising plant f)T0 WAN1BD Balt Ixke Sausage Fsctury, Waa. 4737 WANTED 4 WHrti ffsuia bouse that ran V. A yon and what ia your price? WANTED Balestncn MODERN m commission, range, cook gee house, 7th Reward. 80. bdbOT 8. be Ni. with moved. $29 Hy. 91 Dot 8 Buhl, Idaho h?03j kitchen beater, $25. gaa range. Wr advance one approved orders. if desired. 629 range, snd scone fumitura Good men 779 7BBI-W. LOHf Bmall go Idea key sorority pin act ton 451 fie. 1st West, WANTED Oxacf tylenc plant. Will pay Waa. 51H4-W- . 723 te $80 per day make$20 275 Bo. 4th with peart. Reward. Call Was. R . apt. 7. J P. Fowler, 53 Bo. W. Tempi cask. $12-507 room. BROOM modem. $ Wanted Automobiles modem houe. alee $ room modem. 50, JZ7 b7230 L7958 12 seres. $25 898 Continental CTumcr, ftfifi and W fie. 8AIBOIRnVo and eot. gas range garage, or of roedstec service car with Bank. Waa IgtoS. knowledge radio needled Wild buy 1AHT ivlkce pup SIX cks aid, black ft2 tlr. fwcii-to tnsAe $.N a vulh uur 445 ml hr TO Bl 7 2 of 3 direct current desk fans. ail delivery ott eliosu moat, black stripe eft bvXr. ReWirfd forf, overtiring campaignday Desleta' Address F47, Tribune, Slate price. modem, lawn, shade, In flratriass ft ROOM mod , ga. newly haleemined; Aaewer quick. Ad and Is good condition. wilee guar tetnrn. 1$B8 East South Temple. Wasatch antepd. 71.17 h Broad-Waalia pe; for nil people, If you want fast nwsnty maker tail $28 B dress 18$ ec; H hik. west Liberty park. HMD, 7,Tribnne 8870. b7gfl$ Write Box 487. Iowa (Ntv. Iowa &9 tw 8, No ft. from Denver rt, $39 Iteooe Hyland ash 90 OSK "auk HAVE s Very fine heavy fringed silk jgTft UrtT -- iiuiVhead ca ims. ftvht of McIntyre DISCKICT BAIjM . ft ROOM' bnngnfow,- - mod. 27 - wtwkFen . 4 ROOM mod crq, belli. awia. n Tuf Uuwbingtus Rmg Inqulrq. J8 finAldfb. . Will uppeeeinte tetorn 4 -ft BMg 1lrtwv rSngi. to il e nstiunxlly ndvee ave. Wwt. Phene Waa.TMfta. : 719 WANT to bey er rent, s Fontoos tractor. enkbsmen style look as never naei. TV TwBfe 4 toe LsrdLwev Pig. t5., 2)8 Bo t'awl. low price.1 Jia- Jobber and dealers; cto'm It ia 2W yearn old, ft toiKltl nxeiern brick cut Uge, fine toentioa uor&ti for rant, 4 moms, modem. 849 from Egypt, ( all Was. JfOftB. 1 W. Temple li7177 l attractive commiMsion; exclusive territory-wonderfuW41 sell or trade fop into worth fiJUOD. 8A9 Mo. $lli Beat. 9K5 7th 455 9x1 'i Dll 10x12 wall tent A 1, price right nuire Inquire J717M 1A1BT Black wallet on 2nd 8ouih asd Mate (V mm ftol 7th, Kart. IHlTnte repeat. or a first payment mobile Rjcg M 84UH !?d W'a Phone AROOM house, newly clesned snd med atr uod lawn, alsad Contained valuable B 2ml St..N Mt. fo'u eta,. Tuesday sight. 414 2R$ DKHIHABLM Hr 4M3. era. $39 fie Tth Mast. 111 3rd sve, . heat furnished In Wister. e Reward. WANTHD -- Tractor of IS buraefiower Jack Kent, Wa. 47$. B ANTRD Hleman Hi wll in the inter receipts. W an tad --Jew Iry 459 L 11 R K H ROOM modem hesee, dons to. Sew- -, sod ensilage cutter, Phone Murray h71$5 mo estate territory a patented gate Inirh. 49U. 799 Tftcruoon Omni mod-ecune bine 9roi liUNkhTTE mTegR MHO'iMftuye Ota good, THUKB room. Bleeping porrh, partly AHT Baturday Communicate w.ih L. G ly remodvM. paired, classed sad petal proposition. Bnilt-t- a kDHet, Murray Utah. 778 itlvef. wa tehee, antique. Indlnn PUro. bathtub, mtoirinu Uy ed thruuheut. garage. Too Mo. 9th Kart. dltofi earring Please call Was. 7190. Wanted Board and Boom Wee. 7UA 6MT tdftfi I Meta. 437 cebiuet and iranleg board. Ditto drainbtord, ftiw FOi'ND Iwdy a silk gkovvw w Harvard ave. LULLMTI0N agency winu experiettcw! linen cloeet, mantel; tovely porch and YoTm aten Rttulboy wikhe with large salesman age4 for a fool WaaWd Call ill! Bo HU) Bart slate agent. Appoint sub-$ RiHiti Machinery atxiclljt modeffty- clean, sad $7 gents, solicit business. $29 a mmth tu denimhle party. (Ml rouui. with er wit boat board, site board 4M ave . ta9 yard, $lte weektv Give WANTKD--Tmvtn- r or IXtHTOne btuc-roe- a horse, about 899 lbs. Mlwx t, engtne KeW (Vttage L. R. Frietef, 510 Battery. for rhild.ia A home where athere are other reference. ttetemn 179 W. Bo Tutuple. Rewanl. modem Pbeaw ts. cutter. clue an careterrace, 400 Hy. children matter's Murray ensilage strictly though preferred, modern, steeping perch. Ban Francisco. 70$ fob sve h4H2 ful attcatwo is moat deaf reL Address 8 4, 8078 or Hy. 2J 1797 J222 8912 W, 1W3 Wa. Aul". Tot) A ' lAtoY Between Riiisrlum and Halt Ixtoe hritsi Tribune houeca, $ anti 6 ruotus. newly cleaned, fsoom near DRESSMAKING IlKAI, park, 9ja y KAl.ltSMANI HQI'AM! Liberty . 8334-i201 Weet foil South City, brown baadbag. ooutalaing GIRL OF 12 WIW PAY FDR B. AND R loq, Waa. babys month. $4 Mouth. B. ITth OOMnl t Inquire Jpl4l.- - , portBultr for .nilntiou. m.n Idherul reward for Ol T OF CITY, Dl RINO BXPBMIB.NCKD draeanaaker ON FARM wearing appstel. J7$ r ritoOU brkk, tnoterh, newly pS'atf. Ap- - f te Bingham Btage lAoe office, fiem;ih to sell Davis $i9 NO quality made BVMMFR. BTATH PARTlCllJkHfi BY Ices reasonable, FT1 W. the Xungaiow. ROOM modem with day: pi by ga ckvthcs from to wearer Year round maker bet. l ssd $ p. m., 91 N. Kara. 19B betel. F 12. TK1BI NR h9.59 ftth 9c Pbune Wee. (Tti2 M. 849$ rage, university. 1'JTtW K. fird Me Hy.ply filP4 II ' sale. Adtertislng te In yn LoB7 Vex lemer pup brww a apocs, ueou propoa tlon. oe Wae 8909. 77 private family, by young min, out ef riKMfLLADti tailoring asd dressmaking st Pbone Hy. ftAM-you. Re ure deposit your commission. morlern. aWeping porch, large yard, nr penitenLary. Hy. 7W J. Bewurd help Address town IVibune. Hfmrtil time. restofsabi ritm prtefte. part Wonderfal &J9 Month 2nd Weet. $26; Betisfaetion value. or mooev modem, Y $21 south front JWT2 716 9th sra. Wax. 1849 1 194 lev. bnttoos. ftte Bast. fete rood. Hytud Dert ptepesitipaL $ Bqsar pert mod , $19, $12, $14, $ 749 Ar ftft, Jusc ii. lruoar Act quick. ft wistee te 485PM. ierve room mod apt., $15. Call 995 W. going lo university, Write, giving Will three reference. 78 NRWcelohlsi bungalow, near Gilmer parh work for board and mum, Addrroa O ft iURltllST Dorr, exiwrieoc.4 dreesmske F. H. Davl day, 4 pair of chtld'e gtassea. fiorth. ntoe Five finder pi ana lwturn to $621 Park rt.t Ro-- Co.. Desk tap B, flnctenaH, Ohio..Tailoring the rooms, 88.41 fnmnee Tribune all work wiabea waits heat, 218 by Waft, day. hN71 TllllKB rooms, bate and rloeetl in ilepiug J B. Mo. Tribble. decorated. This ia an nnwanal opportunity A wsrd. J4TI WARTHIP-rttalesfue- nt $499 Bell young married wtaple, beard 24 our quality WANTKIN-- Bv porch. Oa afore, 2U9 A st. Was, 42B4. to rent a fiew $50U0 bo cue for only $46. CuHT-B.- br'. at Uberty fl.K'l sales board premium asmrtuKnt. 51$ Cell jrtrlriiy private family; ga- URN. BDITH U. BROWN, dressmaklbg. 78$ Hy. 19ft! M Rewanl. Hue or side fine. UOmmleaton weekly. Full rage. Finder call By. Address G t. THhwwc. remod11iif. toueinn. $ ROOM f tsliortog. designing, ft room foi k banes low. modem, partly fttrnihd, porches, 470 repeat commission. ftftft aieephig Bert 2nd Investigate mr vpectalHi uf lb fine pfomrel. 46ft ftth sve. no cbildrcn; . Kent or Wanted To laws, biuli in baffox CiHitMHIA 242. bookcase, grata, LoT ieliow-btowNOVn.TY porrh, Hr. Booth. hlldT War TOMPANY, Fitch for cbdker. . 74$ kltcben cabinet sad mmested bsemesv. WANTED to tease, ft or between Wert Trmplr sod $07 5. Wntern ave , Loe Angeles, ( at FlllBT-CLAWednesday, bungalow, dree skisg. 959 X. 2nd ft AND ft ROOM etom Ramon $61 modern, sve. Rent $99 HMWB luj 1st West na lrt Booth. . loci e. in Ho Return 31$ unfurnished, chi (loo b4T.ed W'rat, a vc. ,, . Buirrll rt HL bet. Nn. sad fia. rtTif-RDJren. Good reference. Hr, 8848-W- r Reward. lonal hotel farkk, newly $ftcftmtdrrn6 flirt IlBBHMAKlNG for mioses and children, Temple fgftk NATIONAL JT58 advnrganiaatiea biaBpeaiBg for ARMY 749 fh, reasonable rent. 24 D it. LOeT iHvaUf. June J& betw-- u 334 No. fififi fird S?. OFFirrR AVD Wirfi WANT TO district field manager. Wasatch Bbould very rassonabln. aggesrive ft room brick boon $ clean RENT FCRNIHHBD Klrfo . . HOrBB 2nd Wrt and Suite aad 9th Be., gray net $8009 yearly. ROOM OR HTt-Wmodem cottage, laws, shade. hfttoT Weekly advances. Ah NM1. Was. 758 North. W 4 $th APARTMENT FROM JPLY TO Alfl, 81, Walker Btvw.,M drman Bupervisur, Ft to 8H5, 22 or apply $17 sve mP4--J bn. Stomped pasteboard ygu st . ijuincy PlMUngi nd h lea go. For rest. beuoUfnl A BARGAIN custstoiitg lady's yeiiww voile dress $ room ft ROOM modem brttegs, $5$ W, ftte fiourh e $ PREFER PLACR WITH GABAGfi AVAIL-ABLAND NEAR FORT DUlULAB. la to Rctoru ta 1b Modern Grocery, cer. ALL Xteds of tit new pleating at 1X4 Hu. house, 1509 (to. 11th Bart, strictly tanr) T3 wmu-- k To BwM- Mw J7J9 WMkU IC Rod Na nod lrt West, of communicate with T RIBPML fttfc Bast. Waa 4N52 W. 91 H109 im. $99. or will seU, Fbeoe Murray 4te ft It OOM tpVterdi "cot iafc.- - 23' per month f neaa to yoor home. Atvcscttve new prop-cei- l J. postmaster, Price, Utah. Reward. a Borrow School ofDreBsmaklng km. riev eland iMiool of Bslesmanaiiip 7M 490 Frite rtftH, luqnirc 72ft Listen sve. and Mall Order Guide CO., Eawesvllle, O WANTED litmn of $9V 7rrra private Shown brhooi of Dressmaking, art dw ROOM 1 lcan and moders, st obi bouse, UMr HhI Irtnh .0,. Batik Will fie es $91801 'Vv ffi fio. give toortgare improved party. .Ud B taught. pertinent. K reman pises, fird Bast bet. ftib and fttes t wbft. pM I. fraat; fgr u Was 1514 9 Main rt. 9 8AI49HMANA( TIYR, KIUTATKD MAN, reel estate appraised at $4onO; (Ira hrara ty my (praul prarara; Cl.ar fimith. T,l.. Ad4-- s jUft, F 1 Tribune hTC'rt GlRLfi, think of your fetur thmuth the tmi Halt Lai. aiara lima capable of earateg Itono w more yearly, pee rw-- l la J1T7 modem cottage, $17 90 per me. AROOM fo rt prtoent ara. B.rlaaa aau avstem etotpD, praettoel, de A. II. Km. 2t Milt Ketef--- n 7 9 Arapboe sve. 7nP Hy, 8723. WORK ortKm'a. ertleces. II FyUND Busch 7T keys os strtag Owner house, 00 84 So. Main rooms $97 M railing $1 .Readable. css claim at 82 Wi fob West hrarieeand arleeted individuals to risk EXPERT roof repslriea. (D-- i eur eatirtste. Wn ito eeOnf a fittop modern. $15 per m By. 1U3 w lUluAllM. luu k,UBI (1H. ALL KlMil Mo With epgeial (repnrtUna. G. R. Ttittle, ItoQ (Date. W call then fellow. Phase tte ether ALL WORK or VERUIN. lift llt'AUAI. ATTOXNXTS Manager Dodd, Mead St PA, 9u3 Mercnn CHINA PA1NTINO TlRT sttradive $ rm, apt, elvsdte cuu-,," uniMorh disinfh,'Tant iou-FAtkko. 11 A V IN I .LturM.PuTT ttto f Bldg. Denver, jfoio ((in.I.Klt.4ui o. Waat Ttmyit aL Nu. 2.1 u. , X, 1 This apt- chiton, walking ditteiicubkk 1 it j PATENT ATtOBNBYS Writ. Jwlra y!H,4 $ALIAMKN. if you"' ate, looking fiwr oontw eBM5l Bide. CMfta paictteg. flrtbg. etc. Cali sad see L rTot anme. attractive feature .. '. 427 29 fi Wae. 8rd , iita I. M. TllUMA. racltiM. u. a. IX- -' W. Kqat. thing god and (hat selia oa sight, see IN DNTI0N8 ( M4MK1(( TALI EED. Whet uhai a a. TiioMJ-aoN- . BKUMI io B. n.Tiuiruit.d. VSfitteS aifc trriw ait W."" tu, V" - . bate yo7 Adam Ftohnr Mfg. X)u 418. Monday, Fourth Bo. nndMatu M7. NU iMttUan. fc! demeortnuian Waa. .kta aatauf. . jutaa to aloha. muikta hW araramto. llerarat Boot. By. streets. Oral, n.t. Loute Jin. J1B2 SM. 49 . . N AZMtt MM4 . Ji iff t) rnl ,'Wrrtor,jrribim4 Gd ... lise Dt wi. nilpr ,' i t. jivm gvt. Lui. f largt () Mobbir 8. ....... nu i" a bJtiftf ju AMKi.rl 't tet rut bk fr bM it "T td iOTTriiritr T, et hH B. ul JMj way.Wa. J t ft Drt. m ItlT ill bt9 lsemcnt b8 yf invertiibbt miuj:r Ifllit, r. n pard. i tot fr m jus. t il 8. Lur iwvtypir. 1I IM. ear snc 1t rrw $. lease o i. lt ntd Tr Ill I. M limn It . cr t4 SSESiTEitSSiutrt ,tl. letcet fura.tt Boor 7 - i rnii II at hl., Unt Hlai,. Ink l. ka i., . c. ill- |