Show jott tuc and receipts carefully compounded at moot drug co t CAN furnish profitable employment for a good agent of liberal information must appl before fob skelton A co aw company at provo has it is said the best appointed armory in utah A billiard table and library are among its attractive features salt lake argue AN immense dress goods bale at B S jones coa old t CHRISTMAS candy at 12 the best in town at the provo city bakery WOOD for sale at provo city lumbar co delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box wa had a welcome visit this morning from C A granger and geo austin of the lehi sugar aoka who are on a tour of the southern settle amentt in this county STOP at C D glaziers for stoves ranges hollowware and t trimmings and laces at bargain prices at carl Oater lohs headquarters for fresh oysters at B F Fl einera cafe sold by the can or served to order J C GRAHAM chairman of the utah county republican central committee meets this evening with the ladies republican clab at lehi acevo chop house is the place exactly to get a good equale meal open day and night basement of excelsior block center street wm HOLB on to your money tight until vou reach 8 S jones CO B old stand then spend it freely while the big cloak sale is going on t box office will be open on wednesday between 10 a m and 4 p m for the sale of tickets for katie put performance mance which jaees place thursday IF you want a good meal or a good bed go lo 10 mrs snyders opposite the opera house patronage especially solicited rates per day 1 or 5 per week ladies republican club of span ish fork will hold their next leatine at mra david morgans wednesday next february mary F mellor secretary MANAGES D R beeba of the provo roller mills at the copot IK juat finishing the unloading of a carload of cache valley wheat and expects another carload in thia afternoon he is also shipping off a carload of flour today to scofield Bc ofield TUB exposure to all sorts and cordi eions of weather that a lumberman ia called upon to endure in the camps often produces severe colds which if not promptly checked result in bonges tion of pneumonia arjo daven port ex manager of the fort bragg redwood co an immense institution at fort braeg cal says they beell large quantities ol 01 chamberlain a hoagh remedy at the companas comp anys store and that he haa himself used this remedy for a coid and obtained immedi ate relief this medicine prevents any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia and insures a prompt recovery for sale by smoot drug co |