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Show First Fifty Customers Buy a $5.00 Or· der Of Dry Goods, Clothing, SHOES, Hardware, will be given an 89 cent BROOM for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Only One Broom To ACustomer Men's Heavy Weight 220 Blue Denim Overalls-Full Size &Full Cut, Elas· tic Suspenders and 8Pockets, Made in Utah. Overalls at a Bargain, Selling At! ~r pall'· , , - ......... -·---- - l ea WEDNESDAY HORNING SErf SO, ms the double doors of this big STORE will ning OJifll for the first time on one of t~e greateat PRICE CUTI'ING eyeuts ever ield in this beaatiful SALT LAIE VALLEY-DOZENS of EXTRA CLERKS will be on kand to help you get your wants filled as fast as humanly possihl&-This store coms over four thousand senn hundred and fifty feet with large balcony and basements-plenty of room to bold two or three thousand customel'i-No Crowding-Or Jamming will be n«tiBary-the PRICES are all marked on the Yellow Tickets-If it should happen that 1\o clerks be milable gather up "hat you want take it dir«t to Cashier's desk Who will make out your slip and change your money so there will be no confusion or waiting. • IDe are uy Regular $4.50 Heavy Moles· skin Pants, priced at . . . . . $1.~5 The NEW STORE Being But Recently Completed And Most Of The NEW STOCK being now ready for SALEThe COOPERS Have Planned This Great Merchandising EVENT. They Have Worked Hard-And Long Hours To Get The MERCHANDISE in Salable Shape-Mr. Will Cooper is one of the shrewdest buyers in the merchan· dise business-for years he has bought goods-hauled them to MAGNA, UTAH, and had no trouble whatever to meet and beat prices offered in the Cities·-Mr. Roy Cooper is one of the most merciless price cutters in the business-Bill Buys-Roy Sells-The New BUILDING is as fine a looking building as any in the STATE-The GOODS are all STANDARD BRANDS made to please the most fastideous CUSTOMERS and the PRICES will make every STORE KEEPER within TWENTY FIVE Miles squirm and wiggle to come ·anywhere near meet· ing. The COOPERS buy from the Z. C. M. I.-who in turn buy for maybe 50 to 60,000 storekeepers inside a ra· dios of say, 1000 miles. No individual or group of individual stores in America can buy any better goods than the z. C. M.l. or sell them any cheaper than the Z. C. M. I. do to the COOPERS-Still there is aman with a~uple hundred stores scattered around locally and spends thousands of dollars blowing about his gigantic buying POWER.-AIN'T IT AJOKE? We INVITE every MAN-WOMAN-and CHILD to read this bill CAREFULLY-to COME to our STORE in MIDVALE and compare the goods and prices piece by piece-erice by price-with any STORE or bunch of Stores in UTAH and if you can't SAVE M0NEY-and a whole lot of it-We do not expect you to BUY The COOPERS have to cut PRICES deep-some ITEMS they are even taking a loss-and its all done with the one OBJECT in view-To prove to you they have every body beat-READ EVERY LINE CAREFULLY. 5c Tablets, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47c lOc Tablets, %doz......................... 47c One Lot Pocket Books &Purses Value 15c-25c-50c All Go At . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c Each Truck Drivers Attention Treat for the Kids Ladies $2.75 Wool Tweed Hats at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.69 FIRST FirrY cHILDREN can buy $2 50 Men's' wool Tweed Hats 89c Attending thisforSALE --..................... ... Candy 35c lb. ' I D H t . . . . . . . . . $2'69 Y: Only One Bag To Customer _ 9c $3.50 Fe t ress a s Boys $1.50 Dress Caps . . . . . . . . . 98c 27 in. Dress Ginghams . . .13c and 16c 20c Outing Flannel ........._.. ... t6c Men's-Up To $2.50 Values ..·-· ... 19c 9 25c Outing Flannel ·-····· 6 $1 C Cl Outing N Remnants yd. 2 and 1 . . . . . . In ew assy aps . Flannel at, per yd.·--- __ . , .. 9c Boys, Girls, Children's Hats AsK To sEE ouR REM~ANTs Values Up To $1.00, now . . . . . 25c Besides What We Have Will Be ALot d C t H k Of New Cuttings From This Sale $2.25 Due un ers or uroy All Remnants Go At Half Price Caps, Better Than You Think, going at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c 60c Value Indian Head Cloth ..... 39c ~unch of 5 and 10 yd. pieces ml 98c Boys Sailor Caps . . .l{. . . . . .,. . . 29c One 90c Lmgerette ___ ................... ---.. •. 49c 45c Lingerette . .,. . . _ -·-"·--.. 29c 500 Men's and Young ll ens - _,_ --.. - ·-- 49 c Dress Caps for .fall and SO 9090cc Rat!~n Ra!Jan . _ ... _ -· ......... _ 49t Winter at, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C FIGGRED SILK CREPES BLANKETS $15.00 Blankets at . . . . . . . . . . $10.39 725 $ $12.. 0Blankets at . . . . . . . . . . . . ' $7.50 Blankets at . . . . .-.. . . . . . $4.98 439 $6.50 Bl nketS at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ • $5 00 Blankets at . . . . . . . $3.69 $4.00 BlanketS at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.69 1.98 I • ............. , ~~RT~IN GooDs I' (urlam Scrtms -~---·--·-- 12 12 c Curtain Scrims !. .....-·-~ 15c 50c Curtain Scrims -~. _..--.. -· 37c ~IERCERIZED POPLIK 60c .Poplins Blue, Black, White, Pmk, Green, Orange ··-·. ···~-· 39c The doors of COOPERS BIG STORE here in MIDVALE were cloeed and locked Saturday night-and an extra large force of MEN and WOMEN•were put to work-piling the ~s oot on tables, hanging in racks, while another buch with Roy at the kead went don the line cutting and slashing tke prices like a d~ken PIRATE-to when the doors of this sale open the bells on the cash registers will sing like a fire gong-the stock is tremendous, -the PRICES are ridiculously cheap ~d the buy· ing will be FURIOU8-We invite you to come and come EARLY prepared to get all YOU need for monthM to come as this may be the last chance you will ever see to buy merchan· dise at PRICES like these as prices have been steadily advancing for more than the last five months. CHILDREN'S $2.00 to $3.00 Pure Wool Under Shirts and Drawers to go at . . . 89c $1.50 Heavy Fleeced UNION Suits at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85c Wright's Woolen Union Suits $4.50 Suits at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.29 75c Malt Vinegar, per gaL . . . . . 35c Ball Brand OVERSHOES are the Best Made 0 ow 52.00 Silk Crepe --- ...............-.. -· $1.3~ $1.50 Silk Crepe ··-·-- _ .. ··- 98c FA:\CY PRe~TED CREPE S1.50 Reg. Fancy Printed Crepe 89c WOOL FI~E BLUE SERGES $1.00 Grades Go At _ - -... 69c Grades Go At --· --.. --~. 49c Doors Closed • • $5.00 Mackinaw Shirts ............ $2.48 55 39 $10.00 Mackinaw Vests • _ _ _ _. _. . . . ._. _-· $1.00 Overshoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c KNIGHT WO~~:;S MACKINAW $1.50 Overshoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.19 $2.50 Overshoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.39 $10.5o coat ......... -........-..-....... $3.75 Overshoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.69 $10.50 Boys Overcoat .. --...... $3,000.00 SILK SALE U. S. and BALL BRAND HIGH Overshoes-16 inches Sale Price, per yd. . . 2 Top-Laced $498 $750 . h S II Hig . e up to ' now . ' Lavender and Yellow, Best 15c Red River Sheeting in C srLK Tubing, yd.....-............._ Grade, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c ~iW;P~~oc:;;;; ~~k~, yd· . ~:~:.·= 81 24c Revolution Cotton Flannel $3.19 Brown Crepe Black . Bleached and Unbleached . . . . lSc SATIN, per yard .. ~--· . ·· $3.19 Canton Crepe ._....... __ . S2.39 d' , .:l $2.25 Orange )les~aline ..-..-···- SUi9 $1.9~ Changeable Taffeta ........._ $1.59 AI DRUGS, PATENT Me ICintS p C t OFF $2.3a Crepe de Ch~ne .._......_. . . $1.69 20 er en $3.19 Satin Faced Crepe - -.. $2.59 51.8~ Figured Crepe de Chene . 1.69 Compare our prices and see what $2.5a Georgette . _. - . - ..- $1.69 You SAVE!!!! $1.7.5 Crepe de Chene···--.......... $1.19 $1.39 Crepe de Chene ···---·-·· . 69c $3.19 Satin Canton Crepe . _. ·- $2.59 81.69 Tub Silks-···-· ......... -... $1.39 2 ~~~ ;e~~:~g~;vg hi;~ciot;-· 25c Dev~nshi~e Cloth ·-····-.. ···-30e 36 m, Gmghams -··--· 20c 25c 36 in. Ginghams ----- 13c FIRST TE l\lEN CUSTOMERS Makilfg. $5.00 purchase o Dry ard· Goods-Clothin ' Shoes or d G ware can Ever Bea y, em • • |