Show BURGLARS STAB WOMAN Attacked Attached With Rn or and Knife 11 by Murderous Chicago Oct S. S 8 Mrs GussIe Lutz living lI at 13 12 South II a Is toad fatally wounded tonight b by two Iwo unknown un un- un- un known 1 robbers She was summoned to tolie the lie door about I 11 1 o'clock b by a knock and on opening It two men mon pushed her into a hallway and und demanded mone money She he protested whereupon ono one of or themen thu the thumen men slashed her hel across the throat with witha a a. razor and anti the other stabbed d her In Inthe the thc breast broast with a Jack Tho rhe woman screamed and a large e bulldog rushed to her aid ald Ho He seized one of ot I the men inca by the leg nil and I only lot let go when he hart hail been beon cut about thu mouth Ino As 8 It was he ho retained in his Jaws jaw's a a. large e section of or tho the mans man's trousers Both Doth the ruffians escaped Mrs Lutz was removed m to the County Count hospital where it Is said sald sho site will not live li through the night I |