Show DR BEHLE TO STUDENTS I Modern Oth In SUl Surgery er the Theme of AdI Ad- Ad I f s iress to 1 Medical cd Clu Dr Di A A- C. C Behle addressed cd the medical medi cat cal students of or the th University yesterday yester day afternoon on the subject of ModI Modern Mod lod I cm ern Surgery Dr Behles Behle's remarks w wore were ro along ulong the line of advancement ad In of or tho the hospital of today and and- that of a century ago showing that thai the tIme dreaded hospital surgical complications oomph oomph- of a 11 t century ago were now entirely eliminated The doctor also dwelt dwell on tho the Ireat great achievements that were now able to be performed on account account account ac ac- ac- ac count of or the tho great discoveries erles in un anaesthetic eHI eH- eH I Tho The address ss which was greatly great great- ly appreciated by the tho young medics will be bc followed by a a. series of or lectures during tho the winter term |