Show BABIES ARE IN DEMAND Hus r Calls fur for Older Ohler Children II That Firer the time demand for babies a aird id small mall children for Cor or adoption is IN a growing ln one oneas was as shown by hy time llio reports of or the tire officers officers orn- orn cers of the Orphans' Orphans Home Homo and Day Nursery tirade mae yesterday afternoon at ot atthe atthe the annual meeting Five Iho little ones have ha been placed In goo good homes within with with- in hr the tire past few Cew days day and anal numerous other applications have been received receive At present there are arc four fifty children children chil chil- dren In the tire home ranging rang from 2 to 12 years ears but the call Is generally for far bab babies ba ba- ba- ba b bies I es Mrs Rachel Miller Mrs Irs J J. B E. O Oglesby Ogles Ogles- b by Mrs I K B. I. I Thome and Mrs MIS Helen lichen HelenA A A. Sprague were were- named by hy tho nom nom- hinting committee for year three di di- di rectors The Th name of oC Mrs 11 Edwin Kimball Kim Kim- ball ban was urns substituted for that thai of or Mrs Mrs- Joseph Young A committee e from rout tinI tin I street nursery waited upon the tho board of I directors and discussed plans toa tInt tho care ene oC ot tire tho children wh whO como come under time the direction 0 of the tire homes After tho tim business meeting meeting- the time In Informal informal in- in formal reception was held and WitS was at attended attended nt- nt tended b by a largo large number numbe of or Salt Lake women who imo are Interested In tho work Tea was wa ser cl and n fi program of songs and recitations furnished IJ by the ones from the tire home homo this feature being much enjoyed b by the visitors |