Show I W E MR ATKINS Went to Jail Just Because He Took a Punch at Smidt Charles Atkins was wa arrested b by Patrolman Patrolman Pa Pa- Corl Carlson on lust last night after havIng having hav hay in ing dell delivered himself of a stiff sUrf Jolt which landed on the port vort side of William William Will Will- iam lam Smidt's lower lover Jaw while the two were In a shooting gallery on Commercial Commercial Com Coin mercial str street el The entire affair grew out o of a mistake on Atkins' Atkins part asto as asto asto to the Identity of or Smidt Say y I want to see you a minute pardner was the first intimation Smidt had of any trouble He accompanied accompanied parried Atkins out of the place because because be he- cause Atkins had a a. firm hol hold on the lapel lape l of or Smiths Smith's coat When hen the they got outside the shooting gallery gallel Atkins let bet drive a short Jolt to the Jaw which Smidt stopped with ease case As soon toon as ashe ashe ashe he had thus relieved his feelings Atkins Atkins At At- kins said to Smidt Ill teach you Ol to take me Into a place and skin me out of m my Iny money With a bill biff to the nose and anal to the tIre point of oC the chin Atkins drew himself 1 together to land his knock knock- out At this point Patrolman Carlson Carlson Carlson Carl Carl- son stepped between the pair and narrowly narrowly nar nar- rowl escaped the tire reception of or the tire in intended intended In- In tended arm straight from Crom Atkins' Atkins A ns' ns re reliable reliable re- re liable left Mistook Smidt for COl a u When the pair pall were separated Patrolman Pa Pa- Carlson asked for Cor an arm explanation tion Lion from rom Atkins Ho He said Id that he thought that Smidt was a man who hall hail taken him Into a a. Commercial str street resort and amid flim him out of his hard-earned hard wages He lie saul said that as he took look a second look at the tire theman theman man mati he was convinced t at he was mistaken and thereupon offered his most humble apology This tort sort of reparation seemed altogether Inadequate inadequate made made- quate to Smidt who by that time was the possessor of a dusky eye ec a agory agory gory nose and amid a a. disfigured l chin He lie Insisted that Atkins be bo arrested Callson Carlson Carl Call son sour took his Iris man to the city lt hall hail and placed his name on record l to lo explain matters matter's In ponce court this afternoon Ho Hl was hailed balled out jail by ly friends later in the thc nl night ht Atkins says nays that ho Ire Is a switchman employed at the Oregon Short Line yards ards and Smidt claims to be a cook cool at the tire Chesapeake peake rant |