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Show • • • -' • THE JORDA N $ LET'S l1AKE l\1IDVALE GROW "' JOU«.N AL 1\UDVALE SCHOOL OR NIZES ... STUDENT GOVERNM ENT tht' ditor, 1 have been thinking how could we make Midvale grow, Midvale stands My1·tle Sisam 8th Grade in a unique position midway between Midvale School Age 14 the point of the mountain and Salt Teacher, Miss Petersen. J,ake City, m1dway between the two chains of mountains enclosing Thursday, September 17, 1925, the the valley. A Smelter and a Flo- Midvale School held a ~tudents meettation plant in the Town and a ing for the purpose of organizing a big Agricultural district all around Student Body Government. T1he stui what a fine opportunity for a big dents and teachel's of the sixth, sevsiness center instead of being a one block business TQwn as it is enth, and eighth grades were preat present. It has an efficient means sent. ~f transportati on as the Railroad runs The meeting was under the direcrilrht thru the Town, an efficient ::>treet Car service. Then wlhy don't tion of Principai K E. Greenwood. Midvale grow, the position that Mid- It was decided to have a president, vale holds in this valley, it shoulo vice-preside nt and secretary, which ·ival Salt Lake as a business cent.e1·, would constitute the Executive Comhen why don't it? Because there are ' no inducements for people to co!Yle mittee. 'llhis committee i,; to be ashere, no Parks, no Playground.;;, no sisted by four sub-committ ees, name.Library, no Museum, no Art gallery. ly, Safety First, Marching, School That is what has built up Salt Lake Grounds and Amuse111ents. City, its Parks, Playgrounds and the Clarence Jensen v;a~ elected presiplaces of interest. The Traveler, the dent; Francine Quick, vice-preside nt; 'l'ourists, and the man on Vaca.llon William Jenkins, secretary. stops there to see the Parks Playgrods It is the duty of all the Committees etc., and spends his money, and to see that the school grounds are helps build up the City. Midvale is kept clean, that students keep away convenient to the Canyons on tlhe east from the streets, and out of the trees and to the great Copper mines on the and that all rules of marching are west. There are hundreds of Tourish obeyed. pass thru Midvale to see the Mines. All tih.e committees are under the They don't stop because there is nothing to attract them, so they pass direction of the Executive Council, whose duty it is to maintain law and on. order in all departments of ~chool 'llhen again there are hundreds oi government. The faculty supervise, people in the districts surrounding aid and give advise to all· student of· Midvale that take their Cash to Salt ficials. Lake and spend it because they can buy cheaper. This should not be so, Rev. P. McGuire, the new Catholic Rents in Midvale should be cheapei Pastor at Midvale, which is to be than Salt Lake and surely commodinew Parish, wishes the co-operation ties can be landed in Midvale as cheap of all the Catlholics of Midvale and as Salt Lake. the surrounding territory. My desire and I think the desin: of most People is to make their Horne Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Ford.ham where they can live to the best ad are rejoicing over the arrival of a vantage. I think that the busine~s baby girl born, Saturday September ,people could make it so t~at their the 26th. patrons would spend their mone~ in Midvale. Another advantage to Midvale would be tlhe building up of commercial Industries, say a Shoe Factory, a Clothing Factory, an Iron and Stee: FoundTy. I saw a Man collecting beo mattresses to send to Salt I,ake k be made over, if someone could _be induced to start here in that busu~ · ess it could be done cheaper as It would save transportati on to anct from Salt Lake, why not a Canning Factory for Peas, Beans and_ Tomatoes, etc. I for one am makmg m~ 4ome in Midvale, and I want to set: ~idvale grow and become Prosp_erous. This can be done by cooperat~o:n of the Trades people and the C1ti zens, so let us Boost ~idvale a~u ~ke it a city worth while. Yours In tllie interest of Progress, . Paddy Miles. • Worth WHILE .• Mee t Me at -:Et~. • This Not a SALE We are giving this [as first prize] wonderful ·ATWATER KENT 5 $300 00 tube Radio Set Complete • IS as first prize just to acquaint you with our BOOTH'S Midvale .. • eorgan1ze ower ar No Trouble to Show Goods Comp are Merchandise Compare Prices ARE Y U THE·. Lucky Holder of the MA STE R This Check MURRA Y ITEMS FO R$2 5.0 0 Mrs. D. W. Moffat, Mrs. D. E. Boam Mrs. Hugh Ward and Mrs. F. R. .ru:de·rson attended the ~istrict convention of >>10m~',s chl1'-4S held ai Park City Saturday of last week. .. Given Absolutely FREE " Are you the Lucky Master Key ? Holder to the MYSTERIOUS Lock • The Grand Ward choir member:o. held a fal·ewell party and social at 1lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Denzu Watts, Wednesday evening in honOI' of Elmer Christenson, son of Mr. and M.v Martin Christenson of Gr~1 Wa'd who will leave soon on a mission to Germany. Thi1·ty guests werr present. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bradford, wha were recently man-ied have returned home from a wedding and sightseeing trip through California. • • • For every Cash Purchase or Cash Pay~ ment [on account] Mrs. J. Rugg was the guest of ~er daughter, Mrs. P. S. Roberts of Midvale, Friday. • • • Mis,s Evelyn P,owell had as h~r guest Wednesday, :Miss LaPreal Williams. HOW mt:cb more systema.tit• we ar<• with business funch titan wtllt our own per:sonal fincLJl.ces! Take check protection, for inst.uwe. Of course you usc a Protcclol(_rap h at your pbce of busuw,:; to guard checks frena the forg,r. But how ot'leu do you write your 011 n personal ch~c-ks hy h.>tttlgivinl!to l~>e clioltoncsl the ella nee to be d1ohollf·,;t.. The in>ention of tlw Per::onal l'rotertogt·up h, to ~ell nt $15 (plu> carrill~..!), 1aak;JJ c·~) rcll'~.;nes.~ with per;onal ,.;, •c·ks now iTH'Xl'Ustthle. Tltis handy !itt]., m:whine applies to penonal cl:eck~ ~he salllC kit,d of ;,.·ot,·:,twn long used by L:g bu~1ness. .\ u1t,m· ,.,\JI or postal ca rd ·"1\·i il hri n !.( th<• Todd expert to e~plain it in detail. • • • Mrs. L. Watts has as her guest this /week here sister, Mrs. G. Beelar ot Byron, Wyoming J • • • ¥fs. Fred Stauffer ei_ttertained. at .a missionary shower Fnday everur:g at her home on south State street, :n honor of Elmer ChristenSQn, who ~11 leave ~hortly on a mission. The time was NJent in games and music and re:treshmfnts were served to forty guests. . . .. Mrs. Erma Krebs has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Fred Scheck of Salt Lake. " . " Mrs. Er;ma Krebs has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Fred Scheck, of Salt Lake. .. " Mrs. Fred Stauffer, Erma Kre'bs and Mrs . .M. Stauffer visited at the home of Mrs. Wallace Farmer of Magna this week. .. ... " Mrs. Charles Anderson and Mrs. Anton Miller will entertain the m_emobers of the past chief Compamons .Club Thursday afternoon at the Ander.s<>n home. .; , , ... Mrs. L. Watts had as her dinner guest Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Watts. Miss Grace Bateman had as her BUest Sunday Miss Rachel Gibbs. v of v v. ..., VI v'Y that will fit the LOCK y ~ SUCH IS LIFE "&11 Uan 'Z.elm EDDIE 4 SAID IT BUDDY You get a KEY. Yours may be the lucky Key. Come while they )ast. There are ~., ....,..I The Jordan Journal Distribu tors Tel. Midvale 178 Mrs. H. B. Spangler entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday afJ;ernoon her home on Wasatch Avenue in honor of Mrs. Ernest Charron of Los Angeles. ::t v Is Either YOURS • The first key to unlock the mysterious lock gets first prize. ~The second key to unlock the mysterious lock gets second prize ~~~~~~~~~~ HELLO, BUDP'f 'fou CAN'T 'fOU'RE A COWARD loU'RE JUST A LITTLE S~RIMP-<-.--..- Tt-lEH IS JUir THE Tt-liNGS I , BEEN THlNKII'i /\BOUT ~. |