Show ENGINEER QUINTON VISITS STRAWBERRY Says Government Will Rush Work on Tunnel Next Spring J. J A A. A Quinton of or the reclamation service ser ser- vice supervising engineer for Colorado an and Utah caine came to Salt Lake yesterday ay after aCter a n. visit to hJ ii tIme the Strawberry valley I tunnel tU and antl with O. O II H. Ensign chief electrical engineer of tho service lec and amid George L. L engineer In charge e eor of or time the proJect project h hold hold-a consultation with members of the Water ater Users Users' association ion tion on matters mattery relating to the time construction con- con of time the big tunnel Mr 11 QuInton Quinton Quin- Quin ton expressed himself as being well veIl satisfied with the work thus far dono dona I under the iho supervision lon of oC Mr and said The rhe tunnel i Is now In about C GI CO feet feel and n time the prospect for fOl or making satisfactory satisfactory tor tory headway Is Iser er very good The roa road that ha has lins been finished Is a fine one and will be one of tIme the principal Inlets to the time Uintah reservation The Tine govern govern- has spent a great deal of or money on the time road and ancl it is sure ure to be he much traveled h by residents of or visitors to the tIme reservation We e cannot suy say whether the government govern overn- mont ment will go JO on un and amid complete the ten tun nel ad Our experience in th tIme past with contractors hu hits has been very ery el or ory Tunnel work worl Is tine the most uncertain uncertain tam tain of all engineering work and anti a i reull really Joo good contractor In order ollIer to lo protect pro teet himself must Include In his bid bida a a. very ery er large mar margin ln over and mind above his hla profit I Time The margin marln of course would be pure gaIn g and amid If the time government o can do o the time work worl at the price hl hid bid b by the con contractor the time margin set sel apart h by the contractor can cnn be hc saved sn to the water users und and even is lis worth saving for these people of ot isit The Time purpose of our visit to time the tunnel tunnel tun ten nd nel site sito at al this time was to lo consider the time best location for the time power plant that will ili be Installed later on This que question of oC course will not come up until spring lIu but Mr lr Ensign was coming comIng com corn ing this WI way und and so I went up to the tunnel situ site with him hini Mr 11 Ensign will I return again In lii the tine spring when tho time site Ile for the tIme power pawn plant will be determined determined deter deter- mined upon The government Jo will not nol push time the work vork on the tunnel this win wIn- leI ter Just enough to keep running nicely nice mice ly b bu but l a large force Corce of men will be put to work worl early In the spring and ana work pushed forward as rapidly rapid I as LS pos pos- sl slide sible Mr 11 Quinton's tons ton's headquarters Is at tt Montrose here the government Is en engaged engaged en- en gag d In driving another big tunnel Of uC the six miles to lo be he driven n. n 3 31 miles have hae been completed and anti It Is expected expect expect- ed the tIme tunnel will be he finished carl early In Inthe Inthe the time summer of 1905 Work ork will nol not now progress as rapidly l as hereto heretofore Core as us there are now only two faces aces of tho timo tunnel to work ork from Crom whereas until u short time lime ago UJO there were four I It Is not unlike unlikely that Mr Quinton will move to Salt Lake In tie the near fu future future fu- fu ture to make his home hom as It will be necessary for 01 him to make more und and more frequent vl visits lo to this state slate durIng during dur dur- ing the construction of oC the Strawberry tunnel Mr 11 Quinton left heft for Colorado last night hight Mr Ir Ensign n going to Los Angeles on th the tho afternoon train |