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Show THE JORDAN New Midvale City Licenses Sec. 499. Lumber Yards. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or firm to engage in the business of selling or disposing of lumber, lath, shingles, timber, and doors, windows, mouldings, and frames, either as agents or otherwise, without first obtaining a license so to do. License for engaging in the business in this section stated may be issued on payment in advance of the sum of $25.00 per annum, and no person, firm or corporation shall be allowed or authorized to engage in the business herein specified by reason of a merchant's or any other license, other than provided in this section. Sec. 500. Coal Dealers. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or firm, to engage in the business of selling or disposing of coal, either anthracite or bitumin· ous, or of coke or charcoal, either as agents or otherwise, without first obtaining a license so to do. License for engaging in the business in this section stated, may be issued on payment in advance of the sum of $4.00 per quarter, and no person, firm or corporation, shall be allowed or authorized to engage in the business herein specified, by reason of a merchant's or other license, other than provided in this section. Sec. 501. Fresh Meat Dealers. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or firm to engage in the bus· iness of slaughtering, slaughtering and selling, or selling or delivering fresh meat, at wholesale or retail, within the corporate limits of this city either as agents, or otherwise, without first obtaining a license so to do. License for engaging in the business in this section stated may be issued on payment in advance of the sum of $15.00 per quarter and no person, firm, or corporation, shall be allowed or authorized to engage in the business herein specified by reason of a merchant's or any other license other than provided in this section. Sec. 502. Livery Stables. A livery stable keeper is one w~o keeps for hire, horses, carriages, or other vehicles. Licenses may be issued as herein provided on payment of the amount hereinafter mentioned, and the filing of a sworn statement of the number of animals and vehicles of all description to be kept by the person making such application as follows: JOURNAL Sec. 517. Sunday Sacred Musical Concerts. It shall be unlawful for any person to give Sunday Sacred :Musical Concerts and to charge an admission fee therefor. Sec. 518. Miscellaneous. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or pursue any business, vocation, or calling, hereinafter mentioned, without first obtainino- a license so to do; and he shall. except where otherwise"' provided, make payments into the city treasury in advance for such licensese as follows: Bill posters, to include distribution of advertising matter, per year . . ------------- ... Building, loan, discount, and investment institutions, when outside capital is employed, per year ·---------------------------------- -------·- -------- .. Positively Your Last Chance $10.00 $40.00 For five vehicles and less than ten, with animals $25.00 For less than five vehicles, with animals ........... $10.00 Sec. 503. Passenger And Other Vehicles. Every hackman, drayman, carter, porter, omnibus driver or cabman plying his vocation in this city, shall, upon payment of the amounts hereinafter specified, be licensed as follows: For a license to run a job, dray or truck wagon with two or more horses, or auto truck of more than one ton capacity --------------------- ·------ 10.00 To run an omnibus, or passenger automobile of not more than five passenger capacity ____ __ $10.00 To run a dray, job or truck wagon with one horse, or auto truck of less than one ton capacity ----·--- ---------------------·------------------------------- $5.00 To run a carriage, express wagon, cab, coach, hack, hearse or other passenger vehicle, drawn by two or more horses, or propelled by gasoline or other motive power and having a capacity of more than five passengers .....----------------____________ .. _.... ___ .. ______ ........... __________ .. . $10.00 To run an ice truck or wagon -------------------------------------- $5.00 To run an oil or gasoline truck or wagon ____ __ $10.00 All passenger vehicles shall be numbered by plain figures, placed in a conspicuous place upon the said v.ehicle. Sec. 504. Pawn Brokers. It shall be l.\,nlawful for any person to carry on the business of a pavm broker, or to loan money on deposit of personal property, or to deal in the purchase or possession of personal property on condition of selling the same back again to the pledgor or depositor or to loan or advance money on personal property by taking chattel mortgage security thereon, and take or receive such personal prope1ty into his possession, without previously having obtained a license so to do in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 505. Amount Of License. Bond. Every person applying for license as pawn broker, shall, before receiving such license, pay into the city treasury a license tax of $10.00 per anum, and shall before receiving such license enter into a joint and several bond with two good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of $500.00, condition€d for the faithful observance of all ordinances respecting pawn brokers; provided, that the license provided for in this section shall not permit a licensee to conduct the business of a merchant. Sec. 506. How Assigned. A pawn broker's license may be assigned or transferred only upon permission of tke City Council after payment into the city treasury of the sum of five dollars, and after the execution and fiJi g of a new bond by the person to whom such license is or maylbe transferred or assigned. The city recorder shall keep a full and complete record of such assignments or transfers as of the first issuance and renewal of such licell.ses. . With every Washington Home Furnace bought durmg this sale, we will give absolutely FREE 2 000 pounds of lump coal. ' $20.00 • Distributor of advertising matter, per year ...... $5.00 Express company .............. ___ __________ _ $25.00 Feed and boarding stable .. ·------------------~--- ........ $10.00 Custom ore samplers or crushers ...... $25.00 Real estate agents ________ ------------------------- -~ _. -·----- $10.00 Second hand dealer ______ .......... __ $10.00 Sewing machine agent, for each company represented ................______.,____ ____ .... ----------· ................ .. $10.00 Shooting gallery ·-·------------------·- ........... ------------- ____ ..... __ $15.00 Skating rink ·--------------- ..... ___ ______ ...... __ __ $20.00 Solicitors of crayon, oil or other a1t productions, and enlarging of portraits or pictures ... ... --------------------------·-------------------------------- ______ _ $10.00 For a knife board or other similar device ____ __ $15.00 - . Washington Home Furnace Produce• Circulating Moiat Heat. Grained mahogany finish without name plate on outside. Can be installed in au.y home with or without baeement. Big sale will positively close Saturday, 9 p. m. IMPROVED AIR DUCT increases heating efficiency 33 l j3%, making Washington Home Furnace the g-reatest fuel-saver known. · ·j WILL HEAT AS MUCH AS TWO OR THREE STOVES OR FIVE OR SIX GRATES Heats from four to seven rooms. Grained Mahogany Finish. ''No--This Ia not a VIctrola" • NO ·cELLAR TO DIG Circulating Moist Heat---Most Healthful Heat Known ' Sec. 519. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more tl{an one hundred $100.00 dollars, or by impr.i sonment in the city jail iot more than one hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE 2. - For ten vehicles and less than twenty, with animals -------------------- -------·-··---- ... .. ... ______________ _ 2,000 Pounds of Coal Free CIGAHE'ITES. ' Sec. 520. Permit For Sale Of Cigarettes And Cigarette Papers, Revocations, License, Bond. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to barter, sell or offer for sale, cigarettes or cig-arette paper~ in the City of :VIidvale,without first having obtained a permit therefor, which said permit may be granted and issued by the City Council. Said permit shall be in force and effect for one year from and after date of issuance, unless sooner· revoked, and shall be granted only to a person, firm or coxporation owning or operating the place from which such sales are to be made, which place shall be within the territorial limits of the City of :Midvale. Each pet·rnit shall be numbered and shall show the residence and place of business of the permit holder, and shall not be transferable.. The City Council on reasonable notice and hearing, can revoke the permit of any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this section and no permit can be issued to such person, firm or corporation within a pericd of two years thereafter. The City recorder shall keep an acurate record thereof and of all revocations of permits, and upon revocation of any permit shall immediately certify the same to the State Treasurer. No permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have paid to the treasurer of the City of Midvale, an annual license fee of ten ($10.00) dollars pe.r year or fraction thereof. All such license fees shall be credited to the general fund of the city. • No permit shall be issued until the applicant therefor shall have filed with the city recorder, a bond to be approved by the city council, which said bond shall be payabl~ to the City of Midvale for the benefit of all parties interested, and shall be in the amount of five h)lndr~d ($500.00) dollars and conditioned upon the faithful observance of all the provisions of this article and the laws of the State of Utah and for the paymen of all damages that may result fr~m the unlawful sale of cigarettes or cigarette papers. Srud bond shall be signed by the ogligor as the principal and by two qualified sureties or by a surety company authoribed to do business in the State of Utah. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundn~d ($100.00) dollars, not more than two hundred ninety-nine ($299.00) dollars. All fines collected ' 1 t~ be credited 50 per cent to ~he r-eneral fund of Midvale City and 50 per cent to be remitted to the State Treasurer. Rep01ts shall be made to the State Treasurer of all fines so collected, on the last day of each month. . Sec. 521. Sale Of Cigarettes or Cigarette Papers To 1\imot~. Any person who shall furnish to any minor under twent~'-one (21) y~ars of age, by gift, sale, or otherwise, any cigarette, or Cigarette paper or wrapper, or any paper made or prepared for the purpose of making cigarettes, or a~y tobacco of any kind whatsoever, shall be guitly of a m1sdemeanor, and shall be punishc~ l)y a fine of not less th~n twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars nor' more than fifty ($o0.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirtw days for each offense. ... ~ oot ere. o. Meet Me at Booth's A SHORT HISTORY OF THE WAR DRAPER DOINGS Though U.tah has been in the poultry industry as a national factor a I (From the American Legion Weekly) Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson and little over two years, she has reach"Now cough." children of Magna were guests of ed the point where her eggs and dres"Sign hel'e." Mr. and Mrs. J. W. W. Fitzge1·ald on sed poultl-y establish top prj(:es on "Wihen do we eat?" J Saturday. the New York market, unquestionably "Haven't any S's. Take a pair 0 f ' • • • key to markets throughout the nation. lO's." · t anu-' That this should transpire in su-'"~·11·. an·'u Mrs. E . s . B orgqws uu a "Teher's a soldier in the g-rass." Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Malone of Salt brief time, against competition from California, Washington, New Jersey, "Treat 'em rough." Lake were guests lat;t week of l\h. and a score of middle west states "Read 'em and weep." and l\lr,. J. H. Hawlins. that have been active in the industry "All we uo is sign the payroll." • • • for many yea1·s, is little short of re"It'~ a great life if yvu don't weakMrs. Thos. Sauler of Bingham is markable. It indicates above a!J else en." visitin'g this week Wlth her parents, that Utah has conditions natw:al, if "The first seven years are the mr. u not ideal, for the production of the an d 1l\1 rs. J . L . D ow. hardest." • * .. top quality eggs and poultry. The . utah Poultry Producers Cooperative [ M r. and Mrs. Anto n R asmussen Vl- A "Whel'e do we go from hel'e ?" - t'10n, f oun de d a 1'1tt1e over two _ , s;;oc1a "You can't stanu tlhere, ooldier." Slted at Ogden Sunday, the guests of years ago by the larger and more ag"Oo-la~la." il'lrs. Simon Jensen. gressh~ producers of the state, under "Lafayette, we are here." • • • the guidance of the Utah State Farm "Let's go." Mr. and Mrs. Do~·le aL Lewis an- Bureau, stands as one of the few co"Any seconds on goldfish?" nounce the birth of a son at the Cot- operative marketing societies in the "Madelon, Madelon; Mauelon." tonwood ~Iaternit} Hospital, Septem· United States able to pay its own "Encore the vin rouge, sil oe1· ::!4. Mrs. Lewi~:; was 1onnerly 1\llss way from the start. Utah eggs and vooplay." Lenore Bailey. poultry were given welcome on all "Toot sweet, monsiew·." .. * * markets, hence the cooperative and "Is your right arm paralyzed?" Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stringham an-' its members were able to enjoy good "Mother, take down your service n.o·unce the birth of a son l'hul sday fortune from the very start. flag; your son's in the S. 0. S." 1 September 24. ' Last year the association handled "Bonsoir, rna cherie, ou aliezvous ?" • * * in the neighborhood of 50,000,000 "Paint it with iodin and mru·k him Mr. .and Mrs. Douglas R) an and eggs. This means an enormous cash duty." · children of Milford are visiting at tumover. But the greatest growth in "Son fairy Ann." Hoboken by the home of Mrs. Ityan':s m(Jther, the industry is just commencing, say "Heaven, Hell, or Mrs. Martha Duny<m. tho ·e closest to the activity. BenjaChristmas." " • • min Brown, president of the coopera"Fini Ia guerre." Miss Lorren Terry of Lyndyl is tive, predicts that within a few years "In the Army, the Al·my, tihe demvisiting for several weeks v{ith her the poultry industry in Utah will reocratic Army." :;ister, Mrs. Andrew Orgill. present a business turnover of $-20,"So this is Paris!" • • • 000,000 annually. "I have been joshed "Hindy-dinky, paTlez-vous?" Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rawlins and many times about this prediction," "If I ever get out of, this man's daughter, Maxine were guests Sun- President Brown asserts, "but I beArmy-" day of .lr. and Mrs. Elisha Brov.-n of lieve my figuring will prove its Jegit"Who won the war?" nmacy." "There's a long, long trail a-wind- .. ~yson... • • • "There are in Utah 27,000 fal"!Tlers. ing." • Mrs. Simon Jensen and daughter, If 20,000 of this number were to "When do we go home?" "We've paid our debt to Lafayette Anna of Og(ien are gu~ts of l\!r. and maintain flocks of 30\l birds each, it Mrs. A. 1\asmussen this week. -:who the heck do we owe now?" • * • would mean 6,000,000 producing hens. "Wlhen the cruel war is over." The records of our association sho.w Miss Ada Smith left last week fol' "Say 'ah-h-h' and sign here." each producing hen will bring $3.50 Kanosh, where she will teach school "Let's eat." to $4.00 a year, at the most conserthis winter. vative esti.mate. There is the $20,• U. S. :MINE SCHOOL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ennis announce OOO,OOO industry." 1 Fay Brown Age 13 the bil th of a baby g-irl Saturday, Utah is able to ex cell in egg proD. S. Mines School 8th Grade September 26. duction because of climate conditions :Mrs. Elsie Nelson, Teacher • • • extremely favorable and low cost feed Mr. Boyden, Supervisor of music •Mr. Moyle Terry underwent an op- The producers are able to produce a and Miss Jensen, Primary Supervi- eration at a local hospital la~t Fri- superior product at low cost. The maksor visited the U. S. Mine School on day. His condition is iair. ing of an egg is a mystery, but under Thursday. • • • proper C(lnditions one hen can proJMrs. El;roy Boberg and dhHdren duce much finer eggs than her sister • We are expecting three new pupils left Sunday for Roosevelt to make under radically different conditions at our school next week. their home. Mr. Boberg is teaching in another part of the country. Utah in the high school there. producers cannot explain satisfactor• • • illy why the quality of their eggs is Monday there was no work at the Mr. anu Mrs. Alma Terry had a~ consist;ntly so good; but it is, else Mine because the air compressol' their guest last week, Mrs. Lisador New York dealers would not clambroke. 1 ber for Utah eggs so persistently. Walker of Lark. • • .. One of the greatest poss~bilities Mr. Ray Boswortfu, time keeper at Mrs. Jim Allen aud children of for Utah is the egg and poultry industhe U. S. Mine is spending his vaCedar Valley are visiting for several try. And to bring a $20,000,000 incation in Idaho. weeks witih Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Allen. dustry each farmer need but possess Mr. and M1·s. Geor·ge Barber and a few hens, say about the number he A baby of the U. S. Mine drank children have gone to Roosevelt to ought t.o ~ave if properly carrying .out some iodine and has been very sick make their home. the prmc1ples accepted as constltufor a week. Mr. 0. D. Ballard and Mr. Merlin ting a balanced farming scheme. * • • Last Monday night a fire caused Allen spent Thursday and Friclay at COME TO MIDVALE great excitement at the U. S. Mine. Price. :Mrs. Hannah Terry is vi:o;iting at Mr. L. C. LeDuc's home caught fire w:here life is w<nth Living. Buy about 9 o'clock. It has been several Payson the guest of her sistel', l\1r::;. Elisha Brown. your lot now in Eastvale addition, yeru·s since we had a fire up here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Jt!llldru~, Mr. near School, Car, Paver Hi~ W3{Y', • and Mrs. Stanley Rasmussen, Mr. Fine Homes, no shacks, best neighMr. Irma Dennis and !her daughte1·, Kathryn are visiting Mrs. Dennis' and Mrs. O.<D. Batl::ud and Mr. and bors, City Water, Lights and Sewer, brother, Supt. Walker of the U. Mr~. Alvin Cottrell attended the dance 50 foot Lots. $475.00. $10.00 a month 'OXLY A EW LEFT S. Mine. Mrs. Dennis will return to at West Jordan Wednesday evening, given by th(\ Jordan Stake Recreation New Grand Hotel. ~alt Lake City till her home in Washington D. C., on Committee. October lOth. John Rus.son. Thursday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • |