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Show I1 REGARDED AS PIRATES. Russian Fleet iu. Rod Sea Violated International Law. CONSTANTINOPLE, July 22. The passage of tho Ruysian volunteer fleet steamers Smolensk, and St. Petersburg through the. pardajiellcs. under a commercial com-mercial flag, and their subsequent hoisting of the naval Hag. is considered here to be a violation o International law. rciulerlnsi tho veseols llqble to be regarded ns pirates. It lo thought that Great Britain will avail herself of the 4 presence of her Mediterranean fleet to emphasize her pro tea, against, tho action ac-tion of. the volunteer fleet steamers In the Red sea. and It la anticipated that she will intercept the Malacca. No further stcaniers have traversed the -straits since the Smolensk passed through, and It Is believed that Great Britain will prote&t against the further passage of the Dardanelles by Russian steamers unless the Government gives an explicit understanding that the vessels ves-sels arc not destined to act. as cruisers. |