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Show THE JORDAN JOURN AL SANDY ITEMS EAST MIDVAI.E West Jordu 'Jh.e FLORSHEIM SHOE A welcome home party was given Quite a number of officers ~ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F~ Mlevin the 2nd Ward Ohapel Friday EFFECT rwuoee the arrival O!f a baby girl, ed the mutual conveation at ~ ening in honor of Mr. Doyle Dastrup Sunday aftel'DOOn. who returned home September 20 born September 26. By THOMAS ARKLE CJ.ARK • ..s mis::uon to New year' three a from of Uainraity Mea, of Deaa llisl &ra Iones of Bliidr.foot, IdaMr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett motorZealand. llliaoia. speat tbe- week-end aa gutllt of b& . . • ed to Bountifu! and s~t Wedn~sd&y Melva Gardner, Hiss Jones wru maie A Farewell party was given in the of last week w1th relatives and fne.nds Iller home at Murray while !the atTHERE Is, It will be admitted with- Third Ward Oh31pel by the relief sotends the University of Uu.ll this • • • Pure Californ ia out controversy, at one tlme an«1 ciety Friday evening in honor of Mr. Mr. ~ilip Stringham and da.urh- winteT. another a good deal of talking done and Mrs. J. P. Jones who are moving In the world, and It goes without say, to Salt Lake to make their home. Mrs. ter Beatrice STRAIG HT RUN-W ATER WHITE Mr. 8illd Mrs. Jack Kolby o1. s.lt Vernal were week-end ing, also, that much of this talking Ia Jones was first couru:elor to Mrs. guests of Bishop a.OO M!Jl. T. F. Lake visited relatives here SundatY· done whoo silence would save one's Grant in the relief society. HAL GAS-A t Regular Prices They were special dinner guests of GreeD/Wood. • • • breath and relieve one's nervous syaMr. and Mrs. R<>y Price. M~s. Kolby • • • Sold Exclusiv ely By Mr. Heber Hartvingson of Shelley, tern and be more e~ective, possibly, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pedersen had as was follllUll'ly Mary Price of this ward. Idaho was a guest of his mother, Mrs. than speech. and Mrs. Collins and I are members of a de- Mina Hartvigson tihe past week end. their guests last week, Mr. Mildred Egbert, smaJJ daughter of * • • Levi Pedersen and daughter, Olive o.f llberatlve body In which matters are and Ml'S. Lafe Egbert had a narMr. Mr. imd Mrs. A. Grimstead an- Bingham discussed, both sides of a question row esca.pe Mooday afternoon wbea MIDVALE. UTAH Phone 272 25 E. Center are presented, and finally a vote Is nounce the birth of a son. she was struck by a car from Bing• • • taken. Often the courSe that ~heee Mr. and Millerberg T. George Mr. ham. She suffered with a wrenched ''Where -Servic e-Coun ts" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Web)ster anmatters will take are predetermined. in Sunday spent Milleri>erg Ernest arm but no bones were broken. rt Is quite certain, even before the nounce the birth of a son. fmends and relatives of guests Ogden, discussion Is entered Into, what the • • • • The Sugar Faetory Campaign will Boggess auOrren Mrs. and Mr. decision will be. as about the fifteenth of October. had start Garrett A. Mr. and Mrs. W. This fact does not deter Collins nouoce the birth of a son. Lawrence 1iheir guests last week, Mr. however. He always talks at length, .Ml18. Milt(pn Carlisle of Murray, Garrett of Nephi, Mr. Oscar Garrett more often than otherwise, he 18 and, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Domand of West BATTER IES on the side of the minority. Even Jordan were Sunday dinner guests and chi.J.dren of Provo and Mr. Brig· Mrs. N. H. Silrox of Riverton visitham Garrett and daughter, Pearl of ed Mrs. Alma Egbert Saturday. though he sees from the outset that of Mrs. W. L. Bateman, Sunqay. • • Nephi. his talking wfll be of no avaU, and "' Daniels amd Clifford Mrs. and Mr. wlll. perhaps, only tend to make the Rupert, of Goff F. I. Mrs. and Mr. visited Mr. Jean and Don enchildren, Greenwood F. T. Mrs. Mr. and BE WISE rase go more overwhelmingly against Goff's M!js. of ts gue were Idaho Sunday. Dwight Jack Mrs. Mrs. for and tertained at dinner Sunday him, he must have his say. We should, mother, Mrs. W. L. Bateman, Sun- Emma C. Burgon and Mr. and Mm. And Buy the I think, feel a little strange and not Miss Norma Eyapp of Kanab visiHans Jensen of Union and Mr. arul a little disappointed If, after the ques- day. Mrs. H. C. Gardner several days Thornton. ted Collins W. C. Mrs. discussion, for us before Is tion Canning of Charles Mrs. aru:l Mr. But talk. and week. feet last of his oP get did not Frank Mrs. and Mr. and Midvale we are seldom disappointed. Mrs. Ray Greenwood visited Tuesguests of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Newell of BelTomkins Is very dif'l'erent. When he Dimond of Murray were day THAT SA TISFIE 5 gets on his teet we know be has some- Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Magnussen on ton. evening with Mrs. C. W. Thorn- lingham, Washington, who are staying thing to say, and we are pretty su.rc Sunday. at the Utah Idaho Sugar Factory that he will be able to turn the dehad their two little boys, Jack home, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush and Mrs. Fred Nelson of Brigham Cit~ cision In his own direction. Someoperated on for the removal Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Salt times I feel that Tomkins talks too was a guest of iher sister, Mrs. Alma Lake attended the Pantages Satur- of their tonsils last week. Friday of Larson the past week. little. last week they were dinner guests of day evening. this something say "Why didn't you Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hart, of Midvale. Midvale Phone Mid. 108 Mrs. Dr. Brown has as her guest, afternoon?" I asked him last week fol• Mrs. May Brown left Sunday for lowing a discussion In which he took her sister, Mrs. Newland of SantiaTurpin also Earn and Storm Wayne her home in Woodru1f after Beveral go, California. no part and Mrs. Jensen, Heuzy Mrs. weeks spent ihere. Mrs. Brown sub- Mr. and "T wanted to save my Influence and American to f;:verett Reading motored Mrs. Joe Kennedy is reeovering mitted to an operation for the remov- Fork Tuesday of last week and attendmy strength for something else." hp al of a poision<>us goitor at the L. answered me, "when I could have from a severe illnes.s. D. S. Hospital and was improved ed the funeral of Mr. William Titsome ef'l'ert. The thing was settled comb. The TiU:omb family were at Miss Wilma Bateman retul'll€d 'nought to be able to return home. nn:rway before we began, and though one time members of 1ihis ward. not settled as I would have wished home from a month's stay in Salt Mrs. Wm. Palmer of Bingham is I saw It was useless to talk, and I Lake City. Mr. Albert Furse is building. a home :: visiting with her pavts, MrJ and No single thing is o great an aid hate to talk when talking does no on the Bingham Highway, just east to women who do their own housegood." The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. E. Cox. of the new milk-cooling station which work as the beauty banquett ranl{e, Thnt Is the secret of talking well, I Vern Smith of Grant Ward is at the of the Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson of Unioo. is being built by the faTmers it makes cooking a pleasure, it believe-to talk when to speak w!ll !home of her grandmother , Mrs. C. District. Jordan saves fuel, it makes every on1.1 have some errert; when talking Is use- L. Kenney, recovering from a severe Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Midvale were dilliJler guests Sunday of comfortable, it saves money and less to keep still, and It must be said illness. There ar~ several cases of wh~ Mrs. Jim Johnson. temper and keeps dispositions unwas speak, did he when that Tomkins, ing cough in the ward. • ruffled. The quality is unexcelled listened to with more Interest than Miss Gladys Bagley of Salt Lake • • Mr. Leonard Millerburg entertaand the service is beyond reproach. any other man In our group. No one visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babley held a dance in . Mutual Stake The ined the Sunday sa'hool Presidency at was likely to consider Collins seri- Sunday. fhe prices are very reasonable benight Wednesday hall amusement his home last Wednesday evening. the ously beC'ause he never dld anything ing from $12:1.00 for the plain • attendance of last week. The poor unexperte<lly. He talked when talk· steel with polished top, nickel base Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Vombaur of Plans for a party honoring the t'e· was due to its not being advertised. The ing was quite apparently useles!'. and legs, big enamel splash back Salt Lake and Mrs. J. D. Bateman tiring presidency were made. ••• walk· sociaJ. were a by Brown Mrs. followed and was Brown meeting to-$165.and large warming oven were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. classes of the Theological Two The ing out together when he discovered Vombaur of Crescent, Sunday. 00 for same range w'th full porcelaP:v 'IWl.termelon a gave School Sunday a gnplng hole In tbe stocking of his ain enamel body. ••• • bust at the Ward !house Saturday evhetter half showing a consldE>rable SPECIAL-D uring the month of reward Members of the Second ening. .area of white flesh. He said Dllthlng October, 1with every range purentertained the members society lief dishave would so do to for It, ahout • chased we will furnish one ton of of the first and third ward relief spoiled have would BrlfWD, Mrs. turbed J. M. Taylor and family have movour famous standar:d stove coal their walk, and all for no etfect. She societies in the Second ward chapel to the ward and intend to make and ed Simmonds Fred Mrs. Mr .and FREE. carried neither a sewing kit nor an Tuesday afternoon. A program was Mr. and Mrs. Young of Salt Lake their home here. extra pair of stockings wlth her when given. • • were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zach they went on walks; there was no Garfield is viof Kelley Ray Saturday On Mrs. Sunday. on Butterfield D. A. Hand and sons have estabplace to have mended or to have exand Mrs. Mr. parents her entertain~d siting Butterfield Mrs. and Mr. chnnged the stocking, even If she had lished a Barber Shop in Draper. They at dimier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arthur Bird. had the materials. She would dis- ihave all-day and every-day service Myers. cover the hole when she took of'l' the six days a week. Midvale, Utah Miss Emma Carsey, daughter of • • stoeking and comfort herself no doubt Mrs. Reuben Sorensen and family Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carsey of BenMr. Byron Grant, Mr. Carter Grant with the thought that very likely no with her nion ward and William Blight of Salt and Mr. Kenneth HIIJld entertained of Draper has been visiting one had noticed It anyway. re- Lake were married in the Salt Lake months two past tilie for parents at a watermelon bust Sunday at the Why talk to no effect? Temple Wedneaday September 30th. Sunday. home <©. 1926, Weotern Newopapor Union.) home of Mr. Kenneth Hand. Twelve turning The Carsey family moved to Bennion • • were present. Mr. and M11s. Charles Schick an- ward from here several years ago. • • • Mr. William Wilson and Mr. Inor nounce the birth of a baby girl on Mrs. H. K.. Nordberg is able to be Jarvis returned home Monday from ::> Sunday. up after a very severe siek spell. Her • • • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen had a:; tv."' week's tour thr<>ugh ·Sout·hern Mrs. James Farmer who daughter, Mr. Joseph Withers who has been their guests last week, Mrs. Carrie Utah. laboring as a missionary in the Cal- has been staying with her for several • • • Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Henry JenThe Third Ward Bishopric enter· ifornia mission has returned home. weeks left for her home in Bliss, Idasen of Bingham. ho last week. Mrs. Eben Wilcox o! • • • tained Wednesday evening in honor Fielding is the guest of her parents George Mrs. Emma Cox and Mrs. Mrs. Ada Brady and Mrs. v~:l of the ward officers and teachers in M Pastries uts, Doughn Rolls, on Bread CinMm 1 "· the Third Ward Chapel. Games were Wihetman and son, Philipps and Ga- MT. and Mrs. K.. H. Nordberg this Milne were guest~ Tuesday of lne were guests of Mr. and Mn;. week. Ethel Graham. enjoyed and refreshment s served. Don't be Misled. We are Still in Midvale. Our • • • P. Page at supper Tuesday. Thomas • • • Withers .has returned Joseph Mr. • • • Prices Remain . entertained Hand Margueriete Miss Mrs. Annie ~gber~ was stricken on Mrs. Julia Dansie and son, Edg.ar !home after being released from the Tuesday morrung Wlth a stroke and at a birthday party Tuesday afternoon. Games were enjoyed and lun- and daughter, Dorothy have moved California Mission on account of ill ELECTR IC HOME BAKER Y passed away a~u~ n~n. cheon served to twenty-four guests. to Salt Lake where they will make health. • • • T ues day momb E M their home. • • • • arose ert g rs. C. Zimmer , Prop. Gardner are Howa-rd and Clyde • • • Miss 'Leola Hand spent the weeking appar~ntly in the ~es~ of health, .Mdss Rheabel:l Butterfield was the home after a three week's trip to Cal · never havmg had • smular attack, end at Salt Lake the guest of Mr. In Iris Theatre Building , 14 N. Main guest of Miss CoD!Die Daooi.e on Mon- ifornia where they visited many and her sudden passing will be a great and Mrs. L. 0. P;att. places of interest. day and Tuesday. • * • Phone 277 shock to her many frien<ls. She was • • • • • • beloved by all who knew her. She Mrs. A. E. Peterson was hostes~ Henry Egbert, Mr. Mrs. and Mr. Miss Jenny May entertained at a leaves four sons, her husband hav- to the Elite Club Tuesday ~veninl". Refreshment s )Vere served to tweiY'e party in compliment to Mr. Lionell and MTs. Orrin Becks~ead and Mining, preceded h~r in d:ath. home Thursday even- erva Egbert were dinnet; guests o .1.o uneral services will be ananged members. New officers were elected Myers at his Lake last when wor~ i~ received from her son, as follows: Mrs. L. w. Nielsen, pre~- ing. Games were played and refresh- Mrs. Robert Egbert of &It Egbert Hershel Mrs. and Mr. week. guests. twenty to ments served ident; Mrs. E. R. Beck, secretary. John who 1s m Idaho. visiting Tuesdaf spent Riverton of • • • The Woodmen of the World gave Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eglbert.: M. Allsop were dinMrs. and Mr. lmion the in dance a very successful • • • • amusement hall Mo.nday evening of ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. MonMiss Retta Richardson attended a MUSIC NOT~ teer of Salt Lake, Sunday. this week. party at the horne of S~l E. Holt • • • lrfr. Theron Smart left Sunday f()r The man that hath M music in of Sonth Jordan, Satlll'dq night, givMrs. Emil Anderson of California Logan to !Lttend the A. C. College, en in hooor of Miss Ml!$e Holt. himself, Mr: George Gre:n left ~onda_y was a Sandy guest the past week. • • • Nor is not ·mov'd with concord of H 1 tt W M Mr morrung for the Kru;bab forest mAn1 ~~ were e ew m. rs. an< . . t Mrs. Lydia Batemau, Ross and L usweet s.,....._, zona t o b e gone t wo month·s t o ass1s guests a t a b'1rthday party a t th e h om I H "th th G s fit for treasons, strategems an<J cile Bateman motorecl to Salt Lake eC o~ernmCoentbe untmg cant1.ps. of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Jensen of w1M Monday evening and •ttended a party spoils: c·ty om r was u1os ess B . h rs. arne • 1 in honor of Mrs. LOu Wright. Lundull are spirit his of motions '.Ilhe • Thursday for the Unity Club. Th<>se ng am was served to 20 guests. cbeoa as uight, Mr: and Mrs. A. Benson announce present were: Mrs. GoldiP. Soffe, Mrs. ~n n..p • • • Erebus: as dark And his affection Alice Burgon, Mrs. Erma Cook, Mrs. the birth of a son. ._... U,6 son of Mrs. Bateman, Orlo Mr. Let DO such man be trusted. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gosman, M.r. and Lavina Fenstermake r, Mrs. Lorie had the ndsfort\l'De 1 Baker, Mrs. Rachel Foroush and Mrs. '!t'fS. T. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. R. (fil.a:laelspe are-Mercban t of venice) Lydia Bateman broken by falling hand his 'have to • • • enLarsen N. Mrs. R<>se Steffy and daughter, Jessalyn White, Mr. anti &"-.wv &11 &U.&" _ wot$ing for 1l'he while ladder, a from TheM. t. A. Stake boa:rd male quarjoyed a theatre pal'ty at the American ~~---~-~;;;;...;;.;;;..;;.__;;.;;;;;;:.,....;;;;..;..;..;:;.,...;;..;;.;;..;..;..;:..;;;..._ _ _ _ _ _ of San Pedro, California. ening of la.!t week. A large vase of WAKING UP tette fumiShed music f()r the M. I. Utah-Idaho Su~ facto!'1 at BellingMr. and Mrs. Horace Burgon en- WedneS<iay evening. Age 15 asters and . napdragons formed the Calton Kamerman A. convention Sunday ~oon, Sep- ham, Washington. at entertained Mrs. Lenard Larson tertained at dinner Thursday for Mrs. te ieee for th table Th f 11 • • • 0 owd Rose Steffy and daughter J essalyn of her home Thursday afternoon. Games tember 27th. · t. ~ 8th Grade ~en rp ts wer e Granite Scihool C. E. Hopn and their Mrs. and Mr. the and The mafic was interesting wen: enjoyed and _luncheon served. San Pe<\fo, California. :~s. ~~rtis Ha~ti::,~nr. · anJ· P. :M. Mickellon~ 'J'eacller . Mrs. Thmald Hogan aDd Mr. family, . lllss Turner, MISS Saunders aJ1d harmony g\ood. · Tlhe people of Granite are wakmg Fred Spider, and Mrs. Jack Warnish and family vilited relati~ in Boun• • • Mr. Freman of. Murray and Mr: Ray OPPORTUN ITY up now. ~e south road that leads of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. Thomas Quartette work will be a part of tiful, Sunday. Jackman of Bmgham were wmners Buy your Lots in Midvale Now f~ Gramte ~ Sandy has been u_n- , Reynolds of Logan. The evening was Miss ~ Booth spent Sunday in Eastville addition-ne ar school car of the Fox-Trot contest Wednesday llhe program for theM. I. A. "M" men · ftt to travel smce that cl<>ud bmst pent in music and games ing friends and relaBingh,. Quartettes during Ws winter work. paved highway, fine homes, no shacks: nigh~ of last w~k. · hall a While back ~ed it o~t· l best neiglhbors Cit water li hts and M1ss Lulu Bringhurst wa." a jWest will be organized and trained from tives. n~ they are bepning to f1x Miss L11Cile Welch of Rivvton was each ~d "M" ela.ss. T!lese will comg 10 00 a of Mrs. D. Richards Tuesday. sewer 50 foot lot: 75 Wcr.t•d l'lnztefy llO&d up a bit. I lllope they will Mrs. A. C. Jensen entertained the pete f• honors in contest11 h«¥ the guest of Mrs. ~ Silcox Mon$4 . . $ ' ~ tor Notllfng In life Is more remarkable month. and fix it becii,US& Second Ward M. I. A. officers and tilu-oug&ut the stal&. Winners Will day. ONLY A FEW LEFT tban tbe :'unneceallary an.xlety which our hay up tba1i roM. Mias Clara Olson at' Salt t..e 1'1G and :aotel teachers at lber home Tuesday even- compete with other r.ta1res for ~ N J1oh R .Mr. uad Mrs. James Silvey gave we 61ldure ud generallJ ocqasloa t>ursited Mrs. E. ll. Olson SuDday. ~ iD t1w Rate. tillOm~ lOda. ' S< ~ TALKIN G TO NO Gas Satisfaction Guaranteed • • • • • • • • ~ • •• a: • • • 0 & E Electric Service • • • • £xi~e • • • • • • • • • • . .. ••• • • • • FLOUR • • • West Jordan • • • • • • • • • • • • Milling Co. • • • ••• TRAINED athletes can take long I'Wlf without weakening. Florshe im Shoes can take long walks without showing aily fatigue. Stamina counts - in a shoe, as well as in a runner. faBIOUS Clotllhlg CO., II• • • ••• Lighten Your Household Duties, Don't Let them be a Drag • • • ..... ( .. • • • • • • ••• ••• • • • • • I e Riverton . .. • • • West Jordan Lumber Co. ... • • • • Call Midvale 178 • Midvale's Only ·Bakery • • • UNION Doa't• autoB ead- • • • • • • Low 0 Ve r AI1 LEV I tSJRAUSS • Wa Is 0 Ver a11S f t• • outh s Yc d £A Men R• air FREE if Th aLeookw J!._ t1..e ....._,.,. Hore')'ses p ' r::ll. I I party u tbeis' hftlf' Fridaf ev- -.:· llln~.--a•eovst.t1l. 00 uw;; 't£· .. . . . . ANONTJIO US THE MOST REMARKAB LE N0'\"-1' .. : OF THE 20TH CENTURY ' UNANIMOUSLY ACCLAIMED AS MASTERPIE CE. NEVER WAS TRUTH DEPICTED lN A MO•R1t FASCINATI NG MANNER. •• PubUsh e's Prloe Old~ .& .,....._ Send Your Ol'der TO·DAY - • • •WE 1'1118 C:OUPON • • •-.. Ac:me Publiohin& Co., 165 Broadway, New York City. Gentlcmen:-Fo r the $1.00 cndo.ed pleaa fer my order lor one copy or" Prottitutet," fore the opccial offer upirco. Name ............... ............... .... . Addre• ..••.•••.••.•• ...•• , ............. . City •DCI State ............ . .... . af. Mrs. u;y•w .. Ba:ten:l&t1's Diversar,y Tuesday evening at home ol her son, G. J. Bateman Salt Lab. Covers were laid for tw~al'\111 ' guests. :R.andall Walker was operated for the removal of his tonsils week. Vera, Lafrone, Jessie and P.riee and Edna Shepard of Salt ~-.:-. wen Fests of Mta. Stmda.l. ~ Ida Fiah of MU.. •:==: Verona Walker last lliBB Arthela ll&rdy at . eeptn~s Oy mght m honor 1/11. ftootr lady at t'be TN . ~a'W:"Cl!IIIJIIII :factott. :mower |