Show JJ KNIGHT MIGHT LAWYERS IS 14 sad 15 union block 1 CITY AT LAW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING ATTORNEY AT fiad rooms 5 and 7 bank building PROVO UTAH J W H AT LAW booma 11 and 12 oom and savings bank PROVO UTAH ATTORNEYS AT LAW block up ett tira PROVO CITY UTAH J F filyes M D physician and surgeon excelsior block over pyne maidene Mai bene droe store PROVO CITY UTA H EE attorney at law room 9 bank building PRO VO UTAH D D HOUTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW vrooma 4 and 5 beed smoot block UTAH S K KING attorney at law rooms 1 2 3 and 4 martins bank bedz PROVO ciry UTAH J E boch AT LAW OFFICE 23 N J street city W B SEARLE CIVIL i Ir ration and water special city surveyor of brov S mineral Save r defice at housed UTAH at law collection agency office bank building CITY UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LIW moonia band 5 reed smoot block PROVO CITY UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO office houra 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m AHO SURGEON office palace bioux residency 2 blocke east bank corner telephone no 45 office ko 28 PROVO UTAH SAM JEP landscape sign painter ceraos T and ath street betat A Bd und ail other patent before promptly x v cs 1 otan acrel Ic rel ellna 0 ahe IM wt idin ammonal tto inet tibye prompt nare arl tor A au i entrusted to ny e alma finest information wf sent on request Y ithol and in patent cindea a patent ONES attorn ey at in tharman boffice fice bank UTAH S B ALLEN chanty B U W Eail wiy Hoya office at resilience smoot brick house 1 block east of PROVO CITY UTAH F H physic wn and surgeon office no 34 center in hed aist block CITY UTAH R B E L JONES knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH F K REED dentist flave all modern instruments lor tha practice of operative ana DENTISTRY artificial AND BRIDGE A SPECIALTY jessell jES SAll work bloom excelsior block provo or W S holdaway jr DENTIST rooms formerly occupied hy dr J N christensen Chrie orp osite post office J st CITY UTAH combines every element of beauty and purity it is beautifying soothing healing healthful and harmless and when rightly used is invisible A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate upon having the genuine jjr ms FOR SALE brisk PROVO commercial and savings BAK PROVO CITY UTAH capital DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D T chark vice preat john jones jiff s A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L S hills J R general banking business transacted 5 per cent interest on savings depos ts compounded four times a year AND ALL KINDS OF INSTRUCTS AND SEWING tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice orders at taylor bros store ANDREW SWARD THE 81 1 bouis n globe EIGHT pagesy EACH TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK beyond all comparison comp ariBon the bigmeat bige eat beat and brightest news and family journal published in america Ams rica PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be sent FIFTEEN FOR ONE DOLLAR to any reader of this paper not new a subscriber to ana BLANK MUST BE to secure beneat of thia extraordinary offer frt art U fai it is worth three months free subscription fill in your name ajl ll 11 ll 11 post office and state and mail with ONE DOLLAR bank wl draft post office or express money order or registered letter DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis mo sample copcea of GLOBE will be sent frei on application 03 er to GLOBE PRINTING CO st Loais Mo herewith find 1 00 for which aind to address given below GLOBE twice every week for FIFTEEN MONTHS aa ner your special offer to readers ot THE published at peoro city utah name of subscriber post office state be enre to use this blank ier is worth three months free subscription pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS SECOND YEAR only daily paper donth of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world 6 r sa abase vigorous aggressive and fearless SemiWeekly ur m edition 1 l pai a larger circulation throughout all the counties the first judicial district than all other combined a is the organ of utah republicanism protection and the encouragement of home industries for terms of sula clion see top of first column on second page j may FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR aayne FINEST VIRGINIA 6 arte HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN IN MAKING THESE cigarettes tobacco 0 o successor no MORE BACK ACHE THE mm RIO mm JB aili oad scenic line odthe world the only line running two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE APRIL 29 1891 train no 2 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado a m denver 1030 a m cripple creek a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at pueblo p m colorado springs 6 53 p m denver p m connections made at Pueblo Colorado springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches chair cara aud kullmar sleepers on all trains take the 0 R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent shortest line ta Or ripple creek colorados great gold camp train no 2 spaying provo at a m ai rives at cripple creek next morning A b hughea S K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver colo B F NEVINS general abent salt lake city ut HM GUSHING trav pass ant IF YOU ABE GOING Toa KANSAS CITY ST bours or any point east and wish to enjoy a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the rocky mountains be aure to ask for a ticket that reads via the no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest route to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard elefant and thoroughly modern equipment and reclining chair cars in which the are free to holders of regular train tic Keta call on or address B commercial freight abt room 21 morlan block salt lake OR H general st louis mo NEW SERVICE TAKE R G W ry leavins provo p m con 1 at denver with athe 1 ROUTE Train foi um ab at doseph at v through sleepers j chair cars aa carie at r T H G Y KyP Office t J W P arit fui aft generl albit boom 11 over no 10 W beconi south st salt lake city uth A arom acos angeles castelar at loa ANGELES cal after having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining re leif I 1 used chamberlains Chamber laina pain balm aad was almost immediately relieved I 1 recommend this as the best medicine known DM D HAMILTON for eale by smoot drus co t ua dr miles headache weekly excursions 10 lil cago aud beir A special ia excursion tourist bleeding bleeping ble car will do attached to rio clrance western railway train leaving 0 m and st lake p m evera friday theonah to via D fc R G B M and second claar accepted on this car close made at chicago with all lma KATES irice and intermediate points to omaha 3 00 birden price and intermediate points to chicago 4 00 it will be in charge of a salaried representative ot the burlington route and will be accompanied by a pullman porter whose sole duty will bejo look after the comfort of era theara which will form this through the same general olan first class sleeping cars being se Darte lavatories for ladies and and double lower ao dupper berths The lower berths are converted into comfortable seats during ithe day the apper bertha aro closed they are equipped ith curtains blankets sheets pillows pillow cases towels comba brushes intact every requisite for comfort and convenience persons desiring a and con orea chine chicago or tn e cann bt than to arrance to make the trip in I 1 A BEt TOBT ticket G arv youth et W F mcmillan benl agent burlington route room 11 over no 10 west 2 et bilt lake city utah do you travel are yon a shipper the rand railway guide and hand book contains all pertinent information ask your largest assortment and lowest prices BANK gaiu st sail lake cily open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four a year UTAH TITLE INSURANCE CO capital f full paid president W 8 mc vice president A L THOMAS secretary and cashier 4 diverts acca 1 US POTENT amoc patent in iw time i afon we not free of i afaf L cost of tame in be aji S and foreign 1 sent free at rc sC S SWATCHES AT jewelry store drug store j CL x irio esi LOOK OUT FOK big stock of holiday goods G spectacles scientifically adjusted to all sights without charge ITS INJURIOUS TO STO SUDDENLY i nil don t be imposed upon by bu bait a that requires you to rio io nt u i more than a in th of on mat have roma nn in ni al calep the effect of the bp i opium mor i or ahr opiates fa a R fir PS TT A f f klatil L As vv I 1 i M A f fl 1 I I 1 ab nt BACO ii vu IL ilij rJ CURO it is purely vegetable you do not to stop using tobacco with BACO CURO it will notify yon when to atop and your desira for tobacco will cabau your evater w ill bd aa arpe from nicotine aa the dav before you your first chew or an ironclad written anop to cne cn e the tobacco habit in all its forma or money re funded price 00 i er box or 3 bf aes 30 drys treatment and guaranteed cure 2 60 pir a e bv all or will be pout hv mail upon receipt of price SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX booklets ad proofs art frt e eureka chemical mfg mag co la croake aia office nf THE PIONEER FRESS COMPANY C IV II ornicK sapt bt paul ammu sept cureka chemical and ms co la crosse als n a t bar conand abr anil th past two year anve to twenty citardi cit arii very day M whole bervon nysted became affer tet until mr told me I 1 mam cilc ui ahr use ot tobacco for he alie beitia M I 1 tried the so called keeley ture nolo no lo bac aua baco coro hraf welt ng today to day 1 commenced nanc your raid tody to dy I 1 consider mayeu completely curett I 1 am in perfect and alie noirl ble tort ba every lava has completely m I 1 consider BAC juar wonderful and can fully recommend it yours very truly C W WE havas THE LARGEST AND MOST APPROVED IN THE Jnet ices of the peace attorneys and all others requiring Re blanks will find it to their advantage to order from us full stock of supplies wholesale as well as retail buyers will receive the beet attention COMPLETE everything IN assortment OF THAT LINE our prices are way down prompt attention given to mail orders PROVO BOOK AND stationery CO CITY CEO STAYLOR manger manufacturers of and dealers in FIRST GLASS F quality guaranteed oma sad ow J k AJ |