Show GOLD MINES IN cemeteries naif a million in boltl hurled annually with americans A frenchman who recently made a tour of the united states has been writing some of liis impressions in le temps in one of his articles lie says what struck him particularly in this country was the american habit of filling the teeth with gold lie consulted statisticians he says and by figuring on information given by them has discovered that the gold annually pounded into cavities in teeth of americans amounts to the value of five hundred thousand dollars all of this precious metal hs says is buried with the yankees when they die and he figures that at the end of oliree centuries the cemeteries of america will contain gold to the value of thirty million dollars 1 I am afraid alie writer goes on to say that this will prove too tempting to ane practical binl of the future american and we shall see the day companies will be organized to mine alie cemeteries and recover the gold secreted in the jaws of dead ancestors the writer then goes on and figures on the average amount of gold in the teeth of each dead person he has evidently been consulting alie record of vital statistics for he says that eight hundred and seventy five thousand people died in the united states in this would bring the value of the gold in each dead persons to an average of about sixty five and tau ef cents and he thinks that in w 1 crowded cemeteries the mining of id could be carried on profitably dc pite alie small average value |