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Show ~ • SHOES Wf have Starbrand, Endicott Johnson, Weyenberg Shoes, God· man Shoes The Godman Shoes are all made of fine soft leather, easy fitting, wear like iron and dressy looking shoes-Once tried will not be forgotten. z. C. M. I. Shoes-Made in Utah Every pair made like a bridgeyou might throw them away but you can't wear 'em out. Men's $9.00 High Tops . . . . . . . .$6.90 Boys' $8.00 High Tops . . . . . . . .$4. 75 Boys' $5.50 High Tops . . . . . . . .$3. 75 $6.00 Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.69 399 Pairs Children's Shoes . at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35c pair Where is the Cinderella of Mid· vale-We want to see the Girl in Midvale who can wear Cinderella Slippers These Slippers sell from $2.50 to $7.00. If they fit you-you buy one pair only at 65c pair These Slippers are made in Asia Constantinople. The freight alone is five times the cost of the Slip· pers at-65c pair We have about ahundred pairs of SHOES that are mis-mated-like 6-6% and 4-1·2, etc., but they are alright for wear and hardly noticeable. These shoes we are going to dump in abin at 10 cents aPair-Take Your Choice One U>t of Boys SHOES worth up to $3.00 to go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c One U>t of Girls Oxfords and shoes good enough for school up to $3.00 go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c About 200 Pairs of Men's Dress SHOES worth up to $6.50 To Go At, a pair . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 50·Pairs of Men's Solid Leather Double Sole-Solid Leather Work SHOES at, a pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c One hundred pairs Men's, Wom· an's and Children Rubbers To Go At, apair . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c WATCHES FREE! EACH BO nnder 16 years of age buying a SUIT or OVE COAT at this SALE will be given a Pocket Ben Watch for . . . . . 25c ' 55c 914 Bleach~d Peppriell Sheeting, per yard . - .......... _ 42c SOFT FINISHED HOPE MUSLI~ World's Standard Goods, for this SALE O~LY, per yard ........ 12Vzc 25c Brassed Curtain Rods, 2 Rods 25c $1.25 Grey and White Tea Kettles 69c IF YOU ARE NOT AT THIS SALE WITH APOCKET FULL OF MONEY YOU ARE GOU\G TO BE SORRY. $1.25 Aluminum Coffee Percolators ~·~ ..-...- ...................._. . . 69c $2.50 to $3.00 Roller Skates ...... ~1.98 $3.50 Wash Boilers, F'it Any Stove, Size No. 8 . . .. ~1.98 50 ft. Pure Sisal Clothes Lines 2 Lines for .................................. 25c 25c Heavy Mixing Spoons, Meat Forks, With White Enameled Handles, at ·-·---..--................. lOc $3.50 Aluminum Tea Kettles . . . ~1.39 $2.25 Aluminum Double Boiler _ 95c 25c Aluminum ~lilk and Pudding Pans at .................... _....... _,_ ........_ 10c 25c Pure Aluminum Funnels ....._. 10c 25c Tea Balls, Measuring Caps . Dippers, Pancake Turners; and Hundreds of other items worth up to 25c to go on SALE at ....... 10c 10c Glass Percolator Tops-Not Seconds-6-1 Oc Tops for . .-....... 25c No. 80 National Brass Wash Boards On SALE at -· . . . 49c 50 Watt Genuine Mazda Electric Light Bulbs at . .-.--..-· . . 25c 31 X4.4 )liCHLEIN CLI~CHER BALLOON TIRES With Tubes FREE, Fits Ford or Chev· rolet . . ··--··- . . ......... . . $15.00 . BEAT IT IF YOU CAN 75 to 85c Muresco Wall Tints, pgk 59c $1.25 Cans Auto Enamel ___ 89c $1.65 Cans Pratt & Lambert Floor Varnish ....... ----... $1.29 40c Oil Cloth ................._........-...... 25c SOc Oil Cloth -·-.................. . . ... 29c 50 in. Square Table C&vers-Oil Cloth .-.......- ........ ........ ·-·· ..... ._ SOc 60 in. Square Table C&vers-Oil Cloth at . . . . . . . ............... 69c FIRST 25 GIRLS A'ITENDING THIS SALE CAN BUY TWO PAIR BEADS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 3-10c Packages Envelopes ..........._ 19c 100 25c Tooth Brushes for each ..... 9c This Is An Advertiser 15c Eyebrow Pencils, 2for ............ 15e 35c Cutex Paste Polish ·-.. . . ... 22c 25c Franco Lip Sticks ..................... 9c 25c Powder Puff with powder ... _ 17c COTTON BA'ITS 25c Cotton Batts . -·--· _ . 15c SOc Cotton Batts . . . ... .~. .~. - ......... 29c $1.50 Cotton Batts - .................-...... 89c $2.50 Cotton Batts ......~-• .,•. $1.69 u 60c Java Rice Face Powder . ..- . ·- 39c 50c La Blanche Face Powder . ._. 39c $1.00 Size Edna Wall ace Hoppers ' Powder ............... .... ................. 65c 75c Edna W. Hopper's Clean· ing Lotion .... - ............-..... ~· 49c 50c Stillman Freckle Cream 35c 50c Dearest Complexion Cream . . . 35c $1.00 Franco Complexion Cream .. 65c 25c Packers Tar Soap, 2 for ........... 25c 75c Bottle Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 39c 60c Ladies Leather Belts .............. 39c 20c Curling Irons ......... -~.............. 5c 35c Curling Irons . . _ ... _........... 15c $1.25 Elastic Curlers ...................~ .... 69c 3·10c Bars Williams Shaving Soap -·- ...... . . . . __ .... __ 17c 25c Tooth Paste --·-·----............. 19c 50c Tooth Paste ........ -· . .- ............ 35c 25e Shaving Cream . _ . ··-·- 19c 50c Shaving Cream . _-................. 35c 25f Bottles Perfume ............................ _9c 5·10c pkgs. Sharpo Needles 29c $1.00 Three Flower Face Powder . . 69c 50c Edna Wallace H&pper's Pdr 35c $2.00 Leather Boston Shopping Bags .. ........... .... .._.. ...... 69c $1.00 Leatherette Shopping Bag . . 39c GIRLS SCHOOL SCROLL CAPS All Kinds up to $1.50 Values Go.At ·-·--.. - ... ·-·- ·-..... 39c One LOT 500 PAIRS CHILDRE. 'S Hose, Black, Brown, White, at Pair for ........ ... ................. . .. . 8c Three (3) Pair for 20c $2.25 Girls School Dresses to 12Yz years .................._. ____ $1.39 $1.50 Dresses . . . _ ·- . . ~............... 69c 98c Aprons ........... -............. ............ 49c Children's Hose-Bear Brand Fancy Rib Knit Hose .............. 29c pr. $1.25 Electric Curlers with Cord __:\tta~h.ment ..- . -·-·..-·---........ 69c ONE LOT OF 1000 CARDS OF TRntMING BU'ITONS sell up to 25 and 50c per card, y()ur choice . . . 9c Bloomers, Colors in Flesh, Old Rose, Orchid, Ashes of Roses . . . . ... 89c $2.50 Corsets .........-.... ·-·-·· . . . $1.39 $1.50 Corsets ....-......- ......... _.............. 25c $4.00 Corsets . -·~... --........... $1.98 WE CARRY THE PHOENIX HOS· IERY-500 Pairs Ladies $1.25 to $1.85 Silk Hose, All Shades and Sizes Your Choice -·.. ... ........ . ...._ 89c $2.25 Silk Hose, your choice of Colors at .......................................... $1.69 LADIES WAISTS Ladies Silk Knit Jersey Fronts, Georgette backs, Sell everywhere at $5.95, go on sale at ...... --· .. $1.69 ONLY TWELVE TO SELL Ladies $3.50 Silk Knit Blouse, , Black and Brown ......._____ $1.69 $4.50 Girls Sailor Blouses-Trimmed in Red, and White Flannel Briad, at .......... _........... ............... $1.69 One Lot Men's and Ladies and Child· ren's, Boys and Girls t;nderwear Not all sizes at, each __............. 19c Children's Overall Suits, up to 6 years old. Heavy Weight, and bound with red tape, sells up to SOc and $1.10 a suit, go on Sale at, each ·--·---·--· 45c GIRLS SWEATERS Boys and Girls Wool Knit Sweaters, Suits, with caps to match, $3.69 Suits, go on SALE at . - ........ $2.69 $2.95 Sweaters ..................................... l1.98 $3.89 Sweaters ................................ $2.89 $5.00 Sweaters -·-·. -·~··-.. .. 3.89 $8.50 Sweaters ........~··-~--- . . $4.69 500 Men's, Boys and Ladies Poc~· et Knives. All dandy good sharp KNIVES-this is one ol the big· gest drawing cards of the sale. Buy One and get another like it for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lc ~ ~len's $3.00 Fancy All Wool Fine Knit Sport Vests--···-· - $2.69 Men's $5.50 Thermo Brand All Wool Rope tSitched Sweaters . . . . . _ $3.69 YOU CAN BUY HONOR BRIGHT BOYS SCHOOL SHIRTS FOR 9c ,A SHIRT-Less Than Any Store In The MOUNTAINS-You should get in on some of these shirts--cheaper than washing the old ones. ~len's fine silk Shirts-Up t~ the $8.00 Grades, Your choice any two shirts for the price of One. SHOE STRINGS 5 pair 10c Shoe Strings at ........... 10c 5 pair to customer COME IN AND SEE. YOU-CAN'T GO WRONG MEN'S SHIRTS We handle the celebrated Hall Mark, Dress Shirts for men-The Ladies will tell you what these shirts wear like and how they look nice even after going through the Laundry at Murray a half dozen times. $5.00 Shirts at ......___ ....~ ...- ... $3.69 $4.50 Shirts at ........"' ____ ............. $2.69 $3.00 Shirts at ........... - . "'..........- $1.98 $2.50 Shirts at ·- _ ..... -._ $1.69 $2.00 Shirts at _ . . . --.................. 98c $1.25 Shirts at ..............- ............. 59c All the Boys from 8 to 12 years old want long pants-come in and see what we can give you-you know how most stores are shy on boys clothes and generally get the same prices as for men's-we cater to the boys trade and have what they want-save time and money by coming here first. Men's $1.25 Osborn Brand-Fine Woolen Dress Gloves with Snap Fastenings ·-···-..-. -·-·. - -..... 98c $2.50 Sweaters, Blue Body, Orange Neck, Pullover Style, Ruff Neck Collar, at ...................... .. . . ........ $1.69 Boys $2.00 Sweaters, Grey, Blue, Brown, To go on SALE at ....._ 89c MEN'S SWEATERS $2.00 to $3.00 Sweaters --..- ...... 98c $3.00 to $4.00 Sweaters _ .......... $1.98 $4.50 to $7.00 Sweaters . . _ .... $3.98 $7.50 to $9.00 Sweaters go at ... .. $4.89 MEN'S WORK GLOVES One Lot Cotton Flannel Gloves with Blue Knit Wrist Set up to 20c a Pair; to go on SALE at 3 pr, for 25c MEN'S LEATHER FACED GAUNTLET GLOVES Waterproof High Leather Gauntlets Sell regular for 25s to 50c to go on SALE at two pairs for . _ . 35c Men's $2.98 Dressed l{id Gloves At, a pair ---·--·-- $1.49 Men's and Boy's for in hand neckties Sel1111p to 75c each, now go on Sale at 2 for __ . . ~................. ~--·· 39c Men's 19c Arm Band and Hose Supporters, some get 25c now, Go at, each :_. . . ........-............. _ 9c Men's and Boys Sport Ties and Bat Wing Ties, regular 50c ties cut to, three ties for .... _ ........... 25c HERE YOU ARE-THE BIGGEST BUNCH OF GOOD CORN BEEF you -&ever got in your LIFE for the MONEY-SOc Cans Corn Beef at 29c Not More Than Two Cans to customer $1.25 Boy Scout Leggings Steel Braced, at __ ...................~..............._ SOc One Special Lot Men's and Boy's Belts, sell up to 75c eac~ go on SALE at, 2 for __ ,_. _____,. , 39c Two PAIR for the PRICE of One All Men's Riding Breeches-Corduroy Kahki-Wool-Whipcord-Go at Two pairs for the price of one. ~lEN'S OLD ENGLISH BRAND CORDUROY TROUSERS Cuff Bottomed, Flapped Pockets Regular $4.89, now _ ................... $2.98 $5,98 Grade now . _.......... _ ...... $3.98 Men's 75c Athletic Union Suits . . . 30c Men's $1.25 Fine Ribbed Union Suits at ... _ _ 89c Men's $2.25 Silk Athletic Union Suits go at . ---·-- - .......... $1.39 Men's Fleece Lined and Wool Knit Underwear at lowest · PRICES in Years. ~len's ~2.98 Kahki Pants -· ...... ~ $1.69 ~len's Big Yank Black Satin SHIRTS, slasied to, each ........... 95c Men's 20c White •Linen <:&liars Slidewell Brand) (Arrow Brand) 2 for .......___.......... _ .......-.............. 25c Men's 35c Lisle Hose ··---............ 19c Men's 75c Silk Hose _.. ·-·-.. . . . 25c Not More Than Two Pair To Customer 75c White Silk Gloves, pair .......... 39c 100 Men's All Flannel Shirts Buttoned Pockets, full fashioned Collar, at a shirt . . -.... ......... $1.00 Only Two To Customer Boys 85c Light and Dark Colored School Shirts ...- _ ....._.............. 50c Men's Odd Dress Pants 20 Pairs ~len's Fine All Wool Dress Pants to go with Dark Colored Coats, at a pair ..........~.~.. $2.00 Only 20 pairs to go at this price. ' OHI BOY! 5c Mouse Traps to sell at this Ad· vertising SALE for One Dozen Packed in a box for . --..-·~···- 25c $1.25 9 in. Crescent Auto Wren· ches, going at _ .... -·-·-·--.. .-.. 69c All Our HARDWARE Is MADE For Service-Not Just For Sale 60c Six Foot Genuine Lufkin Ex Rules for . . .·-·-·--..........._ . 39c 20c Brass Hinges, per pair ..... . . 5c $1.25 Cut Glass Berry Sets 69c 40c White Enamel )lirrors . . _ 29c 50c White Enamel Mirrors ........ 35c 60c White Enamel Mirrors .......... 45c 20 per cent Discount on DISHES and GLASSWARE $1.00 Ojl Stones ...........- ...- ...... 19c Lead Pencils, per dozen . . ._. -· lOc No. 360 12 Qt. Blue and White Preserving Kettles. Sell around $2.50 our advertiser price to Start 'em . - -.. *" _ ........ 75c Buy one and get another like it for 5c GREY and White Granite DISH Pans 5c 5c 5c 5c &Jy one dish pan any size you wish at regular price and take another like it for _ .....-...................._..........._...... 5c When You Come Here You Will Be -8ATISFIE[)... 50 Men's Big Buck Work Shirts On SALE at "·-··-·-...._........-.. . 50c SHOOT -HUNTERS-SHOOT For COOPERS 12 Gage Smokeless Nitro Club Shells Standard Load, Pir box of 25 . ... 89c Regular $5.00 Guaranteed Elec· tric Iron Complete with unbreak· able cord attachment . . . $3.69 ea. Pyrex ·Fancy Glasses, Dishes and Silerware, 1·4 0FF 10 days 0NLY DE LUXE Flashlight Com· plete, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Extra Battery FREE with Each Light all during the SALK 50c Butcher Knives Riveted Han· die and Tempered Steel Blades Fine for butchering, on sale . . . 19c PADLOCKS Since everybody is honest the sale of padlocks is demoralized so we have cut the 50c padlocks to . . . 19c I 8 Qt. Blue and White Stew Kettles with Enameled Covers, some charge up to' $2.25 each, our SALE price to Start 'em .................. _ ..............._._ 75e Shinola, 9 ten cent cans for ...- 50c IVORY Soap, 9 ten rent bars . _ 50c HILL BROS. Blue Can Coffee 9 pounds for •. .... ·- ...._ $1.39 Powdered Sugar, 12% cents, nine pounds for ................. _............ _ 79c LAVA· S~p, 9 ten cent bars, . . . . SOc SPERRYS GENUI~E DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR Sperry's make more than one grade of FLOUR but Drifted Snow is the best grade-We Think-per sack $2.00 Special DiS(ount by the Ton LEATHER VESTS $11.25 Le1ather Vests, sheep lined $7.95 $11.50 Leather Vests -.......-........ $7.95 $7.50 Moleskin Storm Coat, 42 in. Long, C&rduroy Collar ............_ $3.95 $5.00 Moleskin Leather Vests .... $3.45 $25.00 Pony Leather Coat, Wombat <:&liar -.~.. . . . $13.95 5c Matches, 9 boxes for _ . .__. 34c lOc Campbell's Soup, 9 for ......~ _ 85c 16e Salmon, 9 for . -... _ ........ _ $1.25 Extra Large ALARM CLOCKS $2.00 Giant, on sale . . . . . . . . . . . $1.39 10c Clearsite Fuse Plugs, worth 3ofthe 5c ones, to go on sale at 6-10c Plugs for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 60c Snap Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c $1.29 Pull Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89c $1.00 Two Way Switch Plugs ~Oc $1.25 Large Size Lunch Boxes 69c GENUINE LINOLEUM 9x12 Rug·s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.69 Sell in Salt Lake at the sales for $16.00 to $17.00 if you don't believe us call up and see $4.50 50 ft. Universal All Steel Tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.69 $3.50 14 ,in. Stilson Pipe Wrench With Wood Handle . . . . . . . . . $1.39 t |