Show n CARS GARS OF POTATOES COME GO ME FROM IDAHO Utah Crop Being Short Mark- Mark ket Is Supplied From Outside CRANBERRIES LOW PRICED I Concord Grape Grapes In iii Fair Pall Quantity Quan Front From O Option Car of ha- ha on un the tho lie Way ny Although the tine fall fail season has bard barely harel opened It has been necessary for tor commission commission com corn mission merchants to lo Import several cars can of or potatoes from Idaho and anti from present Indications Utah Ulah will havo to depend largely upon outside outside- markets for on their theil potato supply this winter The Tine crop this year ear according to the farmers in the that thal are arc usually relied upon iou for this fruit of or the soil soll oll the time potato crop fell rell fur far short this year While most of or the thc dealers admit this they are arc Inclined to think that the present plesent scarcity searcH is only a temporary one and due to the fact that tho the farmers are arc so bus busy haying he hey cannot take talce time to bring brim potatoes lo to market Others claim that the tho farmers are aware of the shortage and arc therefore holding back their crops ClOpS In order to realize the highest hest possible The Tho retail price once ranges now from i 75 to 90 cents a a. a bu bushel tho the whole wholesale ale price being about 65 cents a bushel War zIt m in IlL A little war ivar Is on between some same of the tile wholesale dealers denIers in cranberries ries and antl as a consequence this lila fruit has been reduced to a barrel the lowest t price known In iii a long time On tho the retail market markel the berries ries c can n bo be h had as aM cheap us as ii 10 cents a L quart which Is the lowest price In the recollection lection of or most of the dealers hero here Utah Is 18 supplying Ing the tho market so far as Concord grapes are arc concerned quantities quan Iuan- of this fruit coming from rout the neighborhood of Ogden They sell ell at 3 35 cents a a. basket baskot whole wholesale ale and antl 50 cents retail There was a scarcity of or California grapes yesterday but a n acar acar car lot is expected toda today to relieve relic the pressure in this line A car of bananas is also booked for COl this mornIng mornIng morning morn- morn Ing and It will come corne none too soon as the fruit of or this special variety varlet offered in the last t few days has been anything but tempting looking Utah prunes are Just beginning to come In and amid the opening price Is 00 cents a bushel With the bulk of or the southern Washington crop ClOp In this line lino ruined It Is If- not unlikely that the price of the fruit will ili advance rapidly and that the Utah fruit gro ers CIS will realIze realize realize real real- ize a larger profit on their crop this year eal than ever evem before The Tho destruction lion tion of the Clarke count county Washington ton crop was WitS due to heavy rains rain and antl caused a 0 loss of to the fruit fruIt- growers there Mallard Ducks Scarce Teal real lucks ducks are coming in sufficient quantities to supply the thc local demand but mallards are arc rather m-ather scarce The Tho price of the tho birds ranges from flOm 2 to toI I I a dozen wholesale according to 0 size Chickens uio ate quite plentiful now liens hens and amid springs selling at the time same lame price 20 cents a n pound Tho The first turkeys of the time season are duo to tomake tomake make their thell appearance in about tv two o r weeks and the promise now Is that there will be plenty of ot these birds this year rear to supply the Thank Thanksgiving sling trade trado at least without drawing upon the Eastern market Practically no change has hus been heen made In Imi the prices of or meats meals within the last week Prime ribs are aro quoted quoted quoted ed at from flom 11 16 to 20 cents a pound pork porI chops 20 cents whole ham 16 cents sliced 23 25 cents veal 12 2 1 cents mutton 12 2 1 to 20 I cents spring lamb Jamb 15 to 25 cents breakfast bacon 20 cents sliced 2 23 25 to 30 cents a pound |