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Show PROBATE AND. GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County ClcrU- or th? respective 8leiira lor further baforroatl.oa. IN THE DISTRICT COURT; PRO-bate PRO-bate division, In and for Salt Lake count!'. State of Utah. tn, tho matter of the estate, of Margery A. Aldrlch. docoaswl. Notice. The petftiou qf Zuia Martin, administratrix administra-trix of the estate of Margery A. A.ldrlch. doccnsctl, for confirmation of the sale or the following described real estate of said decedent, to wit-. Lot 7. In block 1, amended amend-ed plat of Linden Park subdivision of lot ,11. block 21. five-aero plat "A" Big Field survey. Salt. Lako county, Utah; also lpt S. ln said block 1 of amended plat of Linden Lin-den Park subdivision, and also beginning 1 rod west of tho northeast corner of lot 4. block 19. plat "F," Salt Lake City sur-. vey, In Salt Lake county, Utah, and running run-ning thenco south 20 rods; thence cast GVz ! rods; thence north 20 rods; thence west 6 rods to the place of beginning, being tho west 5t. rods of lot 3 and the east 1 rod of lot 4 ot said block 19, containing ISO square rods of ground, nnd being subject to an, $S00.00 mortgage, constituting a llrst lien on same, for the sum of $1057.50, nnd upon the following terms, to wit: Cash upon confirmation, as appears from tho return of sale, Hied In this court, has been sot for hearing on Friday, the 23th day of July, A. , 1304, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at tho couuty courthouse, in the courtroom of said court, In Salt Lake City, Salt Lako county, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this ISth day of July, A. D. 1304. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David D. Davies, Deputy Clerk. -W. M. Bradley, Attorney for Estate. yl414 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-bata PRO-bata division. In and for Salt Lake- county. coun-ty. Stato of Utoh, In the matter of tho estate of William T. Dalby, deceasod. Notice. The petition of Frcdcrica M, Dalby, executrix ex-ecutrix of tbe estate of William T. Dalby. deceased, praying for tho settlement of final account of said executrix and for tho distribution of the residue of said estato to the persons ontltled. has been set for hearing on Friday, the Gth day of August, A. D. 1901. at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouso ln the courtroom of said court. In Salt Lake City. Salt Lake county, Utah. Witness the clerk qf said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, this 2)th day of July. A. P. 139?. JOHN JAMES. Seal Clerk. By David D. Davies, Deputy Clerk. Lawrenco & Shoup, Attorneys for Estato. Es-tato. yl571 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PP.O-bato PP.O-bato Division, in and for Salt Lake County. Coun-ty. Stato of Utah. In the matter of the. estate of Daniel S. Davkl6on, deceased. Notlco. The petition of tho Utah Savings and Trust company, administrators, with will, annexed, of the estate of Daniel S. Davidson, Da-vidson, deceased, for confirmation of the. of t.ald decedent, to wit: The last half of lot six (6) block thirty-three (33). plat "B," Salt Lake City survey, in tho city and county of Salt Lake. State of Utah, for the- num. of $4C0Q. and upon the following-terms, following-terms, to- wit: cash upon confirmation; as appears from the ret'a of salo filed ir. this court, has beon sot for hearing on Friday, tho ?3th day of July. A. D. 1304. at 10 o'clock a, m., at the county couru house, hi, the courtroom of said court. In Salt Lako City. Salt Lake- county, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this loth day of July, A. D. 1301. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. liy David B- Davies. Deputy Clerk. D. B. Hempstead, Attorney for Estate. yll45 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bate PRO-bate division, in and for Salt Lake county. State of Utah. In. the matter ot the estate and guardianship of Edward P. Ferry, an Incompetent. Notice. Tho petition of William Montague Ferry and Edward Stewart Ferry, tho guardians of the person and the estate of Edward P. Ferry, an Incompetent, for confirmation of salo of the following described de-scribed roal estate, to wit. Lot thirty (30), block ten (10) Park City townslte. for the. sum of $220.00 and upon tho following terms, to wit: Cash upon confirmation, as 1 appears from the return of sale, filed In this court, hafl been set for hearing on Friday, tho 23th day of July. A. D 1304, at ten o'clock a. m.. at the county courthouse, court-house, in the courtroom of sold court, in Salt Lako City. Salt Lake county. Utah. Witness the- Clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, this 18th day of July, A. D. 1301. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. Bv David B. Davies, Deputy Clerk, Richards & Ferry. Attorneys for r..n -,l(r. ,,e 1-1. 1 .'fi IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bate PRO-bate Division. In and for Salt Lako County, State of Utah. In the matter of tho estate of- James Jonnson, deceased. Notice. Tho petition of Binca J Johnston, administratrix ad-ministratrix of tho estate of James Johnston, John-ston, deceased, praying for tho specific performance of a certain contract oe the deceased, made beforo his death, for the settlement ot the final account of sold administratrix and for tho dlstrlbu-tion dlstrlbu-tion of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled, has been set for hearing hear-ing on Friday, tho 23th day qf July. A D..' 1301. at ten o'clock a, m., at the County Court House In the court room of .said Court, ln Salt Lako City, Salt Lake Countv. Utah. Witness tho Clork of said Court with the seal thereof affixed this 15th day of July. A. D- 13l- (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By DAVID B DAVIES, Deputy Clerk. Thomas Adams. Attorney for Estate. vU-lS IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court In and for Salt Lake County, State of Utah, Department No. 1. In the matter of the estate p.f, Charles S. Richardson, Deceased. Notice. The petition of Edith M. Richardson, praying for tho admission to Probate of a certain document, purporting to be tho last Will and Testament of Charles S. Richardson, deceasod, aud for the granting grant-ing of Letters Tostamontnry to heraelf, has been set for hearing on Friday, tho 29lh dav of July. A. D . 1304. nt 10 o'clock a. m-, at the County Court House. In the court room of said Court, ln Salt Lake Cltv. Salt Lake County, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said Court with the seal thereof affixed this 15th day of July. A. D., 130-1. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. DAVID U. DAVIES. Deputy Clerk, Henderson, Plorce. Crltchlow & Barrette, Attorneys for Petitioner. . yll-17 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bato PRO-bato Division, in and for Salt Lake County. Stato of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Sarah Field Spry, deceased. Notice. Tho cross petition of Lydlu Spry, objecting ob-jecting to the settlement of final account of an Id the administrator of tho ?stato of Sarah Field Spry, deceased, has been set for hoarlng on Frldav, the 23th elay of July, A. D.. 1S01. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the County courthouso In the courtroom of said court. In Salt Lake City, Salt Lake countv. Utah. Witness the Clerk of said court, with the senl thereof affixed this ISth day of Julv, A. D. 1301. (Seal.) ' JOHN JAMES, Clerk. By David B. Davies. Deputy Clerk. A. A. Duncan, Attorney for Petitioner. ! y 1U7 |