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Show HENS AND HALIBUT : NOT SO PLENTIFUL Poultry Market a Littlo Firmer Hot "Weather Makes Strong- Demand for Melons. r Hens and halibut were scarce on the local lo-cal market yestardaj-. Tho hens were a I little stronger In price-, while spring worn In good demand with a comparatively limited lim-ited supply. Salmon waa plentiful and fresh supplies of trout from private pouus gave welcomo vnrloty to tho fish market. A feature of yesterday's produce was- a single crate of fresh, strawberries, which was offered by tho grower at 32.25, with no Immediate taker. A fresh car o bananas ba-nanas was received In fairly good condition condi-tion b a local commission firm, the hot weather making It very difficult to handle this product of tho far South. The shipment ship-ment came by rail from Mobile, with an .attendant traveling the- entire distanco-with distanco-with the car to regulate the temperature. Another car of Texas watermelons will bo in tho first of the week. Tho melons now on hand are larger than the- earlier invoices'" and "are selling at $1 to $5 a dozen, wholesale, and 50 cnts to 75 cents each, retail, a. alight advanco over recent prices. They have been selling very readily read-ily since the hot weather opened Utah watermelons and Payette cnnlnloupca arc expected oa the market next week. |