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Show ... ,;V Vuivsrelty sf Cub If , .. U jUf-- lyiu 2 LE TI THELCOA jM3M3&sttSttstMee&St HOME ri rrrrrHYfWffTt i Wdl9M3MQIi3ei pp7l fiety NEWS Oisinity Camiwent. Tba last of the Homo coming'' by and we will be able to give full details by then. visitor left this morning. H. Kimball was in Mor gan the forepart of the week. Mrs. Alma Smith left for her home in Salt Lake this, Friday, morning. Mrs. Joseph Allen and son Cliff, were in Morgan the forepart of the An election will be held at the Brick School house on Monday J uly 11th, 1910, for the purpose of electing one school trustee for the term of three years in School District No. 3. Polls will be open f roifi 3 :30 p. ra. to 6:30 p. m., on above date. Eugene Allen, of Provo, was in town in a large automobile during the week. - John Buchanan left Sunday for Cumberland, Wyo., where he will .seek employment. A meeting will be held at the Brick School house on Monday, July 11th, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of hearing the school trustees annual financial report for the school year ending J une 30tb, 1910, and to vote on the compe isation of treas Mrs. W, ' " wees. urer and clerk for the year ending Alex. Farrell left Sunday for June 80th, 1910. Cumberland. Wyo., after spending The case of the State of lltatu-T- g. a few days here with his family. J. 8. Salmon and Walter Calderwood Miss Minne Jensen of Ogden and for fishing out of season came up Miss Winnie Smith of Salt Lake are before Justice of the Peace Wm. Z. the guests of Miss Gladys Beard. Terry this, Friday, morning, and on Wilde A Wlldb is the name of a motion of County Attorney Peter new trot who have opened up a Clark, the ease was dismissed for saloon in the England building dur-in- g want of sufficient evldenoe. No game warden or witnesses being present. the week. to mention the prelimWe Mr W. H. Bennett returned to inariesforgot In the Ogdeu Sunday after spending sever match last week. A three round al days in this city. He enjoyed his boxing contest between Sam Wright stay here very much. aud Grover Sommers was very good Work was begun Monday morn and was declared a draw, A wrestCalderlug by J. H. 8almon, the contractor ling match between Hirsh wood fellow from a and t)g. v story brick building for'E. den lasted young minutes In which ' twenty more We will Sr. Swninston, give particulars faext week. Watch Coal Calderwood had the better of the match all the way.1 George Wright vute grow. acted as referee. A commercial club is being organ Isej in this city." Already thirty Mr. M. W. Windsor and Miss m- tibers have been secured. It is Zina Reddish, two popular and well be clubwill that the organ known young people were married thought If r V for another week has gone last evening, June 33rd, at the home Yokel-Harberts- of the bride, by Justice of the Peace N. J. Peterson. Only immediate relatives of the family being present After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Windsor left for Denver, Col. where they will spend their honeymoon. On their way east they will stop ofi atRiner, Wyo.,and spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Stone. The Times hastens to extend to them congratulations, and may ail their troubles be little ones. etion by In Chelth h Clouateridilre, Fnglanc March 85 153. Began work when eight yes olJ ns an errand boy, and lalerjt s a gn-barrborer. On the 80th y of June, JS68. together with hie i ter KaniHe t ail from Uverpoo Sn t irr.vi J In New York g 1 j, and going on to harbor, .Fort Bet n. Neti , wl ere tl ar rived on ell'1) of Angnai. iM'the 2tfh 4 tl siuiu montli tliey leit Fort Ben m with Capt. M nndords mule trai of 28 wagons, arriving in Salt Lak Hii. September fit1'. About t Je.r- - liiier ne removed to CoaJri'k' Was mart led to Sarah Ellen Sh: e.V.g' t Ut K7, mM'Is lo .. J I A H.l1.,. it, J city, JW c Tl d i faxed w as boi n ceremony in f'e Ch Ml Oi J"t N Chrl of Latter D Smo x, and died a f.tth- ful mend t Of .l.t tgun, Ie w . u s, fonr daugliiers awife, t and a sin r. Mtu j. k. p nj , of Morgan, t 'witloh a I n- -t n ft.nts to mourn hi' lieu to Funeral services over the remains of James B. Staples were held in the Clufl meeting house Sunday, June 19lhT Bishop John T. Wilde pre siding. Services opened by singing Come under the direcYe Disconsolate tion of J. H. Barber. Prayer by Edward Sawley. Singing It is Weli With My Souk George Beard was the first speaker, follow-e- d by W. H. Branch. Next Frank Croft spoke. Solo by Miss Mary A. Williams. Bill of Edward Sawley and Bishop John F. Wilde occupied the remainder of sale at tli op g emion If-i.- E5TATE , anuid . ( ! a p n are too Bumerons to mention, but it can be said in truth, there was enough for all and then some, Tboe having the lunch in hand were Wm. Carruth, CUara Welsh. Lois Boyer, Sarah Frost, Nancy Wilde and otheis. MphiIhiiics J W. Wilde, namuel Wilde, J. E. J. D. Barber and otberc hud charge of the ice cream and oft Car-rut- h. -- rthese 'lie Song The Opera and a Jane Wilde r.J.Tl. Barlwrl al. America" F. H. Vtr'gru J. J. Johnson ....z JlJl-M- t an. Ar d if 'I . U. 1 7 . Juil i . tj trMnsnTT'df"0T" i : 'rvj Ic'lT im i i tay rn,nt.,i ,"7Y tie .i h i fit t and Sfyt Ini citi t; lafci !E' pj ' v . n.r ,i IJL M 1 dance in the evening at the 'I . r house was largely attotub d er.d .m fine time wss had. li. I. "tl H u jion- Iii'-.- . GUR23:CriugIurCold.,-moopm- . , i, o b" lid '.. lid- - I - t inliaiMIm, W. ft. Ceewts, Rtefcmswd, Wests, wrlleet uuw tfan utd. So I bourHt a boMo at Ballard' whirli turned into LcOrtppo. Harthooad Cnapouadaiid Mralet)tood im out micMrduIcklr. - 1 bdwv Ballard' Bantxmnd Brrup Coa sound will euro aar com of LaOnpoa. S5 c, 50c sad 31. CO Rafaae All Suhotitutea. N T ! I ' 1 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO, JKISSTKI3!f'lol 1 1! - 41 i ti. ' n - ?tt r o pci, , in t.he Stake Tabernacle hy oik of Km the speakers on the 14th inL, and the to x - Jio r jn.i .t i as the substance of the fimt install of tin lc ctilat I" tit l t ment is contained in the ad ir ss of I tioti v Li L st us f W. W. Clnff, gr., w will ghe a umbb rx ..it' (a, ' Mi r i.i t ol't-tcMr. i of addrm synopsis duffs itcutg which Is as follows: villo. All tio 'Lit Fellow Citizens ani tbolr tei ii. . t itVe This is a day long and pleasantly sal ion. Ttoj.-sj'lwtre to be remembered In the history of those early i.n- - amt Coalville. Whiie lam thankful and ot all plloj.ci tli II. 1' lr 'I pleased to meet and greet you and liglolis, lu li..TT f1 partake of your hospitality, I'cau witiiout uiortimj rewaiJ. but contrast this visit to you with fion to u.r d ir,t oi - t the first lime I cams io make my di.iu titn.li!..- -, tin peoj t home in Coalville, forty five years the los- - of their crops thro , March. At thirtlmrbnly amt Ifttc fritts!: TfiF about fifteen families resided here, made of frosted wheat allcEWbotfl trefeltv fug 1 uToibiSs very paiiiiubTe, but lit rob n ,eachside of the county road. liligenecv economy ami r Joseph Stallings house was the only ancejhoy were able t innbl lru.r) V? one which had a shingle roof, the homes, school houses and Jujicilb of. ' others all having dirt roofs. In the worship, e Only a few of tin e e.il.v spring of 18B the Blaeb Hawk War settlors oi. still witli tt; . broke out in ihe Territory of Utah inHji rii ftir pa i Co and 11 the able bodied malueitiyen, b oit.l , J' it g.. of Summit county, over ITjekrs old, h ft r i.t v ,t tf i ' were enrolled into companies t. do it ti t v ,f t, ,t, - iTTt i he smaller set- Jlo in f i,;.e, 9 hi- - l f military service. t lb Ir tlements ot Echo, fferipfervllle, of L ir !.Vn (f'lI ton and Croyden iu,ved to Coalville W im- -' )' V.1J for greater pr teetioo against the ImptiAttig aul a.'coiuixtup i o Indians. This necessitated laying greater result H j off a town. Jessie W. Fox, the terMay peace and prosperity attend ui ritorial surveyor, came out and surn in all year future efforts isltisj veyed the town into both blocks and ever abiding prayer of your humble t streets as they exist today. While servant and old time friend. V- e- d -- v t 1 hollows. tC . , J can the I you at factory prices-pl- us goods. Call by phone today. the freight Or write We have HOYTSVILLE CASH STORE ' Chat. H. West, Projk, Hoytsvdle, Utah. k natter of fuel. Coal that produces the greatest amount heat; coalt that burns to : He last ounce; coal thkt is all; aglat We ship from the factory by the carload only seM by joha Boydet w chances this season in the 1 ! Brown Fetice for Hones I Cattle, from 18c per rod up. Can be built over hills i Veber Coal spells economy. Try a ton. It will do a tons work. Do not take -! o' . r We also have the celebrated onil c oal... Frl-nd- s: IT Ornamental - and - Plain Gates from 3 ft wide and up 3 N" ! "V - r 1 ill. ?r.(l J Hoarseness, Etc i i - i: Tba Favorite ITJmady In all Horn. " It fe good lor young old. Has a Soothing and Hoallng Etfoct on aU Coogha and ml Colds. - - t cs , ' u 1 COMPOUND i , vo.io to i ij n t ttilja.f M li j lulc.5' u.i!j PHONE 41 BLACK. BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP -. ib'Tl' Y rI' A Household Neccciity. "&r : J.l-H- I ll'll, Hi J O gn-H- i r ; v it ng a v, nl -- N iitwi ; l.d" idic'i - grul MU 1 ' : t;a sfKusfiwatisjococsc: ,1 1 am- wrwriTuff r.T. .. .. I ! eoiled spring Wu INSURANCE y lHr-RHOADES- . 1 know how to cut it up, too, and we - would like to have more In onr last isaue we promised b the A tiler- - lit give each week an installment of we built h stf.iio Ifft of your trade. " Youll benefit by it, as well as we. early history or Coalville as thti Jo Iw.it! til Ibe j i o; li same was given to the assemblage of aft i ttuo.n a CO ng BENSON LOANS Utw; tmlm .. Fred njgt lhoinas ciuldrty H triti Wgrjrf, rca. gtai. of fin, mg afi We know what we are buying; therefore know what we are selling FENCING made from and are always gelling scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns Jit scalds. Dont neglect such things they may result serious if you do. Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment according to directions right away and it will relieve the pain and heal the trouble. Price 26o, 50c and fl'00 . Sold by John Boyden & Son. WMMSMUNS .,!( .1 FlIiUT mtussmaum Bejrs Will he Boys. and Childrens trimmed hats from !,50.to $3.00 Wonderful value. J Incidents of Early Coalville Hishry mrr. Subscribe for Tn TiMssr Only per year, payable in advance- - 11.50 and see my assortment of Misses At!! f. 1) h-- Solo i. f THETlMESffice. Coalville, Utah. J Solo Mixed Quartet Toast Bagnell & Ball, Pro; L E. treia T6ast"-.rnT- SUMMIT MEAT CO. Your return card printed on ioo envelopes for re cents at i s was rendered : dm'i Male Quanerrrvjrn Bari eftT fti: .. pork, ham or bacon. getceught. 1 At 2 p. m. tbe following prpjrram r u"-'- i J. W. VI b VI- - I. .A tv! ' x, RFAL L .n i uvw.es, ville were alive with members of the Wilde family who had come to par- program following ticipate In the reunlon and get bef-te- r u t This . ncm " B t I! it acquainted. Members of the Wi.'JIam a v,i. r t f ft family from far and i ear congrega- Jjatij wir A 1U ft ft ted in this city, and the day was IhiK, er.fi t one long enjoyment frout morning ISvifl. lig ti t ti xict rtri till evening, the Interim being oc- eeVell ebli ell, four sons H!i and Jollifying! daughb rs m o cupied with feasting I,' ht,j ' In the city park. x erf , i ni The festivities commeueed about re sore 'w ' , 10:30 a. in., by meeting at the city t. arming e t.iit. oi tin h! ill HS H Tf (V f t , park. About noon lunch and were served, table f will be sold at big reduction. A great number will be drinks. CLOSED OUT AT COST FOR CASH. Ready for you when you .need anything in the line of fresh gr salted meat beef, mutton, C Coal- Mee-dam- es Dresses, Skirts and Shirt Waists Specials-Ha- ts, t, T 1 ! v Wilde Family Last Friday the streets of Third That all unnecessary neis be suspended and the spixitof 1776 be made r anifest by a sane, orderly ibeeryance of the day. Fish and game licenses for sale at this office. Don't be foolish and go fishing without a license as you may tf . Ex-Bish- op jireparetm . servance July Hb, 'Independence Day was considered. i view of the fact thattheHome oimng Day" celebration had been such a "'ant hucc. ss and thattlie CoLeii. n.m liieir friends had about satisfied themselves with pleasure aud friendly greetings on that glorious occasion aud had enjoyed them aelvtatn the limit, "and the time bi.ing so ni.uri between that event and July 4th, and many of the clti- Ii v. . lecided to participate wuii' the people of tiie surrounding toa ns In the celebration of the most G.ioiots Fourth, the tonclasionwas tlat the day be observed by aircTETzent who intend to lemaln ir , bjr u. manner appropriate to the occasion : i.iot ,os.ibe National colors be (i'splsyed by the cltlsens at their !. tn book lorn' uir vi.iiou. p.act. oi busiuess and at r o'. 2o iui i.j c ...j. occoud: rust too people meet at tie f;lTyj.a,k In the afternoon where ( BEGINNING FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 10th At tlie adjourned session of the a childrens dance will be given in City council held on Monday, June the pavllton and games will be play20tb, the matter of the proper ob- ed on the grounds. -- - tuiv-lngw- Goods Coalville Will Celebrate the 4th James rlghani Staples was born Service Over Remains of James B. Staples on - lUiu-d- i on the Ot crSide. Counselc 1. L. Chappell. tialrand 'the7ashofwhichis; raur H-rs evidence of its heat energy tlials the kind of coal Ve sell ., i (is tils tiS 1 -- Vi i 1 i I Alii AM .iiIll nines at ti tiS ti COALVILLE, UTAH, j .4 5 V tiS tils ' |