Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings PURE and reliable drugs at smoot drug go t AN sale of remnants rem nanta at S S jonea go a old egand i ruled and printed kept in stock at THE EN office t BiaH sheets of salt lake is provo KINDLING WOOD for sale at city lumber co delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box i BOYS anita and ahmea at carl cateri loha FRUIT growers and bee keepers can get their supplies at the lowest prices at geo W mickela Mic kelB mill city AT 0 D glaziers you can find a co moleto line of bucks stoves in the line of heaters parlor atones etc wood cheap at smoot coal yard EARLIEST fruit and vegetables at boagard Saxe ys opposite post office ROAD supervisors reports at skelton A cos t A NEW chinaware department has been introduced at 8 8 jones coa old t at C D glaziers and examine the line line of bucks new deteel ranges which are daisica dais iea MENS and boys shoes cheap at carl THE stockholders of the south meadow company are holding a meeting today at the court house IN spending earnings these hard times call at boquard s and beet the full worth of your bonev FAMILY washing 5 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of provo t paint I 1 paint paint 1 ready mixed paints at bardt wardt sona 1 per gallon can CALL at G D glaziers for felloes rims tongues hardwood I 1 character drees ball which is announced to take place at the opera house on the dinst is awakening a widespread interest it will undoubted ly ba largely attended in building bail ding material and contractors can ave money by pending their orders for mill work to ubo V provo utah READY made suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO IT hakea eyes and fi to appreciate the bargains at S y joness old stand everything below cost and the big kind of bargains at carl osier lobs FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered pro ny the popular grocers boshardy baxey A GENTLEMAN from salera nartica boking woking mining cladma abou foar miles baat of fork abe ore from which runa high enough in gold to pay working FLANNELS dress gooda and labh merea upward at 8 S jonea coa old stand t ALL kinds of produce wanted in exchange for woolen goods WOOLEN MILLS CO A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 par cent call on or write them at provo t KINDLING WOOD for sale at provo city lumber co delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or PO box JOUN fireman at the eureka fiill mine was taken to a salt lake lios thia morning in A precarious condition the young mans home ia at santaquin San IN a recent editorial abe salem oregon independent bays time and again havo we seen chamberlains cough remedy tried and never without the most satisfactory results whenever we see a person afflicted with hoarseness with a cough or cold we invariably advise them to get chamberlains ber lains cough keledy and when they never regret it it always does the work and does it well for sale by smoot arne co T WILLIAM harding the old reliable carpet weaver ia always prepared to make first class carpets at prices to suit the times all kinds of pay taken residence corner ot E and 11 streets REVIVAL services cervices vices in the Matho diat church will bs continued this week sony asevica at sharp each even ing Ee hunt ot salt lake city will preach tomi rbt everybody invited is to be a ce nuino old time married folks party at tha opera bobae on monday feb alth mrs aeed smoot mra W R pike mrs annie atkin mrs HJ richards mrs F W taylor and badiea with a number of gentlemen are in the field making all the ary arrangements coffea to be served free on the occasion and guests anre expected to bring their lunch baskets the tickets for each couple are 75 cents extra lady 15 cents or two for a quarter the attendance is not to be limited to the od folks but both old and young are expected to part ici pate |