Show WHEAT RECOVERS FROM BEARISHNESS Cutting Guting Down of Surplus Visible Vis Vis- ible ibie Supply Has Bullish Effect Chicago Oct S. S S. heal K Wheat recovered In Inthe Inthe intile the tile latter part lart of or today's session from tho the tone of or t bearishness b by which It il has hns recently been leen dominated The Tho much heavier visible so 60 far Car this year car than tUn last lam Is la In process of or being cut down cown Its Is surplus compared with wih the thc year car previous is I now only l OO bushels and Ol It Io locked from what was being heard from froni the Northwest that the liberal liberal lib lib- Ib- Ib eral movement from the farms had run it Us Ils course a and 11 had passed Its Is maximum Matters of or that lint kind commenced com corn to bo be lo talked about as a soon a athe as a the price prie commenced to show a reactive rear rear- lye tive tendency The close was at c z ad- ad Corn Improved In iii II sympathy and at th time the clo ems clou- was from l up for December and antI I. I e c hl higher hr for Cor May lay Th h la latter cos closed ll at nt after soiling selling as low Jow as I c but very few lew cw of or the buyIng buyIng buy- buy In Ing orders at the the latter later price could coul be bc filled lel sellers being so 50 few Oats and provisions were wro stronger hent Quiet nt at Start Market for wheat Icat was quiet quIe at time the start sturt but there was still pressure of offerings s. s I First transactions were at nt Iho timo end of or the tho previous lous week week neson Reasons for or the continued bearish feeling thus shown hown came chiefly from front tho the heaviness of the shipments from front Russian an and ports during the tho week an and the considerably larger total from all al countries than was shipped the time similar simi shut lar mr week of or the time year before lefore While domestic receipts more especially Inthe In Inthe the thc Northwest showed an enlarging tendency Minneapolis and an Duluth did dil not miot tot get et within Lo cars of oC the number that arrived thorp a n year ago ugo Worlds World's shipments for Cor or the week were wore O bushels compared comparet with bushels bushels bushels bush bush- els the wook previous pro and bush bush- ers th the corresponding week o of tie the year previous iou There was an aim Increase of time the amount of ot passage to the tho lie extent of bushels 19 Liverpool report reported c futures fu fu- fu tures turps tires jd ll lower The Tue visible justified Ju time the formed of It as us the data were bIn being roc received hll The Time total now Is bushels against a a year car a ago o. o Minneapolis reported 1 better demand for forcash forcash cash wheat The reaction from tIme the Lu early weakness ss was made more assured by hy time the latter statistical and anti other In In- In I formation December got sot as os high near nearlie the lie end as and antI May 10 c cant and ant those were practically the time closing prices prIces Gum Corn Market Irai N I. I. I Dull As there was nothing In the corn situation to stir str up speculative feeling the market for tint that commodity wa was dull 1111 and featureless Time The weight o of or such changes as Og there lucre were since the close Saturday In iii matters of which specula speculation Ion takes e account favored sellIng selIn sell sell- sel- sel In lug Ing rather than buying and ami lh the tradIng trading trad trad- In ing followed those those Indications Weather er was clear elrar and amid frosty throughout the time greater portion porton of time the corn boll belt That was th time the chief reason for or the weakness with wih which trading commenced Liverpool Liverpool Liv Liv- reported futures from flom to il 11 id lower Visible supply Increased bushels making the he total bush bush- lush lush- els els Firmness of the time other othmer grains genius near the end was the cause caus of or a riot net gain ain of or I-H I 1 c In December and ami c In iii the 11 May price prie October closed c c lower Jower Out Oats Ont Ilca 11 Interest In the time oats market was as fairly fairI fair fair- I ly well rell wel maintained and tho ho volume of tf business done while not large larse was proportionately pro pro- heavier h than Ihan that hint of either cither the time corn or the tIme wheat wheal market Feeling ot con was main maintained l by what was seen of the smallness of or receipts receipt and anc stocks n as compared with wih la last l years The Time visible decreased 1100 while last year cal eam there was an aim Increase of bushels The total now I Is X bushels at the similar time last year yr-ar It I amounted to bush bush- els cis Sales for or shipment hero hen of or H bushels and an UTI equal quantity for export export ex ex- port at lh time the seaboard with the strong strong tone to wheat to make the wIndup for forthe forthe the da day y at at from e to lo He Jc c a advance ance Demand for fil or Shack In lc Demand for the hog hn products was slack at the time opening but Iut time the offerings were so o small smal at mit the time lower prices with wih which business started that It I did lid not mint take much addition to time the he buying orders or or- 01 ders lers for 01 em the time lal latter r to Impart a different differ differ- ent eat tone to tho market so that from being rather weak It I became strong and amId anc early decline was recovered Today's rn range c of prices I Open I Hit I Low Lw I Close Oct 71 iH 1713 71 Dec Del 73 4 b 73 ay iS js iH S iS f I I I ell en I II t J ili ll I uw J i Oct 1 JC t r 1 ray May 1 3 I 13 11 I 11 13 OATS OATS- OAS I I I Low lAW I Clo Close r. r Oct 3 is I iM 13 J Dee Dee 31 1 H 31 3 31 May In 13 13 Hi ta 03 G PORK PORK- I I II high h. h I Low Lw I Close nn UHl il 1134 1151 LARD LARD- IAlO I Hien I J I I I J how w. w I Close Oct Vel 1511 I Nov No 11 S r sm Y t W S. S Jail Jun 1 1 i. i 1 U UR R B I OS- OS US I 1 I High I Low Lw I close Glose Opt let 1515 I IR JUI 11 I I 7 71 Cash Casl sales Winter r. r Xo Ne 2 red 72 No 2 hart 7 7 1 spring 11 n No I 1 northern s e No 2 northen 77 I Sic Corn No No 2 white iCe l No 2 Omits Xo No 2 c No 2 31 j 1 3 c |