Show BAB association the judiciary of the new stale discussed thare was a good attendance at the bar association meeting held in the county court house last saturday evening a number ot delegates elect to the constitutional convention met with the association president milner presided judge W N duzenberry read a lengthy and able paper on the grand jury system which he characterized aa an ancient fraud and venerable yen erable humbug it is impossible to give a fair presentment of the treatise in u brief notice the judge held no weyer that the constitutional convention should abolish the erand jury system and let the accused person so direct from the corn milting maeia to aba trial court without the intervention of the grand jury which waa an expensive and useless piece of judicial machinery abia course bad been adopted in several states and found to be very satisfactory and an improvement over the old tem upon motion of mr thurman a vota af thanks waa tendered judda dusen herry for his valuable paper and he waa requested to contribute an article on th petit jury system at the next meeting the resolution introduced by air houtz at the previous meeting was next taken from the table for consideration the resolution appeared in ey QUIRES last monday and it will be remembered provided for the manner of selecting terms of office and jurisdiction of ano various judges of the judiciary system of the new state the portion relating to the justices of the supreme court was the part of the resolution that engaged tho attention of the association mr houtz spoke in favor of selecting three judges ct the supreme court by election to serve for a term of six vears as provided in the resolution he believed tho people would elect capable men to fill the office and that in case the judges were appointed there flaa a great probability of favorites favo being selected regardless of qualification another reason for his position waa that be did nut want to give too much patronage into tae bandu of the govern nor he was in tavor of a short term because he believed that a judge would ba more apt to discharge bia duties if he knew that at the end of six years he would bd called to an account for his acts than if he held office for a long term cr during good behavior besides six yeara waa long enough if a man not properly qualified should be elected and at the end of that time a good man could be elected S R said that he differed from mr houtz on the question at issue although as ha would be called up oa to take a part in its consideration in ane convention he did not want to be bound by his present views if he should ae bood reasons for chancing them ha was of the opinion at this time abat the governor with the advice and and consent of the senate would be better able to select men possessed of the necessary qualifications for supreme judges than the people he also advocated a term of ten years for the reason that as the state could not af ford to pay a man for the po rii tion as large a allary as be coald earn in the practice of bia profession profesa ion it would be knust ta require him to biye no his practice and after a few beare retire him when his practice would be gone mr referred to the manner of united states judges which had been instituted by the framers of the constitution and bad proven satisfactory the following gentlemen expressed kneir views on the subject wm breer E J D jones J B jiin r 9 A king chas demoisy and W N favoring or appos ing the revolution reao lution in part or as a whole mr wedgwood suggested that if the office he made elective the nomina ti onsbe made bv attorneys attorn eya aa trev would be better able to emelect men qualified for ane position than the people mr damoisy advanced the idea that for reasons of economy the supreme court consist of a cartain number of judges of the district courts after a very interesting inter eating discussion the mee adjourned for one week when ane resolution will receive further consideration |