Show passed worthless checks 0 fj bawin a ont cams to Spring villa last december and organized the and gentlemen ot honor ocie tv he dressed well and did nothing pt ople in did not not know how he made his bonev the secret is told by the salt lake tribune an intelligent and engaging fellow attired baldwin made hie appearance pe arance in bait lake city early in the week and mixing ap with ane masses in western way soon learned that bid cash was in a bad state of aeple tim then he started out to recoup he made hia appearance apoe arance at the california collateral bank south main street where ho engaged its pro krietor etor mr E lichtenstein in ao interview and succeeded in convincing him that be the visitor was a mau with a bank account at any rate cashed three of the checks at different times aggregating between and the financier with hia check book found other victims to the extent of 67 aal took the train for ogden while his checka started south for springville Spring ville the latter came back no funds |