Show billiards snow liniment this invaluable remedy id ona that ought to be in every hon it will cure your rheumatism neuralgia spralda Spra lna cuts bruises burns frosted feet and eara boie soie throat and sore chest if you have lame back it will curs it it penetrates tj the beat of the dise aaa it will card stiff joints and contracted muscles after all other renie dhea har failed those who have been cripple for jeirl have ased baliarda Bal larda snow liniment and thrown away their and been able to walk aa well ao ever it will cure you price i ceata sold by smoot burng co 1 A aure cure for itching are known by moisture lie perspiration caurin intense itching when warm abib form as well as blind bleeding or protruding Pr yield at to dr pile remedy which acta directly on parts affected enmor ablaya itching ana permanent cure 60 acta or mill free dr bohanko Boe anko philadelphia pa by pyne dr prices cream baking powder goia adl midwinter sa A bound maker a well flan are yon billioux Billi oua constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headache laate in the month foul breath coated tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry akin pain in the back and between the shoulders chills and fever ac have any of these symptoms your liver is oat of order and your blood ia eflowly being poisoned because your not act proper ly will cure and disorder of the liver stomached Sto mache or bowels it haa no equal as a biyer medicine price 75 benta fro trial bottles at smoot drug co for the ladies republican club of fork they will have a barty in house ou 1895 in honor of the eighty sixth birthday of abraham lincoln addreen of welcome by miss lille morgan Eee ponde pres jane finch bong kioa elizabeth chambora Lincol ns speech on the battle field of gettysburg liaa augua misa amelia ofies life of abraham lincoln miss jane bowen boo mrs 0 W booth speech on the emancipation proclamation of the slaves T D evana song mibs clara evans lincoln aa a republican miss lettie davis essay liaa ada mellor 81 n morgans and icalea speech 0 W booth Admi aBion 2 cent id 2 aw when baby was sick we gats her cittoria when bhe was a child cha cried tor cantoria Cat toria when she became liaa the clung to castoria chaa ehe had chucran ChU dran she gave chaa cantoria Ca etoria itlane wanted to PER WEEK busine usine and old reliable Reli abe plater every family baa rusty worn knives torso etc quickly plated by dipping in melted metal no experience or harri work a good situation address W P harrison co bierk no 14 columbus ohio at jansens call and see the fine stock of opera glasses watches jewelry dilver waie optical goods etc of which jenann hns the largest variety and best kind call and examine our stock get our pi ices which are the lowest the bargains suitable for the bard times JULIUS provo basw dr prices cream baking bowd i world fair fand our l rec offer the long winter even inza can ba very profitably devoted to reading but there are acme things that we must read the round one of these ia ft local paper the beet in the country ia before you another is a good home paper of gen oral circulation such as womankind for instance which cornea once a month filled with the best things lor the buoy housewife we are able by special arrangements with th publishers to offer womankind free for a year to every paid m advance subscriber to our paper and we are glad to do so for we are convinced that no home paper in america contains more of practical value to woman bright atones clever poems the latest fashions news of womans comans work everywhere articles on motherhood cultivation of flow era a comans womans parliament for the dis cubbison of matters of interest are a few of the bright of womankind to the head of the bonea we offer on tae same terms farm newa an able agricultural paper edited by a practical daimer miller esq late state lecturer of the ohio farmers al liance lia uce and filled each month with suggestions from able that make it an absolute to every wide awake farmer this is yours for the asking provided you are a subscriber to our paper remember every paid in advance i subscriber to THE is entitled to his choice of either of theae papers tell your neighbors about abia offer A sample copy of both may be obtained by go provo utah come in and pay a year in advance to TUB and beet one of these attractive papers free tf children cry for pitchers Cas toriSe court to hear this argument waa not altogether unexpected bv mr who bad received an intimation of wha was coming later mr zine filed his exceptions in accordance the suggestion of the court as follows in the supreme court of utah terri lory J U page J R letcher et mandamus case prohibition case the court habina upon the opening of the arrement arRu ment of john M zane attorney for J D page respondent aaker the said john M zane whether or not a certain article published in afie salt lake daily tribune was authorized by himself and the eaid jonh M zano batine declined to answer the saaid question and the court baring refused to permit the said john M zane to state his exception but having permit led him to put bia exception in writing tine be comes now and assigns an error and objects and excepts to the said ruling and of the court for the reasons first that the said court has oo 00 to asic the said to answer the said question for the reason that hia aneser thereto might tend to expose him to a proceeding either for contempt or for the imposition of a penalty and therefore paid john M zane is protected by well settled principles ana by the adjudications of highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report Is a guarantee it is this if you have a cough 01 cold a tickling ji the throat which deepa you constantly or if yon are afflicted any cheat throat ar lung trouble whooping cough ac and horehound syrup as directed biving it a fair trial and no benefit is experienced we authorize our advertised agent to refund your money on of bottle it never fails to biye it promptly relieved reli evea bro atia bold by imort arnz co I 1 welsh ice binion at spanish fork ast 1st 1895 for the above occasion the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets from all points in utah to spanish fork at HALF haek belling dates feb 28 and march ast 1st good for return march ath train leaves lehi at a m american fork a m pleasant grove a m lake view a m provo a ca m arriving at spanish fork at a m train leavea fechi at p ro mona p m pm payson p m arriving at fork at p m G W agent bed contracts mr nels johndon of and john joanson of lake view have received contracts from the sugar company and are now ready to make contracts acta for next seasons beet crop those farmers who anticipate raisins sugar beets this year should call on the agent of their district at oace for the time ia limited in which will be accepted ahr BUT imported meats and lard when the home cured is cheaper and better NOTICE MY PRICES hams lie per tt breakfast bacon lie arv salt bacon ac dried beef isac laurd ab pails pails locc pails 20 8 pails pails the batcher center st t phone no 39 found A saddle and red doable cinch on or about july 18 1794 said wan found in in american fork canyon near the lakes on a little bay doare ind taken from the animal to aade its life owner can obtain the property by paying charees of by ap plying to richard healy alpine city utah county I 1 JOY both the method and when syrup of figs is taken fit is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for bale in and 1 bottled by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it io not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAN C KV few HY Is 30 0 ro 2 5 H 0 aa 0 t 0 tt 02 0 s AUGUST CARLSON has removed from his old stand at hedonists to the southworth BLOCK over iners cafe suits cicada to order A large variety of samples to select from call and examine boods and compare prices satisfaction guaranteed fire and life insurance J represents continental of new york norwich union of london northern of london british american of toronto national life of vermont bankers life of des modinea office at martins bank provo city utah GET READY TO RIDE ass CB we will soon hive a full line of gents ladies ami m stuk CO CITY LUMBER GO W J ROSS manager WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN NO 1 RED CEDAR SHINGLES LUMBER LATH SASH and DOORS PLASTER LIME HAIR AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto SD S abax JS Baa wood for sale all orders delivered by team to spanish fork and lake shore when required telephone no 31 PO box provo city ravi m mm mm AND mm WILL SELL YOUR BERRIES vegetables POTATOES HONEY FISH GAME STOCK HORSES SHEEP HAY AND GRAIN it will pay you to call at their office corner ath and J streets Pro on of the officers for any information desired any no middlemen to take a large profit if we beell for yon DIRECTORS P H boyer evan beof clinger lake view D M smith pleasant broye john miller spanish fork george D snell spanish fork V H betsey Springy ille pres leonard aice pres F J covert provo J E booth provo brer s I 1 ya I 1 dl rrb U a nd dealers in lands of LATH PLASTER HAIE GLASS PAINT SOILS and combination FENCE ALSO manufacturers OF away nanas mo mananas and ornamental CORNICE PORCH STAIR WORK LUMBER YARD comer ath and J st MILL corner ard 3rd and H st telephone no 32 CLOSI 01 T arnst irn sT ip ja JL v al are positively going out of the clothing business and will sacrifice their ic A grand clearance sale MONDAY NOVEMBER and continuing from day to day sold out we mean what we say and on will have ane opportunity of buying regardless OF COST these are only a few quotations hut everything goes mens suits for mens 1100 overcoats for mens 9 00 suits for mens 1300 overcoats for mens 1000 suits for boys suits for mena 1150 suits for boys suits for mens overcoats boys suits sor boys overcoats at prices just as low dont miss it you gant afford to the above arices are strictly for cash daae ibayan ey 00 oen tye t jacovo Ja ovo it is more pleasing to see smoke brightening into flame than flame sinking into smoke clearance SALE FOR 03 T cs m J oss V alsa clr ic it it tt t CO OI t s at ya y w a aa aska tl w AA A A i lia S |