Show I INTERESTED IN IX Man ibis Has His Good ln Showing In Iii Copper Co Camp I J. J Another 4 Hingham mining mIninG man to lo register a hit In the copper camp of or ortho tho the Green water territory Is II 11 1 M. M 1 Stevens Steven Associated with him hint Is C. C 6 L I Ht prominent In the tl mining circles cir clr- t des cles of or Nevada alit and California and th these thee gentlemen own a a group rou o of linely line line- Ine- Ine ll ly located claims seventeen sc hi lit numbs num num- bs lir r. r In the HIP til heart of or the famous amous Death t. t alp tol storehouse o of or cop copper pel wealth Word ha has reached rached Salt Sail Lake Lale that these gentlemen have every ery In their group proportions as g generous as tel U. U any In iii that region li it I Is stated that thal the surface rock rok outcrops boJI boldly aa us Is the case with wih G r properties anti and tho thu enormous enormous enor enor- motis ledges give ive constant values of copper the thc values alues ranging anywhere f om 5 to 32 per cent The Tue specimens of ore oio from this prop property properly rt are aro charac- charac chara- chara charat t of or the camp and from all aU descriptions de do- the owners should clean up UI liberally lalY upon their POS possessions p Tho The group IK IN 11 located within eight miles nilles mies of or Smiths Smith's new railroad line Uno and within five r o miles mies of or Patsy Clarks Clark's mines |