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Show SECOND OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS IS FATAL Special to The Tribune. BRIGHAM CITY, July 22 Joseph A. Chrlstenr.on, who recently moved hero from Park valley with his family and underwent un-derwent on operation for appendicitis about ten days ago. died at the Rich hospital hos-pital yestordny aftor the pecpnd operation TtiCKiIny. lie lenves a widow and two small ohlldren. The remains are in chargo of UndertJikor L N, Slohl and will bo shipped to Nowton, Mr. Chrlster.sen a former for-mer home, and tho funeral will bo hold thoro Friday. u Boden & Graohl havo this wook ercctfld a new slaughter-house In placo of the ono recently destroyed by lire. Mayor Hoist has Issued a proclamation forbidding tho use of fireworks and xplo-Hlves xplo-Hlves In Brlgham on July 23. the day of tho PJonoer celebration, owing to danger of lire. Thero will be no celebration hare, hut Garland Is preparing for a "big time. Tho programmo consists of a parade at 8 a. m , raoos, baseball and games In the uf tcrnoon, firework."? and dancing at night. i At' tho session of the County Commls-sionors Commls-sionors Monday Architect A Funk submitted sub-mitted tho plans for the new county jail. Tlmir wnm nnrntita,l nnil flllvorf lalntT for bids for Its construction is tho next step. For county purposes a tax of 4 mills was Icvlod and a 7 per cent grado Is to bo established on tho hill nt Trcmonton. A dlvldond of 4 ner cent hns been declared de-clared by tho First National bank of Brig-ham Brig-ham on tho capital stock for the past six monthn and 51500 sot asldo for repairing tho building. Funornl services woro held In tho Second ward Tuesday over tho remains of tho one-venr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Glndrup. who died of lung trouble. Got Thoro Is good fishing in Boar river and many of Brlgham's sports ato taking advantage ad-vantage of the pleasure In It. w Monday a demented man of tho narao of Kelly was brought In from Garland by Constable E. O. Wilcox and placed In Jail here. Ho went from Colllnston and awam two rivers and a number of canals, saying somo one was pursuing him to "tako his life. Ho Is Improving. o Tho Brlgham baseball nine goes to Trcmonton Trc-monton Friday to play a match game. It a The board of trustees has engaged tho following leachcra for the coming 3chool torm In this city; J. S. Bingham, sunor-Intendont sunor-Intendont and Instructor of the Hich school, John W. Peters, II O. Jcppson, Ethelbert Laraen. Hattlo Wight, Snrah Harding, Hattlo Nichols, Lola, Nichols, Hulda Westerberg. Ada Johnson, May Jansen, Sovena Madson, Abblo Roes, Ciura Trons. Orllla Watklns, Dagmar Olson. Mr. and Mrs. David Wright of Ogdcn. tho latter a daughter of Deputy Acsossor E. A. Box, aro visiting relatives In thLs ; city this week. Tho wlfo of Dr. A. W. Ensign prosentcd him with a flno boy Tuesday. Born Tuesday night, to tho wlfo of S. C. Wlxom of tho Box Elder Nows, n bouncing baby boy. Postmaster and Mrs. B. F. Boothe aro In attondonco at the postmasters' convention conven-tion at Provo. Morchant R. H. Fryer of Dowoyvlllo- has assigned all hla stock of mcxohandlpe to creditors. J. Q. Crltohlow of Salt L<o is tho trustee. Scott Jenson. Fcnlly JJcrrlll and Einjtno Hansen returned homo the foro part of tho week. Tho formor two havo labored as missionaries In England and tho latter filled a mission In Washington State Young Ernest Iverscn of tho First ward oastained a broken arm ycatcrday Ln a wcretllng match with a hoy friend. Ho is lmprovmg. |