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Show ACTUAL TRADE DULL. . International Mercantile Agency's View of Business Conditions. NEW YORK.. July 2JL Reports received re-ceived this week from special, agents of the International MLercantilo agency at the leading centers of accumulation and distribution In the country show very little, change In condltlonB from those previously stated. Actual trado is dull, a normal situation for this, season of the- yean outlook for fall and winter win-ter business Is better In some sections, notably the Squth and Southwest, than it has. boon for a, long while. Calmer Judgment than obtained In tin beginning begin-ning has reduced tho estimate's of loss by flood to 30,000,000 bushels of winter wheat ln the States most affectd. One, reliable trade journal, bas- issued a bulletin bul-letin which points to a, total, yield of' this cereal of 010.000,000 bushels, and an exportable surplus, of nearly 1.45.000,000 bushels. These are fuuts that have helped to dislodge some oC tbo discouraging discour-aging sentiments of the- recent past. The strike oC tho packing-house employees em-ployees assumed larger proportions than were first believed possible. However, How-ever, there has been no suffering from tho advan.ee in the price. o meats. It has. always, been believed that eventually even-tually tbere would be a poaccful adjustment, ad-justment, by arbitration,, and that the disturbance would pass away as quickly quick-ly as It developed. This sentiment was borne put by Wednesday's, action. Probably Prob-ably a. moro important matter Is the threatening attitude of tho Fall River operatives, toward the. reduction of 15 percent in wags which become!-affective next Monday. This may spread, throughout New England and tmsettle business in that section. Tho bost commercial renotts come from the West and Southwest, or from the very regions whero the greatost disturbance to business polso might bo expected to exist. For Instance Kan-s-as City takes a very hopeful view of tho crop situation. A week qf; Ideal harvest weather has changed tho whole ospect of things, and merchants, are refilling orders. Bank Cleanings.. NEW YORK. July 23,--Ths following table, compiled by Bradatrei?. ehows, the bank clearings at ths principal cities for the week ended July 21, with th,e. percent ago of. Increase and decreaso as- compared with tho corresponding week last- year. 1 Inc. Drc. Now York $1,321,335,003 . . 0.1 Chicago 163.2.720 . 1.6 Boston 33l.S7ft.T07 12.7 .... Philadelphia, 159,123,652 23.1 .... St LouLi 43.4S7.Ca 2 4 .... Pittsburg 33.lfc3.W0 .... 2S.C Son Fxonclaco -. 27,15$,GW O.o Baltlmoro 2l.562.3W ... 11.1 Cincinnati .... S3.4T9.550 35.1 ... Kansas City: 16,32J,303 .... 15.3 Omaha ti.105.550 12-7 Los Angolos 6.S52.933 15.S .... SL Joseph 3.144-312 .... 33-S Denver .' -t.U3.121 .... 16.3 Seattle 1,429.791 .... 5.0 Portland. Or., 3.2S4,7C'3 13. L .... SA.LT LAKE CITY. . 0,51. 411 32.0 .... Spokane. "Wash 2,2$2.0& 0.6 .... Tacoma. 1.S14.631 .... 7.1, Helena 777,931 25.1 .... Totals. U. S ?2,1713T..20S 0.S Outside N. T 54951,193 0.8 .... Totals, Canada .. 51,156,20S 6.0. Live Stock-. Chicago: CHICAGO. July 32 -CattleReceipts. SOOO; market opened stendyv closed lower. Good to prime steers, J5.40t2S.33; poor to medium, 54.555,25: stockers and feeders. $2.00-4.00; cows, $L60tf4 50; heifers, f2.00ti3 5.50; ennnors. $1 6(vq-2.; bulls, $2.00114.10: calves, J2-5OgC70; Texas feel steors. $3.00 4.75. Hogs Receipts. 23.000; market 10c to 15c lower, closed dull. Mixed and butchers, $cj.lMi5.40; good to choice ho.iv, Jo.SS'Sa.SS; lough hoavy, $5.00-5.20; light, .10fr3 10; bulk of sales, $5.25fr5.35. Sheep Receipts. SKQ; sheep lower. Inmb3 lower. Good to choice wothcrs. $4.0O(ir4.25; lair to choice, mixed, $3.OO1i4.0O; Western jheop, $3.851?4.75; native lambs, $1.00?v.70. KANSAS CITY. I..rt.i0tO IH. iUU., tj HO -- --iHUt Receipts, 4500, Including S00 Southerns; ararkct slow, steady. Native steers. $4.fX) (8C.25; Southern steers.. $2,754.75; Southern cows. i 75t?3.E0, natlvo cows and heifers. $1.75p.25; stockors and feeelers, $2,5OS4,50; bulls. 52.2503,75: calves $2-505.00l Western West-ern steers, Jl.CO5G.00j Western cows, $1,75 3.75. Hokk Rficelpls. 7000; market, 510c lower. Bulk of sale."?. S& 15175.30; heavy $3 25.32'A; packers. $5.155.50; pigs and lights. S4.50ft5.25. Sheei Receipts. market steady. Mutton's. $3,254.73: lambs. $4.(W?6.QO; range wethers, $3.7531.75, ewes, $3.251.00. OJAITA. SOUTH OMAHA, July 22. Cattle Ro-cclpts Ro-cclpts 1S0O; market slow to lOlSe lower, native steers. $3.75.10; cows and heifers, $3,W5-1.C0; Western steers. $3.254j4.75; ranso cows and helforSi $2.251f3.C0; canners. $1 1.0 g2.75; stockors and fodcrs, $2.5034.10; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.25ft4.25; calves. J3.0035.23. Hogs Receipts fpOO. market &o lower; heavy. Ji.355.15; mixed, $5.Q03C,15; light, $5.05fiG.lo; pigs. $1 503o.(0, bulk of sales. $5.02Vi5 07r. Sheep Receipts cOOO; market mar-ket generally 10fiMo lower; Ycsterns, $3.75 (&-4.25; wethers, J3.5O3-1.00: ewes. $2,553.75: common and stockors, $2.2533.30; lambs. il.7536.00. St, Louis. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. July 23. "Wool Steady. Territory Ter-ritory and Western mediums, 13321c; Hue medium, 10317c; fine. 14315c. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. July 22. Sugar Raw firm; fair rollnlng. S'c; centrifugal, 96-test. 96-test. 315.-1G34C; molasses sugar, 3Uc; refined re-fined Urm: crushed, $5.75; powdered, $5.13; granulated, $5.(6. Money and Exchange. NEW YORK. July 22. Money on call very easy at ?iil per cent, closing offered at vie Time money easy, sixty and ninety days, 232M. Prime mercantile paper, 3H.-34. Sterling exchange Urm. with actual bus--Iness In bankers' bills at, $LS7.:034.87.25 for demand and nt $1.81.6034.84,03 for sixty days. Posted rates. $1.83-1.56 8S. Commerclul bills, Jl.Sl' l-. |