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Show • • • • neigh bor spent all .~au.•• ~ ....... build ing a chick en coop in his barn -and now he can't get it out of the barn • • One test of prosp erity is when you can alway s get credi t enoug h to live beyon d your mean s. It's simply conta gious MIDVALE CITY, UTAH, THVRSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1925. NO. 21. PREVE BAN D GOES TO FAIR RULE S FOR UTA H I EGG LAYI NG CONRIDA Y TO ENTE R TEST GIVE N BIG CONTEST EK, Harv est Moon ~ < SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR to lOth ~~~======~ FIRS T ANN UAL CON- Likely World Series Star ,Put Away Your Strik e FERE NCE ON SOCIAL Anyw here Matc hesWOR K SUCCESS I They Are A Mena ce By Byron Alder r. Cox and the Member s of the Calls have been issued of the first Seldom does the editorial page Midvale Band sent for a JOURNA L m nual conferen ce of social wor~rs 1. This contest is known as the "scoop" the news columns . This is reporter yesterda y. They stated that Utah Intermo untain Egg-lay of Utah to be held in Salt Lake City an exceptio n. A tremend ous disaster ing Consince the season had ended and the at the Newhou se Hotel, October 1 and occurred today. Property valued at accounts of all contribut ot·s had been ·~e.:>t conducte d by the Utah Agl'icul2. $1,466,74 4.44 was wiped out and 31 c ed, they de;rired to thank the gooc_, tural Experim ent Station, Logan , 'Ilhis conferen ce will mark a new persons lost their lives by fire. 'llhe citizens of Midvale for their Iibera' Utah. chapter in developm ent of social work destruct ion proceede d continuo usly support, and they hope and believe in the state, bringing together for the 2. The contest is to begin on Kothrough 24 hours; every hour $61,that they have given value received . vember 1, 1925, and will clo~e on Ocfirst time all agencies and individu ab 115.60-- every minute $1,018.5 9--every intereste d in this work for a two At least, they have tried to. tober 30, 1926, extendin g over a persecond $16.97, was wiped out! · The followin g contribu tors have days' open forum for consider ation of This is another way of stating what paid the followin g amounts ; practical ly all phrases of social weliod of exactly fifty-two weeks. the Nationa l Board of Fire Under3. Each pen,. shall con~ist of ten P . C. R asrnusse n & S ons, ---·-·· $2 2·00 fare work. writers, the higiliest authorit y on the Calls arl!! issued under the ausp:ce , C. E. Matthew s ··-·-·-···· ---·-·-···· $22.QO purebred pullets of the ~ame stanasubject, tells us-nam ely, that our of the Utah Conferen ce of Social J. S. Morgan -·-·······-·····-·····-·--··- $11.00 ard variety with two add1t.onal p ..l.national annual fire-loss is $535,372:Work which was organize d in Salt vale Feed Store ·-·-·-·····-····-····· $11.00 .ets as altemate ,; to taii:e care o1 mer782. Lake City last July by a group repJordan Pub. Co.-···-- -·-········- ··· .. $22.00 tality or disquali fying los;;es uu1·... b What this mean s may be comprel'esentat ive p~bom; intereste d in soL. A. Sumbot ··············--·······'····-····· $ 4.00 t.he contest. .No addition al birds rna> hended from a few comparis ons. Our cial labors. This organiza ti-on is fosJ. C. Penny Compan y ---·-·-····· $22.00 be added. annual producti on of gold and silver tered to promote a better understa ndFrank Soter ····-··········-··-·····--·· $22.00 4. Breeders may club together to is $103,119,741~les s than one~fifth ing of tJhe work and aims of the varUtah Power & Light Co. ·--·-····· $22'.00 form an entry, but such entry 1r.:Ust Allo\ e is pkture<! Hay Kremer. one ious welfare agencies and to bring of the memhPr,; of the Pittsburg h PI- of our annual fire-loss . As a people, West Jordan Milling Co. -·--···-·· $22.00 be of the same variety anJ entered about a closer union of effort through rates' pitching- staff, who has turned we produced a wealth of $1,900,187,:Qpoth Mercant ile Co. ·····--·--······· $22.00 under one name. che better understa nding of one an- in several fiue performa nces this year 000 in our 1922 corn crop; but we d'orner Market ·-·······-······-····-·-·-····· $22.00 5. The sum total of the eggs proother's work. Officers of the new or- during the heut of the pennant dash. wasted more than 28 per cent of that Wells & Co. -···········-·-·······-·······-·· $10.00 duced by the ten highe,;t hens of each ganizatio n are Superin tendent E. J. lle'll very likely be called on for duty amount by fire. Our 1922 cotton crop Goo. E. Saris ·········-····-··;···-········· $ 6.00 entry at any given time during the amounte d to $1,192,461,000; our fireMilne of the State Industria l School, in the world series. Leon L. Olson ·····-········-·····-····-·---· $22.00 contest will determin e the posi1tion 01 loss was 44 per cent of that sum. In presiden t; :Miss A. A. Buffingt on of Dr~ Hosmer, Alley & Quick -·· $22.00 that pen in the contest. 1923 we paid our Governm ent interthe Charity Organiz ation Society of Paul Blinn - · ·-··--····-····----·-·-" $10.00 6. The entr>· 1-ee shall be TWENT Y nal revenues , excludin g income and Salt Lake, first vice-pre sident; Mrs. 0 & E Electric ····-·----·- -···-·· $11.00 DOLLA RS ($20) for each pen entered. inheritan ce taxes, totaling $309,015,At a meeting held recently an orJordan lost a hard fought battle Amy Brown Lynn of the L. D. S. ReC. J. Ridd Motor Co. ·-·-·········-·-·· $11.00 •ren dollars must accompa ny appli050. We wasted by fire that same year lief Society, ganizati second on of Vice-pre the Hellenic Post Ko. with the Price Miners, Friday by the ~dent; C. I. Goff .................................·-···--· $11.00 cation with the balance to be pmJ on more than half again as much as anrl Miss 40 Coda of Kasius, the America n Legion has been score of 10 to 0. Outweig hed and unsecretary . Midvale Garage -···-····-···--··-·······- $ 5.50 or before October :W, 1925. All entrie;; Uncle Sam collected in these revenAn elaborat e two-day complete d. The organiza tion has been experien ced as they "'ere, the Beetprogram has Utah Pool Ha.ll ·-·············-··········--········ $11.00 must be in by October 1, 1925. ues. been prepared for the meet in conofficially chartere d by the Kational diggers put up a brilliant fight k<epThe State of Arizona has l'epudiat U. S. Cafe ---·---····-··-····-···-··-· $22.00 7. The college reserves the ri41ht Organiz ation of the w\merica n Legion What is the cause of this loss'? junction witfu the annual conventi on ed its agreeme nt formerly entered into ing the Caroon fans on the anxious E. A. Gilner -·····-··--········-·····--·- $ 5.50 to reject any entry and to kill ana Flire dep:wtm ent chiefs, insuranc e anid and the followin g officers were el- seat througho ut. Jor<.lan threaten ed of the Utah Chapter of the America n wifu the Forest Service regardin r H. P. Miller ·····-··-·---·-····-·-·-···-····· $22.00 burn any bird or birds whose pre:;ence other experts tell us that 75 per cent Red Cross which will be held at the i the killing of deer in the Grand Can Wdvale Drug Compan y -·--··--·· $22.00 due to disease, vice, or other cau.se ected for' the en~uing year: P. S. to score twice on forward passes, an<J same time. Speaker s will include yon Game Preserve under Section of our fires are partly or Wlholly pre.\1arthak is, comman der; William Fotes missed two drop kicks. Stewart 's Lunch --·-··-·····-···-··········· "$"15.00 may constitu te a hazard to other bin.h some national ly promine nt social work 668 (b) of the Arizona State Law. ventable , the results of one from or vice comman der; Jim Zaferis, arljuCarbon had a iha1·d plunging team Morrison , Merrill Co. -···-····-···· $22.00 in the contest. T:he college also rc· tant; l\1. Katsana vas, treasure r; J. that ran beautifu l interfere nce and ers and per:;ons from various parts and insists that the open season be another of careless ness. Careless ness M & M Grocery-·-·-···-··················-·····$ .50 serves the right to clip the flight Latches. sergeant -at-arnu• , and K. J. nothing but the deadly tackling of the :>( the state engaged in various types confined to the month of October, centainly is to be denounc ed. But it is Anonym ous ·····-···--···-···-····-····-·· $ 1.00 1 feathers of one wing of any bird which Cotro- Manes, chairma n of the pub- Beetdigg ers keep them from running- of commun ity betterme nt work. Topic£ that the bag limit be limited to one a delusion to think that the time ever '&eo. Wright, councilm an ··--- $ 5.00 persists in fly,ing over the fences. to be stressed will be of vital inter- buck, and that non-resi dents be re- will come when it will not be neceslicity c~~mittee. up a larger score. Wfl?.r Mutch, councilm an .... · ··---- $25.00 8. Any bird arnvmg with any est to all persons engaged in soc~al quh·ed to pay a fee of $20.00, and sary to forestall the results of careUnoffici Dan' Radovic h ·····-·······-·-····--··-·-- $12.00 standard disqualif ication, includin g number al census reports th~t the j The touchdow n came as the re:;ult work includin g unemplo yment, lessness. ch1ld resident s $1.25. of veterans of Hellemc de· of an unfortun ate incident. Rahula, Ross Rizzuto ·····-····-·--·--·········---·· $11.00 weight, . will not be allowed ~ receive cent Jus-t what does this mean? In this :md family welfare. who served in the army and navy brilliant Crarbon back broke away aIn order to relieve the overstocke<l The band is $87.00 short on the prizes in the contest; the owner will Invitatio State, 1 ns acording to the Underw riters, have been extended of_ the United States during the w~r round the end just ~s Webf.ter, Jor· by range condition s on the Kaibab as season's expenses and should anyone be notified and allowed one week to the "matche conferen s--smok ing'' is responsi ble for ce to all societies and far as possible, the Forest has apwill go above the mdrk oT 600 ml dan's defensiv e half, \~all about to t::..c hav any wa to suggest as to how t~e}>lace bird or birds disqualif ied. s•ions the operung largest Thur• .lay morning , proved a regulatio n whereby any per fire losses. Now, if ,in Utah. . this deficit ca.n be wiped out, their 1kle the runner, the umpire accident - individu als intereste d 9. After .the fowls have been reevery in;;tance to of carelessn ess on the attend The. the Salt son Lake may po_st enter wtll upon endea~.or the Preserve ly ran into Webster taking him oul on suggesti ons will be cheerful ly receiv- ceived and placed in the contest pen::. J<.Jober 1, at part 9:30 of o'c.lock users in of the to matches , the place ,umte Newall and these after mto October one 1 by paying $2.50 faml~. of the play, and giving the Carbo11 ed. no entry can be withdraw n. Any con- At a date to be set . the house ·where Hotel. the fire occurred had been por animal for supervi~ion by the Stat_e Co . - runner a clear field for the touchdow n. The band goes to the State Fair testant failing to abide by the rules built of incombu mander of the Amenca n Legum wlil This did not affect the fmal result stible material s, the Federal Governm ent. Reserva tions grounds Friday to compete in the of the contest subjects his pen to conconseque nces of be. the invite\.1 carelessn to ad_ ess minister would formerly the Oath agreed of as upon Carbon will soored be auhered a beautifu l l"al Fair Band Contest. They had once fiscation and the birds will be sold have been less disastrou s. offtce to the officers and subsequ~nt- from the field in the third quarter. to with the understa nding that you decided not to enter this contest but for -the credit of the contest. ly all the m embers of the or«antza For the fundame ntal cause of com. will not be bound thereby. "' 'l'he game thougn the fair officials insisted, so that the fierce was verv 10. Every reasonab le precauti on will tion will take the oath before bustion the is cornbll.:itibility. b th 't And the fini hi ' · odd 1ean, o boys finally yielded and will do their be taken to protect the fowls and pre- ~toom earns ;; ng m go 1csh~ m~e~ way to forestall the results of careBrigham Young, a Builder of the best to cop the prize. vent los·, but the college will not be The fee of the organiza tion has IC lessness is to build fire safe. We must J ensen , . f tu West is the title of s puntmg was a ea re ot the addre;;s to be 1responsi ble should death or losses oc been set the same as t h at en f orced IJ d , Rah u 1a an d J eiwer admit that "we build to burn," · L · 1 r~ive~ by Dr. Herbert E. Bolton, Chair lor 1 an s pay. eanse me h A b y t e mertcan egwu. cur. or accept the challeng e of the new C b , b , J ··' I' · .,ews .,.. ng.tl ntly ad- were ar on s e:;t men. • oruan m- man of the Division of History at tho,; Th e H e 11 entc 11. Uniform care will be given all Ill Monday nig'ht a surprise party wa~ sloga:n, "B~ld Fire-Saf e." Universi ty of Californ ia, at the celepens. Feeding and managem ent will vises all ex-sol- rs or sailors of Hel- ed up as follows: . given by Mrs. Arther Richards on in ~t Is poss1ble for ~e average homeGardner , center; Eck, Wadle1gh, bration of the fiftieth annivers ary of honor of her um:;band be directed entirely by the Poultr} lenic decent w11'o are rer;iding oat 's birthday anbutlder to accept this chal~en_ge. The the founding of Brigham Young UniTh B' Ad t· S f Co , Departm ent. The decision of the man· from Salt Lake to commun icate with and Hogan, guards; M. Larwn, C. Lar . e. Ig ve_r tSer a 1e 0 oper s agemen t in regard to all details of the Adjutan t and in due course they :;on, . and Greer, tackles; Malstrom , versity on October 15, 16 and 17. Dr. niversar y. Garnes were played and a 1developm ent of modern bu1lding rnatwo course luncheon served to th e terials makes is possible for even the 1s on JD. r full swmg. The doors openedd u. "11e con t·est s h a 11 b e cons1"deret1 f"1na1. will receive particula rs and informa- Jennm? s and )1onahan , ends, !ensen, Bolton is one of the leading histor- followin g guests: Miss Clarsie and Al rr:ost rnod~t home ~o be built fiTeWednesd ay n1\0rmng to . a recor 12. A trap-nes t reco,rd of each pul- tion how they can become members (eaptam ), quarter back; Burkmsh aw, ians of the country, and his address Malstrom , Mr. and erowd and the streets of Mtdvale were Mrs. Hyrum Beck- safe. For mstance , f1repr~of gypsum t . ~ebster and Oldham, halves; Can- is being looked forward to with much congeste d with mO'tor cars from early 1e ' WI 11. be k ep t an d th e cont est •s.h a 1l of the Hellenic Post No. 40. stead of Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- ow:allboar:<f may be used m place of nmg and Jacobsen , fullbacks . interest. · th · t"l th 1 · f tih~ be dec1ded by the total number of nie Bateman 1 , Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 1 h_1ghly mflamrn able pulp, paper o1· md e. motlh·mng u~ Other interesti ng events will be the A feature of the<trip wa..;;; t.he excele c osmg 0 ''"" marketa ble eggs laid . by each pen. G Bateman , :\fr. and .Mr.s. Roy ays . m Bateman e everung , ~1bre wallboar ds. ~ ftr.eproo f sheathtent treatmen t given the Jordan team, great academi c processio n on l<'riday . 1 eggs or eggs we1g · h"mg 1es~ · th d . Ab norma Th1s mornmg Mr. and Mrs. George Goodrich , Mr. e ,crow s twere mg of non-met~ll1c mmeral may . be m th morning , October t th 16, the dedicatio n of by school and town,;people. st d an 18 ounces, o e d ozen, or a f·~·...:I and Mrs. Austen as usua1 and ·Co oper Peterson , Mr. auu used s repor as a sheathin g or stucco backing ea Y F b the new f" Heber J. Grant Library in the . 11 li e ruary tr::;t 1ess t h an 20 ounces, Mrs. Charles Beckstea d, Mr. and h eavy, b uymg and Mrs. to protect m a ~e wood studding of the nes. t o th e dozen, s·h a 11 no t b e gn · ' en off"JC· Monday and Tuesdar the Agricul- afternoo n of the same day, the grand ... d t . Coope~ s s to re ts frame. A fueproo f gypsum lath ~y Glynn W. Lewis, relief weighm aster tural DepartmE:nt h d its annual farm historic parade on Saturda y morning , Leeland Riohards on. up~co- a e m ev- ial credit. be substitu ted for tinder-li ke wood ery particula r, a~d. ~!though they a:e 13. A careful record shall be kept material clerk, etc., at the U. S. Smel- Exhibit in Roon 306. There were October 17, and the football game in ~nd have be_en cnttclse d along certam of all eggs laid outside of the trap ter in Midvale, is leaving today for over one hundr different entries tak e afternoo n. are only example s of prolmes, such IS to be expected _when a nest. These eggs will be added to th e Callforn ia, to spend the winter with ing in all c1 s s of farm products . tection offered the home-bu ilder by ne:w firm opens up, whether It be 111 pen total but not to any individu a·. hi..~ mother. ~he at present resides in Of these at seventy- five or eight) the modern material s manufac turer. M1dvale or o;mkoos h. Oakland , Calif. nen's record. will be · en the btate Fair. Mr. By Lion A. L. Anderso n Gypsum .Mr. . Th7 Coopers are b~ ~ 0 means novLewis is only one of several nonhas be~ at th~ local 1 Price e. ects is boys to have kee 14. Special recognit ion and awards The Midvale Lions invaded 1ees 1_n the ~erchandismg game and will be made to the pens and hen, sJ.lelter for the ~ast stx months, has compet· ion the Mur metallic minerals that may be used the F~ r, because o ray den on )londay afternoo n and an- to enca;;e and protect the wooden parts kno~mg. their _stuff, t~e JOURN AL producin g the highest market value made a host of ~nends and state;; that the e cellent season lor far:n crop . e of Miss Annie SteineJ nexed the first game uf a t'.'."' gamt of a building . Portland cement conpredicts mcreasm g busmess for them of eggs fol· the year. "he leaves owmng n?t any _l:lody not ' He · optim tic c cernin"" resul , and N. Earl erson took place Mon- series as the days roll by. oducts fn Jo1·dan day at the St "ner home on South Clubs. of Basebat between these two crete, asbestos , slate, terra cotta, 1 15. A special certifica te or ribbon a single cent, has enJoyed his SOJOUrn how ver as he lime and other mineral composi tions As ~ nat~al sequence , every mer- will be sent to the owner of each he1. in o.ur fair city and bids one and all exh it ;re tt Main Street, Bi hop John A. Aylett After a belated start in cha~t m.IMidv ale should benefit f:~m with a record of over 200 eggs fo1 a fond adieu." which the also make is possible to build fire. ast year rdan wa;; extreme!~ officiatin g. ~he m. eased numb~rs of people vts1t- the year. Midvalit es were trailing Good bye, Mr. LeWls, good luck. su essful \ ·· ~ling thirty-fo ur p1•ize 10 to 5 score saf~nomically. A wedding break!as t was served to mg Mtdvale. ~t W"_Jll h~lp every m:::n This is the lesson of Nationa l Fire 16. All revenue received from the Send us a do~l.ar and a half and the rib ons, · hteen of them being first members of the family followin g the and the sun had disappea red over the horizon, the Boys from the South Preventi on Week. The Nationa l Cony.·ornan ~nd chil~ m Mtdval.e, who 15 sale of eggs and entry fee will be useu JOURN AL w11l follow thee. proiz · bons. The cash prizes amount ceremon y. staged a rally. Lo! and Behold! when ference on Home Building , which met 1n the r..ght attttu<le of mmd to be to conduct the contest. Any profit The table was centered by a beaued to $150. In addition Wallace Soffe, the dust had subsided the scorer an- recently in Chicago, went on record helped.. Let us not knoc_k our fellow which may accumul ate at the en,J o. tifully decorate d wedding cake. Pink Ja Jo_nlan student, won ~n $85 scholnounced 11 to 10 in Midvale' s favor. as "accordi ng preferen ce to fire- resieompe~~~~· . Wel~orn~ him. Co~per- the year will be used to repair, paint arship to the Utah Agricult ural Ool- and white fall flowers were used in Many surprise s were sprung dur- ' stant rne_thods and ~aterials in the ate Wlth him. L1fe lS too _short ~ or improve the Contest Plant. the rooms. lege. squabble over these petty thmg~. Its 17. A report of the contest well 'Dhe bride and groom left earlr in ing the game includin g spectacu lar const~ct~~n of Amenca n homes ~d The schools of the Jordan District catches daring base running and hit- dwelling . What the experts advtse, only_ a few days at. best, untll t~c be sent out each month to each conMrs. F. R. Lloyd and Mrs. Oseal will be closed Friday, Oct. 2 to allow the afterooo n for Honeym oon Para ting. ' tihe public can adopt. "Build firepartmg of the curtam,~, slow mustc, testant and the farm and poultry Whedom entertain ed at a surprise students and teachers to visit the dise . Ypon their return to Earth the~ T•he boys proved f~agrant flowers, and, Well, he ,;:as- papers of this section. that they haven't Safe" not only means a r~uction ~ Addition al party in honor of Mrs. James Welch State Fair. Many classes will go in will make. their home in Midvale. forgotte n how to play the old past- our $535,372,782 annual ftre-loss ; 1t n t such a bad fell-ow, after all. copies of any month's report or the of South Jordan. Games were played groups with the teachers to make time. means fundame ntal and economi cal infinal report will be fumishe d to the and refreshm ents served to Mr. and the visit more wot-th while The fielding features of the day surance to th~ life and property of contesta nts at cost. Thursda y night the Opening Dance Mrs. Hans Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. AUwere staged by Parry and Hauskna ck every home-bw lder, 18. Owner's name and pen number rna Wheado n, Sr., Mrs. Thomas B. of the Jordan High School will be for the lo, ers; Rid l, Miller and Raswill appeaT in these reports. A change Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Newhold , Mrs. given in the Gymnas ium As these mussen Notice is hereby given that Arbor of p.ame of ownersh for Midvale. ip will not be made R.ay Peterson , Mr. and Mrs. Croff, Mr. affairs are few and far between at In e.ompliment to Mrs. M. T. Gotr Dr. Rothwel l and Dr. Boucher and Camp will initiate seven new mem- during the contest period. and Mrs. Alma Wheadon , Jr., Misses Jordan the students will be out in full who will soon leave to spend the win· bers at the meeting on October 5th. McMilla were dangero us hitters for 19. Those making entries in this Nelda and Afton Peterson and Mr. force. ter in Missouri , the ReHef Societ~ Murray, n but their hits availed them A good attendan ce will be apprecia ted. contest will The Parent Teacher s Associat ion Thursda y, Oct. 1st, Jordan meets held a social meeting Tuesday at the be given preferen ce in Grant Lloyd. nothing because they perished on sec- : held .a session Monday at the School J. ISLER, Clerk. Provo in the first league game. Provo ward hall. A program was given fol, the contest to start the next year. 21. Ea.oh pullet shoulJ be examine d has a strong team and will be a tough lowed by a luncheon which was served ond after Miller engaged them in con- Building s. 20. All entries must be shipped versatio n a few feet from the base Bids are in order to move the Mid- PREP AID to the Egg Laying Contest carefully for any indicatio n of weak- cu~tomer. Jordan's light lads will at one long table. Parents visited the various rooms Fall flowers were and then Cushman , via Aylett did the during the early part of the day. vale sign at the intersect ion of State U. A. C., Lagon, Utah, to anive he ·e ness or disease. Only vigorous , well- have to show plenty of fight if ihey used in profusio n to decorate the ta- rest. The hidden ball trick 1 stopped and Center Streets. Mr. Sharp, the on October 30 o1· 31. There entt.jes develope d pullets should be shipped, keep in the running. The Jordan ble and the meeting At 2:30 o'clock a meeting was held room. Sixty Parry at second after a very strenat which the followin g program was owner of th~ prope~y, is erecting a llhould be sent in good llhipping crates and all must be treated for lice be- team is in good shape and ready to do were present. uous run. given moderl!l s~rv1ce stat10n thereon and . The fowls \viii be 1·eturned in these fore shipping . Dusting each pullet it's best. Coaches Balla1·d and GaTdGoff, Miller, Ridd and Rasmuss en 'Musical Selection s, Mrs. J. W. Johnson anothel' Site must be found for the ' crates at the expense of the oY{ner with sodium flom·ide is rec01mimendt::d· ner will start about the same players were the heavy hitters for the winners I Talk on Home Co-opera tion sign. Don't all speak at once. 22. Any contenta nt may ent!er a that opened against Carbon. · at the end of the contest. as was al;,<O pinch hitter Ol!"on, who second pen of a differen t variety or Prin. E. E. Greenwo od * • * C"'--•4•••~---~~~~·---~---------------------a---·----~--~----~~~~~~~~==~ by the way, drove in the winning runs Remarks of the same variety, provided the , The possibili ties of Parent The first string substitu tes and the Doc. Nelson and Oscar Peterson Teacher second s Associat pen ion, Supt. D. C. Jendoes not keep out a first best second team men will take a trip J Wednesd ay of next week at their struck out as usual, as well as the sen, pen entry of another contesta nt. of the Jordan District. to Grantsvi lle, Ft•iday, Od. 2 to tan- new quarters in Goff's Hall, the Mrs. Wm. Waters was elected pres32. All entries will be filed anti re- gle with Coach Elgin Erickso~·~ fitst munity Club will hold its first Com- old reliable Cushman . regular Mayor LESTER and Ben Schrniet t ident for the ensuing year. Prin. E. corded in the order in which they are team. The C'Xperiencc should do the meeting . A good attendan ce is de- were official arbiters. 1 E. Greenwo received . To avoid duplicate number.;; ooys a world of good. Coach Bert sired. od, Mrs. Wm. Mutch, and A return game will no doubt be Mrs. Geo. A. Wright were elected , :;ealed leg brands will be furnishe d Gardner will have charge of t.he team. played in Midvale in a few days. Numbe r This Week ·····-··········-···-·· . __ ......... 234 Carloads. by the contest managem ent. Vice Presiden ts and Miss Mary PadLOST-P air of horn rimmed glasses Murray is seelcing revenge. jen was chosen Secretar y. Note-A ll birds entered in the con- LOST-B ook of keys with Walker Numbe r Last Week ·····-····················· ·· ......... 216 Carloads. in large black case, on Bingham Refreshm ents were served. 'llhe test to start Novemb er 1, 1926, must Bank tag attarhed , in or near Midhighway near Redwood Road. ReSame Period Year Ago -···-····-···········-····-····· 19o Carloads. retiring officers are Mrs. Neil L. Olbe hatched from eggs produce<! in vale bank. Finder please return to turn to Gladys Rundqui st, West •·----------------------•-------~~ the contesta nts' own son, Mrs. E. J. Knowles and Mrs. Midvale hotel. Reward. J!Ordan. Reward. breeding pens. 10-1 Pearl Vincent. AME RICA N VETER- 'MIN ERS OVERPOWER! ANS OF HELL ENIC BEETDIGGERS IN DESC ENT LEGION FIRS T CLASH OPEN SEASON FOR DEER IN GRA ND CANYON Addr ess On Brigh am Youn g, The Build er Ar th Ur R ' h ar d SOn Get S· Surpr ise M.ilestone Day Coop er's Huge Sale Start s With A Bang ! I Smel ter Employee oes To Sunn y Calif ornia .A:uto Mech anic And Popu lar Lady Wed Two Cage s Of Antag o- la~~hese nistic Lions Loosed: South Jorda n Lady Is 'fhe Gues t Of Hono r Relie f Society Social And Prog ram Enjoy ed Arbo r Camp Notic e Paren t Teach ers Asso. Selec ts New Offic ers ,-- - - . . .....4 Carl oad Shipments Rece ived At Sme lter I Comm unity Club To Hold Initia l Meet ing The Key Sale At The Booth Mere. Is Now On! |