Show MONDAY DIRECT OSa john E beoh president john henry smith vice J 0 graham 0 P fh r W D Bobi naon A singleton oscar walkine Wil kine M H graham lebn 0 graham at the postoffice Post office at w second claga matter TERMS OF ay MAIL postage daily edition one year in advance parts of B year per mon thin advance 60 aemi year in advance 2 TO CITY daily delivered banday 80 cants per month in advance or 25 cents a week address co provo city utah delivery ia irregular please gake complaint at the office or through rel ephone no 27 mis PAPER TOW 65 et sw oal where contract aa be made for it has a circulation shat every week exceeds that of all the other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah county it haa a circulation that exceeds that of all the other territorial combined bior over 1 ill S cars mr II otts ik i k lor over fifty acari li of rs for while teething with kerfeit u ee ii it soothes the child softens alie mi allai sall anin cirei wind colic lct remedy for it i ill relieve alie poor little ut lerer immediately imme diatel i old by druggists martof the orld twenty five cents a bottle he gure aud ach for M rs syrup aud talie no other had fralc A 15 horse horizontal engine and ight boiler almoas new can te pur together or cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo oi ty bor alc the entire stock of the lato u har ribon tinsmith will ba sold in or job lots at a great sacrifice baiss will be tor the next 30 daa address W 0 harrmon fork or provo city box 5 lm W C children cry for pitchers cassorla Ca storla for enfante and children years observation of cantoria Ca atoria arith clr patronage of SQ minhong of per gona na to speak of it it ia bly the beat remedy for infants and children the world idaa ever faione it ia Ii annle Jh ildra dihe it it gevea them health it spill rye their elivea in it kothera have BOi is a afe and practically perfect a a Ca artoria worms castoria allays cantoria prevents vomiting conr card anre and wind colic cantoria Cay toria teething castoria caire constipation and cittoria the bonto acid gaa or air cantoria Cag toria does not contain or other property castoria tho food alie stomach and lotresia LoT reIa giving healthy and sleep castorini Castor iii ic ant ap in orie size bottled only tt is not gold in bont allow aay one to bell yon anything ele on the plea op promise that it to anat an good and will gnawer every purpose see that yon get CASTORIA C A S T O R I A the fao simile y V j i on every of acsa CS a wrapper children cry for pitchers castoria money to loan on bood farm property at 12 per cent per annum on bums of three hundred dollars and upward am JOB ml sel dr miles nasto BK cum t FOR COUGHS COLDS MO CROUP grandmothers ADVICE alno children my only oia for end cramp w onion arop it latt effective today to day us tt was forty aso varr my taka dr bunca dijon byrna u already prepared and more pleason pleas sn to ibe lt bold botolf ans yf ao at st theoa sod sold by pyne maiben provo opera house S S prop r S J JOSES jt GRAHAM manager ONE february 7 favorite dainty and an excellent company in her latest success by U T dagay in ad kentucky NEW DANCES 1 CLEVER advance of tickets on wednes day feb aih at the box office MOViS TO WORK ORDERS SOLICITED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction y door east of coop co op store T and designs furnished upon application J my cm c m ante cur of IMS of memory ac will iloie you a STRONG VI for bouw SS oft fl tf with each box ca BT beloma lOma what riest OF DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT president W R vice president JOHN G GRAHAM GEO Q casios 8 S JONES E F D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york Uhic aeo san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards THE PEOPLES blacksmith general blacksmithing Blacksmith in and maeon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices J street 1 bocka north let national bank city DAVID P P hindmarsh HiND HARSH THE LEADING GROCERY LIST OF PRICES r no 2 western washing machines 4 40 all binds of smoked and salt fiat wood tuba small 65 celery cranberries oranges lemans medium 75 han annaa sweet potatoes apples laree 90 sweet pieties pi eLIes fees all nod and galvanized tub ama 1 l SO guaranteed or money medium 90 utah sugar 20 IDS 1 00 larce 1 CO utah sugar per sack baila paila and 40 treo tea three capere 50 canned tomatoes per can 10 coffee per packet 25 string beans 10 raisins five pounds 25 canned corn 10 cheese bound 15 salt Herri Dp per keg java coffeo per pound from 15 to 40 one gallon was oil cans 50 canned salmon good per can 10 tin oil cans 25 mustard san lines ter can coal oil per five aslon loose T oil sardines four cans 25 best oil per cab nickel 30 bakers per hundred 1 25 tl graham per hundred straight grade 1 30 corn meal patent bran 60 S shorts 80 keep thin list and nd in conr MAIL ORDERS afree DELIVERY to adv part 0 hie city tele bone 29 P P HINDMARSH V centre et provo successor to provo L at fe B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring baisl Sai sl lumber order beroll sawing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and ard opposite R R depot P 0 box 79 telephone ko 20 f orlu v u JL I 1 y arny delivered to any cart of the city bock springs lump S castle gate lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump rock nut castle gate ant 4 50 anthracite 1100 YARD TELEPHONE 37 SMOOT agents zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays five per cent interest per binnum on any da posits you mako arite for particulars GEO M CANNON preat cashier meat market reopened re opened in boshard biag opposite post offida choicest meals in season send in your orders delivery prompt oar old patrons are invited to denew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed mgr MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT FOB all kinda of miners supplies STORES giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box uca aalt LAKE copyrights CAN I 1 A PA TEXT t fora answer and an honest to aldunn s nave b aa nearly experience in the patent business communication strictly A handbook of in formation patents and bow to obtain them bent free also B of mechanical and books dent free patents taken through ainan co receive ep caal notice in the scientific american and thua are brou glit widely bedora the kith cut coat to the inventor this paper leaned weekly has by lar tha circulation of any eclen tiac work in tho world 83 year cop pa sent free Edition monthly fiso a year coplea ia cents ersay danber cont alna beau ellul plates in colon and photographs of new houang nath plan enabling builder to bhoj the lafeat and secure contracts address CO BEO ADWAr yun can s the finest and most durable clotea made at lome as yoo can also get the jail and see is not arne S PETERSON tailor one door south of deseret telegraph office J street WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON SANTA FE RAILWAYS the only pullman palace steeping oara between ogden salt lake city and chicago without change and pullman palace reclining chair cars between ogden f J salt lake city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed raff y r T v bifi s w lee GOING EAST if so be sure and secure tickets reading CJ V SANTAFE SANTA FE ROUE w over the sg 6 j G grandest aad t greatest railroad Kail road on earth ogden sait provo anthe to aea the moat beautiful scenery in america evening train in orda train leaves eio grande western depot provo at 8 50 p m BT 0 dooly building general abent Pae department SALT LAKE CITY UTAH i on t be a REMEMBER PLYMOUTH ROCK PRICED PANTS TO ORDEE TO 1075 SUITS TO 1450 TO OVERCOATS TO TO over three hundred aad fifty patterns to select from latest spring styles now in domestic english scotch and french goods full drees suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 mouth roc pants 41 west aud so street salt lake city utah equal with the interest of those having claims against the government if that who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents too anch care cannot be exercised in employing competent and delit relit aalf solicitors to procure patents for the value of a patent depends greatly if not entirely upon the care and skill of the attorney i with the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents we have retained counsel expert in patent practice and therefore are prepared to obtain patents in the united states and al foreign countries conduct to make special examinations prosecute rejected cases register trademarks trade marks and copyrights render opinions as to scope and validity Patents of prosecute and defend infringement suits etc etc if yon have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof ta a brief description of the important features and advised as to the best coarse to pursue models are seldom necessary if others are infringing on conr rights or if you are charged with infringement by others submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter THE PRESS COMPANY WP STREET NORTHWEST washington 08 0 BOX 83 JOHN wedderburn managing At gattorno torno 3 cut this out and send fe with your P fr THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year advance in ane Yearns Free subscription to the well known magazine hp amer THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce g popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and v ti will continue to bend e THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re biding anywhere in th united states who will forward to us s ft rt ab we have recently introduced another feature to department one that is of for only 2 50 we will mail to any subscriber in the united postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE and W dixi an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine that has already become a home necessity among tho cladies of utah |