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Show JOURN At MIDVALE ITEMS f1 (VAT/ON -WIDE INSTITUTION- Mr~. : ~ ~hdehrson !fi A I DEPAR TMENT STORE S !:fi !fi 1 For Men-Big V aluea Hen's Value, Quality in Union Suit.-everyth ing you're looking for. Heavy, long-wearing ecru ribbed: long sleeves and ankle length. At a very moderate pnce-- $1.49 Or You May Pref• Fleece Lined Union Suits, natural or silver; long · sleeves and ankle length. Unusually good values, the result of mass buy· ing for 676 stores- The Service of Our Stores Extends In Every Direction $1.49 Men'• Union Suita-'Medium weights or heavy wool suits. Natioa- All big values- Wicle $1.69 to $4.49 Valuu Novelty Flannel Shirts For Work or Sports Wear Bright colors-checks and plaids, popular with men and young men. --eut full and roomy; -2 large ftap pockets; -coat style; THe star on the above map indicates a mining town in Wyoming. Here, in 1902, James C. Penney opened a small dry goods, clothing and shoe store. He served squarely and honestly and won friends and customers. Business increased as the service improved. :\Iorc stores were opened as enough money was i:lade to buy stocks for them. Years passed. GrO\vth continued. Sen·ice extended. Ten years later there were 3 4 stores, twenty years 3 71 stores. This year 105 new stores are being opened, making 676 in all. The benefits accruing to you from this farreaching Retail Store Service are important. Vou arc given large saYings on the things you wear and use in your household that only the dynamic buying power of these combined hundreds of stures Your own comparisons will makes possible. prove it. cr~?_... ..... ~ C'o. -fine quality woven cloth. Fancy plaid and nl'at checks in many colors and designs; attracRemarkable tive combinations. values at- Big Slip Over Sweaters $2.98 to $4.49 For Boys-All Weights and Colors Great sweaters for any regular fellers' activities -school, play or work. Shaker: or jumbo knit; shawl or convertible collars. Union Suits Men's Work Socks Rockford Brand Grey and blue mixtures, no sewed seam across t~ to 2 for p5c 2 for 25c Heavy Work Socks For Workmen Warm, durable, very heavy Big Va:lues at29c to 49e Styles for Women We have any style in Union Suits which you wish' These garments are good in quality and low in price. Now is the time to buy. Sizes a4 to 44. Priced, only $I.t9H !fi !fi MIDVALE , UTAH Fall Union Suits • T • p ltture \VI\ir-. eetr-. 1)\ ~~ 1 .enteMrtaineCdl <>ln Leo la yc e ;;n uc""'ay evenm:g onormg rs. andreplayed were ~lasius. Games tre.,;hmcnts o;erved. 'fhe guests num-m ();r~ct•d h!l HermanRaymaker , bered twenty. )no14ble•upporMgC4s tinclude•t .. .._.meu.1 mem'• M rs. H . p . M'll RLO I er en ex-.. ' WE MA JUNE afterMonday bc:rs of cher card club BUTLER, DAVID noon . .Mrs. W. T. Vincent, of Sandy, 1~ MITCHELL LEWIS was a special guest. ~ CHARLES SELLON · • · p R.I N c E s s LEA • 1< :1day o.l' last week ~h:s. Goo. A. Slo•!J by. Edw.,d Meagher liofi and Mrs. A. A. Goff of Salt Lake -lt.ltWH ~R~ spent the day at the home of n-hs. D. ~ lr.! C. Smith. ~ 1he Saocil • ;;J1 Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pett had as their guests Sunday Jifr. atl<l l\lrs. \\·. ~ \\ atkms, of Salt Lake and Mr. and =rt1 M.s. A. Whipple, of Holliday. llishop and Mrs. John A. Aylc-t' ar~<.l family are now o~cupying the:. tlt:;W re~idence on East Center Stree . )lrs. G. A. Bergen left Saturday to return to Los Angeles after .,pending n.wo wee~ with relatives twre. l\lr.s. Henry Jensen of VI est Jorda.n entertaine<l for her daughter, :Vlr.. 1 1!-verttt .{eailing at the latters home !on Locust Street Tuesday. 'l'he gamu of Stung was played. Prizes were won by rr,. W . .McNamara and Mr.,. ~I. Jensen. Sixteen were pre.ent. In oomvlime.nt to Mn. M. T. Gof, who v;j]) leave in the ncar iuture to spend the winter in Missouri, the Rt· af·· hef Society held a social Tuesdav • I given wa:. ternoon. A short program wllowed by a luncheon. Sixty wer ... s ated at one long table. A profu~· ' ion of fall flowers were used a; det"'l>r aLlons. Mrs. Ray English .and small daug;, te1·, of Pvice, were guests lli.,t we~,;li. at tlle home of 1\it-s. M. L. Englh;h. • Mrs. Kate Watson is visiting friend~ 1 111 Salt Lake. Fliday of last week Mrs. Le:J Ke,np entertained at a luncheon for out o Eight were present. 1 town friends. J. F. Moffat of Sa!, Mrs. and .Mr. Lake were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Dr. and 1\Irs. J. S. Alley. .... Mrs. C. E. Angell and cltildt en, 01 Salt Lake spent last week end at tht ~ 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. !<'rank W. Rkh· 6 1:1:1 ardson. .Mr. an<l Mrs. Roy Steadman a.1- ~ S"' nounce the birth of a daughter. Thursday of last week Mrs. J. A. Alcorn entertained at a Bridge lunC>heon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball spen last week end in Salt Lake. Mr. ant. 1\lrs. Kimball were SIJI..-cial guests a, • a Theatre party given Saturday b~ Ill :Mr. and Mrs. Goo. A. Eldridge. Mrs. Ja.,. Stanfield, of Murray, spent Tuesda:)' with relatives here. Dr. anti Mrs. R. W. Quick have mover! into their new home on Allen Street. Tuesday evening of last week Mis. \deline Kemp entertained a number of friends. Games music and refresh.nents were enjoyed. An entertainment was giYen Tueslay evening at the Woodhead home or _,ocust Street in honor of Miss Doll~ C'mlL GBu1·gon, of West Jordan and Gladw:n 1Voodhead, \\iliO are to be married thi' "THE LOST WOULD" .veek. Thirty young people enjoyed SALLY OF THE SAWDl'ST ,he affair and the guests of honm "THE FRESHJ\1AK" were the receipients of many beautiLITTLE A~NIE ROONEY .ul and useful gifts. 1\I. I. A. Workers of Midvale attended t:he convention which was held on Sunday at Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Carlson we1-c dinner guests Saturday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Beckstead, of Salt Lake. A regular meeting of bhe Ladies Aid Society will be held Thursday of next week. 'I' /liiC. THURSDA Y and FRIDAY, Oct. 1 2 ir. Here's the one you've been waitin ft. L.. In heavy, all-wool or wool combined with sufficient cotton to insure excellent qualities; wearing and cotton. All the new colors. All sizes 8 to l 4 years. Every sweater an outstanding value at its price- i the 0 TRY" SUNDAY and MONDAY. Oct. 4 and 5 ° • AS GOOD AS 'THE SPOILERS " From the pen of the same Author Rex Beachand LARRY SEMON r "TROUBL E BRE\VING " I TUESDAY , \VEDNES DA Y, Thursday $1.69 to $4.49 , Viola Beckstead 2 ~ ~%~.~~D&~~ !fi~!fi~ ~!:Fi!:Fi~!:h Yi!fi!fi!:fi!fiY;!fi!fiYi!fiy;La;'fi!flRRR:FiYlfi!RfiYi!fiY'i!fi~ !-J;Yim 8th Grade GRANITE'S BASEBALL TEAM car~~:~!~~ g~~~~~ ~~~~~n F s 7t\~~at; !:::fi Mr. ~- ~1. 1\Sciihckelsebn, Tehac~erb Dear Mr. Beck, ool oys. a\ e een Th~ .Gramte I have noticed that Draper has not ~ ;n as yet entered the Jordan Journal practlcmg l>aseball ever smce school . ~ School News C-ontest. lf you don't started. Y, hul"!l"Y you won't have much chance T~ey are trymg to get a better. tea~ of getting a prize. Sout:h Jordan th.Js year tha~ l_ast and we thmk 1t U: surely has a lot of news. Just listen Will be no failwe. ~ a minute and let me give you an idea 8th Graue Thomas Blair ;;n of what is going on over here. Mickelson M. P. Sehool Granite I The other uay Stanley Beckstead are Granite The school l>oys of ran a pitchf<Jrk thru his left arm, but figuring on having a sohool baseball I.E we expect him to recover. tca.m which will do their derndest. Thurslast her parties two had We ;;JJ The Granite boys put up a bal;ket Religthe afternoon the During day. ion Class officers gave the pupils a ball court here. Monday the 21st and That evening the have been playmg off and on. .surprise party. .South Jordan Choir celebrated. After Mrs. L. F. White gave a birthday ! ;reorganizing for the coming year a at her home on North Main St. party 1 vic->v into came large lighted pumpkin and then the members saw a lot of I Midvale, Friday evening· .in honor of u= pumpkin pies. I suppose you can guessj her daughter, Ada Wh1te. Covers were laid for twelve. what happened then. !::f1 !fi !fi !:fi !fi I ~ o. Midval~, Utah !fi !:fi Tingling with the . pirit that makes the \\est; aglow with thf.' advt>ntr.tres that 1 :tke great men; thriJiing with the kind of romance each heart yearns for. with EUGgNE O'BRIE. M \E BCSCH Bl<~l. ALEXAJ\;DER :\1 ildred Harris 1\fitcht-11 Lewis Tom Sanl!'chi Yi !li m~~~E·====~§~====*~====~}~==~+~==~~ ~~ y; !fi !:fi ~~ !:fi i !:fii !fil ~ ~ !:fi ~ !fi !hl ~ !fil y;y;y;y;l ~. ~ Hub Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDA Y See Buck Jones in "THE l\1AN WHO PLAYED SQUARE" FRIDAY Nh.rht is PRIZE Nisrht SUNDAY, l\IONDA Y, TUESDAY lVIarion Davies in "ZANDER THE GREAT" A Sizzling l\fodern Comedy Drama "Always A Good Show" _A'·~M.l~'~ in S. L. This picture hc~S not been • Boy, you have never seen a western QUITE LIKE this one! At the Of CQurse IRIS THEATRE |