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Show RAILWAY FRANCHISE TO BE GRANTED Special to The Tribune. SPRINGVILLE. July 22. A public mooting moot-ing was hold horo yestorday to dlacuss the, matter of granting a franchise! through tho city for the proposed electric railroad from Logan to Payson. B Mahler of Toledo. O . tho promoter, was precont ond addressed the meeting and gave nn outhno of tho proposed undertaking. Tho citizens citi-zens by a unanimous vote Instructed tho City Council to grant to Mr. Mahler and his associates tho franchtec, which tho City Council did at a special mooting told last night. D 1 A The funeral of Miss Nellie Roylance. slater sla-ter of Mayor William M. Roylanco. who died In tho hospital at Provo Tuesday night, was held here today In tho L. D. 9 mootlng-house. Tho funeral wa? largely attended. Tho opeakors wero Prof. L S" Eggerteon. John S Boycr, B. T. Blarich-ard Blarich-ard and W. D. Rydalch, |