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Show • ,. • THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH I I I i!:ver) chair at the dirty canvas·cov· .'<onee Allison woul!t go with tnern, c•red table but one shot back and out· bound for tfle Big"tBend country lt "DIAMOND DYES" I Texas whenee the man had hailed. ward us the players rose. COLOR THINGS NEW I mornin:;," this sign she'll think "1 who's "\V!Jere's this here spot-an' I 'til down sat th' girl?" said the cowboy. "Lead us said Aruold easily as be .., Josefa's steaming breakfast by lampto 'en1." Just Dip to Tint or Boil to Oye "In Rainbow cliff-and the Allison light, "and keep her mouth shut. too.'' I In the shielding clurnp of !Jines Bug. • girl from the homestead on the river." 15-cent packEach Over Be Carried Comfortably "Th' h-1 you say l Ain't that poor sick waited for Fair's signal so,ueage contains dlrec· where ins!cle the cliff. ha<l c>nough trouiJle?" kid E. Lydia by Period The Critical tions so simple any Not so far down the great slope of from spoke trader tbe McKane Rut woman can tint Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mystery Rod Stone was climi.Jing up frownin;::. sat, he where J soft, delicate shades Headden's Cue -Note "Ain't you all taking a lot for grant· with the Cordo,·a men behind him anu or dye rich, !)erma- 1 ed ?'' he asked, "and ruus:;ing In Kate ~linn! e Pine like his shadow at his nent colors in linside. Cut brew's business?" Macon Georgia.-"Durin g the Change Probably one gerie, silks, rib· right whole my And deep In the heart of the earth I with of Life I suffered The bearded man turned on him for the reason waists, skirts, bons, side and could not lie •. . .. ·•. . ''D-n l\:ute Cathrew's business 1 BraDd Fair was slowly forging upward of popularity s, t a o c dre~ses, on my left side. I She can't give a decent gl r! to that toward that coup of justice for which that It lasts ie two WRIGLEY'S about sweat· was in bed stockings, slimy rep-tile Provine and get by wlrh he had labored so long and patiently. long and returns such eo months and could not ers, draperies, -coverings, hangingsNot least of the actors In the com· it In this man's counu·y-not by a great dividends for eo smaU get up only as my everything t piny, set to function on the stage ln:;: boys!" horses. your Get sight! d-u an outlay. • It keeps teeth son would lift me. Buy Diamond Dyes-no other kindclean, breath sweet, appetite As the players sur;:ed out, McKane, of Rainbow's pot, was Dud Allison Afterdoctoringw ith· keen, digestion good. out relief a man who and tell your druggist whether the rna· obeying some apprehensive instinct urgmg h!R exhausted horse slowly up CO~lGl:IT ey nu:. MCCA1.L CcMP.ANY.r was rooming with us ter!al you wish to color Is wool or silk, Fresh and full-1lavored which pulled at his heart like a· cold toward Sky Line. told myson thatLydia or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed in itl wax-wrapped alway& followe<L hand, rose and W~U t)~CVlC~. • • E. Pinkham's Vege- goods. packa&e. · "Wait till I get mine!" he shouted There was a cold breeze blowing tableCompoundcu red In less time than seemed possible llS he CHAPTER XIX when Arnold and Kate Cathrew rode his mother at the ran. the six men were riding for the Mental Disease Statistics ' -17Change of Life, so . the rock face to the Flange. along rendezvous on Nameless. Riders of Portent. That nearly 14 out of every 100 I began taking your medicine. After in low tones to Big Bas· spoke They CHAPTER XX All along the flowing ~iver there was taking it for two weeks I could get out patients admitted to hos]litals for menMinnie Pine could get from one !Ike an image and nding stn ford of my bed by myself. I am now 53 tal di,.ea~es recover, and that more place to another more quickly and the seeming of portent, a strange sense wall. They rode In the to in slipped Conclusion. years old and in better health and women are cured than men, is shown with less noi11e than any one at Sky of lmprnding !ragedy, ~or many riders defile, dark as the d~wn WhPn Nance Allison mounted Buck· silence stronger than ever in my life. I have were ahroall in the quiet nl;:ht. Line. fo1• hospitals all of investi~atlon au by wind, and came or full ond recommended the Vegetable Compound One of these was Bud Allison, his skin at Kate Cathrew's door a terrible Erebus dusk at In came Stone Rod When State::~ United the in the ampitheater where the to many suffering women, young and mental diseaRes yol!ng face set and awful, his pappy's weight hung at bet· heart, yet a cur- out Into shad· the ln him to running came 8he anyhas name my bureau use pale light was breaking. old, and you may which the federal census old rifle grasped In a steady hand, rent of strength seemed flowing In "Albers stands for where as long as you please. I will be just completed. The recovery rate for ows to whisper in his ear. At first they saw no sign of anything veins. her Big Dan to an unuccustomed pushing glad to answer any letters sent to me." insanity due to clrugs was about 4:! BetteT B1eakfasts" on flats the from woman sun "The " ''l'he Lord Is the su·engtb of my human in all the shadowy place. Ar· -Mrs. F. B. HEADDEN, 5 Holt Avenue, for every 100 cases, the highest recov- r-<nmeless," she said, "has thrown limit of :speed toward Sherif! Selwood's life,'" she ... thought valiantly, "'o! nold's keen eyes swept the pot from Macon Georgia. ranch. side to side, while Cattle Kate's went ery rate of any type of in>:nnity. Next their words back In the faces of the The boy was praying that ne might whom shall I be afraid?'" In a recent country-wide canvass of comes uleoholk insanity with 3'S per master and the boss-and they have round the wall. slowly The courage of the familiar wordil Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comfind Rrand there-and the old gun was Rain· guurd-in to Sud to her given rewomen · t's funny," said the man, "Pron cumhle. "Th cuses all of cent had been with her through many bit· pound, over 200,000 replies were received destined for action. thi! at Hosford Big wltb pot bow's · from do men us often vine-" as twice cover they reported and 98 out of every 100 But within the narrow" margin of a ter trials-it uiu not full her now. "Look." said Kate, "over toward the bad been benefited by its use. For .;ale insanity clue to ph~·l'ical injurit'H, but Flange. It's devll's work." So she rode In silence with ProYine's mr:e Fair was passing towurd the and arm by druggists everywhere. an out put the cl!tr.'' Stone Hod left-agn!nst alcoholic from rccon•r women 30 only nort!J as he \\'('nt ~outh--and thus Bud lasch·ious eyes upon her from behind, gently. girl the the east struck first at In huggNI light The hope· mo:;t The in:;anity to 40 men. 1 missed him with the news of Nance's and Big Basford glowering iu self-cen· yonr If kid. of the precipice, so face woman, real a western the "You're a is A room hung with pietures leR:< of all types of insanity is g~>neral Ilud they met. the t!'re!l inattention ahead. ui"appearan<'e. back against admlrln;;l3. said standing he object an brown," that ·is room hung with thoughtf:.-i::lir Joshua paralysis or paresis, of which only five 1 skin The way led close along the foot of that night mi;:ht lun·e happenings got its full counts. that surface heart It's all, perpendicular the "and after out of 1,000 reco1·er. Tieynol<ls. ending, for I•'nir would of Rainbow elif't among the weath· ui!Terent a had this." :-\ow tell me about benefit. the citadel of Sky Line ered dellris which sifted always down "1 eame,'' sai!l ~Iirwie frankly, ·•to have stormed Arnold bent forward In his saddle was she presently the rock face, anu Brought Up on a Farm DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN you, het•ause you are the only man at lilte fl fury, for;:!etting all th!n;.:s In his amazed lookeu long at this object. and to to see the wall itself seem fear for :he woman he loved-the ends As a young man Dr. Pierce. pracSl;y Line. 'l'lle rest are skunks. he touched his horse and rode Then and herself, ticed medicine in a rurnl distr:rt nn1ll Take Tablets Without Fear If You Jn~efu !':tys yo_u have the heart of a of justke whieh he sought to sen·e, slice In between Dasfnrd forward. and in another seeonu she was riding Bobl'lclt's stt'ers and everything else. See the Safety "Bayer Cross." was kn~wn fa r Ponw chief." "Good Lord!" be said as he pulled into a very narrow dei!!e in the Uvan cl wJ!le for cliff Haiuhow of slladow And In the consider· time ton; a for stood Stone o distance from it, "Good Lord !" rein his great suceess Rod Stone and Minnie Pine waited in;; stone with Provine close upon Unle~s you see the name Warning! • g. In alleviating l.l1 For the object was Nonce Allisonpatiently for the ranch to settle down her bo1·se's heels. There was just 1 Then he drew a deep breath and d l s e a s e. Ile "Bayer" on package or on tablets you room for horse and rider in the echo- . or what had been Nance Allison some th::t tlu•y might sli11 away. early moved to are not getting the genuine Dayer 1 flung up his head. At the curnp on the skirts ot Mys· in~ aisle and none to spare. It was few hours back. Count on Carnation Mush not Buffalo and put Aspirin proved safe by milllonsr and ''You're right,'' he sa!d, "It's devll's wreck of a tragic a crack a was It seemed Now what by lighted dimly ready. Bossick found Fuir tery, only for a better bre-4kfast but up in ready-to- prescribed by physicians for 25 years. work and something must be done. 1 among woman whose garments hung !n fanup high surface earth's the in him told he conscious," wood's "Sel use form, his an easier-to-get breakfast. Five Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. am the one to do it, too." "and his first thought was of the c!ou!ls. The girl looked up In tastic shreds upon her bouy, who:~~e quickly, Go!uen Medical Imitations may prove dangerous.-Adv . minutes •••.• and this delicious He was silent for another space. white skln shone through In many Dis<:o1·ery; the race for life. He said 'they didn't wonder. his whole wheat cereal is table-ready! Then he turi1ed ~o the girl. wel!·known ton· This, she knew, was the secret of places and whose great eyes g-Ienmerl all,' and 'I suw' them after me get Depreciation --Overhead "Kid," be said. "I've been thinking !c for the bloou, driviHg Bossick's steers Into the face Rainbow cliff and ~lystery ridge. De- from her ghastly face with awful 'li;;ht. which is an exA man who makes a livin:..: with his about you lately-about making a get· of Rainbow clitr a mile from Sky Line.' spite her danger she noted tbe passage One long golu I.Jraid or hair hung from tract of natiYe roots. This "Discov- hcau was bewailing- the other !lay that away down the Pipe some night and with keen interest. The way was her bead in a dan;?;llng loop. The oth· ery" of Dr. Pierce's clears nwuy he hall not begun ~:.lVing Parliet· in life striking across the desert for :11arston That's the secret he discovered and for short for In a few minutes the rock· er was loose to its roots and swept whiC'h they tried to kill him. eruption~, pimples and annoying -we could lind a pars11n there and save•l more. not had he that and "There's some sort of opening ln the walled cut turned sharply to the ri;ht In a ragged flag to her hlp. Long tends to keep the complexion fresh over the line Into Mexico. Ar· clrop friend, con~vling a ::<aid ""'ell," wisps of It shone here and there upon which connects with the and ended abruptly. and clear. It corrects the disordered me-perhaps lf'ss rork face on much hasn't nold it aud heau, your gnt Rtill "you've lay the trampled grass 'around. vision startled. her Before dinids conditions in a sick stomach, subterranean pas~age that leuus to thnn on anyone at Sky Line-and WP round paradise, little a out spread gestion, acts as a tonic and enriches stfll works. Why worry~" And over her from head to foot was Glue Stone conyon, the desert range the hloo!J. Vim is Rure to foliow its ''Yes," said the thriftless one, "but roul d mal;e a new sta t't-" grass, tender with green cup. a as blood-blood in clots unu streal;s and beyond, and tinully to Uarston on the r use. All dealers. 'l'::b!ets or liquid. the trouble with me i:; that I have I Ther·e was the sort sound of an In· railroad. Thnt, gf.'ntlemen, is the se· dotted with oak and poplar trees be· splotches, while from a small gash on never set aside enough for deprccia· clnl\nt breath and Minnie l'1ne's llund <:rPt of your disappearing cattle. Sel· si•le its countle~s springs--and graz· her temple a red stream slowly went to her shapely tllroat. tion on the intelled." \\·ood s:liu they a!wuys yanished at the ing contentedly on Its pt>ruliarly ranlt dripped. on. went ~tone on £ermon brief a as Submitted The man was awed for once In his l'iame time Kate Cuthrew drove her forage was a band of cattle, each one for down hit I this-If uo I "If 1\Iugazlne. thrift.-Nution's llns'ness sto!'lt down to Cordova and out to the of which bore on its left tbe "B. K." relentle1;s life.· Cor!lonl toni;;ht-you know, of course, station-do you see? of Boss!ck's brand l "HeaYen !" he ~aid, "what have you that it i:,; very likt'l.l' to he the euil of 'fh!s, then, 1vas Rainbow's pot of done? \\'here's Provine?" Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum "The drin.'. comin~ down to the rlY· "Dead, I hope," su!d Nance Allison When adding to your toilet requisites. me one ·way or another, In the geueral er, ohlitC'rateu all trad's of those ~o· which Arnold had spoken. In utter astonishment she drew dully. An exquisite face, skin, baby and dust- ><tir up that wl!l f<lllow. I want you to In~ up. Now that we know I think Arnold struclt his horse aud dashed Ing powder and perfume, rendering know any way before I start-thtlt I'd we've got the Sky Line rusllers dead Buckskin up and looked at the "secret you." be;;inn!ng-with new that like ranch. r·fding here ami there as if he Line away, Sky of may You spot" us. superfluous. of other perfumeS to rights. There are twenty-one 'ln one minute-or less-the pain ends. Dr. no was there mou1t>nt long a For "bow amusedly, Provine the ghastly tluish quickly . said know "\Yell," must Cuticnra the of rely on it because one "We'll di\·ide you; you, Bossick, go· Scholl's Zino-pad Is the safe, sure, healing the of voices lll~Tiad the save sound .treatment for corns At drug and shoe stores it?" like you do Talcum), Trio (Soap, Ointment and For a while it seemed that the man in~ with your party up to Rainbow talking 111ysteriously with cliff. and I striking up through the conifer~ The girl did not r~ply, but sat still "'as goue entirely. ~5c each everywhere.-Ad~ertlsement. the win!ls of night. Then suddenly his horse shied from m~·sterious passage. This trip will with her hands crossed on her saddle Then the I'omo girl put her hand~ tnkP a long hard g-rill, for It is far horn. moving in the deep grass something Better Belgian Roads Champion will render on the whitt~.mun·~ shoulders. The snaky eyes under the black by a spring and Arnold dismounted. and none south, the to Stone lllue up Consiueraule stri!les in automotive ~u.~ one on- the pain is better service for a must "does·whut "A dtief," sh' su!u, us know the length of the under- brows lost their clrow;;y plensantt·y. He had foun1J Provin{'-~l!!l Provine transportation are being maue in Hel· be done-without fear-and a chief's of muchlongerti me. That "I wouldn't advise you, purty," he rolling in u1:ony, hb fare in the mud. ground way. 'l'he earliest rel'orued eel ipse of the glum. Neglected roads outsi1!e of the woman follows him-e1·.en to death. is why it is outselling "Ilowen•r, It must lead to some said, "to come the hfgh-and-m!ghty \Yith no gPntle ha1111 he grasped his sun occurrec\ in 21 :n n. C. It was !urger cities are llelng repaired and Sndtlle two hor>es." now, kindness, !!ttle A me. with throughout the world. and itself cliff the pocket not far from ;;houlder and pulled him up. vls!hle In China and !!< recorded in put in condition to receive heavy under· an toward way long a go would locate \Yill g:unshot A on the in:;iue. • • "'Vhat's all this?" he rasped. Champion X for Fords60c.Bfue traflic. the Uhinese classic, I the Shu Ching. . Bmc/orcdlorhercars, 75c. More At Sherif! Pr!re Selwood's ranch an us when we are really for each other. standin'. Get of! tbat horse.'' "What's I he matter with you?'' 95,000 dealers <ell Cham• lhan obeyed. Nance word a Without anxious circle watched the still form Lord knows what we'll find, or what pioru. Yow •viii know rhe g.,.,_ For answer Provine took his hands uine by rhe double-ribbed C<Jr~ A little rold touch was at her In· from the left side of his fate and on the bell. The doctor from Bement the outcome will be. Let's go." feel· tense ti1!ht. t tba but heart, mu~t had not left his station for seYen And so lt was that some time later Champion Spark Plug Co. looked up at his master. hours. Outside cowboys, all. armed, Bran!l !)'air with his posse passed dose ing of strength was still with her. She Toledo, Ohio Arnold dropped him back with an "n ll;ed here and there. ancl on the along the upper euge of :-\ance Al· measured ProvinP's shoulders with her oath, which Provine echoed. veranda sat tile prospector, lisou's ruined lie!d and thought tender· eyes as he unsaddled the animals H!Hl ~!e!'p "Gnne !" he eried hoarsely, "gouged 1 Smith, funoldllg innumerable cigar~ttes ly of tlw I.Jlue-eyed girl with her turned them out to graze. She looked -f<lid; an' clean! An' she tried to I lllU \\'aitin;.: on destiny. dogged courage anu her ~lmple faith, at his long arms. his lean and sinewy ~et 'l•m hoth-d -n her hussy's soul!" "It may be un hnur-!t may be ten- little dreaming thut she was not safe back. Arnold rode slowly hack to where "I've han111ed my plow all spring," bnt something Is going to happen in her bed in the cabin. that grotesque caricature of a woman s!Je !'aid to her<:elf sagPiy, "I plt<-hed <uon,'' the doctor hall s:lid at du~l,, "hP The hours of the night wore on. still ~tood by the wall. ::;he SP!'Illed ,,·ill ritlter rull~· or sink. If he speaks Cros:;ing diu~oua!ly down, Rod hay all !lay and was uot too tireu at immoval•le as the rock itself, part and he will be rational, I think." Stone, sure away from Sky Line at ni~!tt. I can lift a gruin sack ensy. pareel of the waiting worlu and the I'll !"ell out hnrd If I have to-for stt·an~er the \! Ancl flD that ch~u,ce la~t. macle for Corllova with Minnie gray shadows. and Brand anu Buu and ~lammy waited to ask one question, namely: l'inC' h<>hincl him. "You young hellion!" he gritted ''\\'hat Is the secret or Sky Line? nossick, having the shortest journey Sonny.'' Anu whC'n Provine turne!l and came through hiR teeth, "you have bllnued \\'here Is the other end or the pas· of all, sat in a dump of pines witb best man!" 'i!.tgp?'' his men around him, and waited In toward her, smlling, he was met by THY"IIa,·e so," snirl Nance, ~till !n that blue eyes that wPre hard as shining For all the hours that Price Sclwood stra!neu sil<>uce for a distant shot. TO !lK\l,Tll, II.\PPINE89 "11e. A NF.W WAYA:"\D u u II ,·oi ce. "'··rs-- I have f:O." "' ~!;CCI>::;:s MOTHER: - Fletcher's IHtd lain unconscious, fourteen men It was well after rnidni~ht when two stone, a mouth like a line of h .ttle tell me what yvu 4esJre aud today "\\"rtte di~hel-eled heuu. her nodllr!l folded on bard clutched hands and glade li In camped bar! Bossirk ·mder you as I ha\·e hPI-ped help can I mostly. same the things took place at almost Castoria is especially prePositively no charge,• a.m "Oh, what's the u~e to fool with monv other_s. under tile flaring skirts of Mystery·:; mou!l'nt-Brand [•'air rode in heh!nd arm~. lutfilltnK life nmb!tlon S1 arnp foT re y pared to relieve Infants in "Oh, ho," he said, "we're goin' to her!" cried Kate Cathrew furiously, I'At;I. JACOBSEN, RIVERDALE, CAIJ 11'. Wi'stern l•nd, ready to answer Fair's the clump of willows that were a!arms and Children all ages of ways blowing out from the canyon's Illltt our head a gin a wall, ain't we •1 "l'rr1 done !'' ~ummuns. With a Hare of her unbritlled temper us Fair's thoughts were of the girl on wall with his men In single file behind Cut lt. klu, an' ki~s me-yon mi:::ht Constipation, Flatulency, Wind snatched her gun from its sadille she 1 bC'sides. An' later. as now well SCIIOOL Of :!:f'fiCIENCY • :\'IHU('!ess-of her long blue eyes with him-and [{or] Stone got orr his horse Colic and Diarrhea; allaying and llung It up. IO<llJS from up mashed all mouth a like don't All commercial branches. Catalog free. ll;;ht, Of her smiling lips at Cordoru. Ue handed his rein to steady their As her fin;;er curled on th!' trl~gl'r 60N,MalnSt, Sl.lT LAKE CITY,U AH Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach the Pomo girl and went swiftly up discipline." ;tncl the golden crown of her braidetl Blue· against horse his pluu;:ed Arnold girl !Jig the "'l'be hand of God.'' said and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. the steps, O[lening the door upon the ha1r. "is hefore my frrce. His host fire. stiftly, men of gron]l a where room lighted done have lovers lie drifted away, as "No!" he cried as the report rang about rue. I'd advise you to round is from mostly were They vlaying. since time was, anu it wus the low· were · To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of out clear and ~harp In the thin air of toneu voice of the doctor which re· the Upper country, though one or two let me alone.'' Absolutely Harmless -l:i2, Opiates. Physicians everywhere reconunend it. healing doctora prescribe The man threw back his head and duwn. The bullet strnC'k with a v!wPre Conlovuns. Aruoug them wel'e called hlm. c!nus "pl11vit" ten feet alwve its mark, Smith,'' lt said without a the beurdeu man who had s;tt on ~[c lauglled. "~lr. and a little rain of rock dust fell on "an' said, he host," no s<>e dun't "I Kane's pot·eh that day In spring and ehan~e of inflection, "come in carehair. ..\'anee's leup a with and superstitious," ain't l watched Cattle Kute come riding In fully." the sides of Tiainhow's pot all From her around arm long one lie rolie and, tossing away his cigar· on Bl uefire, and the young cowboy he swung back In Pchoes, a roar· carne shot that with whom be had spoken concerning neck. !'lte, steppe•l :;oflly ;:tcross the sill. Dossid>, wn!tin.~ in fu~illade-nnd ing "llelp me, Lord!" said Nance aloud. In the faint light of the oil lnmp on them. straightened In his I pines, of Stone, a Sky Line man, received cold and bowing her ~·ouug body she pulled his dump a staud SheriiT SeJ\\·ood looked up into up his hanging H,. what a wonderrtii feeling to be helps Nature build the red-blood-cells the fnce of his wife, beuJ.ing above glnnces from the faces rai!ied at his IJer forehead down his breast and >'addle. lie picked yoo ARE rein ami ~poke in a low voice. entran<:e. .\ll Nameless knew and dis· slipped free. rree from that miserable rheuma· that fight off the impurities that cause him. J"Ndy l< let's "Heuuy, men?" he askeu, "then • 'ext moment she had struck him in tlsm. To know again the joy of limber rheumatism. approved of Sl;y Line. nut the boJ •njoy your "i::lnlly," he said weakly. Conquer rheumatism! S. S. S. has datica, tocial go." · and joints and active muscles- freedom might her all with mouth the he und stuJr courageous of Then be turnPd his head and looked wn~ made spor te or shown the way. For generations signal from that agonizing paint own her fired hud R"re Cattle man. any like through followed promptly. tackled the issue around at tbe others. recreatiorul t How often have you longed for S. S. S. has brought blessed relief ~<nd s!c.wry and carne of fate anu her enemies heard lt. swore and roared Provine from "I'm sharply, said be "Men," thrnwhis[lerC'd, be Doc," ··llello. some relief as you suffered torture comfort to thousands or rheumatic <TO nE CONTINUED.) "they !lldn't get me-after a!!! Smith Sky Line, as you all know, and you for her ag-ain, head down and small from swollen, Inflamed muscles and sufferers. blazing. When the rich, red blood that -Smith-" a sudden light leaped into ! ruay class me now as a traitor to my eyes joints-how often have you said you Billion Really a Vast Sum "• ·ow," he said, "I'll have to hand would give anytbfng in the World for S. S. S. helps Nature build goes cours- the clazed ~yes, "I saw-them drive outiit. Perhaps I am. That's neither purifies it system, your through lng hell-cat!" a few hours comfort! Bosslck's-floss: ..:k's steers into the here nor there. I don·t give a d-n you uisclpline, you d-d But you·dldn't know that allyo'\i, had ·the· blood in your body. Rheumatism face of-Ha•nl>uw cliff a mile west-of whether I am or not. I'd have stood • • • to do to get real relief from this nerve vanishes- skin blemishes disappear Sky Line-" So the night that was so full of por· one That one. but cases all In true wracking misery WilS just to build -you begin to get hun"That's plenty." said tfair quickly, has happened. There's a good girl- tent dropped . down uvon the country rich, red blood, did you? You didn't gry again and enjoy "you mustn'l tu!k, Selwood-mind th~ a Bible girl, like I useu to know back of the Deep Heort bills and Destiny know that rheumatism had to be your food-strength a,nd • bodyyour fill In the Middle West-shut up in a se- rode the winds. power doctor-I'm lea,·ing now." stopped from thA inside by destroying • Sky Line ranch was stirring early, red· vigorousare you bulld· It-by cause that the Impurities And with a geutle touch on the sick cret spot with Sud Provlne-and I've before the first gray light had even lng millions ·or red cells !n your poor, blooded and ready for that and her save to got to have help mrut's shoulder hP was gone. action. Know this joy or weak blood, did you 7 the east. touched Is and think, He ran to the 11wble lind ·got Dla- quick. She's a fighter, I UntO you flU your system full ot living again! Take S. S. S. and banU.h was much afoot. Bo~lck's There strong- -but-you all know Provine. 1 11100d. llealthy, rich, red blood you will never rheumatism! going down tbe Pipe that were steers Flve of Seh9oud's riders were throw- don't know what I'm stirring up a~ Get S. S. S. rrom any druggist. 'l'he net your rheumatism. s. s. S. will Sud Provine 614 perllapa Cu-and 1 don't care. }V!ll :ron comer• N sac\dl~" on horses. An1Y help ;you. That's because S.S.S. lar1er bottle ia more economical. SICK WOMEN II I UF MIDDLE AGE AFT£R ... EVERY Can ~£~\... Mrs. AMELE E. ROE VINGIE~ • • • • • ush -- s Dr Scholl's Zino-p adseon• • • • • • L.D-:-5:-Business College SK~~ l~~L~~! 1rg~~d ~ esi I Why have 0 HEUMATI ? • ss • • • • |